My Top 7 Best Crypto Coins To Invest In! (Millionaire Edition)

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today i'm going to invest in crypto by spinning the mystery world this challenge could cost me 50 000 hey guys it's mark now i didn't make my millions from bitcoin but it's currently one of the best performing investments in the world so that certainly got my attention bitcoin may be dominating the news at the moment but it's just a small part of a much bigger picture there are many different types of digital coins out there today let's talk about why these coins are so valuable and if you stick with me through this video this could completely change the game for you i also like to put my money where my mouth is so in the process of this video i'm going to be buying a hundred dollars worth of each of these coins on top of that to make it even more exciting i'm going to be putting them all on this mystery wheel and giving it a good old spin whatever it lands on i have to invest in a full digital coin which could cost me anywhere between 47 cents and over 50 000 if you like this kind of video then smash that thumbs up button to let me know and i'll make more videos like this in the future just a quick disclaimer though i'm a businessman i'm not a financial advisor so always do your own research before investing number one is bitcoin let me take you back to 2010 when a man paid 10 000 bitcoins for a pizza if you just held on to those bitcoins at the time of recording this video it would have been worth well over 500 million us dollars so i hope he didn't order a ham and pineapple because that would have been a right waste of money many people consider bitcoin to be the first real cryptocurrency and excited about the future where we all use digital money think of it like credits in star wars the mandalorian doesn't have to change his money when he travels to multiple planets we have to change ours when we travel to different countries just think how inefficient that really is but why do we need digital money well as more money is printed the less the same amount of money can actually buy us in fact the us dollar has lost over 96 percent of its value since 1913. i'm sure you've heard the boomers like me tell you things were really really a lot cheaper when i was younger when the dollar drops in value people tend to invest in gold because there's a limited supply you can't just find more of it or can you i have no doubt in the future billionaires like elon musk will start mining asteroids in space as soon as this happens then gold's value is going to drop more and more that's why they're starting to turn to bitcoin as it has all the advantages of gold without the fatal flaw there will only ever be a limited amount of bitcoin created 21 million to be exact but surely if the creators wanted to create more bitcoin they could and then the price would drop well actually no as the bitcoin network isn't controlled by one person or company instead it's run by the users through a technology called blockchain now this may sound complicated but the users basically act as like a referee making sure no one's trying to trick the system and they get rewarded for their work with bitcoin the truth is many boomers will never get behind something like this unless they're down with the gen z's like me the younger generation has grown up with the internet and understands and trusts it a lot more than my generation so i'm going to use coinbase to buy a hundred dollars of bitcoin the most affordable way to do this is by bank transfer because if you use a card there'll be much higher fees if you want to pick up ten dollars of free bitcoin from my coinbase link to get you started i'll leave the link below so i'm going to put this one up on the mystery wheel for our big investment later on number two is ethereum ethereum is the second biggest crypto and it's far more than bitcoin's less attractive brother as they have entirely different purposes i like to think of it like this if bitcoin was a pocket calculator then ethereum would be an iphone 12. the ethereum network was created by a 20 year old russian canadian genius called vitalik bruttering he is now worth over 100 million dollars ethereum combines money with technology in a way we've never ever seen before imagine you're able to control exactly how your money behaves by writing a little bit of code on a computer one of the best features is something called a smart contract this always reminds me of the unbreakable vowel in harry potter say i wanted to buy a music festival ticket like i really go to glastonbury but if i did i would certainly want to buy some insurance so i can get a refund if the events canceled or if it's delayed i could choose to sign one of these smart contracts if everything goes ahead and i managed to go to the festival and press everyone with my old moves i would just lose the small amount of money that i've spent on the insurance however if the festival was cancelled or delayed then i'd automatically receive a full refund all without having to contact the company and complain because we use a smart contract it just takes care of everything for us you may think this will never happen as lawyers insurance companies and governments would lose a huge amount of income as they're no longer involved in creaming off the profits however the idea of smart contracts is too powerful and it's now out of pandora's box if bitcoin is digital gold meant for storing and hodling then ethereum is digital oil meant for using and fueling our world so here goes a hundred dollars into ethereum now i have no doubt that this will go up and down in price a lot over the next few years due to its volatility it's also important then to diversify into other assets like stocks by the way you can pick up two free stocks if you like from weeble all you've got to do is deposit 100 so i'll leave the link in the description currently one full ether is worth around 1 700 so it's going on to the mystery wheel for the random spin number three is cardano now this is where things get really interesting there is a bit of a battle going on on the crypto space between ethereum and the other coins that do similar things one of the biggest challenges is cardano this means that there is potentially a lot of growth if they manage to take the crown from ethereum the investors could see amazing returns but that is a big if they are led by some of the best scientists and engineers in the world and they've even named themselves after gilamo cardano who was a mathematician physician biologist chemist astrologer philosopher and writer in the 1500s i remember him back at school he was such a show-off their aim is to be the fastest and most cost efficient and scalable blockchain in the world the danger is if ethereum speeds up then it would just stop cardono in its tracks but in the case it does succeed long term let's invest a hundred dollars now the price of a full coin is one dollar and three cents so let's put it on the wheel i hope it lands on this one because it'll be a much cheaper investment number four is litecoin this is actually the baby brother of bitcoin well actually it's not they're even closer than that it's a bit like the clone wars in star wars they're all from the same genetic code however they have some key differences that make them better at certain things it's amongst the oldest crypto currencies and it's always maintained its spot in the top ten it's also often called the digital silver to bitcoin's digital gold the coin was created by a previous google engineer called charlie lee and he actually sold all of his litecoin when the market reached its previous peak in 2017. now i do think this was a bit of a strange move as it looks like the creator doesn't believe in his own coin the amount of litecoins is limited to 84 million which is four times as many as bitcoin it also has some advantage over bitcoin like extremely low fees and faster transaction speeds so i'm going to buy a hundred dollars worth on coinbase and that's going straight on the wheel i'm actually really looking forward to spinning this now number five is chain link so earlier we talked about these awesome things called smart contracts and how ethereum is going to change the world well chain link is actually built on top of ethereum and helps make sure these smart contracts are possible think of it like know like the glue that sticks everything together so if you agree that programmable money is the future then this would be a great investment if we are correct then it should increase in value long term of course this is a risk like any other crypto that said people that understood this technology from the beginning have already seen dramatic profits and we are talking millions of dollars i think of chain link like this imagine you're talking with a french person you can't understand a word they're saying most people nowadays will just pull out a smartphone and use a translator app this essentially is what chain link is the tech used to run smart contracts and also the cryptocurrency is called blockchain and it can't understand the real world such as sports results or even the weather it's talking in computer language for instance let's say i made a bet with you that lewis hamilton was going to win the next grand prix race and you didn't think he would we were both sure we were going to be right so we made a nice smart contract on it once we put this into action neither me or you can back out of the deal and when the time comes the blockchain needs to know who won the race in order to fulfill the contract and pay the correct person and that's where chain link steps in as the translator because it has a real world use buying it today could be a great investment in our future but as with all of these coins i'm expecting a very bumpy ride hundred dollars there we go and the price of a full coin is currently 27 so we're going to put it on the wheel it's filling up fast isn't it number six is stella lots of people getting excited about investing in the stellar network because it allows people to move money across borders quickly reliably and for a fraction of a penny for example say i wanted to send you a hundred great british pounds but you live in the usa so you want us dollars the stellar network would allow me to convert this into tokens then i can send these tokens to you and you can convert them into us dollar tokens using the best conversion rate you can then just cash these in and boom it's as simple as that stellar makes sure that it backs the tokens with real money in vaults so there isn't any issue because at any point you're able to cash out so that's an added extra protection to pay for using the network you have to use stellar's own cryptocurrency called lumens and it's very cheap at naught point not nor not not one looming per transaction i hope i got the number of naughts right there the number of looming coins are limited to 50 billion and only around 20 billion are currently in circulation so this asset is limited so it could go up in the long term that's a hundred dollars interstellar now the price of a four coin is just 46 cents at the moment so the lowest one yet so i'm going to get that and put it on the wheel number seven is polka dots okay so all the coins we've talked about have slightly different purposes but there are a lot of them and it can be a little bit confusing they use technology to either do something really well or lots of things sort of kind of okay i like to think of it like comparing a dentist to a normal doctor one's able to help you with your teeth because he's an expert in that area and the other can help you with pretty much everything else now imagine you could allow the dentist and a doctor to communicate telepathically you would no longer need to visit both and it'd be much more efficient you'd just see one of them that's why polkadot is so cool it can build bridges to all the different technologies that we've talked about and is governed by the users that hold the digital coin that's known as the dot if you've ever played a pokemon game then you'll know about the pokedex which is a huge computer that plugs in all the pokemon that you've ever seen or captured into one system this is how i see polkadot but for blockchain if this gets adopted on a huge scale then i can see the value of a dot coin increasing over time and that's why i'm going to invest a hundred dollars there we go now one full coin is worth 35 dollars and 31 cents so let's put that final coin on to complete our mystery will all right so now it's time to spin the mystery crypto wheel wherever it lands i have to buy one full coin this could be very cheap or the most expensive video i've ever made so here we go [Music] it's landed on the big one you gotta do it that is the rules isn't it come on come on dad the rules are the rules right so i've got two choices now i can either secure it using a ledger nano x or i can go onto my computer and i can put it into my block fire account now on your block fire account you can earn six percent interest so guess where i'm going i want to earn the interest but this is a personal choice if you'd like a block fire account i'm going to leave a link in the description below and you could earn ten dollars of free bitcoin and of course more importantly that lovely interest if you'd like to see how these investments are doing in a future video then make sure to smash that thumbs up button to let me know so i'm going to leave the next video up there don't click on it just yet remember to subscribe to the channel and ring that bell so you don't miss out on part two okay i'll see you over there
Channel: Mark Tilbury
Views: 128,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: millionaire buys crypto by spinning the mystery wheel, how to invest in bitcoin for beginners, how to buy bitcoin, how to buy bitcoin for beginners, how to buy crypto, buy cryptocurrency, how to buy cryptocurrency, buy crypto, buy bitcoin, how to buy cryptocurrency for beginners, how to invest in bitcoin, bitcoin investing for beginners, bitcoin for beginners, how to invest in crypto for beginners, how to invest in crypto, coinbase
Id: 3Q_myT_boFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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