My Top 10 Barbecue Essentials

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hey guys welcome to mad scientists barbecue I'm Jeremy Oda today I'm going to share with you the top 10 things I recommend to people who are barbecuing at home these are accessories that I think are essential and incredibly helpful to anybody who wants to have success while barbecuing I'll be providing links to all of these things down below they might not be exactly the same brand as I have here but they're the ones that I commonly recommend to people who ask me and I'm now part of the Amazon affiliate program so if you buy through the link you don't pay a dime more but it helps me be able to make more videos like this if you guys enjoy this video and you find it helpful please hit the like button down below and subscribe to the channel for more videos like this now keep in mind these ain't in no particular order I just think there are 10 things that every barbecue should have [Music] number one glove liners now a lot of people ask me about the glove liners that are used in my videos they're really just simple cotton gloves that I put on underneath these disposable and I try out gloves and I like black just because I don't know I think it looks cleaner I just prefer it so what I can do with these your incredibly helpful cuz I can grab really hot stuff I can pull pulled pork I can even grab the grapes in in the smoker if I need to I can move hot items around and I don't burn the heck out of my hands so these I use so incredibly frequently that I don't know how it operate without [Music] number two a digital instant-read thermometer now this one I got on line it's the javelin pro I think the company's called lava tools now you can spend a whole bunch of money on a thermapen they're great I've used them before they're wonderful I just dropped these and lose these too frequently to justify spending a ton of money on them and this one works really really well I love this one so you just pull it out and it turns out automatically you stick it into the meat if you're cooking briskets you can check the temperature in the point and the flat you can check the temperature all over the place and it works really well also it has a button here if you press it it turns on a backlight so if you're doing this at night you can read the temperature anyway it's super helpful I use this so frequently that again I don't know what I would do without it [Music] number three a spray bottle invest in a heavy-duty spray bottle because I have been through so many spray bottles and I'm over there spraying away and this part breaks and it's just frustrating and then you try to figure out what you're gonna do we have to go buy another one sometimes it might be you know 4:00 in the morning when you're outside barbecuing and no stores are open and you just get really frustrated so get one that works really well I love this one it's never failed me yet I think I bought this at a hardware store but it's heavy duty and you know right now it's not filled with anything but usually it's filled with 50% apple cider vinegar 50% water it's what I use exclusively and this is a tremendous help as you're spraying the outside of the meat to keep it moist and to keep anything from crusting up and getting to hard and crunchy on the outside of your meat we've gotta wait for this aeroplane to pass before we can finish filming this and we're just waiting right now just waiting I don't see you either it could be behind a cloud or a tree but I don't see a dino area [Music] number four is a headlamp now if you barbecue a lot chances are you're gonna be either up really early in the morning or really late in the evening and it's going to be dark outside it's gonna be hard to see so what I recommend using is a headlamp because you just put it on your head as the name suggests and then you hit the on button and you can have both hands-free to do whatever you need to do and you get with this one you get a lot of light and you can even focus it on here so I just want to look at something in particular you can focus it down but it makes doing barbecue a lot easier than trying to hold up a phone with a light and you're trying to move stuff around it's just it's just a horror show you don't want that so with a headlamp you get the ease of use both hands and you get to see what you're doing [Music] number five a trimming slash boning knife now this is my favorite trimming knife it is a shun and it's very expensive but it works incredibly well I don't use this frequently so I've showed you my favorite but when I use almost always is this one it's got a plastic handle it's relatively inexpensive and it's very sharp and if this thing falls to the ground if it chipped because I'm trying to cut through some bone or something like that I'm not gonna worry about it because I can buy a replacement for not too much money so this makes your life way easier if you have a nice sharp one you can cut through fat on briskets if you're trimming you can lop off pieces of meat that you don't want to cook it just makes your life easier and if you have a dedicated knife for trimming and boning you don't have to worry about damaging your valuable kitchen knives number six a slicing knife now I've spent a lot of money on expensive slicing knives and carving knives and I don't like any of them as well as I like this cheap plastic handled scalloped I think it's a bread knife actually and it works too sliced brisket incredibly well now I didn't want to like this because I watched here in Franklin's video and I was like whatever I'm gonna get the coolest Japanese extra sharp special steel knife and it's going to be way better no this works better than anything else because with those other knives you know after you cut your you know second or third brisket it starts to dull and then what you get sometimes is you get to squish the meat as you're cutting through it instead of slicing through it with this it slices through the meat and you get clear defined slices and you don't you know butcher the brisket they're trying to slice for guests or for yourself or if you're in a competition you probably even want to use an electric knife but this one is one that I use all the time it's inexpensive and it does the job better than anything else [Music] number seven you need a good cutting board now this is a big heavy wooden one you don't need one that's this big or this heavy but I love this one the one thing I would say that you really need to pay attention to is make sure you get a cutting board that's big enough so you can put a whole brisket on there and slice it and the second thing is that it has this depressed area around the outside so that juices will collect and pool here rather than running off the cutting board and making a mess all over the table on which you're cutting so a good quality cutting board that you like is crucial to finishing the process of barbecuing by slicing the meat proper number 8 aluminum foil now here's a hint don't get the regular doesn't employ I'll get heavy-duty aluminum foil and then also don't get the BBQ aluminum foil because as near as I can tell I could be wrong but as near as I can tell the heavy-duty aluminum foil and the barbecue aluminum foil that I've seen at the grocery store is identical and it just charge you more for the BBQ aluminum foil maybe there's some kind of Teflon coating on it or something like that I don't know but in my opinion if you get heavy-duty aluminum foil it works as well as anything I've used and the reason you want heavy-duty rather than just regular aluminum foil is because a lot of times going to wrapping up your barbecue so say pork foot or ribs or something like that it's easy for the bones and ribs to poke through or crusty bits on the outside of a pork butt to poke through the aluminum foil and then you have to wrap it again so the heavy-duty foil is strong enough to withstand the BBQ process without tearing it spilling juice everywhere and causing a mess either on your table or in your smoker get heavy-duty aluminum foil and you'll be using it when you barbecue all the time [Music] alright number nine if you use butcher paper to wrap through briskets which I do I found this to be an immensely helpful tool a butcher paper cutter I think it's just a paper cutter if you look it up online but if you want neat easy to pull off sheets of butcher paper to wrap stuff this makes it a lot easier so you pull out the desired length whatever you want this wouldn't be long enough for brisket but just to show you how it works you just go and boom you have your butcher paper the exact length that you want and cutting it was easy also it doesn't unroll on its own it stays in place until you pull off a couple sheets wrap a brisket throw it back on the smoker and you're good to go [Music] number 10 an apron now this might not sound cool but aprons are valuable to me because I have ruined so many shirts my life can tell you I have ruined so many shirts by getting barbecue grease stains all over them or getting soot on the sleeves and it's just a massive problem for me because I just tend to be a messy guy so having an apron protects my clothes from getting destroyed by the barbecue process now this one in particular I love I got it in the Czech Republic I'll include a link to a video that shows where I got it I got it from a leather worker I thought it was really cool so I thought I need to get that this one I like because it has multiple pockets so if I'm barbecuing in the top pocket I might have my digital instant-read thermometer over here I might have some glove liners and then maybe my headlamp in this other pocket here but basically get an apron to save your clothes and then help you carry things so you're not trying to carry a bunch of stuff around when you're going out to the pit and checking the fire I hope this was helpful to you guys if you have other barbecue essentials that you think I left out please leave those in the comments down below I'll be looking at those and hopefully they can help other people who are watching this video to thank you guys for watching don't forget to like the video and subscribe if you enjoy this content we'll see you next time number crap words of 5 tres cuatro Cinco seis siete Ocho Mafia five okay right
Channel: Mad Scientist BBQ
Views: 196,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top ten, mad scientist, mad scientist bbq, jeremy yoder, yoder, bbq, barbecue, barbecue essentials, smoker, brisket, ribs, top ten barbecue
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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