My Wrapped Subaru Sambar KS4 Finally Gets Her Own Squid Pipe Exhaust System By Special Keiz!

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foreign [Music] what's up fellow sandbarians oh sorry KJ so uh let me get Nast quite a few questions about the old exhaust I pulled off the van for the heart exhaust that I made for the car show this one so I am going to reuse it um I'm guessing people wanted to buy it but I'm going to be reusing this one and putting it on my blue sandbar since this one has an exhaust I can't really do anything with the red van but the other Sandbar my blue ks4 um we're gonna put it on that one and it's got the blue tips kind of matches a little bit check out the oh man that's simple again so yeah I'm gonna be putting it on the blue The Sandbar right here we'll go check it out check it out so this blue Sandbar my lifted apollito so I'm going to just uh do a little installation of that um exhaust removing the bumper cover removing the exhaust system and uh yeah so if you decide to purchase one of those exhaust from us because we will eventually put that on the website to sell um you can have an idea of what you're looking forward to having to do because obviously it is a coverless exhaust system so yeah let's pull the blue truck in and uh get started on it all right baby let's go oh she's a happy sandbar let's go ahead and pull this in [Music] the carport watching out for patitos there's Juan Patito there are a couple potatoes up there and Gimli I'd probably pay attention to what I'm doing sucker in out of the cold all right that's probably good that's gracious foreign thinking I might uh let's see there we go take it off fisheye I'm thinking I might actually take the lift off of this thing I haven't decided yet let's see can we get fisheye I just the lift is so like there's so much stress on the suspension and it's just I don't know it's not good for the CV axles that angle that angle isn't too bad it's more of like the rear [Applause] it does kinda I don't know I don't know I'm debating because it is kind of rough and sometimes the axles do get a little bit bound up and I feel it bind up and it's just kind of like ooh like I don't like it plus this thing on these these sparkles um I mean obviously those are 15s and these are 13s but could get some nice tires for this thing and really um get it low like even cut some lowering springs and get this thing dropped on the ground that would be pretty sick a lot less uh wear and tear on your CV axles and all that stuff so anyways let's take the rear let's start taking the exhaust off take the rear cover off uh disconnecting license plate lights reverse lights and yeah we'll just start attacking this egg so I mean the main reason I really want to change the exhaust on this thing anyways is this the exhaust system that's on it right now is original has a pretty wicked exhaust leak um it's shooting black City smoke inside and uh getting stuff kind of black and nasty in there and it just needs to be replaced I do have my exhaust system from my other my white ks4 so if I end up wanting to I don't know switch it out I could put another exhaust system on here that's going to be good but this one is garbage it's got leaks all over it and bubble gum welds all over it because obviously someone tried to fix it in the past and plus we got the red valve cover and the blue wires and then stuff and might as well just show it off um but what I need to do what I would like to do is build a custom little plate maybe like up here or something for the reverse light and then obviously my uh license plate will Mount up to one of these hangers and yeah I'm just contemplating on if I'm really in the mood to do this but we might as well the sun is out and we're going to take advantage of the weather so let's do it okay so first we're gonna start by getting wires disconnected go off [Music] for the first land that can come through here go back and come on clipped here so I'll take this wiring and we'll uh zip tie it up and out of the way so now we can take off 12 millimeter Nuts and Bolts holding the I think we want to take these ones uh let's see I want to take these ones off first no we want to take these ones off first you want to take the left side off first because they're uh they're they're nuts on threaded studs so then when we take this side it doesn't fall down we can hold it in that side pool and then we can pull it off I'm sure that didn't make any sense but uh visually you'll see it in a second foreign this side just drops down this side slides off okay there's our engine cover so I know there's a lot of people out there that uh aren't a fan of removing their rear engine covers and that is totally okay um there's uh people who ask a lot of questions like uh uh license plate where do you put your license plate well I bolt it I screw it back up in here underneath and if they're see here's the thing I live in a small town um in Washington now in the small town I don't think there's a whole lot of uh I I know there is enforcement of rules but I'm not out being stupid or doing anything or causing uh anyone to think you know I'm doing anything suspicious or of that nature let's just put it this way I drove around in one of my imported Vans uh for two three two or three months without a license plate so if I have this license plate up here without a license plate like light on it I'm probably going to be okay um I don't have a reverse light so I will try to figure out where to mount that but I don't own my white truck and I usually just make sure that I'm you know aware of my surroundings so people can know that I'm backing up and I'm not you know going to catch anyone off guard but I mean it really just depends on the rules I mean these exhaust technically wouldn't even be legal in well quite a few places uh certainly not California we're deleting the catalytic converter so it's not going to pass any kind of smog or any inspection when it comes to you know the exhaust so the exhaust and all the stuff is not for everybody so if you have if you have any doubts or you're asking me questions about it the legality of this kind of stuff then it's probably not going to work for you um but for me like I said in the small town Buckley and just you know there's guys driving around with no exhausts on their car and they're loud and they have it set up so they pop and literally just like sounds like gunshots um there's quite a few of those guys around here and as far as I know they're not getting in trouble because they're still doing it so I'm not saying it's right I'm not saying you know go out and do it I'm just saying this is what I'm doing and everything is okay um it's okay so um yeah I'm just gonna again put my license plate up there I can rig up a light if I want to I I can build like a small tab right here maybe for a reverse light um so I can continue to use this style reverse light or you could possibly get something that would maybe fit in this pocket right here maybe knock that Tab out because this is like a tie down I'm not tying anything down so you could essentially use this hole and just put a really bright LED in there so when you hit you know when you get in reverse a light right here shines really bright you could get creative that's a great thing about these trucks or I have a backup beeper I can just plug my back beeper back in and you know people will definitely see me backing up so with that said this this bumper is not in good shape at all it was obviously hit at some point we're cracked here we're cracked over here we're all bent and wonky so it just gives me a reason to remove this bumper because I mean if your Bumper's all bent and cracked and crappy looking I mean it it really kind of takes away from the look of your truck but if you got something sexy going on back here with the red valve cover and your headers and your exhaust you know that's going to make this your Sandbar look way better already because you don't have some busted Haggard uh Bumper in the back that you know is taking away from the look overall look of the truck so anyways we're going to set this aside okay hopefully someone's been doing some uh bolt sacrifices and praying to the bolt Gods because these bolts right here are probably going to put up a big fight um these are the hardest ones they usually are rusted and welded into the manifold so I'm going to throw some penetration Lube or can't um said bolts and uh I think what I'll do is I'll take the old nuts and bolts for the bumper and I'll just put them back in on the side since one side is nuts and the other side is a bolt we're just going to put them together like magic away if we ever need to put this I do plan on selling this blue truck at some point so if that person really is uh set on having the bumper back then I can put it back on okay let's see if we can get some of these bolts out without breaking anything they should be 12 but the problem is problem is they rust and they uh take a couple sizes off so they're almost feeling like 11s or I'm gonna grab another special socket and see if we can do it let's see if these uh this worked at all ah nope of course not that one just came right out interesting it's like not even a 12 millimeter anymore I might have to grab a standard oh that one came out [Music] that one did not this one probably won't oh goodness gracious I want it too holy cow I'd say uh four out of five bolts is uh pretty good this one however I'm gonna have to try to get a standard socket so looking like a 7 16 uh 16 point or whatever multi-point is see if that grabs it oh man it's our lucky day it's our lucky day come on hit you uh so come on baby so I do recommend uh this heat shield has definitely seen better days I mean it's a big old fatty crack um I do recommend some kind of penetration blueberry can't BB Blaster uh I got the wd-41 PB Blaster just seems to for me get everywhere other than the bolt itself and then this one had this cool little Tippy tip let's get this uh there we go man that's amazing I had to end up grinding the ones off my van they were stuck in there okay so we're gonna take this heat shield off and uh work our way down to the other side so if you're just tuning in and uh haven't seen any of my other videos um when you're doing the exhaust system you're basically only going to need 10 millimeter uh ratchets and sockets 10 and 12 millimeters and there's lots and lots of uh heat shields and I ended up buying this brand new because it was missing the shield at uh man that looks like that's that's broken I was missing that Shield but here I am now taking it off but this is interesting this looks like it's let's see that looks like it's separated I don't know if that's leaking it's definitely uh the weld is definitely broken there so this exhaust system is um I'm not entirely sure how that works but that this exhaust system is is done so it needs to be changed regardless I mean it it's uh it doesn't work so what I'm going to try to do is take the entire unit off as one and not have to disconnect here because I want to try to keep that all intact so let's again work our way down the line picking up I just went to go get my uh quarter inch Snap-on ratchet swivel head and it's missing no that's not that's not good so that means it probably ended up on a foreign bumper and I drove off okay so you can get a quarter inch in this one behind the light it's a little tight or you could just take the light off and go in through the light hole we do need to disconnect our thermal thermal uh plug sensor thingy bobber okay our our Grill our Grill is ready light okay so now I can take off all the manifold bolts because I think that's ready to go good probably doesn't help but it had the long extension on there you'll only have uh seven let's have a little nuts holding the manifold on I call it the hot dog looks like a hot dog turns the color of a hot dog the size of a hot dog I will put a high temp anti-seize on these threads here too just in case since I like to do a lot of uh removing and installing exhausts on these putting an anti-seize on there will certainly help you out in the future don't ask me what I'm doing with this exhaust this one is going in the trash this thing's got more than enough holes in it to uh be completely useless okay here we go our floppy hot dog manifold has been removed all right all right here she is full of water okay ah that motor mount looks a little uh probably should replace this motor mount here let's see okay so you got that off take a look at your motor mounts that one seems to be pretty uh pretty wasted I'd say that one has seen better days this one over here just probably seen better days so we'll probably do motor mounts on this thing since that's now all exposed which is pretty easy um that one's pretty easy to do easier than that one that one takes a little bit of finagling um but yeah let's get the exhaust on there now this one is about due for an oil change I have not put enough kilometers on it but it's almost been a year okay so I got my high temp uh anti-seize put some of that on the threads here now let's get our more place I'm actually going to uh let's see shine this one up [Music] nobody likes it dirty dirty noise pipe no one likes a dirty noise maker all right [Applause] okay so let's uh [Music] we've got a gasket on the manifold ah do you have a bun open hole here for the O2 sensor so I have a bolt uh yeah a plug I'll put in there but right now after that Billy Bob Thornton's going on here there we go are we hitting we might be hitting something I might be hitting a bracket on here we probably have to grind it down looks like we're gonna have to uh [Music] grind this tab down this was not made on my carbureted truck this was made off of Scott's truck so this tab must have been off on his or we ground it off so let me grind that off and then try again [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you okay so got that tab ground down now I'm going to finish bolting up this header I think what I'm going to do is uh maybe get one of the headers and have it sent off somewhere to get a uh like a coating like a cerakote or whatever the heck they call it Gray coat I don't know some kind of coating so it protects the uh the metal so it doesn't start to change funky colors and you know rust and whatever and maybe uh kind of kind of heat keep the heat in there all right but the bump the bone plug in the old bone plug and at some point you can take this out put one of those wideband O2 sensors in there and see if we're running rich or lean and can make adjustments on the carburetor which is cool we'll do that on the white truck those suckers seem to be pretty pricey so I gotta wait till I got some extra money but I did actually find one that was cheap looked like it was like 90 bucks or something on Amazon but don't know how good that one would be so inexpensive you usually get what you pay for on Amazon that's for sure okay not hitting that tab anymore that's good starter up I'm sure it ain't gonna sound much different than all the other ones but hey it's always exciting to hear what they sound like starting up fresh for you all right see that right there [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you never that it never gets old never gets old foreign well I'd say that sounds pretty good I mean they always do sound good it's a Subaru let's be serious it was a pretty chill pretty chill video I I just again I got asked by quite a few people what I was doing with the old exhaust and I was like yeah let's just put it on the blue truck do something with it since this exhaust on this truck was shot anyways uh so yeah there it is so again eventually we're going to start putting these up on the website for people to buy the swirly pipe uh we'll do a deal with the header as well so it's an all-in-one package so yeah it sounds great this thing's about to run out of gas so I should probably go put gas in it before it dies but that is the blue truck this was my first truck we call her sparkles but yeah cool thanks for watching guys not sure what we're gonna film next I think we're gonna lift one of Scott's sandbars special case and we'll do a video on that um but yeah take it easy guys
Channel: Oh Kei Garage
Views: 6,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PO-D4ETrjDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 57sec (1977 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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