My Technique For Leaving a Winner! Become a Better Player by Avoiding These Common Mistakes!

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so all right guys I promised all my subscribers out there I would get this video done for you guys so I've set this block of time to make this video so see if we can get through it in one take uh normally when I do a video from around the house here like an instructional type video I just I speak from the top of my head this time I actually took notes so you're going to want to stay tuned on this one I'm going to be covering the most common mistakes I see slot players make this is all just a help video to help everybody out there become better gamblers so uh if you're if you're brand new to my my channel and this is you know you found this video uh who am I and why should why should you care I uh I started this YouTube channel I think around June 28th roughly three months ago and it was never interested in doing a YouTube channel so uh you know I'm so surprised this really took off the way it did uh just uh you know friends and co-workers would come out with me and watch me Gamble and hit multiple jackpots consistently every time I go and they talked me into creating a YouTube channel said I got to get this information out there help other people and that's what this channel is all about so uh uh no charge I'm all about just helping other people so since I started the channel three months ago around June 28th and posted my first video which was a terrible video with editing uh it was my first time trying to edit a video clips together for time so from three months ago until today here is uh my w2g forms just in three months this is the jackpots I've hit in the last three months and most this is all on camera filming for you guys uh and I don't live in Vegas guys so the closest casinos to me are four hours in either direction either North Carolina or Indiana so what that means is when I do get a chance to go play because I have a full-time job and I go on a weekend to play that means I'm hitting multiple jackpots 5 10 15 20 in a single afternoon session and there's no reason any one of you out there can't be doing the same exact thing that I'm doing guys it's really easy to win jackpots at a casino it's not a trick it's it's very easy to win just like I'm doing uh the hard part is leaving a winner and leaving with your winnings and that's what a lot of you guys out there are struggling with and I used to struggle with it all the time as well back in the day so uh just like the the Vegas videos that I just did where I just went to Vegas last weekend I hit 43 jackpots over 159 000 in jackpots in one weekend it was like two and a half days because I landed Friday night at like nine o'clock and only played for a couple hours at night so I'm gonna be covering a lot of the mistakes out there that I see people make I had a lot of requests for this video and we'll be going through all that um I've lost track of the amount of comments I've received it's got to be over a thousand of of uh winter testimonials and videos that I've been sent I feature some of them on the YouTube channel because I love celebrating the winners but all the comments I've received from people who've hit their first hand-paid jackpot ever uh you know watching my videos or or hitting multiple jackpots now or building the bankroll successfully like I've shown in that Method video um or hitting their biggest jackpot that they've ever hit um but I have received roughly 20 to 30 comments I would I think somewhere around that range of people who said they've tried my small bankroll buildup method and they weren't successful at it and so I'm I'm I always respond to all the comments on YouTube plus the email plus Instagram and I'll go back and forth with these individuals and I found out that ninety percent of those 30 people that said they tried the method and it didn't work actually didn't try the method uh 10 you know maybe five to six people uh actually did try the method and just had an unlucky session I mean that's gambling so it uh you know again was a form of entertainment I hope everybody is is playing responsibly out there uh number one most important rule of gambling is never gamble with money you can't afford to lose so I I always set the expectation that I'm gonna lose whatever I take into a casino casinos aren't built on winners they're built on losers they're multi-billion dollar uh Industries doesn't mean you can't go in the short term and win every time like I'm going right now I'm I am at nine out of 10 wins the last losing session I had was on a business trip up to uh Minnesota and I was playing at uh Mystic Lake and couldn't find any games I actually wanted to play it was all high volatility and I ended up losing I think like two thousand dollars so it wasn't that big a deal uh but that was the last losing actual session that I'd had most of the time it's it's um 10 out of 10 trips I'm winning bringing home all these slips but I always set my winning walk away limits and I ensure that I win with the cash like I said hitting these jackpots is easy so I mean I'll I'll teach you which games to play which bet denominations to play to hit these jackpots to make it more frequently if you're not if you're not doing the same thing I'm doing so the first thing that I want to cover in the video is the small bankroll buildup method method uh for for the guys out there that have said they've tried it and we'll go back and forth on Instagram messaging and uh oh so the questions I always ask is how much bankroll did you bring to play What machines were you playing in in what denominations and what was the max bet on that machine and the answers that I'm getting back 90 of the time is well I was playing a Double Diamond game uh on a 10 cent denomination or a 25 cent denomination and I was doing Max bit of a dollar 25 a spin and it just didn't work and I didn't build my bankroll uh those are not bankroll building games sorry guys I forgot to put my phone on do not disturb mode and just had a work call um so I my full-time job I answer calls all the way till nine ten o'clock at night um so anyway where were we uh those aren't bankroll building games and especially not at the denomination so I have bankroll building games I basically have two methods if I'm gonna build a bankroll I have specific game types that I'm gonna play if you haven't seen the small bankroll Method video you're going to want to go watch that first so this makes more sense to you there are specific game types for that method and then I have a jackpot chasing method where I only play certain types of games if I'm chasing jackpots in a certain way I play for chasing jackpots and once I've built the bankroll up all right so one of the one of the top mistakes that I see all the time that I'm getting in Instagram from people is unrealistic expectations and uh and I'll be messaging back and forth and and I'll get something along the lines of well I took a hundred dollars and I was playing a dollar Max beta Spin and and I didn't win anything or you know I was getting you know Kickbacks I got a really good lying hit and it was only eighteen dollars I mean 18 is a pretty good line hit on a 25 cent denomination so we have to have realistic expectations so uh a lot of people think and want to take a hundred dollars to their local casino and make five thousand dollars uh can that happen absolutely so I mean I paid jackpots on just putting 100 in the machine but that is the exception not the rule so we need to have realistic expectations and I'm getting a lot of well we tried your method and you know we put 100 in and it was working we got it up to 200 we got it up to 300 and uh and then we ended up leaving 600 down so if you watch those videos then this is the important part of walking away a winner so like I said it's easy to win it's it's a lot of people struggle with the discipline with walking away winter and the only reason that I walk away at winter every single time I play is I was a loser for a very long time I've been gambling for uh over 20 years not as a professional Gambler just it's always been one of my hobbies and it's like I said I don't live in Vegas I don't get to go multiple times a week I you know maybe twice a month if I'm lucky but lots and lots of years of expensive mistakes and being a loser and there's nothing there's nothing worse than driving like two hours to a casino and then losing all your money and then having to drive two hours Home a loser and uh with that bad mood so so many sessions where I've done that where I just sat there and reflected you know what did I do wrong uh why didn't I cash out you know why did I put my money back in a machine um so when when I started having all those negative experiences of leaving empty-handed because most trips that I was going to the casino I would win back in the day most trips I would I would take two three hundred dollar bankroll and I would win but I always ended up giving it back plus some once I figured that out and started setting my walk away limits in real time I leave the casino now almost every single time of winter and I'm not exaggerating almost every single time like right now I'm out of nine out of 10 trips a winner and it's only had that one bad session in Minnesota because I couldn't find the games I wanted so with the small bankroll Method video so you watch that video and how I set my walk away limits in real time my my first goal you have set your goal limits is to double my hundred dollars into 200 okay and if it keeps going up I adjust the limit accordingly if I get it over 300 300 on my new walk away limit and what that means is uh on the games that I've described in the small bankroll Method video uh I'll take like 300 if that's my bankroll and I'll pay a hundred dollars in three different machines that gives me three different chances on three different games and it can even be the exact same game just different machines so if I tell you to go play you know wild red sevens and you try 100 in this wild red sevens and it's not working out for you there's absolutely nothing wrong with moving to another wild red sevens game just a different machine I've done that multiple times and have knocked it out of the park but I'll put my hundred dollar bill in the machine and I'll start playing and usually fairly quickly I can get it over a hundred dollars so say I've got my hundred in I hit the bonus rounds uh or the free games feature like I explained in the video and now I'm up to 167 or whatever it is now that I'm above my original hundred dollars I will not let the credit amount go below that original hundred dollars in the machine if I play it down to the original 100 I cash out my original hundred now I've got to play for free plus build all those valuable comp points from our players card okay if I get it above 200 200 is my now Cash Out walk away limit if I you know I hit the free games feature and and now I'm up to 337 dollars in the machine 300 is now my cash out walk away limit I will not let it go below that 300. I'll take that cash put it in my pocket I still have my other 200 bills from for my bankroll buildup and I'll go put 100 bill in another machine and do the exact same thing all over again um this works almost every single time that I do it if you find the right game type of games to play that I've described uh sometimes building the bankroll I'll turn 300 into 500 and but then I hit my walk away limits and I'm not willing to risk any more money so I leave with 200 bucks up I got to play had a good time made a couple hundred bucks sometimes I turn it into you know eight hundred dollars nine hundred dollars sometimes I turn it into five over five thousand dollars off of 300 just by doing the same thing you know but the hundred dollars in the machine I get it up to two three 400 cash out I'll go put the next hundred in two three four hundred cash out uh anytime I get it over a thousand then I usually go straight to the high limit room and I switch strategies to now let's go hit some jackpots so let me list some games for you guys because there seems to be a lot of confusion and you don't have to play these specific game manufactured you know titled Games there's so many different variations out there in the casinos all around the US uh but some of my absolute favorite games for building bankroll wild red sevens uh you get the free games feature to go off you get 12 free games and during those 12 free games the sevens now turn wild and they're worth 2x there's your multiplier that's where you make your money and it can re-trigger over and over again 12 free games 24 free games 36 Etc uh triple red hot sevens one of my all-time favorites the uh the variation of the game that has the three bonus symbols in the in the reels so when you get those bonus symbols you get seven free games with random multipliers up to 7X um Diamond jackpots is a good one so no free games but it has a bonus feature uh with the diamond so if you get three diamonds you get the bonus feature and there's lots of progressives one sec uh these next games are all made by the same manufacturer they're just different designs and so you've got black diamond You've Got Crystal Stars you've got blazing gems um my favorite uh those those three don't have the free games or bonus feature and they're actually nine line games uh three reels but nine lines um but I've done really well building bankroll on those games so they're very they're fairly low in volatility constant Kickbacks extending your bankroll play uh and they have multiple progressives to hit if you're if you're hitting the max bet out of those there's a variation that's my all-time favorite out of those which is black diamond platinum so the exact same as the other ones except this one has a platinum feature that if you get the platinum on the Reel you get the Platinum spins and you get I think three spins where you hit uh you know good line hits to help build a bankroll again that's where you make your money on those total meltdown or Mega meltdown absolutely fantastic game same thing three reels uh you play it great line hits low volatility constant Kickbacks uh and then that meltdown feature can go off at any time and respend and you can get you know build your bankroll really quick on those respins but the important part is is setting those walk away limits as you're playing and cashing out that that's how you build the bankroll and you win uh the other mistake to this method that I see a lot of people play is playing the wrong denomination so even taking 300 to the casino the small bankroll uh so many people just want to jump on like five nickel machines or 10 cent machines so you got to remember guys very important the higher the minimum bet is on the machine the higher the return to player percentages the higher the payback ratio okay doesn't mean a whole lot in the short term uh it just means that over the life of the machine that machine is set to pay back a higher amount to the player but that gives you a better chance of sitting down on that machine and getting more Kickbacks consistently uh due to the low volatility and the higher return to player percentage which turns your hundred dollars that you put into the machine and giving you way more spins than you would normally get with a hundred dollars so say we're betting five dollar Max you're not betting five dollars and losing every single spin until you're out of your hundred dollars you're betting five you're winning five you're betting five you're winning 250 back you're betting five you're winning ten etc etc so that extends your play to give you a better chance of hitting that free games or bonus feature to where you end up making your money on those machines and you can hit jackpots online hits on those games I've done it several times okay so you'll never see me play anything lower than a dollar denomination and and there's a reason for that so when I'm building bankroll even if I'm only taking a couple hundred dollars I am playing one dollar denomination five dollar Max bet unless I'm playing those games that I just stated with the crystal Stars blazing Gems or Black Diamond those are one dollar denomination nine dollar Max bet because it's nine lines um and be careful with those games and pay attention because there's several different models of those out on the floor there'll be nine dollar Max bet there'll be 27 Max bet they'll be 45 Max bet and they'll all be one dollar denomination so pay attention to those games um just recently in the Vegas part three video where I hit 20 26 campaigns or whatever it was in that in that one day I started off on the floor with a small bankroll and you guys got to see me turn 200 and over 800 really quick on that game that's one of my favorite bankroll building games so now that we've covered bankroll building games and again it's not you don't have to find if you can't find the triple red hot sevens we're just it's game type specific not manufacturer specific we're looking for like a three reel type game with bonus features or free spins with multipliers there's several different types and manufacturers out there so that's what we're looking for in a one dollar denomination uh five dollar Max bet so now that we've covered that that is the way to build the bankroll so and again it's gambling it's not going to work 100 of the time it works almost every single time that I do it let's cover the jackpot games okay these are the games that I play when I'm after jackpots so either I've built my bankroll on the small bankroll method or most cases now I've won so much and have all these winnings from previous sessions that I I can just literally go into the high limit room like I've already built a bankroll so a lot of you guys out there uh or you know I've had some comments on the videos like you're playing games you told us not to play and etc etc well that's because I I have the bankroll to go play some of the crazy high volatility games uh you know the advice I give is for the people out there that never hit a jackpot or don't win very often so bankroll or I'm sorry jackpot chasing games now this is your Double Diamond Double Diamond deluxe I've hit more jackpots on those two games than any other slot machine combined anywhere in the world hands down period triple Stars uh top dollar pinball uh in the higher those are your low volatility jackpot games a little bit higher volatility jackpot games that I like to play are uh Ainsworth games most hit by progressives I've done very very well those are around the medium volatility so they're they're not high volatility but they're higher than the jackpot games uh those are any of the games made by Ainsworth uh Thunder cash Eagle bucks Grand Dragon um I think there's one called I don't know if it's dollar storm something to that effect uh Mustang money even though I I personally have never hit a bonus feature on Mustang money I know a lot of guys out there say they like it and ask me to try it I've tried it I've never got a bonus on Mustang money I usually can get a bonus every time on Thunder cash and Eagle bucks uh and the Grand Dragon variation that we just played in Vegas was was insane that every time we got that bonus we were getting retriggers and re-triggers and my kid as big as jackpot of uh five dollar shy of 19 000 on that game uh so I like those games too so that's my medium volatility option higher volatility my favorite games uh Cleopatra 2. um it's a higher ball little game but yeah I don't play that game unless I've already built a bankroll or I have several winnings in my pocket already from playing Lobo games um the higher volatility game but if you can get the bonus feature to go off on that it can literally be insane I mean it could be one of the biggest jackpots you ever hit in your life so you'll notice in Vegas part one video I started off my play in the high limit room on a 25 denomination Max bet 2 credit machine 50 per Spin and hit 22 500 on a top dollar game after that and I took that that jackpot in a check after that I knew I was going to be an instant winner on the Vegas weekend no matter what happened first game I knew I was gonna leave a winner so now I've got all that check that I'm gonna take home which was more than double the bankroll that I brought to Vegas I brought ten thousand dollars cash bankroll play in Vegas from previous winnings at previous sessions uh so I had already won more than double my bankroll that I brought so I knew I was going to leave but double the amount that I came with no matter what and now I can go play some of the crazier higher volatility games okay on the jackpot chasing games so I play those games at ten dollar denomination and up so we're talking 10 denomination twenty dollars to spend 25 denomination fifty dollars a spin um 50 denomination hundred dollars a spin so very important I I don't play three credit in higher machines usually so I go absolutely crazy for Max bet one credit machines those are my all-time favorite you are betting a credit amount to win a credit amount jackpot or a bonus so if you can find a 25 single Credit Max bet machine or fifty dollars or a hundred dollars those are my all-time favorite uh striking that two Credit Max bet machines I stay away from three credit machines uh and higher up so now you're betting three credits to win a credit amount jackpot so uh unless I travel for work and I go into a casino and all they have is like three credit top dollar pinball and that's I'm stuck with that because that's all they have so One Credit Max bet machines failing that two Credit Max bet machines so I'll only play Top Dollar on two credits or pinball on two credits I did play one 10 credit pinball while I was in Vegas just one one time uh and it was a ten dollar denomination Max bet 10 credits and was betting a hundred dollars a spin for 10 credits to get the pinball bonus which I got and only ended up with a 2100 jackpot off a hundred dollar bet that's why I don't play those crazy 9910 credit pinballs and top dollars and all that I would much rather play fifty dollars a spin 25 denomination instead of a ten dollar denomination and a hundred dollar bet with 10 credits I'd much rather play a 25 nomination and 50 Max bet in the pinball bonus when you get it is going to be much bigger than that little twenty one hundred dollars because it's based off of the credit amount so if that makes sense out there to you guys okay small bankroll games jackpot chasing games uh one of the number one mistakes I see players make so and I'm going to cover this it's going to be boring for a lot of people but I have to cover it players cards always always use your players cards 100 of the time no excuses ifs butts I know I forget a lot of times because I'll have it in the machine I'll go play another machine and I forgot in the other machine or I'm not paying attention I don't have it in right there's absolutely no reason not to have your players card in that machine if you believe otherwise do some simple Google research okay they they can't the machine can't tell that it's paid you out a bunch of jackpots and it's time to start taking money back that's not how that works um if you believe that you win more when your player's card's not in the machine and all that that's just conspiracy theory guys it's it's not true so it's just like uh people that believe well I never hit jackpots while I'm filming so I'm gonna put my phone down so it's you're gonna win when you're gonna win it's random number generated so the only thing you're doing by not having your players card in that machine is costing yourself money so every every spin on a bed amount is you're earning tier credits and uh rewards points free play comps rooms food uh I've already gotten free cruises uh all my Rune stays are free limo pickup anywhere I want to go free flights free tickets to shows I get offers all the time here's here's you know come back to Vegas here's five free nights in a suite plus Raiders tickets uh to go watch the football game so you're you are spending your own hearted money in the casino gambling use that player card get those perks so the way I play that I described earlier where I put 100 in and once it's above 100 I won't let it go below 100. worst case scenario I'm breaking even and cashing out at my Hundred but I didn't even actually Break Even I'm still winning because of all the perks and the comps on the players card I got all those fins for free earning points you earn points based on BET amounts win or lose so a lot of people believe you only get all those costs based on how much money you've lost it's not true it's based off of bed amounts how many spins you're doing at a certain bed amount higher bet amounts you earn faster tier credits and points in in bigger comps and all that in free play a lot of people ask me how do you get a thousand of Replay well that's because you know if I build a bankroll and I take a thousand and I go in the high limit room and now I'm playing 25 denom and I hit twenty thousand dollars now I'm doing 100 fans and machines and so and it's tracking all that on my players card all that player's card does is track your bets how long you're playing and what the bets are that you're spinning okay it's all I've spoken to a lot of hosts and it's all based on a hypothetical uh number that they assign you on how many comps and stuff you get and it's based off of your play in that machine obviously you're going to earn points a lot faster doing 20 20 25 and up bets then you are sitting on a machine doing a Dollar Bet for hours so a lot of you guys don't understand why you're not getting 800 a thousand dollars in free play that's why so okay we've covered players card like I said if you don't believe me jump on Google and do some research so there's nothing that they can track with your players card you're just costing yourself money if you believe any of those missers or superstitions um another one of the biggest mistakes that I see players make in the casinos and Greg was playing with me uh one of my subscribers him and I are buddies now we talk all the time but we both witnessed this firsthand in the high level room Warrior at Caesars Palace not betting high enough to qualify for the progressives on the machines so there was a gentleman in the Highlander room that was playing black diamond platinum and black diamond is a great game I've had several winning testimonials from you guys out there sending me pictures of I just hit 6 000 on this and I just hit this and I built my bankroll on this and uh it's one of my favorite bankroll building games but it also has several different progressives for the line hits that you get so you get three sevens you get this you get black diamonds you get this but it'll tell you right on the machine Max bet to qualify for progressives so if you're on a one dollar denomination Black Diamond machine you have to bet the max nine dollars per spend to qualify for the progressives and we literally watched a guy in the high level room playing this game and was playing four lines and doing like five dollars a spin so you're just giving your money away if you hit any of those line items you don't get those Progressive amounts so it's the same with the top dollar and pinball and all that there's there's nothing worse than sitting down on a top dollar pinball game and then getting a Top Dollar on the pay line and but you only bet one credit instead of two to qualify for the top dollar so those games are all about the bonus in those games that that's where you make your money is when you get the top dollar when you get the pinball yeah you can hit jackpots on the line hits but those games are centered around they're bonus features so you want to pay attention to the games and pay attention to the machines and make sure you're betting high enough to qualify for those jackpots if there is a limit or a restriction if you can't afford to bet whatever the max bet is on that machine to qualify for the progressives you need to step it down a denomination and go find the same game say the one in the high level room was five dollar black diamond and you need to go find another Black Diamond game to play that's a one dollar denomination and Max bet nine dollars of credits and qualify for those progressives and pay attention to the progressive amounts I see a lot of people where there'll be a bank of these type of machines like black diamond crystal Stars blazing gems and this one will have a top jackpot of 15 000 this one will have sixteen thousand this one will have 17 000 and then here's a machine over here that's got a top Progressive of thirty seven thousand dollars compared to the other one and they're all the same game just you know different names they're metal made by the same company and they're all the same bet denomination with same Max bet amount and I'll see lots of people sitting on the ones with the 13 000 Progressive and nobody playing the thirty seven thousand dollar Progressive so guess which one I go play every time so uh pay attention to those bed amounts make sure you're betting enough to qualify for the progressive jackpots uh on the games that you're playing um let's cover the high volatility games so I've hit a lot of jackpots on high volatility games so these are your cartoon games these are your fun games I know playing three real games like Double Diamond uh and all that can can you know it's not as exciting is playing huff and puff or piggy banking or Rich Little Piggies or Dragon lake or any of the lightning links locket links so on these games the biggest mistake that I see people make and I play a lot of these games is they'll pick one denomination and one bed amount usually the minimum and they'll put 500 or a thousand dollars in it and they'll sit there and put it on whatever the denomination is say say one dollar denominations I'm just making this up one dollar denomination and the minimum BET's five dollars and then you have all the BET multipliers at the bottom all the way up to like 10x multiplier 25 percent and they'll put their 500 in and they'll just sit there and spend the minimum on the one denomination and the one bet amount the whole time until their bankroll's gone so on these games every one of those denominations is a brand new game okay everything every time you change that denomination is a uh it's a brand new random number generator so even though it's the same machine it's a brand new game brand new random number generated every time so a great example of this is in the uh Vegas part three video where I explained it was I sat down on a Cleopatra 2 game I put a thousand dollars in machine and I started at the bottom and I do three to five spins on every bet multiplier and if it's a multi-denomination machine I do that on every multiplier and then I go through the denominations so I started on that game you're doing three to five Sprints at twenty dollars didn't hit anything okay let's move it to the next one it uh times two it's forty dollars to spend now okay now I'm starting to get Kickbacks great I keep playing until I get a couple uh uh a few spins with nothing so if I if I'm getting Kickbacks I'm betting 40 I'm winning 40. now I got a free Spin I bet for you I win 80. now I got two free spins I bet 40 I win 150 and then I bet 40 and I don't hit anything I bet 40 again I don't hit anything I may give it one more spin bet 40 don't win anything I'm changing now I'm at the 60 and now I'm getting Kickbacks etc etc as I was working through the denominations on that game uh the machine was really on fire at a 60 bet and I was hitting line hits costly bet 60 win 500 bet 60 1 800 bet 6055 on a line hit and so that's where I stayed at and I hit three jackpots on that uh Cleopatra 2 game so but I was going through the denominations and now all the way up to 100. I won so much on the line here so it's like let's do a couple hundred dollar spins and got the bonus feature and won five thousand something dollar jackpot which wasn't all that great on 100 bet but I never would have hit it if I wasn't going through the denominations I could have just sat there and spun it all the way at 20 and not want anything uh another perfect example of this is uh Vegas part four where I had to go to the airport it was my last morning and I just went down for an hour and hit eight jackpots under an hour really quick and I just jumped on a huff and puff game that had a 125 000 Grand jackpot at the top and I put a thousand dollars in and I know this sounds like a lot of money guys you don't have to put a thousand dollars in every machine to win so you can use the exact same strategies to your bankroll in your situation so I mean you can put 500 in you can put 200 in just go find the game that you can play with your bankroll it could be the same game they come in all different denominations but I was putting a thousand dollars in because all the money I want in Vegas so I put a thousand dollars in and I started at the bottom denomination which I think was 10 cents and I was doing three you know three to four to five spins on every bet multiplier and I got a couple line hits halfway through the BET multipliers and then nothing and then I switched to the next denomination which was 20 cents and I went through same thing couple couple uh three to five spins on every multiplier and then I found one and I don't remember what the multiplier was but I remember what the bed amount was it was 120 to spend once I did three to five spins on all that and all of a sudden I got to whatever the multiplier was it was 120th spin on 20 cents denomination uh that RNG on that specific denomination of multiplier was on fire first spin three thousand dollar jackpot you know the guy comes and resets the Machine second backup spin line hit two thousand seven dollar jackpot you know do a couple more spins Kickbacks Kickbacks one dead spin do another spin bang I got the six hats on huff and puff five thousand dollar jackpot guide come resets the machine uh another spin nothing another spin nothing another spin 300 Kickback okay still playing doing a couple more spins uh bang never line hit another three thousand or whatever it was I hit several jackpots on that game just by going through the BET multipliers and the denominations so this is how I play personally so I would highly suggest if you're gonna go play those type of games work your way through the BET denominations and the BET multipliers do a few spins on each uh we did the same exact thing on the Ainsworth game that same morning before I went to the airport I got in and I was playing the Grand Dragon version of Ainsworth again and I started out at uh one dollar denom 10 lines and it went all the way up to 50 Max bet on 10 line and I was working my way through the denominations and the max bet was 50 and I got all the way up and I was getting Kickbacks on a couple different ones got up to the fifty dollars did a few on 50 wasn't hitting anything I started working my way back down you know fifty dollars forty dollars got down to the twenty dollar and hit the bonus well like the Second Spin on 20 and that was a six thousand four hundred something dollar jackpot it's in the video part four on a 20 bet so you don't go through those denominations try those different denominations out so don't just sit on one denomination if if the machine is cold so I mean you hear people say hot machine cold machine hot machine all that is is the machine is balancing its Books Okay so if that makes sense to you these machines have a return to player percentage and the Machine has to balance itself out over the long run so it's it's it gets to a point where it's okay we need to start paying some of this money back to bring myself back up to the percentage to pay back a player so you hear about those crazy runs uh when somebody sits down at a machine and I've done it myself several times and hit you know five six ten jackpots on one machine that's the machine balancing its books so it's starting to pay more back out to balance itself so that's why we always do backup spins so there's a that's another mistake a lot of people make out there is they'll hit a jackpot and be like Oh I'm done and cash out guys I've hit several back-to-back jackpots and I mean literally first backup spin or within you know three to five spins after I've hit a jackpot even a big one I always do backup spins because you just never know you may be in that right place right time cycle of that machine uh to where it it's gonna write itself and start paying more back to the player so don't be scared of walking in a casino and you see a machine that says just paid out three thousand dollars or whatever don't be scared to give that machine a try there could be another huge jackpot right behind it you know somebody may have made that mistake and be like oh I just hit 3 000 I'm done and cash out and walked away so you'll always see me do backup spins uh matter of fact I hit uh Vegas part one towards the end of that video I was playing Ainsworth on thundercash and I hit a jackpot on thundercash and then hit three two or three more bonuses on Thunder cash with the remaining money I had in the machine doing backup spins 100 spins so I got down to where I only had 300 the machine was still doing backup spins and hit the bonus again with only 300 of the machine just so just just uh you know bonus bonus bonus doing backup spins so always do backup spins like I said you you may catch that machine right where it needs to base some money back to the player um another thing we need to talk about uh it's not really a mistake this is more of a tip so not taking advantage of or being an opportunistic Gambler okay so there's people out there that only play this way and there's nothing wrong with playing this way by being an opportunity gambler so when you walk through a casino pay attention to the machines that have a must hit by Progressive Jack bottom out so uh in my opinion it's definitely a mistake to walk by one of these machines that has a must-hit by Progressive jackpot and that amount is really close to the progressive jackpot uh for example when I was playing in Harris Cherokee North Carolina right before the Vegas trip where I won the 31 000 in under an hour I was helping the girls play uh low volatility games on the main floor to build their bankroll and when I was helping them I was looking at this Bank of Ainsworth machines and they were all one dollar denom and they all had a ten thousand dollar must hit by Progressive and as I was looking at him this machine was at nine thousand this machine was at nine thousand one hundred this machine was at nine thousand forty five and then one machine was at 9 400 something so I just sat down on the 9400 one and within four minutes in that video I hit the 9400 Progressive those progressives are must-hit by jackpot amounts they can go off at any time with any spin at any bed amount in denomination it is just a random jackpot that goes off it must hit by the amount that it says must hit by so if it goes all the way to ten thousand while you're sitting on the machine you're going to win that ten thousand dollar jackpot so every spin with the money in it it adds up to that Progressive and it's not very much uh some of the games we were playing in in Vegas we were doing 100 spins and it wasn't even adding up a dollar you know adding a dollar to the jackpot amount with every spin so and I missed out on a really big jackpot in Vegas while I was there I was playing the Ainsworth game and this one was one dollar you know I have multiple denials but we were playing on the one dollar one and it had a must-hit by jackpot of a hundred thousand dollars and the Machine was at ninety four thousand something and that's the Thunder cash and I hit the three bonuses back to back to back and I played it that night and then the next morning the wife and I were talking about said we need to go back and check see where that machine's at but we went to breakfast first and we get out of breakfast and we went back to the high limit room and I noticed that it had reset to 90 000 and I was talking to a guy in the high limit room there and he said some lady just hit that 94 000 it was at 94 570 something dollars on a five dollar bet so I missed it by that much so but uh if you ever hear the turn the term opportunistic gamblers that's that's what that is it's you got teams that will literally go out and walk through casinos and look at all those must-have Progressive numbers and you'll see guys actually sit on that machine for hours if it's close and then call an attendant over to lock the machine out you know can you please lock this machine for me I'm gonna go take a break for an hour and then they'll lock it out where nobody else can play it uh so keep an eye on those in your casinos so I love the amesworth games uh with those must hit by progressives like I said they can go off any at any time at any amount but they must hit by that top bonus amount so always worth playing you know sit down and give one a try that is close to that bonus amount and so and the most important thing is to leave a winner so gambling should be fun if it's not fun we shouldn't be doing it so I only take money then that I can afford to lose and I'm willing to lose so that ensures that I'm gonna have a good time when I go because I fully expect to lose whatever I take with me so if you're stressed out and you're worried about losing the money you should be gambling with it okay you're not going to have a good time so I took ten thousand dollars of winnings to Vegas and I was okay with losing 10 000. I was gonna go have a good time which lets me play stress-free and uh all surprises are Pleasant from that point and then you just you just start winning and having a good time but the way that I play to ensure that I leave a winner and Greg absolutely killed it Emma he left uh way up the way that I play is when I'm playing these machines and I hit a jackpot I whatever the jackpot is I just adjusted in real time so I hit a a five thousand dollar jackpot on whatever game so I automatically pick a number out of that 5000 and I will take that money and put it separate from everything else so if I'm not carrying a satchel or something with me I just use my pockets so the attendant comes and pays me the 5 000 I tip the attendant and in my mind I say well I'm gonna put three thousand aside I'll take three thousand of the five thousand and I'll put it in my left pocket that is my go home pocket I don't touch that pocket so uh you guys can bring those little lock boxes if you're really struggling with discipline uh bring a partner spouses are really good at this so if you want to play uh uh you know spouse gambling wives and husbands are really good at this uh of making sure you leave a winner so you know you hit a jackpot you get that five thousand you get three thousand to your wife or your husband and say here you go hang on to that the rest of it is keep playing money this is how I personally play I hit another jackpot it's two thousand dollars I put a thousand aside in my left pocket a thousand dollars goes in my right pocket uh with the the bankroll that I still have in there to play I hit another jackpot ten thousand dollars all right I'll take five thousand put in my left pocket I'll put the other five thousand in my right pocket I'm still playing and I still have all the other gambling winnings in my right pocket when I run out of money in my right pocket I am done gambling I do not go back into my left pocket or wherever you decide to keep your winnings at Satchel purse Wallet bank uh you know have your spouse run it up to the room and put it in a suitcase when I run out of my playing money I am done gambling and I pick this technique up playing table games way back in the day I would play table games three card Let It Ride uh Caribbean stud and I would usually play five dollar chips red chips but every time I would hit a good hand and I get paid in green chips 25 chips are black hundred dollar chips I would put those chips in a separate pocket and whenever I ran out of my red five dollar chips are playing with I was done and there were so many times I surprised myself when I finally ran out and got it from the table and then reached in and went to the cage to go cash in the green and black chips and realize how much money I actually made that you know you just you blow your own self away and same thing with Vegas when I finally ran out of my ride pocket money to play with and went back to the room and looked at what I had to go home with I was like oh okay it's a good trip so but that's how you set your walk away limits and you stay disciplined and you leave a winner and I almost always request a check payout if I hit a big jackpot so that is another great tip for you guys to ensure you walk away a winner so if I hit like that first game 22 500 I ask for a check I'm like can I please get this in a check and they were and they told me we were only allowed one check per trip you sure you want yeah I'm sure I have plenty of money to gamble with and that check goes back to the room where it goes in my wallet and I fly home so and it's a lot safer and easier to carry you know a one slip of paper and a big check jackpot than all that cash and that ensures that I leave with those winnings no matter what so I knew right off the bat in Vegas I was leaving with a winner you know more than double what I brought just right off the bat in the first machine and then as I kept playing winning the jackpots again I would you know sometimes I would take half sometimes I would take less than half uh sometimes I would take more than half and I would just separate that jackpot and put the winnings in in a separate pocket and like I said when you're done you're done and you you just you have to be disciplined and stick with it and then you end up uh you'll surprise yourself if you really try this out and stick to it next time you play because I get so many stories of you know we hit this jackpot this jackpot this jackpot but we gave it all back and uh so you were a winner but you just didn't leave a winner so if you if you try this out and stick to it and like I said if you're really struggling with it try playing with a partner or try buying one of those little lock boxes where you can stuff money in it and carry it with you that you can't get into it and leave the key at home uh I also leave my plastic at home when I go play I take the bankroll with me to go play with and I leave my plastic at home so no no debit cards no credit cards no cash advances so if I lose the dedicated bankroll that I take to play with I'm done so I set a certain aside to take to the casino and that's the the amount that I was okay with losing and if I lose that amount I'm done so anyway guys I really hope this helps a lot of you out there I'm happy to answer any questions I mean that's that's what I'm here for is just uh I just enjoy helping people and I love the the success stories and the winning stories I'm sure there'll be a lot more that I forgot in this video as I'm just trying to set time aside to make this for you that that I'll cover in future videos um but you guys feel free to message me on Instagram happy to answer all those questions I have guys all the time sending me pictures of machines uh just last night I was talking back and forth with a subscriber and he was sending me what about this game I was like no what about this game no and he sends me another one I say yes that's a great game to play and uh it was multi-denial I said what's the denominations and he said five ten such and such I said play it on ten dollar denomination twenty dollars a spin with 500 bucks in it and two minutes later he sent me a picture of his jackpot that he hit on it and he's like thanks yeah piece cake so you know I'm happy to help everybody uh uh time permitting so sometimes it takes me a little while to get back to all the messages uh because the channel is growing so fast uh but also if you're out there uh join that Judo family Facebook group there's no cost to that uh and it's just all the Judo family members out there and there's lots of people in there that uh have a lot of experience that are more than willing to jump in and help with suggestions and support uh and everybody likes celebrating together yeah one other thing is I've had so many individual requests from people uh to you know please let me know when you're in this area so we can go play you know we want to meet up with you and play uh please let me know when you get to Maryland because I just posted that I'm gonna be going to Maryland next month uh guys I I literally cannot keep up with all the individual requests from all the individual uh subscribers so I'm sorry I just I just can't do it so I post when and where I'm gonna be playing at next for members on my channel under the Community tab or members only can see it so if you're if you you want to come out and hang out with me and get a jackpot Judo poker chip and play and have fun I love meeting you guys and playing with you guys but that's just it's the easiest way for me to do that is just to post it up there for members uh and it doesn't matter which membership you join I I put the first membership at the lowest cost out there it's like 99 cents a month but when I post you know I'm going to Maryland and I'll be playing at this casino at this time if you want to come say hi and hang out for free I don't ever charge anybody anything when we're out there playing um I posted for members only so any member can see it doesn't matter which level but I just I can't I wish I could I just can't go find all the individual people that have asked me please let me know when you're coming to Lake Charles or back to Vegas or this and that so I just it's I just posted on the community and say Here's where I'm at here's where I'm playing come say hi I absolutely love meeting everybody out there had the time in my life in Vegas playing with everybody um but I hope this video some help to you so you know my favorite games bankroll Builder triple red hot sevens with the free games wild red sevens with the free games uh Diamond jackpots black diamond platinum with the Platinum spins uh total meltdown Mega meltdown so those type of games I only play on my one dollar denomination five dollar Max bet and up for building bankrolls I don't play it below a dollar denomination doesn't mean you can't win smaller denominations I mean it but uh that I just don't play lower than those denominations you can win the uh you know jackpot games I play Double Diamond Double Diamond deluxe some Triple Diamond keep in mind the higher the multipliers on a game the higher the volatility so triple diamond is going to be a little bit worse to play than Double Diamond because you have that higher multiplier now you've got a triple into the mix instead of the double that's that's why you don't see me play a lot of five times pay or ten times pay uh those machines are really hard to hit you can hit really big on it but you can play a long long time before that machine lines up with a five times or ten times pay um pinball great game to play especially two credit or one credit versions uh top dollar even though I have that love hate relationship with top dollar a great game to play on one credit or two Credit Max bets I stay away from the three credits Greg hit the Thousand credits playing with me in Vegas the ten thousand dollar uh on a 10 denomination so uh but that's it for me on this video guys I gotta cut this one short here but I I really hope this helps a lot of you out there that had a lot of questions especially with the small bankroll uh Method video I will definitely make some more videos uh of how to build a bankroll and showing that I can do it again and again and again I just I don't I built it so many times and I'm still playing on winnings I don't need to so it's just it's easier for me to go straight into a high limit room and go straight to the jackpot chasing strategy um because I've already built the bankroll so I just it's like I've already built a bankroll now I'm going to the high limit room uh but I will definitely make some more videos uh of that for you guys out there for sure so I appreciate everybody out there the Judo family you guys are absolutely amazing uh in the Facebook group and the support and the messages love everybody out there it's another great day I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Jackpot Judo
Views: 175,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kB3YHEk6vE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 47sec (2927 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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