My Ultimate Sales Strategy on How To Get Clients For Your Interior Design Business

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hi everyone welcome back to the channel by the end of this video you're going to be equipped with The Ultimate Sales strategy on how to get clients for your interior design business so let's get started throughout the course of my business these are some of the strategies that I've implemented and have seen them working so I thought I would share them with you guys as well the first thing that you should think about is how you can build a strong portfolio the first step in attracting clients is showcasing your talent and how can you do that create a stunning portfolio that highlights your best work all your befores and afters and if you don't to have any projects to start with start with renders or start with 3D modeling or any mood boards that you have in your hand if you're someone who's looking to grow and further develop your technical skills using programs such as AutoCAD or SketchUp which are great for 3D modeling then I would highly recommend you taking this course Linked In My description that's going to get you started at a beginner level and hopefully with practice you'll get to more advanced level just remember your portfolio is your your visual resume so make sure it's impressive and what I mean by impressive is make sure it doesn't include average pictures or pictures that you've worked on but you're not really in love with remove all of them out and only highlight the best of the best of the best work okay trust me while you're working on building a strong portfolio for yourself the next thing that I would recommend you to do is create an online presence and really harness the power of social media marketing because it goes a long way in today's age if you're the type of person who's been putting the social media strategy on the back burner then I would highly recommend that you bring it up to the Forefront of your marketing goals because without social media you're not going to get too far especially in the field of interior design the reason why I really advocate for social media is because I've seen it work for me over the past few years most of the jobs that I've done I would say 80% of the clients who've reached out to me have reached out to me because they've either seen my work on Instagram or on my website or some sort of social media presence in order to speak to the right clients and the right demographic it is extremely crucial for you to be present present online delivering your message and your mission statement that is true to the services that you provide let's take Instagram account that is the platform in which most of my demographic is active on I'm not so much active on Tik Tok because that is a demographic that I know is less likely to hire me as a designer to work on their house nonetheless my very first advice to you is to create demand for yourself how do you do that you create Demand by building trust among your audience you have to show your audience that you know what you're talking about and that you are here to provide them with expertise that they wouldn't find anywhere else that is the number one reason why people keep coming back to your page to receive valuable information start talking about things like these are the five mistakes that you should never do in your house or start sharing valuable insight into what makes a home look beautiful and Pinterest worthy these are all of the different ways in which you can create demand and if you're just a student who is learning how to become a designer then I would highly encourage you to actually talk about what you're learning in school things like color theory the golden ratio balance and scale those are all of the things that people on a day-to-day basis don't think about only us designers who are really passionate about this field take these things into consideration so go online talk about all of these insights and really help the next potential client understand that if they were to hire you you would be bringing the same level of expertise to designing their home the other way in which you can maximize your social media marketing is by being really loud about what you offer as a designer many interior designers overlook this feature think of your Instagram or your online presence as your sales Channel you really want to let the audience know what kind of services you offer what your pricing structure is like and when you are available don't forget to use really confident sales language such as book me today for your consultation offering free consultations you know things like this are really going to bring the urgency to the person that's viewing the post and make them realize that hey you are a busy designer you've worked on all these beautiful projects and that if they wanted to hire you then they need to book you for a call ASAP my last bit of advice for creating a a strong online presence is remembering this rule of thumb 70% of your content on social media should be valuable and meaningful so talk about design talk about architecture talk about the different things that have inspired you talk about your own design aesthetic and then the remaining 30% of your content can be personal by personal I mean things like what you did today what kind of coffee do you like these are the things that are equally important because it helps you connect with your audience at a more personal level everyone loves knowing the person behind the camera and really understanding what kind of person they are when you are bringing a designer on you are working with them for months sometimes even years so you want to make sure that the person that you are hiring is someone that you get along with is personable is friendly and gets along with your personality these are the things that your audience will be able to gauge by you sharing personal content on social media so make sure you do the 70 30% rule of thumb just popping in here to say that if you have any questions that are unanswered and are looking to get help with your interior design business then I would highly recommend that you book my one-on-one coaching service in which you will get the opportunity to sit down with me and have an in-depth conversation over a virtual coffee chat in which I'll be more than happy to address some of your problems and provide you with Solutions that's going to help you grow your interior design business simply go on my website pick the service one-on-one coaching and select a time that works best for you I look forward to connecting with you so so far we've talked about two sales strategy one is creating a strong portfolio and the second is creating a strong online presence now the third one is going to require you to actually get out of the house and really put yourself out there and what I mean by that is networking as an upcoming designer or someone who's simply struggling to get the right clients you want to make sure that you are attending industry events having your business card in hand and making the connections not now but maybe later in the future might turn into something that is beneficial for your business by talking to other fellow designers you're able to learn best practices of the industry and you're also Al able to do a self check on whether what you're doing is right or whether you need to do something different that is working for someone else it could very well be that the connections that you're making might not turn into anything but it could also be that these connections lead into something that is a great collaboration or even a referral down the road for you one of the other things that you can do as part of networking is actually reaching out to local builders and contractors in your area and just introducing yourself this may seem like a tedious task but the reason why I'm sharing this is because I tried it and it actually worked for me yes I had to send out hundreds of emails to all these random people but ultimately one or two did reach out to me and it turned into a collaboration so again you never know where your efforts may take you it's always best to try everything if you are desperately looking to get clients because if you're a hard worker then you will see the rewards for it the last strategy that I'm going to leave you with is investing in advertising yes this requires a little bit of a budget aside and the previous techniques that I've told you are more so organic but the reason why I think thing that paid advertising is so important is because it actually works you may have heard the term SEO being thrown around SEO stands for search engine optimization I'm not an expert at SEO but I've definitely hired professionals through Fiverr which is a freelance website also linked below that have helped me optimize not just my website but also my videos and my content online sometimes you really need Google to put your content out there to the people who are searching for it because let's face it with social media everything is so saturated and if you are starting a new business or or new content it can be really hard for you to penetrate through the saturation so sometimes SEO can be a good solution and I would highly recommend it if you have the budget to do so throughout the course of my business these are some of the strategies that I've implemented and have seen them working so I thought I would share them with you guys as well I hope that it was beneficial and as always if you like this video then please give it a thumbs up because apparently it helps with the algorithm and it would be amazing if you subscribe to receive more valuable content like this I'll see you guys in my next video bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sarah Adnan
Views: 3,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interior design business development, interior design business tips, interior design business coach, marketing for interior designers, sales strategy, ultimate sales strategy, interior designer, how to get clients for your interior design business, get clients, ultimate sales strategy on how to get clients, ultimate sales strategy for interior designers, how to get clients for your business, ultimate, sales, strategy, interior, designers, how to, get, clients, business, business 101, tips
Id: Jbuc1P2N9Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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