My week training like a Formula 1 driver

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for the next seven days i'm going to train like an f1 driver i've enlisted the help here of pirusa miller he's a performance trainer with alpha terry he trains pierre gasly pierre gasly is an f1 driver these guys are strong and supremely fit i am neither let's see what we can do in one week i got this idea about a week ago that i'd like to see what an f1 driver goes through in a training regime what can i expect we'll build our driver performance in three layers it's a foundation where we spend the majority of our training time sports specifics and actual racing with you we're gonna start from the foundation you specifically asked me to to do the drill what many people have seen us doing yeah for us it's a trigger point it means we are going for racing so which is on the mind of the driver does it we have a specific race day routines that we we do across the day let's try it you're gonna put your hands above mine you drop your base of support a bit you gotta catch the ball i've never done this and i'm keen to see if i can actually do it okay let's try it right oh i can't believe i got it with my left hand either very difficult no i'm wires off with my right three more how many will p you get nine or ten out of ten oh i dropped both this is so easy for you do one more for me let's make it a little easier you can touch my hands got one i haven't done much training of light so this is going to come as quite a shock so i'm going to ask you to go a little bit easier actually that's my first and foremost target that you want to continue we're going to keep it simple and doable one of my goals was to lose some weight so first we weighed in and then it was off to the gym so for the warm-up we're going gonna do six minutes of rowing five minutes easy and then the last minute we start pushing harder get you warm and nice and ready that's the electrolyte for you electrolytes this part of the warm-up is about activating the muscles creating tension and get you ready for the workout and what about my diet we're going to keep it very simple no desserts no alcohol the alcohol doesn't bother me um desserts are quite like and i can stick to that no problem so breakfast three eggs yeah veggies small bowl of fruits okay lunch dinner we split the plate in four half veggies one fourth is for the proteins fish poultry meat and then the one it will be for the good quality carbs potatoes brown rice quinoa and then you know one thing important stay hydrated i can do that that's no problem at all to be quite frank i need to be told to eat well because otherwise i'm just undisciplined like i think most people we're good to go quitos [Laughter] quito says thank you and finish how you feeling today i'm fine i a little bit sore in this arm because that is my weak arm but i'm i'm not aching in any way we had a successful shakedown in in formal one terms well i'm back for day two and i think i'll be here for day seven as well at least maybe more who knows today's schedule we have cardio session normally the race lasts about 90 minutes the average heart rate for fit driver is about 70 to 80 percent of of your maximum heart rate okay so today i have simulated a session for you which is going to be half distance 45 minutes approximately 75 percent of your max heart rate based on your age and fitness levels so i should feel quite puffed at the end of this one we'll see here we go 45 minutes of this already and it's a beautiful evening outside [Music] kim's session has started we've got 45 minutes to go uh heart rate at the moment is about 122. let's see how we go so normally our low intensity sessions last from 90 to 2 hours we usually run with especially with pierre uh today we put kim on uphill walking since he hasn't been running for a long time so this is safer options to start and get going well we're 18 and a half minutes in and there's no pain yet so but i'm at a great intervention he's one of the world's best photographers here he keeps telling me don't touch that come on don't touch that push and i'm doing five and a half kilometers an hour so it's a warm up really it's important to stay hydrated even during sessions here you have some electrolytes so this is like an energy drink is it has no carbohydrates this one has magnesium potassium and sodium that's the main content of the electrolytes the raisin drivers they have a drink in the car it's about half a liter to one liter and they've split by a button and they have a button there yeah the heart rate 135 yeah we went a little bit about the target but we're still in the range good two days into training with peru i'm enjoying it and learning a lot for instance uh a lot of the work that needs to be done is done in the pre-season getting a driver fit because there is just not enough time during the season a lot of time in aeroplanes racing commitments media commitments so all that heavy work is done at the start of the year on the fourth day we're going to be doing the equivalent of quali being q1 q2 q3 on the rower so that may well be some hard work but i definitely need the exercise there's no doubt about that how are you today a little bit stiff across here but i weighed myself earlier yeah and i was delighted now if i could keep that rapid decrease in weight i'd be very happy so it's been in many ways a win-win oh look definitely the diet and the exercise so together yeah i'm doing no harm to myself today we have strength training again and the major focus on will be on building that general robustness which is ultimately super important for drivers because of those external forces that they have to tolerate and i'm excited to get into it these exercises we we used to warm up the neck of all the exercises i did this was the toughest let's get under the real stuff now i'm gonna tie you up your only job is to hold your neck you're ready yeah you your chin is tucked right yeah and let's go it's gonna come off isn't it no no we're gonna do that's doable that's doable three start easy walking hold it yeah two more yeah has it ever come off and hit you in the face yes [Laughter] we have the more violent harness what we use in the race tracks sometimes also in the offseason but this is something that is very easy simple handmade tribal version day four how are we doing i'm feeling good you got a very good start so far we have had an interesting week and today is your qualifying day six times two minutes with two minutes recovery right on a rower q1 starting whenever you're ready [Music] very good now we're definitely getting into the zone how are we doing good take some water five seconds let's go [Music] hydrate 161 that's too much i'm through to q3 for the first time in my life i think pole is out of the question but i could definitely be top five q3 in five four three two one lighter go [Music] well done well done for that hurt how we feeling you're a bit puffed you completed your fourth session you deserve two things yeah a reward your post-session shake what is in this proteins and carbs with the right ratio second thing you have a day of tomorrow what's your feeling over these four days straight away i've felt very relaxed and light when i walk it's a funny feeling to describe i've enjoyed the food despite me thinking that vegetables and grilled stuff is boring it wasn't it was good and i've enjoyed the exercise and and some good stories from you you know we had two targets you know the first one was for me personally but you actually start enjoying training then we thought brought this f1 element into it what have you learned over the four days that i don't hate doing exercise which i thought i did but to be honest i have to have a trainer someone pushing me if i can get out of it i probably will well done i loved it oh and my final weigh-in if you've enjoyed this video please click the like button subscribe if you haven't done so and become a member if you want a whole host of extras you'll find all of my digital images at you'll find f1 photo books merchandise framed prints canvas prints at and for my best pictures live from the track and all during the week head to instagram and search at kim ilman thanks for watching and stay passionate [Music] he's doing well so you're good far good
Channel: Kym Illman
Views: 65,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f1, formula 1, formula one, f1 behind the scenes, f1 drivers, grand prix, f1 2022, f1 race, pyry salmela, pierre gasly, alpha tauri, pierre gasly trainer, f1 performance coach, f1 trainers, f1 training, f1 training neck, gasly f1 training, how do f1 drivers train, how do f1 drivers train reaction time, f1 sports coach, f1 fitness, f1 fitness training, pierre gasly exercise, gasly neck training, f1 conditioning, f1 strength training, when do f1 drivers start training
Id: w4W94AzhuHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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