MYSTERIOUS City on the Edge of TIBET, Bhutan and India | S2, EP35

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(In Tibetan language) To debate one must have a solid understanding of the Buddhist script Only with good understand Can you achieve something without debating the theory can't stand scrutiny Good morning internet Welcome to my channel Season 2 unseen china today i am in Yadong The border town of China Look how beautiful it is It's incredibly green Although it's in Tibet And my two friends are in the car We are in the gas station to tank up Today our schedule is In the morning We’ll take a walk in Yadong And then drive back to over 4000 meters To Pagri town An ancient trade market Between Bhutan, tibet and India Then we will drive to Kangbu hot spring There is quite a famous hot spring Which is said to be able to Cure many incurable diseases And probably we'll stay there overnight I am excited But also not so excited Here we're in an oxygen rich area With a lot of trees Here it's 3400 meters But in Kangmar again We will be at 4300 meters It's going to be Not so comfortable Morning in Yadong is quiet And a loudspeaker is chanting Sister, how much is the pepper chili soup It's all sold out Not even a last bowl? What else is there? Baozi, porridge and green bean porridge You can give it to her I'll take green bean porridge Sure, do you want it? yes Thanks brother Dine in or take away? Dine in ok, Thanks And baozi. There is only one left Then just one Thanks to that gentleman There are people from everywhere Really? From which provinces? From all over China Some work here, some do business not many workers, there is no factory here Mostly construction workers And business men Yadong shows the other face of Tibet Embedded in Himalayan subtropical pine forests It is green all year round And monkeys are frequent guests There are a lot of monkeys in this region And we saw one Throw it to her, and break a piece It's coming Ah, it's coming It's beautiful, the monkey Exactly hi monkey brother Monkey brother, come here Aren't you afraid It's coming They look like monkey kings He is coming too Ouch You want my bag? Here you are They are not afraid of human beings And they are not that aggressive But they have black face You see, there and there They are waiting on the residential building And there I guess they are just a normal part Of the life here The one with the baby is also coming She has a baby! Oh, he wants to grab From the back Yadong used to be busier When the border relation was more relaxed There were a lot of business men from India and Bhutan Recent years, the border conflict Makes Yadong a sensitive place And the gate was closed but still we want to get closer to the border And see if we can find something interesting Something different and that house over there That‘s an old house it‘s very close to The style is Similar to that in Bhutan It's very different from the ones in Tibetan plateau Tashi delek Shall we go there? sure, let's have a look Hello! Can we come? Can we come? So the entrance is over there? That way? Ok Wow, I found her house very pretty Yes, yes. I like it We saw a grandma She was talking to us And we said hello So now we decided to go To go to her house Her house intrigues me I can't help wondering What a traditional house looks like Especially when it is on the border I have never been to Bhutan Or sikkim india And I can't cross the border Perhaps it's quite similar to The villages in the neighboring countries Oh my gosh Wow Tashi delek. Tashi delek Where are you from We are visitors You have a beautiful house Grandma It's not my house This one is not Can I sit here? Sure. I have moved to there I am smoking, and it's not good for you No problem at all Take a seat I am cutting grass now Wow, this house is so cool Wow the house This house is similar to the houses in Bhutan It's the same. Oh I see Can I go inside? Go ahead It's owner has left So you also moved Yes, I did Go and have a look No problem But slowly Don't go to the 3rd floor the 3rd floor isn't stable, but take care Thanks It's all wooden There is a 2nd floor Shall we go? Go ahead, no problem! Go ahead but take it slowly So according to her, this house Is the same style with that in Bhutan It's a wooden house Now it's the 2nd floor How old are you grandma? 72 Come in Take a look, it's not a big deal Are you tibetan? Yes, Tibetan. I am Tibetan But your mandarin is great I speak some mandarin Is that medicine? And potatoes? That's for yaks But you see this windows It has a splendid view This is another room With very big windows It really feels like a paradise This house is so beautiful Although it's not really in use She said there was an earthquake So this house is partially damaged Those are some old newspapers Chinese newspaper Have you been to Bhutan? No I haven't But I have been to Beijing Wow, you've been to Beijing This is a nice balcony Houses here Are different from those in Tibet Do you know that? Houses on Tibetan plateau have small windows The walls are thick So that it‘s heat insulating The wall here is thin And windows are big the natural light is good And it's all wooden I want to show you the rest of the hosue So this part, wow There is even a 3rd floor Can we go up? I want to go up If you are not afraid Go ahead. Thanks, I'll go up No problem, go ahead So this is the 3rd floor Its a wooden ladder And it's just one piece of wood That's incredible To make a ladder like this Must be a huge log! It's carved out of one log! It's quite interesting Wow There is dried grass on top Do you want to come up? Yes thanks It's not worth mentioning Tashi delek. Tashi delek. Kiss! We'll leave Bye. Bye After Living yadong We drove back to the vast dry land Pagri (or Phari) is a small town only 7 km away from Bhutan Its back is JomoLhari A holy mountain for Tibet and Bhutan It's very windy, and occasionally You can see the wind Is bringing up so much sand It's like a sand tornado Pagri has only few a thousands inhabitants. But it used to be an key trading point Between Tibet, Bhutan, sikkim, india Officially, bhutan has no diplomatic relation with China So if I want to visit Bhutan I have to enter from India However, from Pagri There is an ancient secret path to Paro and from there Thimphu is only 54 km away Bhutan Caravanserais comes in summer they register in the Pagri police station and exchange goods in barter No visa is required But May is too early And the trade starts only in June It's the most ancient way, the Cavaranserai Cavaranserai Sometimes even 50-60 units Perhaps next month They will come with their horses and goods Their products are for example medicines And what they need are shoes Carpet, silk, etc. And barter The price will be discussed And pay the price difference So firstly exchange goods with goods And then pay the price difference (The market) hasn't started yet When will it be open? Last time I heard, is 15th this month And now I am not sure When border control wasn't strict The caravansaries came from there Came directly from over there Can we drive there? No, you can't. Our roads extends to the mountain top, but not on their side How many days does it take to work Normally, it takes them 5 days 5 days?! By walk? There are different ways Some came that way And spend a night in the ranch And come the next day From that valley It takes one day walk to Thimphu Wow, one day only to Thimphu Since we are already here We decided to roam around There is only 1 Main Street In pagri town Here they are making some Very traditional Tibetan cupboard It's nice to have one in the house Brother, are you painting only? No, we also draw on it It's all drew by us How long does it take to draw it 2 or 3 days But what I can store? there is no door There is. Where is the door then? Here I see, will you make a knob? Wow, that's how it works, its so secret If you close it, you won't even see it like this Clever design! That's your working process So where is that In the temple? Are you also carpenters? No, there are carpenters. We paint only special food from Nepal Thanks Today I've got a nepalnese curry vegetable With some rice It's 30 yuan per portion So tibet is not a cheap destination 5 pm, the caterpillar fungus market starts More motorbikes appear on the street Caterpillar fungus is found only on Tibetan plateau This tropical fungus infects the larvae of ghost moths And turn them into zombies Traditionally, It is used as a general tonic for immune support The huge demand makes it The most expensive parasite One gram of it is even more valuable than gold Every day, recently in May and June There is a trade about Chongcao The caterpillar fungus And they are coming They come mostly with their motorbike Because they are farmers who are living In the surrounding region. They get those from the mountains (They are bargaining ) Brother, how much is one piece? 55 yuan (7.6 usd) per piece 220 yuan for 4 piece He found only 4 piece in one day? Not him, but his whole family A whole family? And found only 4 pieces? Some can't even found 1 piece It's so hard to find One piece costs 40-50, but a kilo Worth almost as the gold It worth almost as the gold by weight So after that, they go back home They collected them on the mountain We bought them They go back And they will go again tomorrow? Yes, they start early in the morning And come here in the afternoon tomorrow When they are off work, we start working So this is the caterpillar fungus This is the worm And this is the fungus It's wrapped in dirt This piece costs 80 yuan (11usd) One piece for 80? Because this one is big Brother, how many have you found today? 4 pieces. From morning, till now? And found only 4 pieces? yes You alone? Yes Although I doubt the claimed effect It is an important income Allowing people to eke out a living on the roof of the world 7pm, we left pagri And drive to Kangbu hot spring The most famous medical hot spring in Tibet We've just purchased our ticket The ticket is 20 yuan per person There are 200 deposits He told us men and women mix together Because it's a therapeutical hot spring There are some simple hotels On this street It's almost 8 pm now We dare not to go to the hot spring right away Because I am already short of breath We decided to stay overnight This is our hotel room So that's the only thing you can get here One room with 3 beds It's only 25 yuan per night And if you have your own sleeping bag It's 25 But if it is without the sleeping bag It's 50 And now it starts snowing The weather is quite crazy How are you feeling? I can't feel any altitude sickness (joking) We have a stove We can either choose to use animal waste But we don't know how to burn it So he suggested us to use electricity In our guesthouse, We meet Two masters from Tashi Lhunpo Monastery They invited us for a Tea And some dried cheese He was in HongKong For the International Buddhist Day So he participated in the Buddism forum He even had a photo with Jet Li Zhao is quite interested in buddism. And he wants to find a teacher But it has been 7 or 8 days I haven't met even one master But now we met you I'm very lucky It is must to become a buddist in the temple? Not outside? No, it's also allowed What are the necessary steps? Speaking of that, you need to find a master Tell him your attention And let him be your teacher It's necessary to study the script well Self-learning or follow the master Of course you need the master to teach you If you want to trace the origin of the theory The Buddhist theory is deep Very deep. I see, buddism is a philosophy I find it very philosophical Even as a tibetan Won't finish the study before death How can you go back? By bus? They have a car That's good. Their family has a car I see, who can drive? Not me, but one of my relatives Monks are not allowed to drive Not even to drive car? But in Ganzi Sichuan, they have good cars That's not the norm To be honest Tibetan Buddism forbids driving That's true i've noticed they always sit next to the driver Or in the back I see, there are drivers. (In Tibetan language) To debate one must have a solid understanding of the Buddhist script Only with good understand Can you achieve something without debating the theory can't stand scrutiny I am not religious Bu it's quite interesting to join the talk And learn about their daily life Learn about Tibetan buddism (In Tibetan language) (He asked the manager to translate) Sometimes I also don't know how to translate Sometimes it's difficult His mandarin is better After some talk We went back to our room This is our travel bloggers' life It's now 23:23 And we are still working Everyone is working in front of the computer I am so sleepy I won't sleep until the moon does
Channel: Little Chinese Everywhere
Views: 90,347
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Keywords: china, unseen china, female solo traveler, chinese girl, chinese, chinese food, china travel vlog, chinese culture, chinese people, travel in china, china attractions, mainland china, tibet, traditional china, traditional culture, rural china, 中国风, 旅行, 纪录片, travel, travel vlog, tibetan, tibetan plateau, roof of the world, himalayas, remote china, unseen tibet, china vlog, vlog china, travel vlog china, authentic china, china tibet, yadong, tuiwa, india china border, bhutan border
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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