My Town Is Underwater...

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there's a river on the side of my house there's a river in the road and we're taking Tristan's car because I don't want to flood mine it's a little bit tougher you know what is going on guys today we're back and today hope you guys all having a great day so I start saying that again I don't know jump it jump this is why you wear sandals alright it stopped raining for the first time for two hours so we're gonna go check out what the streets look like in our town I was thinking about doing a goof where we like float down it we died we would have float down it you'd not get knocked out right under the bridge hit the bridge oh it's starting to rain again dammit this is the baseball field that's all not supposed to be under water the river is very very skinny yikes okay well nobody lives here so it's fine it's a good thing that the house we chose by the lakes above the old sea level whatever I don't my mom just sent us this picture of cars halfway underwater in the middle of the road and it's still raining well if it's gonna flood we better have some fun you better drive through some puddles you can't even drive through here no this is I didn't think it could get worse than it was a week ago well let's see if you might be able to drive through there oh they're blocking it for reason for four days straight we couldn't leave my house the roads have been so flooded you can only get out if you got a lift a truck my pond is going to be eroded third one of the day this is literally our kids go play oh here's some good puzzles hit it that was kind of weak yeah we're making it to the river now we really want to go through this I go oh oh yeah we're making it through this I mean oh my all right roll down the window think can't focus look at these collars we shouldn't drive this one right I want to get out I want to get out and look I'll meet the news reporter and now here's Polly Williams with the Blackie with her forecast Polly [Music] I do feel like when I was a kid oh my god this is somebody's backyard no no oh it's just completely flooding all those houses no way this is so bad I've never seen any rain like this this is where all the water stopping though oh my god there's a car up here stuck under water it's up to the window it just got up about halfway up my legs it's just so scary to step where I don't know where I'm stepping finally my flood talent my flood pounded my town flooded two years as far I was born but I smelled gas yep that's just there's gas in the water oh my gosh look at that car Oh something's creeping on my leg hell no oh my god oh oh no that freaking sucks man there's floating packets of hot sauce they were probably almost home with their McDonald's it's actually coming up out of the ground like oh gosh one morning thanks some notice hope we can make it through this one we're doing it we're making it know somebody feels like we're just driving on the river oh my that give me a heart attack for a second there I felt my car slowing and like my trash and controls going and I come up to get feet to float alright guys it is the next day I'm in Logan's car check it out that's right it's manual this is a little bit of foreshadowing into next week's video I might be purchasing a mobile anyway hold on I must start it up oh yeah we're gonna whip this baby around town to get some practice and I got some cool history to show you guys Oh parking brake whoops check me out she's alive she was just laughing okay 1500 rpms I did it dad a long time ago a few months after my brother was born he probably cursed the whole thing it was Halloween 1998 I think I wasn't born I'm just taking everybody else's word for it nobody got candy but they all got rain you can see from these pictures it was obviously a lot worse than it was this year you can see the old Gazette where they make newspapers and yeah that thing was all kinds of messed up this picture makes it look like it's from the 60s but this is kind of the main road in my town I guess downtown where all the restaurants are which and this is just a nice lake all right now we're entering 1930s apparently I I don't know why they were shooting these with but this is again kind of downtown this would be like weird little shops are in movie theaters and stuff it's all underwater oh and who could forget the old Holiday Bowl we went bowling there for PE class I think like once or twice if we didn't Bowl a certain number we got a bad grade and you better believe I got a great I suck acid bowling this is a picture of my grandpa's old shop not the grandpa you guys have seen on YouTube it's my mom's dad his name's Chuck yeah Chuck that's him right there my mom told me they were trying to move a bunch of stuff in here and then the water just came pouring in like super fast so they had to hop in their cars and just leave everything in there to basically be ruined here's the road I Drive almost every day just for joyrides or if I'm going to visit my grandma I don't know why the Train things lit up there's no way a trains coming through but this is the picture that kind of blew my mind and last but certainly not least the old bridge that we have filmed like the Xbox prank whatever's there if you're an energy fan you'd know we've gone to this bridge multiple times over the course of the last few years in different videos and it used to look like this but the flood just washed it away and tore away it the whole thing big rip but now it looks spooky so it's kind of cool and in an effort to have this not happen again my town put up this big steel wall and all of these sandbags even though the water hasn't reached it yet and basically it just stops me from getting out of my neighborhood go go you got it you can see behind me they actually do their job this is the one by my house that has held me hostage for about a week but my neighbors get to keep their houses so I guess it's worth it I want to go jump off into it but I know it's only like three feet deep and there's definitely concrete right there whenever I was a kid we were driving through here and I remember I asked my mom like why is there a bunch of driveways and no houses well yeah that flood from 98 left only driveways and this person's driveway now leads into the dog park I'd say that was worth a couple houses honey I'm home I figured she'd believe me but take the house sign a prenup damnit more gas [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tanner Braungardt
Views: 6,150,522
Rating: 4.7490592 out of 5
Keywords: tanner, tanner braungardt, quentin, quentin mcconathy, dylan mitchell, taylor braungardt, tristan braungardt, family, rose, trampoline tricks, roof jumping, cliff jumping, teaching a backflip, flooded, kansas, oklahoma, flood, car, underwater, natural disaster, floating car, midwest
Id: X5OOMvxosHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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