Mysterious Places Stuck in Time, Curated by Lonely Planet

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Winchester Mystery House in San Jose California is one of the most haunted places in America Winchester Mystery House is a incredibly unique Victorian mansion created by Sarah Winchester heiress to the Winchester Repeating Arms fortune Sarah Winchester had a series of unfortunate things happened to her including the death of her husband and daughter she was a spiritualist and visited a medium to try and understand why the medium said well the gun the one the west there's a lot of karma there so head west and build a house to appease these spirits she started construction in 1884 which didn't stop until the day she died the house is a hundred and sixty room Victorian mansion there's no master plan there's a lot of strange attributes there's forty staircases forty fireplaces four elevators we have a number of staircases that lead right to the ceiling doors that open up into nothing or it's just a wall the house is known for its spirits who many people believe are the ghosts of people who worked at the house or even Sarah herself a lot of our guests and employees have had very strange things happen to them in this house sometimes it's just footsteps hearing a voice in the life that flickers or sometimes it's an actual full physical manifestation if we haven't solved the mysteries in 93 years then I don't know if we ever will just across the border from war-torn Syria in a forgotten city is an unexpected sight the hotel Palmyra [Music] this hotel is different than others because time has washed away the walls time has left us impact it is it is a journey into the past so many people has passed through this hotel this hotel has been here since 1874 and this is why we tried to keep it as it is the city of velvet has changed of course it's feeling the impact of the war on one side of the borders but it's also feeling the effects of economic depression that's affecting the whole country at one point there were no visitors to speak of and that was very difficult the hotel used to be a haven for visitors because of the ancient Roman ruins just outside its doors it is a constant reminder of me of the importance of Baalbek and this is something that was not accidentally built here if I wanted to describe the view in front of me daily when I look out of the window when I come to the hotel I'd be speechless and generally it's hard for me to be speechless the smell of this hotel is carpets old walls and rusty faucets but that makes you smile and this is I think essentially what memories are all about the old personnel that has been here since the 50s and some some of the 60s have stayed with us because to them it's home a lot of other wisdom may authority over certain sahasrara fall idea will the variable oh she out there somewhere but after all so Marianne back we do nation upon and this is the feeling that keeps them going even with tourism dwindling in this region we've never closed the doors of the hotel no one has a right to touch hotel palmera except for time [Music] in the canals of Xochimilco to our south of Mexico City is an island with a tragic and disturbing past la isla de las maracas or the island of the dolls is home to more than 2,500 mutilated and partially dismembered dolls America's know Sonia's son propiedad de meteorology lien he lo que hago en este lugar is continued Arkansas historian Rogelio Sanchez Santana is the current caretaker of the island perpetuating his family stewardship of this mysterious place recollect Abba Monica's que la protección Jackie lafitte la bikina joven Paulista murió en su casa es de spirito pnina's Osteria Penner il parle en tableau finestra's Monica's can quantify in Canada's enourmous aura Aaron Palace protección las unicast on Coloradas en los árboles in al embrace come attended arrows algunas NLP so what Rasmus is done in de Gama second loss of a hotel Julien sombrero Julianne Santana died in 2001 and it is said that he drowned the same way the young touristed people believe that the spirits that haunt the island belonged to who Leon or the young girl or even the dolls themselves Nance will feel the spiritus widows extraneous karaoke no no puedo entender whether you believe in spirits or not a visit to this island will surely haunt you well after you've left you you off the east coast of China near Shanghai sits an archipelago of nearly 400 islands one of them is Zhongshan Island a place where nature has reclaimed what was once a thriving fishing village residents started leaving in the early 90s in search of areas where access to mainland ports would be easier for business and now lush greenery has taken over the abandoned village [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in Guanajuato Mexico there is a museum filled entirely with mummies [Music] mi nombre es palomero vez la que yo yo le directeur Adele museo de las mamiya's de guanajuato el museo de las Diez de guanajuato es un presentó sagrado kxe hay una collection pneumonias Naturalis with 117 bodies in total the museum has the largest collection of natural mummies in the world the mummies are the well-preserved remains of people who died during a cholera outbreak in Mexico in the 1800s the museum is a haunting and eerie experience for visitors an opportunity to stare death in the face Vienna was Kara's experiencia intima sa encuentro Mistico con la muerte que propecia reflection enter no a la intención so prope vida yes NGO de la misma es importante que las personas no tengan miedo la muerte yell contrary oh no bonobo phenomena natural como una transición inevitable days existential porque finalmente SE ma encontrar con ella opened in 1962 the TWA terminal also known as t5 embodied the spirit of the Golden Age of flying it was closed to the public in 2001 and now sits abandoned at one of the busiest hubs in the world New York's John F Kennedy Airport [Music] Japan's Hashima island has a foreboding presence you might recognize it this completely uninhabited island played home to the villain in James Bond Skyfall once a booming coal mining operation that ended in the 1970s access is strictly limited but coming here is like stepping into a time capsule [Music] [Music]
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 555,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, halloween, lonely planet, travel, creepy destinations, travel & adventure, scary, haunted, abandoned, California, Japan, Mexico, China, trip
Id: ncmaUki1eR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2017
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