My Top 10 Fantasy Book Series (as of 2024)

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hey everyone so this is my top 10 fantasy series as of the beginning of 2024 I'll give you a spoiler and let you know that most of these are quite old series I haven't read a heck of a lot of more modern fantasy although I have a lot of it on my TBR and it will be interesting to see what gets bumped off as maybe those things become my new favorites first off some honorable mentions The Wheel of Time now this is a series that I am read right now I've only read three books so I don't feel I can really put this on the list although I can definitely see that probably when I finish this it will go on the top 10 list and I'll have to bump something off to make room for it next up the Dr I Saga by David gel now I have read Legend and I absolutely loved it but I haven't read any others of The drenai Saga I've read a couple of other David gamls which I also enjoyed so I don't feel I can put this on the list yet but I intend to read this again this year and continue reading the rest of the series and that will probably enter the top 10 list at some point next up is the realm of the elderlings by Robin hob I have read the first three books I don't have particularly fond memories of them I I enjoyed them and I'd like to continue reading the series and I'm going to be reading the first book in the Liv ship Traders this year so it may be entering my top 10 list at some point but as of now not quite okay number 10 is the Mporn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson I've read the first Trilogy I've read alant I haven't read any more of him so no I can give you a spoiler Now The Stormlight Archive is not going to be on this list because I haven't read any of it yet but I do intend to but for now this series definitely top 10 it was inventive has an interesting magic system the characters are all quite fun to follow there's a lot of neat twists The World Is Creative it's epic in scope I mean what more could you want number nine and I don't think I've ever seen this on anyone's top 10 list it is the fighting fantasy series by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingston this is a series of Game books that came out in the 1980s like Choose Your Own Adventure but you uh have a a character with a stat sheet and you roll dice to fight monsters and it's a bit more structured than Choose Your Own Adventure most of the books are quite distinctive cuz they've got these green spines if you ever find one of these in a secondhand Bookshop you should probably snap it up because they're worth quite a bit of money the books up in the 50s go for hundreds of dollars on eBay a lot of them are all kind of set in the same fantasy world although there are a few like there's some sci-fi ones and some really strange ones in there but anyway there's a 59 in total I just enjoy the whole fantasy aspect of it and and I also enjoy the mechanics I love any sort of thing that plays with a medium so for example I love books that actually where the characters actually know that they're in a book and play with that aspect of the fact that you're reading a book and for these I like how over the course of the series the authors or the game designers come up with different ways of using the game book medium to inject kind of new ways of reading and having new rules system that work within the confines of a game book anyway if you ever get the chance to pick one up I highly recommend it they're usually pretty thin so have a bit of fun with them number eight Harry Potter by JK rling I just love how inventive the Harry Potter series is there's all sorts of very creative detail in these books and there's a lot of humor that doesn't come across much in the movies so if you've only ever watched the movies I highly recommend reading the actual books because there's just so much in them that is not in the movies at all number seven is the chronicles of nania by CS Lewis now this has a special place in my heart these are some of the first fantasy books I ever read my favorite which I think is the favorite of most people is the Magician's Nephew there's just so much interesting stuff in these books there's a few little funny bits in them when you read them nowadays but I think there's still still totally enjoyable number six the shinara series by Terry Brooks now yes this first book is a complete copy of Lord of the Rings it's unbelievable how many similarities there are from this book to Lord of the Rings but back in the early 80s in fact in 1977 when this came out there really wasn't that much like this around so this is a bit of a Nostalgia pick for me because I read read Lord of the Rings when I was in sixth grade and then when I was in year seven I read this and the Lord of the Rings Pros can be a little bit difficult for someone of that age whereas this is a bit more readable it just had everything that I enjoyed about that whole fantasy world and then obviously he went on to write the sequels the second book is very different very enjoyable and that's actually what they made the TV show of which was not that great but anyway the second book really is very different and the subsequent books were all really enjoyable it's hard to underestimate how big this was back in the day and it will always have a special place in my heart okay number five and I'm going to cheat a little here so that I can squeeze another series onto my top 10 so I'm combining two series here the first is the dragon Lance Chronicles by Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman these are fantastic books I played the DND modules that these are kind of based off and just the world and their writing their writing is that kind of writing where they do great world building they just mention things and it's like oh I want to know about that they just kind of slip things in this was a fantastic series and along with that I'm going to do Dr the drist series by ra salvator I've read I don't know how many of these Maybe 10 or so um they're all enjoyable I haven't read all of them but these are just you know ra salvator can do fighting scen so well the description of menzo barzin uh is just really cool how does a society where their lawful evil work and how do you break away from a society like that these are old school books and uh still way enjoyable and he's still writing them okay we're down to number four and again it is a bit of a Nostalgia pick for me it is the belgariad by David edings this series came out in the'80s and it was huge and if you love Maps there are maps like nothing else in this series every book is split up into two or three sections and each section is another place on the map so it is a bit of a kind of travelog of them going around this entire map um so I absolutely love that kind of exploration type fantasy they're also very funny characters there's a lot of humor in these books uh the sequel series it did uh become a bit repetitive but then there were two extra books called belgarath and polgara and they were fantastic I really enjoyed them he went on to write other stuff I find it all enjoyable but nothing will quite replace the place that this has in my memories I haven't read it in quite a while knowing me I think I would still enjoy this there are people that like read this once a year have read it like a zillion times and still enjoy it it's kind of like Just Popcorn they're just so cozy and comfort reads basically so that's why this gets number four on my top 10 list we're down to number three and number three is the disc World Series by Terry pratchet again another series started in the'80s I haven't read all of them I think I've got maybe seven to go I haven't read one in quite a while but these are just so funny there are literally laugh out loud moments there are books that I read where there's a bit of humor and you know it's funny but some of the humor in these are literally like if I'm on a train I may actually laugh out loud I find that's not the case so much with the later ones necessarily but some of the early ones are just brilliant if you haven't read these I'll give the suggestion that most people do which is start start with guards guards which is book number eight because the first few books are good but they are a little bit patchy in terms of having any sort of plot but definitely a fantastic Series so that brings us down to number two and that is the rift War cycle by Raymond E Feist the first book magician absolutely brilliant I've enjoyed all the books that I've read I haven't actually read all that many and I'm about to start the serpent War Saga so that I'm really looking forward to because some people say that that's kind of the Pinnacle of the whole cycle again this is another ' 80s book but if you're someone that loves fantasy you should do yourself a favor and read this before reading anything else and you only have to read the first book it is a standalone I would highly recommend after the first three books there's a series could the Empire Trilogy written in collaboration with Yan ws and they are excellent so I would highly recommend and reading at least those first six and coming in at number one it's probably no surprise to people that have seen some of my other videos but it is the Lord of the Rings by talken again this was my kind of not quite entry into fantasy because I read Nani before this but there's just so much in these books and I'm currently reading through the history of Middle Earth I'm going to be reading book four fairly soon there is just so much that he invented and uh just made up it's just incredible I don't think I'll ever get bored of this series it would take something absolutely extraordinary for this to be bumped down from my number one spot so I don't think that will ever happen and if someone who loves Maps just look at that and this one as well so that's my top 10 list let me know in the comments whether any of these are on your top 10 favorite lists if you enjoyed this please like And subscribe and thanks for watching I will see you in the next one see you
Channel: NevsBookChannel
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Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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