Mysterious Lines Cutting Across the Earth Finally Explained

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if you look closely at Google Earth you'll discover a number of strange lines appearing across the globe surface some have simple explanations some like the strange lines that appear to be under the sea and oceans sent conspiracy theorists crazy while the mysterious white cloud like line that runs for over 13 thousand miles from the Arctic to the Antarctic since internet forms into meltdown with a variety of wild and wacky explanations turns out they can be explained so keep watching to find out the mystery behind them let's start with the strange lines that appear under the sea off the northwestern coast of Africa now if you go into various web forms you'll find many different explanations let's go through some of them and if you'll excuse the pun see if any of them hold water in 2009 when users browsing Google Earth revealed a large city like grid system on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean over 4,500 meters below the waves some people believe the strange lines with the remains of buildings in a city perhaps even proof of an ancient drowned civilization some people went one step further and even claimed that they were the remains of the legendary lost city of Atlantis that was meant to have sunk beneath the waves around 6000 BC it may sound ridiculous but instead of outright dismissing the idea let's give it some thought after all around the globe there are numerous sunken cities that have been recently discovered for example the ancient city of her Ackland which was believed to be a myth all the way until its discovery like Atlantis it was known by many ancient Greek philosophers such as Herodotus who referred to it in his writings but it was only found in the 20th century 32 kilometers northeast of Alexandria the whole cities succumbed to liquefaction and it's buildings collapsed into the water claimed by the sea over the centuries amazing treasures and relics were found there and perhaps the same is true for the grid found on Google Earth well there's a lot of speculation first of all its location is in the Atlantic Ocean the location that played out the legendary smart dude who wrote about Atlantis in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias had pinpointed as a possible resting place of the fabled location it even resembles the flat plane in which Atlantis lay as described by Plato since it's rectilinear for the most part and elongated this graphic from dr. Ulfric ters paper which analyzed the look of the Royal City from Plato's account certainly shares features with a location from Google Earth but that's where the similarities end unfortunately Plato described the plane in Critias as approximately three times larger than it is as measured by Google Earth it should also be sheltered from the north by mountains as shown in dr. Richter's graphic which it is not even more obviously since the lines appear deep under the sea it's difficult to figure out a time in the history of mankind when these areas were ever above sea water to enable such structures to be built sure some theories go back to the default answer that it's aliens but why would they build anything under water and not on land is a mystery in itself so if it's not a lost city of some kind how on earth is there a perfectly rectangular grid edged into the bottom of the sea floor much more believable theories take a deeper dive into human activity some people claim that they're the result of deep-sea dredging where fishing boats have dragged their dredging nets which often have long teeth like a rake to rip up the surface of the seabed while extremely damaging dredging doesn't produce indentations this large the trenches are less than a foot deep and last for roughly a year though the formation has persisted on Google Maps for longer than that and some of these lines are miles apart that would take a very large fishing boat pulling very wide dredging nets very straight for many hundreds of miles then they'd have to perfectly align their next lines many thousands of metres below the surface to form a perfect grid which is crazy commitment to an underwater crop circle nobody would ever see the most plausible reason comes from the mechanics of the imagery itself and most all cases like this the most likely explanation is quite mundane their mapping anomalies they show up because of the way Google Earth constructs its Maps you see oceanographers use soon are sound waves to map the ocean bottom these sonar readings are typically taken by ships towing submersible devices that send out sound waves the sound travels through the ocean bounces off the seafloor then travels back to the ships this process creates a sound image of the peaks and valleys on the ocean bottom however map makers combine different kinds of computer-generated data taken from multiple sources which creates remnants like these this process of combining multiple photographic images with overlapping views is usually called image stitching when Google Earth combines these multiple sources together small features that do not appear on the lower resolution map look like they've been cut off along the seam which appears as straight lines to viewers like us thus creating what looks like Atlantis it's worth remembering that only a small percentage of the seabed has ever been mapped in high resolution this is mainly due to the cost detailed maps require expensive specially equipped boats that sail in a zigzag course over a particular area on the ocean floor to create their Maps the American Department of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA publishes maps of the pass used by their boats that often show ship tracks echo images of where the ships have set but the grid isn't the only mapping anomaly there are forest ranger once people have found for instance just off the coast of Baja California there are mysterious - Blake constructions that are roughly 2.4 miles and width the wall runs for tens of thousands of miles beneath the ocean and its size as well as geometric shape proves it cannot be natural and it isn't the images again the effect of image stitching turns out a lot of things could have played a role in creating such an effect illumination point of view reference and many other elements of the stitch together images may lead to this man severe one of the most likely reasons for the seam appearing is a huge wall could be the background changing between two images for the same continuous foreground so if you ever see strange lines or grids in the sea you know how and why they exist but what about clouds Android users earlier this year complained online that a mysterious line found on Google Earth wouldn't fix itself in the background of their phone the line seemed to be formed from a strange white cloud running from north to south from the Arctic 13,000 miles right down to the Antarctic looking for an explanation of this cloud line on the various internet forums you can find any number of theories from the sensible to the downright ridiculous one theory is that Google managed to capture the image of a rocket launch but that theory gets exploded when you realize that a rocket wouldn't fly at the same altitude for such a long distance also because of the way the Earth rotates a rocket trail would be seen traveling east to west not north to south some people claim the cloud is an aircraft contrail or kim trail but that's unlikely because the cloud stretches for such a long distance a distance that would take a plane several hours to travel hours in which such a large contrail or kim trail would either bloom up or be dispersed by the winds not remain so stable and intact not only that but all the thousands of other contrails in the sky are much too small and thin to be seen some claim the only way something like this could have appeared is if something massive like an alien mothership traverse the earth in a matter of seconds or minutes of course stranger explanations exist online like the line denoting the existence of the legendary giant zipper that holds the two halves of the earth together the night bit and the day bit however before you laugh out loud that isn't as silly as it sounds in a way that is precisely what the line is it is the joining together of two different images Google Earth takes the images it uses to create its global view from America weather satellites two of these known as Gio's 15 west and geo 16 east are responsible for the images that make up the area of the where this mysterious cloud appears that's exactly why these lines were spotted in that precise area by multiple users google's computer graphic algorithms then join these images together in a similar stitching process as mentioned before it has been stated that one of these satellites geo 16 East supplies much higher resolution images and has a higher refresh interval which means it takes more pictures in the same time as Gio's 15 West therefore as the two images are taken at different times and a different picture quality when they are placed together the algorithm used to stitch the two images together is highly likely to generate clouds to fill in the void of the slight difference in quality creating a cloud that covers up the cutoff point between the two edges in effect it helps to blend the two images together the effect probably won't happen again is gos 15 was replaced last year to be brought up to the same performance as gos 16 and it's renamed goe s 17 of course you may still take a different view there's many people that still disagree but it's always best to consider all points of view before dismissing any ideas sometimes reality really is stranger than fiction but that's unlikely the case in this scenario are you convinced that these lines are from image stitching or something else and did you learn anything new about how the amazing maps you see online are made let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 277,824
Rating: 4.633554 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, google earth, mysterious, google earth mystery, google maps mystery, google maps mysteries, google earth mysteries, google maps, google map, mysterious line, mystery line, cutting across the earth, atlantis, bottom of ocean, atlantis lines, atlantis line, lost civilisation, lost civilisations, lost city, lost city of atlantis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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