My take on Orcs, Elves and Dwarfs

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so over the last week I created a couple of different races for my pixel art project so yeah let's have a [Music] look the predominant race as far as this tale is concerned are humans they populate a large portion of the northern continent and can be found practically everywhere humans have a Troublesome nature constantly squabbling amongst each other but this lack of unity is compensated by a huge sense of local Pride which is evident in very distinct Regional clothing and fashion in Milago which is where this taale begins this is as follows hair is cut short at the sides and one thick on top for special occasions men wear a traditional mili frog which is a kind of sleeveless blue tail coat they also use a greasy paste to slick back their otherwise wavy hair women usually dress in long white skirts with a light blouse and blue bodies their hair is cut in a similar fashion as the men's but traditionally with thick braids on top the traditional blue dye which can be found everywhere around Milago from clothing to window shutters to any other decorations comes from aside which is a byproduct of Milo's many copper mines also giving the region its name Blue Copper Mountain Mountain next there's elves who are not a very common site on the Northern continent elves in this world are heavily inspired by Arabian and Northern African cultures they have dark skin pink or purple hair and long eyebrows they are a tall and slender people with sharp features and piercing eyes men typically sport delicate beards with either short hair or even a shaved head women on the other hand wear their hair long either in intricate braids or simply flowing down their backs since elves originate from a hotter climate their clothing consists mostly of light and lofty Fabrics either the shape of flowing robes or white trousers tied off at the ankles not much is known about the elves in the north and most reports are clouded by misunderstanding and Prejudice let's continue with dwarves unlike your typical fantasy dwarf dwarfs in this story are no mountain dwelling Hardy miners but farmers who used to populate the Great Northern Plains growing their crops and raising ponies but over the centuries dwarfs have been outed by the larger and stronger humans and due to their small build they are often belittled and discriminated against especially in cities which is why they mostly keep to the countryside typically they have green hair and very thick eyebrows male dwarves usually grow impressive mustaches which are then wack and twirled women in turn sculped their hair into complex towers and Hoops almost doubling their height dwarves enjoy art music and poetry and despite their long history of Oppression are generally considered a joyous people their design and culture is heavily inspired by Eastern European countries with just a touch of your classic Scottish dwarf in that both the men and the women usually were skirts now from the smallest race to the biggest Orcs the Orcs of this world are a seafaring people organized into various independent tribes they are inspired by Scandinavian cultures or Vikings if you will and are largely focused on trade their home is on the Frozen islands of the icy Northern ocean which is why they usually dress in huge fur trimmed coats Orcs are in fact a matriarchal culture and while the bigger and stronger females hold most of the government positions and also kept from their ships men usually stay on the islands work the land and take care of the children despite their stout and imposing physique male Orcs tend to be rather academic and there is a long scholarly tradition on the islands well that's all I have for this week thank you for stopping by thank you for staying until the end and maybe you care to join me again next week uh I try to do these updates uh every week so yeah maybe we'll meet again until then keep your whsy stay creative bye
Channel: Lucky Jacob
Views: 597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixel, pixel art, devlog, character sprite, character design, 8 bit, 16bit, game art, creativity, digital art, concept art, indie game, game development, retro, retro game, piskle, creative process, pixel art beginner, game sprite, sprite design
Id: Wbj6_tKpmXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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