My wife and I watch SQUID GAME for the FIRST time || COMPLETE Season 1 Reaction

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[Music] hello everyone my name is Holden Hardman this is my lovely wife Jen today we're watching of season one of Squid game we've decided to uh just watch it in our room casually leisurely and just do sort of a hyperedit instead of us being more like in a more formal video we just we've been putting off so many series and seasons and at this rate we're only ever going to get more further behind so we were like let's just lie down in our room like we would normally do and just watch the show and just I'll I'll piece something together for this just so y'all can see us react to it it's either that or we just watch it on our own time and kind of give a review later but this way you can still get a reaction and we can just sort of watch casually no light set up um or anything like that so we'll see this may be a good thing or you may hate it but anyway I've been waiting so long to check out this show I feel like we're kind of like late to the game because I just saw on Netflix that season 2 is coming this year so it's obviously been that long that we've been saying like we want to watch squid game we want to watch squid squid game and a lot of people have talked like favorably about this show so I really want to check it out and see what it's about I've only seen like parodies and stuff like the first episode Red Light Green Light I know Loosely like what it is but it's it's about time I mean we're it's see we're never going to get caught up unless we just watch this stuff stuff so we'll go ahead and do that and we're not miking up I'm really trying to make it just as like casual for on for us on our end very like selfishly just to watch it and so we have one mic and we'll if we have anything to say we'll do that we had a game called the squid game we called it that because it's played in a court shaped like a [Music] [Applause] squid at that moment I felt as if I owned the entire world accelerated I give you everything I made chauffeuring we can't even pay your loan's monthly interest off with that and will you stop working so much make sure you soak the dishes after you're done you don't even make that much plus you'll pull your back out he is very rude hey it should be my birthday probably know he's been going in there and stealing her money try her birthday or something her birthday he doesn't know mom's birthday your own mother's birthday please select the amount you would like to ah the old woman cares about her granddaughter more than her own son so he stole mom's money and then lost it away also did not get his kid a gift okay on I guess it worked out in the end he still able to the real question is is he going to get that gift 42 million one thanks so much here a little something for you thanks again hey cang hold on I love you too okay bye I'm sorry I've just been saving up so I could I could pay you all at once I thought I told you that the kid took the money it'll make me feel sorry for you with all that crying if you don't pay it off by next month I'll take one of your kidneys after that I'll take one of your eyes may I please borrow 10,000 one can I get back that 10,000 this guy just can't help himself go to this store like a normal person I'm assuming he's trying to get his daughter something I think he's just got this insatiable design to gamble you know I wanted to buy you a nicer dinner than this well I still like t bokei a lot more though Kion I got your present right [Music] here uh I'll keep it then just till you get a little bit older okay this guy needs to get his life together he's just a hot mess we're 10 10 minutes late at most K I said I drove down to get her didn't I it's her birthday Kay get down seriously bye dad go on in good night wait a minute hey open the door a [ __ ] can I talk to you I don't believe in Jesus play a few rounds of do with me and each time you win I'll pay you 100,000 W this is like some kind of Mr Beast challenge actually I think he did some squid game thing like a real life squid game thing and if I can flip yours you will give me the exact same amount of money you can also be the first to play stop betting on stuff stop gambling how about use your body to pay here we go now it's a Korean show this man said why don't you use your body to [Applause] pay this guy has some holding Hardman luck why do you think I don't get [Music] amble you did it you're 100 Grand there are other games like this where you can make even more we don't have many spots left T Wu been around here he got into Soul National University thanks to me I used to take him to school when we were young here keep the change 10,000 W is about $7 30 us so 100,000 wands like 70 73 bucks her stepdad's job begins soon and needs him to go you need to get your daughter to stay here the father has to show the child will have financial support if she moves to the US you know what'll happen she'll forget how to speak Korean are you sure that you can really keep going without seeing your little girl password Red Light Green Light how long will it take to get to the game venue or whatever I've seen the images of these people with the squares and the triangles and circles for Mass so they dressed all these people yeah I guess they stripped them down and put them in jumpsuits stop talking to me or I lose count they're 456 here well that means you were given the number one I took care of you I fed you I taught you when you had nowhere else you're in the damn Pig pocket give me what you took my money give it back where is it little son of a [ __ ] hey hey he wants to hit me the th trying to hit [Music] me I would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to you all we do not disclose the faces and personal information of our staff to any of the participants you all have debts that you can't pay off you called and volunteered to participate in this game of your own free will in order to play fair we cannot disclose any information about the games ahead of time your prize money will be accumulated in there after every game so that is that it [Music] or hey s w your mother and I were talking the other day she told me you were out of the country on a business trip we'll talk about it later stand behind the white drawn on the field this is the frontman speaking preparations for the first game are complete looks really freaky damn that thing has a freaking huge head Red Light Green Light the thing we did as kids on the playground green light red light dumbass got caught did you hear that green light you can stop with the ACT it's one way to get rid of debt I guess this is like some saw type challenge wonder what they would have done if like every contestant moved I think like in real life you know might have been happened yeah red light green light love this guy R light oh please quit trembling you jerk they'll kill you if you get caught green light red light oh no [Music] well one of the rules says the game can end if they all agree to end it why feel like the irony with that is that they're gamblers so they're always going to have that urge like if I can get more I'm ahead right now let me just keep going for a little bit more that's why they're adding like money in after each challenge I got their own disposal service and everything oh oh my [Music] gosh out of 456 players 255 were eliminated sir I'm begging let me live and I swear I'll find a I'm honestly surprised as many people survive the first game as they did there seems to be a misunderstanding we are not trying to hurt you consent form Clause one a player is not allowed to stop playing consent form Clause 2 a player who refuses to play will be eliminated consent form Clause 3 if all the players agree to stop playing the games are allowed to end that's what I that's what I thought it or am I wrong you are correct there's going to be one guy who's like you know what I could use that cash before we vote let me announce the prize money for the game yep you're right even worse they can visually see it it's not just a number [Music] I'd rather stay and keep on trying in here then go back to the [ __ ] out there you Jerk It's seems we're down to the last vote player one he's going to want to keep on [Music] [Applause] playing the majority of the players have voted to terminate the game little come here get back here my money give it back I like that they um circumvent our expectations with having them cancel the game actually do that got money for the ride back I'll walk you walk here take this for the bus ride home thank you thank you so much sir here's the number it's on a business card call it and see what they say if you want to play games go to an internet cafe what's wrong with you you freaking pervert was he drunk some crazy hobo guy everything's crazy around here today come on you're still song's own pride and joy 6 billion W 6 billion 4.3 million USD I used my own mother's house as fin natur collateral and her shop she might need to have her feet amputated let's keep her here for now hey Mom you can't walk around like that look just stop it he Dodges our calls all the time you know what he's like I can call everyone who might know places he's held up in before he was never here though and never picked up his phone I'll take a look now and pay his rent [Music] later reminds me of the PlayStation logo where's Mom you said she' come soon listen all the kids told me you lied they said I'd get abandoned [Applause] you I'm busy now we'll talk later give me my money oh gosh oh br hey you can't just leave I'm afraid that Mr choang Wu has a warrant out for his arrest some form of financial fraud that's embarrassing to happen in front of this lady just let me 3 million one please I'll pay it all back coming out to someone's nice Pub and smoking outside's rude wait aren't you it's a small world a number one it's you you come from around this area as well ah no I wonder if he is the one that like initiated it he's like number one he's got the brain tumor he's like really into the games and what did he ask you're here at the same time as me he just so happens to be in this part of town it's a little suspicious I decided to go in again and now you're going to die you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh jeez swear I'll pay you back you can stop trying to contact our family if you just keep showing up you [ __ ] you said a group of ducted people and made them play games yeah a story I made up when I was drunk why would you think that I would be useful to you or anybody else [Music] [Music] would you uh go back to the squid game if you survived and were in their financial situation no but partly cuz I'm a personality that plays it safe in my head I'd be working out like what's the odds of me surviving and I would take it as a sign of like this was my chance to get away there were like lone sharks that are after them that like cut out cut out their eyes or might kill them anyway change your identity that there's a million go live out on the sea you know go live on the sea problem solved wonder if he's going to take his suit take his outfit fny we get to actually see what we were curious about like did they dress them 456 came back yeah a lot of people decided to come back oh hey it's my angel thanks for the bus fit sir it's it meant so much to me you gave him the bus Fair we should just form our own team don't you think can I join up with all of you of course we were a good team for a while out there huh this guy's a damn dumbass you're really goodlooking and I'm certainly better than some skinny girl a lot better W please theer of the room M at least it could have warmed it up a little how about putting your mind to what the game could be no one can figure that out we'll find out when it's time think of all the ones they could choose Taki tangu there's Hopscotch and P Chi and tag that's cool that all these games are like crosscultural you know that we played like red light green light and Hopscotch and freeze tag tag you don't know any of the games I listed time to return to your hey just let me use the bathroom for one second jeez come on you all ready to hear some rain that's so damn what are you doing I'm back the hell up in here today come out now wait stop no wait a minute what you I said don't come in didn't I you harassed Us in there yet the island abductions surveillance hey is there any chocolate milk I can't drink the normal kind attention the second game will begin shortly follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game Hall all the games they've made us play in here are games that I've known since I was a young [Music] boy where the hell is this playground so huge choose one of the four available shapes you see on the wall it's like that game where somebody guesses one of the four corners they were heating sugar should we play This Together try not to keep your eggs in the same basket diversify your assets listen let's all split up and take it from there now then I'm chooseing the umbrella you sure all players please take one case each the shape you have chosen is the shape you must remove from the honeycomb I'm glad that these games do involve some kind of skill instead of just like blind luck no please don't please don't jeez my duy is 29 your Duty's carrying out eliminated players why are you here now I'll have a word with you about that confusion I can melt it from the back the outline is thinner so it'll melt first [Music] [Laughter] player 456 pass yeah I mean I was waiting for something like this to happen turn around okay you're just a [Applause] kid once they find out who you are you die I'll have a word word with you about that confusion my man just got promoted you wait huh nothing like that guy was going to try to get me freaking killed it'll take a whole lot more to kill himun I was wrong to suggest separating so far is now 34.8 billion W 34.8 billion South Korean wan is 25.5 million USD five meals are missing sir we prepared food for the exact number of players it was them they skipped the line and got seconds I saw it why'd you break it you jerk how's this huh hey wake up he straight up killed that guy he's gone he's trying to beat that dude to death hello guards that bastard that bastard just killed him player 271 eliminated well shoot they could just go around killing each other and have the the price go up this guy's like oh shoot I can kill more people and just take out some competition and get more money we can't fall asleep tonight okay who knows what someone else may [Applause] try where's the delivery team can't go under water by myself it's too dangerous the next game what is it if if I get eliminated then I can't do all this we gave you less food on purpose to make you all fight each other there's this whole secondary plot thing with him helping this guy that we don't really know what's going on with that tell us what are you good at I'm a doctor out there please make your way to your designated location I really like this song this like theme of it sounds like a Christmas theme yeah that's what I was thinking too it sounds like something out of the Santa Claus after Scott Calvin burns the turkey say maybe this is the game like hide and go seek in the dark this is not just like physical torture this is like psychological torture too because not only is it these figures that are putting them in this position but now it's like they have to fight against each other which is just a whole different level these guys are freaking brutal hi I'm scared nobody better kill this guy is there a man named hango here Elin use our names in this place wonder if they were going to explain why the coffins look like presents I don't know if there's like an actual explanation I think that's just like what they use we were worried about you sir when you disappeared nobody here got hurt so that's good we got rid of quite a few players down from 107 to 80 I'll go think about it in the restroom okay I'm going to the bathroom too you and that doctor are hiding something swear to stick together right to the end together you and I we'll get out of here what's your name Old Man Jung duu you bet train me I'll kill you okay the third game will begin momentarily head count complete players welcome to the third game please divide yourselves into teams of 10 people your time limit will be 10 minutes our team already has a girl and an older guy I'm thinking we better get more men first I say that we each bring one guy to join us don't let them see you'll seem weaker I didn't even realize he was missing fingers it's going to be some kind of challenge where women would have been the ideal candidate well the guy who supposedly knows what the next game is says that he needs like well-built dudes so unless he's been lied to but yeah they are setting it up for something like that come on you're just joking my team's full let's split up just for this game all right then meet up for the next one I need you hold me man can't you see that get up call me that one more [ __ ] time and I'll cut your goddamn throat out God damn you scumback well then best of luck to you huh 6 7 8 at this point let's just find one more teammate and be done we put together a weak team who would want to join it please line up with your teammates at the entrance to the game Hall plan like The Price is Right today's game is tug of war attempt to drop your opponents down below I knew it team seven team seven please stand up teams 1 and seven will be the first teams to play [Applause] oh my [Music] gosh team four team five T of War needs more than just raw strength how my team and I were able to win even when it seemed impossible having a good leader is very important you need to have someone strong and dependable it's all about how you arrange the rest of your team both of your feet should be facing stray fo for the first 10 seconds you have to hold your ground and throw your head back to the point where you can almost see the groin of the person behind you now's our chance take three steps up when I signal 1 2 3 dang it all right we had to wait a day we uh went to bed last night after episode 4 and it left us off on that big old Cliffhanger so in real time we had to we had to wait just trust me on they fall we might as well try that was an intense one I wonder about like the their strategy like when you have kind of a weaker team if all that stuff works like leaning back for 10 seconds and stagnating and how much technique is actually involved oh my gosh [Music] oh Lord protect me hey dude you think you made it out of there because of God don't you you know if there's anybody that you should be thinking we seek your light it's them not God what would you say about everybody who was nailed to the cross for our Salvation today God made a decision to help our team win that's why we're all here [ __ ] we say some prayers where we all get to go to heaven I should really pray too if that's how easy it is did you see that b guy with his hands like a little baby [Music] he's not breathing go get that doctor another fight could break out like last night we should make a plan let's create a barricade those scumbags you got on your side over there they people you [Music] trust so it's not just one person that's like covering this up there's like multiple people today you Sav my life it's that simple I wanted to thank you I'm flattered but I just didn't want to die I still had to take the wife and baby with me here you're a father how old's your kid he's a year old boy make sure tonight's delivery goes off without a hitch this is all pointless if the boat leaves before we deliver I'm just barely escaping death every damn day that's that's why we tell you what the games are beforehand so so is this some sort of like organ Black Market thing yeah I was thinking some organ Black Market thing [Music] too it's my fault the zombie was missing a kidney hopefully this guy is all right this one better be worth it we need to lower your fever hold on so what happened to that zombie so I beat it to death with that you were there for the whole thing what the hell I was a bit out of it you were out of it you had this is my operating room okay just let me work in peace okay make sure you get full price what game is up next we don't know yet there must be somebody up there you can go ask I'll tell you before the next game begins this a bunch of [Applause] [ __ ] look like the kitchen from Jurassic [Music] Park no I'm not going anywhere until I know what it is go up and find out what the game is they made this passage so the VIPs could Escape in an emergency sick rich people people that want to watch the game number 29 [ __ ] let me see your face who are you do you want to die calm down we can still fix this the guy you killed I'll just create him the identity of the man that you murdered here the one you've been calling a zombie no where that other kidney went it's in here it was a girl not a man if you make a bigger scene and get caught we'll both Die For Nothing how can I trust someone like you scumbag now you see we're all the same here what list there's a list of all the players with all their info as well once we're a team you be [Music] a whether you sell the dead bod's organs or eat them I don't give a damn you ruined the most important aspect of this place mhm equality you broke that principle sir I'm sorry no oxygen tanks are missing he's still here somewhere sh so they've been doing this for [Music] years number 29 is gone too he has to be in here all of you go please make your way hey boss about the doctor he's not here get up now listen he's very sick right now [Music] sir you know so he actually won the game the 2015 did his brother go away this poor old guy we were saying before this Show's been really good but now it's been pretty weird it's like that whole extra level of the police officer and the organs and all that thanks so much you look great sir I swear they're going to kill this old guy it's going to end with him just getting killed or dying or something I just know it players what you witness before you is what remains of those who broke the rules for their own benefit we truly apologize for allowing such an unacceptable incident to occur [Music] frontman speaking so he's not even the leader then we'll make sure there's no trace of the disturbance by the time the VIPs arrive wonder who the VIPs are probably Taylor Swift please look around and find someone you wish to play with there can only be two players per team you will have 10 minutes to find your partner you don't want a girl to team up with or an old guy of course we don't we could die Adam's RI the Lord used to make Eve after all and that's the reason that we're choosing men let's join forces we'll beat a lot of the other out there you two will make a great team together I'll find someone to play with you should go put this on just in case people here well they might look down on you for missing it the old guy is my favorite everyone was asking but I held out so you and I could win since the man who'd been cheating is gone there's an uneven number and what happens to that one what do you think they'll be out and they'll get killed I would kiss that old man there go they're really just milk in this he's going to choose the old man want to do this together that other guy's going to get killed then he like I was holding out for you to to B oh wow guess they one really just going to kill her what's going on here you can't see this I don't know it might be something different cuz I feel like they would have just killed her right then see her kill right maybe she just got to go on to the next no one can stop us if we work together I lived in a neighborhood just like this please take one bag each from the staff member before you it's marbles ah yes very familiar you and I are gambu now pretty great it's a good friend one who you trust a lot did a situation where only one of them can move forward we'll go around this whole town to take all the marbles okay the player who manages to take all 10 marbles from their partner wins now it's getting good there can be only one but the game begins what does it mean using their marbles though it's said a game of their choice so I guess they can kind of play any game so long as they're trying to get the marbles from the other that means one of us ends up dead doesn't it what game are we going to play come let's play so we need to so you guess if I'm holding even or odd then you wager a few of your own you really think I'm your minion just cuz I call you boss a few times so let's end the game in one round one of us is going to die here so no one can really embarrass themselves anymore sir he's not in his right mind sir I'd better go home now I think there's some connection to what the old man is actually saying how he's talking about this is his home he's looking for his [Music] [Applause] home what do you want to play then huh that guy knows he only has one and he'll wager what he doesn't have so he'll give him all all of them I bet you got to be cheating you jerk you pretended not to know how this works Billy why did you come here from the north I thought things were good over here my father got shot trying to swim across the border and drowned what's your plan then I'd use it to get a house where I could be with my brother first but I can't die this way I beg you I have to think of my family then there's a way that both of us can live help me and I'll make sure we get out of here look at that I W again yeah our team will go play other teams with all 20 you and I can play as a team what if that guy was like no you can't do that you have to play against each other only one day I came back from school and my mom was lying there dead on the floor and next her was my so-called dad with a knife the next body that I saw that was my dad and the person standing there holding the knife that was me he was a godamn pastor too he'd always asked for forgiveness didn't pray on that day after he killed her that was too much even for God I guess even no hold on that's not what wait a minute uhoh which one did you just say even I lost this one we better split up to get an idea how all the other teams are doing to be prepared well this must be allowed because the the employees aren't saying anything and they're within earshot or maybe he's deceiving him here I'll make sure that it's safe okay one more right here if he hits his ball into the OR his marble into the hole does he win that's exactly what I was thinking I'm I'm betting so oh Dam it you're all [ __ ] you don't when the timer says 3 minutes come and meet up with me here OD you said even was your guest did did I say that yeah I mean I guess this is a definition of desperate times these employees are not doing their jobs well they probably didn't have any rules against cheating elimin my son has his birthday soon this year I need to get him a gift I completely forgot last year can't forget again and the players could not acquire them using violence well I made absolutely sure no harm was done you have minutes until the game is over so maybe I missed it what's in his pouch then yeah I noticed he had something in there too so maybe I don't know coins or something I didn't see whoever throws one over there it makes a shot that comes closest to the wall wins my name kuk pretty Jang should be your turn since your numers lower I'm out of marbles I'd love to keep playing would you let me borrow one from you sir I'm sorry look at that forgot I had another one not out yet where I to go 19 19 I lost you won just let me lose this thing in style okay GI that's [ __ ] stop acting cool just do a real throw you got a reason to get out of this place the winner should have a reason to get back out there s where are you I'm done with this [Music] side player 199 [Music] eliminated player 240 eliminated I think this was the most intense episode yet I feel like it's just like the most personal cuz we've grown to know these and we're killing multiple in the same episode and they picked their Partners not the old guy not the old guy my wife and I had this one here we're running out of time sir I think this might actually be like a clue though I don't think that he's just rambling you're going to take yours and bet it all and I'll do the same makes no sense at all so then that's what you did this whole time that's tricking your friend like that he knew I knew he knew take it it's yours anyway gambo always share everything with each other no matter what we're just going to make this death as painful for the audience as possible what a great way to go it'll be okay I remember my name now oh [Music] wow what an episode that's like one of the roughest episodes of like anything I've ever seen I feel like I'm shook they took a lot of risks with that I feel like I I was waiting for maybe there was going to be some way out but I have to remember the show that I'm watching and that they've done this for years and years and years so um I really love that they kept us guessing right till the end I can't help but also notice this is in the last episode too where the Christian guy is an imbecile a sexist the chick who making fun of him for believing in God is her father was a pastor who also killed his mother and was horrible and she ended up being so wonderful and sacrificing her life and at this point it's just tropy I just I I let it go last episode but I was like there just it's really blatantly obvious that's it that was one of the most intense things I think of any of any show I've ever seen with the exception of maybe like the season finale of Dexter season 4 I'm like really depressed now I don't even know if I want to like continue on that I feel like the old man was tough but I think Ali was just the deception and I really didn't expect it from the guy that he was playing I um I would not have guessed him being filling those shoes as far as like the the deception and this whole show has done such a great job of like establishing rapport with us as the audience and the characters within like having that whole sequence several episodes prior with like the bus fair and like helping him out throughout and then like the old guy to have them both taken out in the same episode and then with Ali being taken out in such a deceptive way you know cuz he's he's naive you know he's a good dude but he's naive and he got killed the show does a really good job of letting these scenes play out no pun intended the employees really did not have any action at all except for to execute these losers which is so Eerie seeing them kind of like shadowing over each couple and um that's just so scary to watch and the show does a really good job of like making you think like what the heck would I do in that situation you know I mean would you beg for your life would you like get on with the game would you do what the two girls did um there's so many different like possible scenarios and so they got to explore each one of those and they're all very different on like human reaction in a situation where you know the end is near what what do you do so I I really like that aspect yeah and then there there was that married couple we didn't see what happened with them but they were like a couple they paired up obviously and I wonder what would have happened you'd kill me just kidding well I mean even if I was going to kill you and like try you see how it's not no I would never well I mean even if I was going to kill you I'm just saying that it wouldn't be as easy as that you would have to be willing to sacrifice yourself of course well as a Christian it's part of the the duty of not of the husband really Jesus said there's no greater love than for one to lay down his life for his friends There's No Greater Love of course they omit stuff like that but of course I would not kill you I I would lay down my life for you I just you know if we were in this type of circumstance I would too we can't both so I I would probably have like a breakdown first but um I probably have to trick you like that like the two girls cuz you would try to do some nonsense and I would just be like butter fingers what can I say you know yeah uh very disturbing episode yeah what a I'm gonna need some time to kind of bounce back from that one but all right well let's go on to the next episode so it's been a day since we watched episode 6 we watched it last night and we were talking and it's like still messed me up even like going into today what a great episode that was so I just wanted to give praise on this show it's really really impressive stuff I feel like it was one of the more emotional episodes I've seen and we do a really good job at misleading the audience you know I found myself like thinking oh one of them is going to get out of this or they're going to come up with some kind of scheme to uh avoid death but sure enough they just killed off these people yeah I have a lot of Praises for this show and um we'll probably talk about it when we get to the end of the season that's one point that they're like really practical about like what would you do in this situation like the end of episode two where they're like we don't even want to do this anymore and they actually leave like I I thought for sure they were going to have someone continue but they didn't and like anytime you're like oh my gosh this is you know what I would do they would do that you know so it's like they're smart you know thinking people and having to do these horrible choices and it's good stuff good television anyway let's go and do it episode seven Prince Ali dead is he going to the squid game I also really love how much mystery is involved in this series like everything from the employees to their outfits to these boxes that they put the bodies in like just you're so curious about it finally find out who these VIPs are Taylor Swift JLo knew she wasn't dead because they didn't show her being executed they gently escorted me back to the storm you're good but you made one mistake yeah he I figured he was going to be suspicious I always put the receiver down the other way some kind of detail I would have like I always leave the toilet seat slightly a jar are you in here right now they're going to kill one another in one of these games either he's going to kill her or she's going to kill him his partner was his wife we found this police ID on him the VIPs have arrived the majority must agree come on let's get out don't any of you want to leave this har place if he goes home didn't they say that the money would go to the next of kin yeah like if well if he gets everyone to leave yeah so he would end up getting some money yeah that might be a good little loophole for him the VIPs have arrived on site I find it hard to believe the host would miss a night like tonight I just have to say that I'm a difficult man to please right the contest in Korea was the best so there's like squid games all throughout the world oh oh how much did you bet a million bucks your shit's [Laughter] [Music] over welcome players to the fifth game please make your way down the steps and choose one of the mannequins that you see presented before you this may be the deciding moment oh jeez you kill me oh it was on the sixth day that God created the first man on earth the numbers you see on the mannequins correspond to the order in which you will be playing it's better to get a head start it's not how I took that yeah I would have chosen the end numbers number one that means I'll be starting the game off could I be number one instead I want to get at least one last chance to claim ownership of my life the fifth game is glass stepping stone you will guess which one of the next two tiles is the tile made of the stronger tempered glass good luck so going last definitely is the best place to be on this one actually let's switch back but then how do I tell which is the tempered one that's the game where's jigsaw when you need him there definitely are some like saw Vibes to this hey you I'm going to keep this one next to me for this game you will have 16 minutes well there's a disadvantage there each player take off your shoes then go up to the tiles in order losing time hurry up and go did [Music] it he's gone oh no what pretty eyes you have pass oh man we he took control of his life I guess so the probability that I'll get everything right is impossible in 32,768 yeah he had a better luck just like trying to Sprint for it I feel like or just like going as fast as you can staying like on the edge of the glass there you go yeah oh I can't seem to recall which one now he went right and then he went left he didn't do that he went left [Music] first dang it your mask off if they manag to step on one or two each the three of us can get across to the end Our Father who are in heaven Hallowed be thy name get up going to make it this guy Lord I'm being I need your everybody will die you know judgment is called down to us here get going you [Music] idiot God bless me [Music] today it's the left it's the left [Music] one I'm honestly surprised nobody's just like fallen during like these jumps [Music] this going to be the end of this guy anyone want to get across well you better go first then you're all mine if you don't do what I say I will kill you before I Lee take me somewhere where we can be alone I'm going off for a different kind of sh but the rule is we go in order well are here together if you can satisfy me in 5 minutes I'll change your life satisfied Jeffrey Epstein no to okay that too much that's going to get me blocked on YouTube I knew there was going to be some showdown at some point I let you [ __ ] me in the bathroom that day you did you sure did we go and kind of squeeze now you're going to [Music] die change the lens that's how you [Music] know hell that no fury like a woman's scorn go check the VIP room I can tell the panels SP I used to make glass for over 30 years dang it they locked out having the glass maker right in front of them he didn't think to say anything before I wasn't thought this brought up earlier the players up here tried to kill us at every chance okay I guess he once had a job as a glass manufacturer that's good it's just Advantage for that was in the report I think he might be examining the refraction of the light and the Intruder we're searching for him [Applause] now I need to hear the right one so I can be sure [Music] oh yeah I mean go go go go [Music] that was a cool Scene It was that was really neat one of the dive packs is gone I suspect the Intruder took it literally the only three left that last guy could tell the tempered glass apart the whole time but he watched as all those poor bastards up there died instead I'm willing to do almost anything to win this stop with the excuse say I'm not buying it your life is so damn pathetic and here's why here we go someone who always has to get into trouble but somehow can't tell he's in it song's Golden Child the genius changu who went to senu why is he here please take a moment to change into the outfits we have [Music] brought is she going to make it to the sixth game put a whole team together for this why whole team I need backup you know what's really good about about this show is that I still don't know what's going to happen I don't know who's going to win or if they're all they'll all die I could see it going anyway now please relax and enjoy your [Music] Feast that gun of yours holds five bullets but per police regulations one chamber must remain empty which means that there's only one bullet left in your gun actually brought more bullets and the ones that were just in the gun already no it's [Music] brother what a Twist once I make my move then you're free to check the king you've been dozing off I'd have killed you already if I wanted to you're not holding up too well huh we'll help each each other get through this as teammates we'll beat Z Wu and then we'll get out of here together I need you to swear that you look after him you're a good person at heart when did you get hurt somebody get in here there's a badle is your girl yeah oh no so no [Music] [Applause] [Music] jeez all right one episode left all right it's time for the final episode we didn't end up watching it last night we waited for today we watched two episode last night and had to go to bed but now it's time for the finale and uh it's been a great show so far and we've really been enjoying it I love this show it has exceeded my expectations 100% I knew a lot of people said that they liked it but this is much better than I would have thought please choose either offense or defense offense for the final game you'll both be playing squid game what an odd name the player is unable to continue could you explain that that would be referring to the player's death so you can just shank him and win shut up who cares about all that you're the reason that I had to kill her you and that girl would have been the majority you needed to get out she's the one who stopped me from killing you talk about your pain in the neck settle down now easy now talk about hand foot mouth disease Lord to kill [Music] them that's not who you areu right B wraps it up I man the players are able to end the game when the majority agrees let's go together I'm sorry my mother go help her that was quite the game there who are you the day of judgment is upon us save yourself from Hell by thaning Jesus your lord where's this money maybe the money was the journey in friends we made along the way or they deposited into his bank account there it is on a Visa card it's just just shy of 34 million us did you get into another fight while drinking he's going to give her all the money have you heard anything recently from suu yeah I heard I came home wonder if his daughter ended up going to the US would you buy some flowers thank you mister oh so you going to be like a new VIP or something now wait from your old man number one is the old man the one that created this whole thing because we never figured out who the head guy was it was always there from the beginning and he was like I might as well go out with a bang what a Twist that would be and it throws off our expectation when in episode 2 he votes to have the game ended it came down to his vote son of a gun you better start talking old man oh boy you explain this that man down there he's going to freeze to death if he stay out there any longer why did I get to leave and no one else let's play something tonight if anyone goes to help the drunk before then you in you give money to people for a living with any of what you said true is that even your real name huh it is that tumor is also real all the money you want is just sitting there is it all just because you feel guilty we did a little bit of thinking what could we all do to have some fun all made your decision to come back on your own you still trust in humanity being good it had been such a long time since I was able to have that much fun better double check that pulse to make sure one more year from now I had to make you think I died in that hospital bed all those years ago go you saw that you lost you just undefeated okay s and0 now that I'm not going to have as much fun watching as playing did you want a shorter cut or keep it longer so we can permit like that huh literally be whenever I get my haircut I'm not sure K-pop Star was the best decision it's fine photos he looks like freaking Ron Weasley family resemblance is Harry and you're free to check the king the queen will take me new Harry Potter remake is looking pretty good good friends she's mental that one and you look so tough and strong does he have the authority to take that child out of where he was I don't think so he can't just take him away and then drop him on some lady Korean adoption system is a little bit more lenient probably how he got the kid out he just left him like a suitcase of money don't ask questions no [Music] paperwork [Music] oh what the hell are you doing you don't go if you wish to play please state your name and date of birth player 456 I can't forgive you just get on that plane it's for your own [Music] good just finished the squid game by far exceeded All my expectations it was so good there's not really anything about the show that I thought was bad gun's character development from like the first episode we rewatched some of that kind of on our own time a little bit and how kind of whiny he was and irresponsible and kind of a dead beat and his change in character uh just throughout the games and then at that finale then where he's emboldened with responsibility with with you know just being a good like turning into like a really good self-sacrificing person in a situation circumstance that would normally make somebody even more selfish and self-centered which kind of happened to S wo where he was kind of in the same boat just like a good guy down on his luck but and up going the other end you know pushing people off and killing the girl and the only thing I thought was a little bit of a stumble was that kind of mini subplot with like the guys doing the stealing the organs and stuff I thought that that was kind of unnecessary and didn't really change anything ultimately but that that would I mean that's a minor thing um that would be the only thing if I were to change anything probably would have just taken that out and had the police officer guy still kind of going in infiltrating the brother being like the front man stuff having been a winner 01 old guy being the one who was controlling and in charge of the whole thing wanting to be a participant I'm so glad we decided to watch this one and I know we had quite a few recommendations of people wanting us to watch it for a long time we have been wanting to watch it for a long time and so hopefully you enjoy this this format it's just a a little easier for us where we don't feel so like form we just kind of watching it um just when we have time just in our normal day life thoroughly enjoyed it absolutely loved it I really enjoyed it too I knew that it was going to be good but um I think it was a lot uh deeper than I expected it to be I really loved all the characters um I really don't remember any of their names but 456 and um the girl I I really enjoyed her character she I feel like kind of stood out because she really wasn't she was pretty emotionless except for a few times and then there at the end but I really love her um 456 like character development like Holden said was just off the charts you know in the beginning of the series he really just did not understand like importance of priorities the relationship with his daughter although he seemed to be like a very loving father it really just seemed like the things that should matter to him did not outweigh the things that shouldn't matter to him if that makes sense and so seeing him go through all these games these challenges uh really shaped person that he was at the end and I love that the one thing that he was like focused on getting or thought that was going to solve all his problems was money and I feel like that's a like common trait amongst humans like if I just had more money it's going to fix all my problems and um he really proved that that's not the case it it didn't solve any of his problems and he ended up probably worse off I I loved a lot of the the lessons and the old guy being like the the ring leader as far as this whole squid games I thought was absolutely fabulous I'm so glad they did it I had a feeling that the old guy was somehow really important to the overall story and uh sure enough he was so I really loved it there was um a lot of risks taken in this show and I that's probably my favorite thing about it although I had like moments where I'm like oh I bet you this is going to happen I bet you this is going to happen they really just surprised me um left and right so I really enjoyed it very curious about season 2 are they going to is it just going to be a whole new set of people or is 456 going to continue on his journey to find out more information about who's actually doing this and um you know the information that he seeking so I'm really curious uh about season 2 yeah I think this is one of the most one of the more original things that I've seen in recent years in a era of remakes and reboots and you know all that to have something that's this high quality this unique and this entertaining this well written is fantastic so I'm so glad that you know it was made and I I really enjoyed it I'm really excited for season to as well it seems as though they're going to continue on with gun I guess trying to find out pursuing the games and now he has the resources to do so and I I know it's not as simple as going to the police or whatever cuz you know he tried that I really enjoyed how this series really was like shrouded in mystery like every turn from like the employees to the like the location games actually took place were really like Eerie you know the they're trying to fight for their lives on like a playground which is supposed to be a very innocent place was just absolutely insane and so much fun um I also we noticed on Netflix that there's the reality show version of squid gam so we're very very curious about that too and that kind of looks like it would be a lot of fun I don't think we'll do a reaction to that but we're I know we're just kind of curious on it and then I love at the very end of that episode where he sees the dude that kind that recruited him basically and it's just so clear how predatory that whole system is going after people that are down on their luck that are in debt and really don't have anywhere else to turn but to try this game and uh and without being told on the front end that there's a risk that they could be killed you know so I think that that probably just spurred him even more to be like you know what I'm gonna you know for S wo for the girl for even that crazy chick in the bathroom uh we'll go we'll go and avenge all of them anyway great show thank you all so much for watching with us we hope you enjoy this kind of more casual watch along of a season if you'd like to see us do more like this let us know um we might be able to crank out some more of these just if we can film them kind of like what we when we normally just leisurely watch stuff and then I'll just kind of edit them so I don't know like to the frequency that we'll be doing these um but we you know if y'all like it and it works out and if it's not too tedious to edit you know maybe we could do some more of that anyway let us know what you guys think down in the comments below thank you all so much for watching with us like this video if you did enjoy it it does help the channel out a lot subscribe so you'll be notified when we do Post our next show or whatever we're thinking of doing and check out patreon you can watch videos like this early for anyone else we have full length reactions but I don't think I'm going to be doing it for this I want to keep this as just um as easy on our side as we can as a more informal thing but there's a lot of great stuff over there on patreon too voting for more official series that we do in an more official capacity um but for now that is it Jen and I appreciate you watching we'll catch you in the next video everyone take care [Music]
Channel: Holden & Jen Hardman
Views: 64,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Holden Hardman, Matt Lane, My friend watches, My friend watches blank for the first time, My Wife Watches, Wife Review, Wife Movie Reaction, Squid Game, Squid Game Reaction, First time watching Squid Game, Squid Game Review, Red light green light, squid game games, squid game the challenge, couple reacts to Squid Game, Player 456, Squid Game Season 1, Squid game season 1 reaction, first time watching squid game season 1, squid game complete season
Id: GgY0aXKvWTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 58sec (4438 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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