My Ubiquiti UniFi addiction has begun...

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it's finally the time is finally here i oh i am so excited to gut my network and make this content i have been waiting for months for my access point to come in and i finally got it that's right i am switching my entire network all over to ubiquity unified products i have a wi-fi six long range access point and a switch and udm pro but not only am i switching everything over today i'm also making some changes to my network so this could be interesting if you guys have not entered to win this this is a simply nook home base media server extreme this thing is worth fourteen hundred dollars and comes with the quad tuner built right into the top of it pretty crazy i'm doing a giveaway and that expires on june 16th so make sure to get your answers in check out the links in the description below to check out that video now this this is what this is what i wanted look at this look at this this is the unifi long-range y56 access point i actually want three of these but one will do for now i mean look at this thing it's the freaking size of my head this is like can you see me now the reason why i wanted this access point is because it's going to go well with the udm pro and my switch and it's going to help identify things on the network with the magical you know beautiful little tree of devices everything that's on my network is going to be able to identify all of those things and i did not want to change my network up until i had something like this to just do it all at once then of course i have this i haven't even opened this thing up i haven't even smelled it yet like i this is the udm pro this has everything this is upside down ubiquity if you're watching this video um it would have been really cool if like you ring some so you know like how hallmark has those cards where you open them up and it goes or whatever it could be cool to feel like a one-off thing to where like when you pull this out of the box it goes like [Music] you know like come on come on yes oh look at it it's so pretty it's so pretty beauty and pro what in the world oh look at that look at that that is so fancy you got all those like you know mounting brackets and to put it in your rack right fancy laid out screws okay that's fancy every company i've never seen this before every company always puts them in a bag like that is that's some next level stuff right there that's next level like nice touch i like that i guess because of how nice this is i'll forgive the whole lacking thing that i mentioned earlier and then 24 port pro poe this thing should handle all the things which i already have a plea switch but again when it comes to like switching everything over to ubiquity you want to have that nice integration where you can see all the devices connected and you know you can identify them and and augmented reality with your phone so you know everything that's plugged into every port just by pointing your phone at it i've seen videos about this holy crap it looks amazing there i did it for you okay you can thank me later boom okay this is only 24 ports i have a 48 port poe right now i don't know if i'm gonna need more than these but i shouldn't but i might so who knows more upgrades later hashtag maybe no clue look at that yeah baby yeah now here is the embarrassing embarrassing state of my server room more specifically this is my networking stuff right this is a pf sense router it's made out of an rdell 210 version two i think this is my 10 gig switch and this is my 48 port poe cisco switch right this has been accumulation of just like adding this doing this adding that just kind of going as you can see it's you know you just you get lazy right now this my psense router actually had some configuration issues so me knowing i was going to upgrade was like you know what screw the pf sense i'm over it i started using this as my main as my main router just to hold me over little did i know there's going to be two months but there it is now i still need this 10 gig switch right because i don't have a ubiquity or unify 10 gig switch so i still need this while i'm at it i'm gonna take out zeus zeus has been sitting there dead doing absolutely nothing for a very long time and i'm ready to get rid of it also maybe i should put that in the rack somehow maybe now part of the change to my network is that over the years i've added things like 10 gig switch different switches etc and then i ended up adding like a 10 gig dedicated backhaul between my server and my main computer and then i ended up adding other 10 gig things so then eventually i like had those running through the 10 gig switch but when i set up the direct connection i i hooked those all up is like like a different subnet so then as i added things because things were already configured a certain way like in my house i have two different subnets you know i have a 10.10.10. whatever for my 10 gigs and then i have a 192.168.2 whatever for all the other stuff this has worked most of the time but sometimes it causes issues sometimes i have to go in there and reset things or reset things up whatever and i just thought to myself why do i do this to myself this started out of laziness and i've paid for it tenfold in repairs or just reconfiguring and getting things back running again now this could be a problem with my configuration this could just be an issue with running just random two subnets for absolutely no reason on through the same switches i have no idea but the point is while i'm doing this upgrade i'm going to be switching my main subnet that way i just have one subnet for all the things and i don't have to worry about mixing and matching what things connect to what and you know setting up like specific ip addresses and computers to be able to none of that none of that's going to be a thing anymore now if it's 10 gig it's 10 gig if it's one gig it's one gig doesn't freaking matter yes this is an obvious thing most people should do no i did not do it but here we are [Music] now the interesting part of all of this is going to be having only 24 ports and the way this layout was set up i had 48 ports so i could just you know kind of go down to each one but now i'm going to have to pull them over so that's going to be interesting so now i got to put my wi-fi access point up right now i have the ax 6000 and i have it in access point mode it doesn't even do any routing aside from just the wi-fi portion of it so i already have a cable ran through the attic down a hole and everything and it's already ran for that that is not where i want this to go however i really really just kind of want to get my network going you know what i mean optimal location would be a later thing also i may or may not be trying to get more access points [Music] now that i kind of got like everything installed as you can see like i got all these wires i have to change out some of these ethernet cables because obviously they're not going to reach all the way over here uh also i'm going to start basic as far as you know connected to my modem connected to the access point that i just put upstairs maybe connect my dvr my server and my main computer just to get a few things online get my configurations kind of sort of rolling and then just plug in everything my new subnet is going to be 7.7.7. whatever the whole mixed bag is stupid i'm just gonna have one if it's ten it's ten it's one it's one there's not gonna be a difference you know what i mean which really that configuration is gonna take a long time because i have to reconfigure my all my cameras my nvr system my server my my files every like everything needs reconfigured because everything is already set up with address reservation so i gotta go through and change all of that look at that look at that okay i mean i got a little antsy and and just kind of got excited uh i learned a couple things you know well i already knew but i need to get better distance or better sized cables just to clean this up i did just kind of connect everything that really i think i'm going to use i bought this little sfp cable to bridge the 10 gig router with the one gig router that way it has a 10 gig backhaul and you know not everything needs 10 gig in fact i probably only need like four to five whatever so obviously i got one two three and then i'll be plugging in some stuff down there but uh pretty much what i also need to do is buy another one of these maybe even shorter that way i can go from here to here rather than using the standard one gig port that comes on the udm pro connected to this nic so or connects to the switch so that way i just have two back holes made of complete you know sfp fiber cables and then i mean just i don't know more better because things i feel like i feel like so much so much has happened in so much has happened in the last 12 hours or more it's overwhelming and the rabbit hole of unified crap is really deep now hear me out i have a 10 gig switch that's off brand right so the topology is not showing like the ubiquity unified topology is not showing accurately what's connected to the 10 gig switch i have my main computer my nas and my uh plex server all 10 gig that really need 10 gig because they communicate with each other on a high speed so i have that and it doesn't look pretty right on the topology thing also all of my cameras or at least eight of them that are in the attic seven of them because one of the port anyways so all my cameras are all running through some off-brand poe switch that was sent to me a long time ago that i put in my attic and somehow it hasn't uh started a fire so because that switch isn't ubiquity it's not being recognized those items are not being individually identified as easily as they normally would uh at least not broken down in the in the topology thing so now i'm stuck with this thing where like basically i want to replace the switch in my attic i want to replace my 10 gig switch down here uh i want to add more access points i want to add one in the garage even though i actually have i tested myself i'm going to show you what i did and my next step right now is mounting my new access point upstairs in the living room somewhere but basically i was able to get it almost every corner of my house the same range as my tp-link ax 6000 i was getting faster speeds at the very edge of the coverage area but i still have one dead spot that's like where it's going through the garage through the metal doors right so if i'm on the other side it's a dead spot so now i want to add access points you know outdoors for some reason i don't know why i'm obsessed with this but i want to do that i want to add a little miniature access point inside my garage and then i want to add an access point like you know out the back door area place don't know why i have no idea i just i oh my gosh this is a rabbit hole and i'm addicted so you know how i said i set up everything you know where the original wireless access point was that was a tp-link router that was kind of for testing purposes well i decided because i had it laying flat and it was pointing up i decided to use a cup to actually make it point down which as expected like instantly increased my overall signal quality in the basement because i was like not getting full bars i was only getting like two out of the three bars on the little apple iphone so once i turned it upside down utilizing a cup for it to literally just sit in like look at this this is this is maybe a little weird right totally works though i know a little weird but at least i was able to angle it and like like direct it down and then when i did that i walked around all the way in the backyard to every single corner i had all good service the only where only place i did not have good service is on the side of my house where it has to go through you know the garage doors multiple walls brick all that kind of stuff which was the same dead spot i had before and that's all from it being just up there in reality i don't want it to be there i want it to be like like right there but that means i gotta get in the attic i don't want to go in the attic because it's probably 100 degrees in there but the things you do to be a nerd oh yes the attic i forgot about all this stuff i just kind of finished this project and i'm like ah cool let's leave it i had all those for support it's long story but uh over there through here is where i gotta go and i'm just gonna like take a drill and drill a hole randomly and be like wherever that lands that's where it goes i guess while i'm up here this is this is a switch guys remember this i wired up this plug-in powered this poe switch right then i hooked up oh yeah that's pretty warm then i hooked up this this uh god all of that is warm okay so i need to probably figure out some way to just keep the air flowing because i think uh these laptop fans are finally starting to give out so i'll have to worry about that later add some kind of cooling it's hot as hell in the attic anyway so it doesn't really matter look at all that mess look at this hot pile of garbage freaking hot as hell up here damn so as you see right here this is the cable that i drilled that goes into the to the wall and that goes down to where the access point is stored now so i know i need to go six feet that way roughly so somewhere about right there i'm gonna find a piece of sheetrock i'm gonna drill a hole and that's gonna go down into the living room boom hole not bad not perfect but not bad tell you what it is like 140 degrees in my freaking attic and like just being up there for just a short while just freaking white to me holy bananas um so i have my access point down here pretty much what i'm going to do now is figure out the mounting right what holes i need to drill obviously i'm going to be doing some drywall holes or drywall anchors that way i can just screw it right into the ceiling but i just got to kind of figure out how it all goes together so you got all that uh i'm really bad with user manuals i like to figure stuff out sometimes mess it up but i was going to look at a user manual but i don't know if it didn't come with one or if this is the user manual that you're supposed to you know look at online i don't really know but you know i'll figure it out can't be too [Music] complicated [Music] okay i have to stop this i'm gonna make this a part one there is so much to get into with this i wanna show so much of the software side i want to show like the topology and like i'm configuring different icons i want it to look really good i want the names to be good i'm trying to set up vlans to separate my cams uh you know like there's so much configuration to do what i can say is during my experience i was trying to create a vlan and i could not get a different subnet based it was just giving me the default one and i had to use my phone app which i ended up using you know the app on the computer or just the web app to set everything up but i had to use the phone app to create a vlan with my own custom subnet and the weird thing is is that after i did that i try to create another vlan just just to test and all of a sudden i could do the the custom subnet so i got a little bit of help thank you liquid syphilis for kind of walking me through and kind of give me some guidance on that that is still a setup that i have to do but i got everything running i have everything on my network up and going it's fast af uh i i set up like network uh security like intrusion detections and i'm already like noticing scans coming in from like india so i've blocked entire countries from even connecting to my network and there is so much right so this part one this is the hardware install next up i am i am ordering patch cables that are better suited to look better i am going to go through some of my configurations i've already recorded a bunch of the setup process and stuff like that so next video part two is going to be a little bit more in depth on the configuration the setup the usability the security that the unified products has to offer and if all goes well i might have some more hardware i'm thinking a 10 gig switch and i found a couple you know access points on facebook that are pretty cheap so i'm gonna close it out for now there's more coming this is exciting for me but it's also late and i'm tired and uh i i have to put it down for a couple days so yeah guys if you have any questions comments recommendations please leave them in the comments below as always thank you for watching like and subscribe and have yourself a great day
Channel: Byte My Bits
Views: 43,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UniFi, ubiquiti, ubiquiti usg, unifi controller, ubiquiti networks, ubiquiti unifi, unifi setup, 10gb, network upgrade, switch, router, wifi 6, long range
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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