My Thank You to Cara

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she doesn't know what this video is going to be about what do you mean by that it's about her and you guys as photographers many of you which who have gear acquisition syndrome called gas will really appreciate this as you know I have gas I have serious gear acquisition syndrome uh as you probably know I buy and give away over $100,000 worth of gear every year and I've been doing this for about 10 years so that's about a million dollar now those of you who understand my situation there's two things that you are concerned about when you have gas one is obviously the financial situation but even more so what does the wife say about that a well this girl is a rare gem and I wanted to make a video because I want you to really really appreciate what's out there for that not not once ever since I've known her has she ever ever said can we afford this she's never questioned the financial situation she trusts me explicitly never once did she question anything let me m tell you real quick when we first moved into this house as you know I had a rifle range on in below ground here and there was all these rooms there was a a pool hall ammunition room there was a bedroom there was a bathroom another room there's a bunch of rooms and I just wanted to take all the walls out and make one giant Studio but those walls hold up the house so we had to get Engineers to come out and it took 12 companies 2 years to figure out how to take those walls down put up ey beams to hold up the house and take out the walls and do all that so during this whole time where that was happening all the gear that I had had to be up here all my gear was filling up this entire place it was like a warehous just jammed full of stuff for 2 years this beautiful house was jammed with tripods lightstands it was a photo store it was a storage place it was it was a storage place and not once did she ever ever say one word about that I mean for 2 years now I know you guys can appreciate that how what a treat it is as somebody who likes gear to have a woman like that well I trust you you know completely I know you know what you're doing Plus you know as long as it's not in the kitchen um and it's it goes both ways I'll come home after visiting someone for a week and I'll see something is a mess like the desk are and I'm like oh my gosh it is so sloppy over there I'm going to start cleaning it turns out it's all my mess everything that I cleaned is mine not one thing is yours and then of course I think oh my goodness this man never said you know it's looking a little sof here can I clean it up so sweet so it goes both ways young man that's one thing but Financial Security is a whole another issue a lot a big issue with a lot of women is security they're worried about are they going to have food clothing and a roof over their head and if the man leaves them what's what are they going to do you know especially the more middle-aged you get the more worried you get about Financial Security and she never ever ever had that worry she's not like I'm amazed that she never wants question did I always think if I've always thought this since I can remember if there was ever a need you know if I was ever in need of money I would just go get a job at a grocery store if I was 75 years old who cares I see 70-year-old ladies at the working at the grocery store and I admire that we're both used to having stuff and not having stuff we both lost everything she was you lived in your car for a while with your son we are used to it we've been there and we don't worry about it cuz we know we can get it back and it's it's not like a big worry of ours no because well we have faith in ourselves we we pick us up and we you know everything is on loan to us in life everything all the fancy stuff we don't own it anyway it's on loan to us we're given the experience a chance to experience what it's like but we don't own it we can't take it with us things come and go and we realize this people who are uh fearful they they fear loss and we've lost things so many times we've been down to nothing so many times that it's not a big deal everything is temporary as long as we have each other and we have absolutely you know our our uh love for each other and appreciation and and go as long as we're together everything else nothing else matters I mean it's true um because I'm happy with you and all the other stuff that is just that changes it comes and goes and life is very fluid things flow things come in and go out just like the gear I buy it I play with it I give it away it flows and I think as long as there's flow there's life because stagnation is death and I think people that buy things and hang on to it they start getting constipated seriously it's like the way you are physically in your life is reflected with your body and your health and your mind uh people who who carry a lot of weight they have big bags big handbags big their their their house is fluttered they cars are large they they they need a a life enema you know everybody so I like to keep things moving so there's no like accumulation stagnation of things keep it moving keep it flowing cuz that's life so I just wanted to say that I I know a lot of you relate to having gear loving gear acquiring and it doesn't have to be photography stuff some guys like to collect cars or pickup trucks or garden lawn equipment or or or they like to spend a lot of money on on football game tickets or whatever you know the wife has to deal with that she has to be like honey do you really need to spend all that money on that women would like to know that there's Security in their life but I hate to say it and I talk about this in the health Channel there's no such thing as security anything can happen at any moment you could lose everything you have a matter of fact entrepreneurs who take who become very very successful they risked everything they had and they a lot of times they lost everything they had right before they made it relationships break up because of that people taking those kind of chances but if that's who you are that's who you are take your chances and find somebody who's willing to go through those risks with you who isn't afraid of loss you just got to find somebody who thinks like you who understands you who's okay with that and trusts you and if you if you lose things and if you get things so what that's that that's out there what matters is what's in here don't focus on the equipment and the gear and the stuff and the money obviously be responsible as much as you can but if you feel a burning desire to follow your passion and you could lose everything in that Pursuit then you need to find somebody who's willing to back you on that and follow with you through with that even if you lose everything even if you know you have to start from zero again and that's how a lot of things great things in life are come to be somebody followed their passion and they gave up the old and got but the thing is even if you lose everything life rewards you with a whole new life and it's usually a lot of times better than what you had before so even if you do lose everything what you end up getting because you followed your passion usually ends up being a much bigger reward and if all that reward is is just a feeling of accomplishment in your heart absolutely it doesn't have to be monetary it doesn't have to be physical it can be emotional it can be like the feeling that you accomplished something you did something you gave something to the world you got an experience that was my feeling when I would run my restaurant money wasn't abundant at all but oh the fa I just love to come to work work every morning and I'd stay there till late in the wee hours of the night because I loved it that was my passion and I risked everything for it and and that's that's one of the times I was homeless when that was right before the restaurant opened restaurant people in your situation you got up at what 5: in the morning cuz he had to be at the farmers markets 4 in the morning three days a week he had to be at the farmers markets to buy the fresh FS at 5: a.m. 6: a.m. and you didn't come home till 11:00 at night or 12:00 p.m. now if you were with somebody at that time oh yeah they would have been like why are we even together why blah blah blah you're like they're going to be very upset and angry well certain people are actually you know my first restaurant in 95 I was started to get you know close with this one guy and it started to become serious and then I said you know what this isn't this is unfair to you and it's unfair to me because I I am always in the restaurant I'm always working he said that's fine and I'm like okay you know if you're if you can deal with it he comes to the restaurant a few weeks later 8:00 Friday night rush hour and I'm like oh my God why are you here and he goes I don't know what's going on and I'm like oh my God we'll talk after work and I told him after you know I said I told you I warned you but he couldn't handle it there's some people that can yeah some can so I'm saying find somebody who he couldn't who jives with you is okay with that and and that's you couldn't I couldn't handle it I need you in my life I need you I'm I'm a I'm a needy man well you're you're worthy what a gift she is and I'm so thankful and I want to share my thanks in front of you for you being in my life cuz it I photographers I know would appreciate someone like you even if they're living vicariously through this video so I want to show them what's possible what does exist and uh to be thankful for what you do well you're a sweetheart yeah so deserve everything wonderful be thankful for what matters and uh she's definitely one of the things thank you Marcus so thank you all right this is what life should be about not technical stuff so we'll see you in the next video Until then [Music] bye a
Channel: MarkusPix
Views: 36,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thank you, relationship advice, relationship goals, relationships, relationship podcast, relationship advice for men, finding the right partner, finding the right, finding the right woman, finding the right one, finding the right man, supportive relationship, gear aquisition syndrome, photography, camera gear, photographer with gas, gear gas, camera gas, video gear gas, video gear, manny ortiz, gerald undone, camera conspiracies, tony northrup, casey neistat, photo gear
Id: jyD4uBDLT_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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