My Son, My Savior: Mary, Mother of Jesus (2015) | Full Movie | Bruce Marchiano | Corinna Crade

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm why do we eat the passover meal every year papa oh my dear mary god established this feast for us to remember how he freed our ancestors from slavery in egypt when they put the blood of the lamb on their door frames the way god commanded the angel of death passed over their homes and spared their lives so on this day we celebrate with a sacrifice of a young lamb with no defect and with bread made without yeast just like he told those families to eat before he rescued them from egypt and led them to the land that he had promised abraham but papa why does the lamb have to die it did nothing wrong mary yes mary the lamb is innocent but we are not we deserve to die for our sins but god accepts a lamb to die in our place and in this way he teaches us about a greater land still coming the lamb of god the lamb of god yes the messiah [Music] he is the passover lamb that god will send he will be led like a lamb to the slaughter his blood will free us from the slavery of sin and eternal death he will lead us to life with god forever [Music] when will this messiah come the scriptures prophesy there will be a voice calling in the wilderness to announce his coming but now we wait [Music] it began with a visit from an angel sent by god a visit that changed my life and affected the entire world greetings favored one rejoice the lord is with you don't be afraid mary you have found favor with god who has sent me to bring you this good news you are about to become pregnant and will give birth to a son his name will be jesus he is the promised messiah the lord god will make him a king and give him the throne of his ancestor david his kingdom will never end [Music] but how can this be i am a virgin the holy spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you so the holy one to be born will be called the son of the most high god i am a servant and may all you say about me come true your relative elizabeth as old as she is and bear in all her life is pregnant too in her sixth month see nothing is impossible for god elizabeth mary oh mary my son my son you leaped for joy at the sound of your greeting but how is it that i'm so favored that the mother of my lord should come to visit me you know oh yes yes the messiah oh how my soul glorifies the lord and my spirit rejoices in god my savior the mighty one has done great things for me from one generation to another his mercy extends to all who honor him [Music] he has kept his promise to abraham and remember to show his mercy to his descendants forever oh [Music] the lord showed favor to elizabeth and she gave birth to a son [Music] is you my child john will be called a prophet of the most high to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the path of peace as the prophets foretold i was now in my third month elizabeth was excited at the news i would give birth to this baby but there was someone else i needed to tell joseph and i were engaged to be married who could blame him for not receiving my news with the joy this is from the lord joseph this is from the lord [Music] [Music] joseph son of david do not be afraid to take mary as your wife the child she carries was conceived by the holy spirit she will have a son you will name him jesus jesus the savior he will save his people from their sins remember the prophecy the lord himself will give you a sign the virgin will be with child the virgin will be with child jesus his name will be jesus as my time grew near caesar augustus gave a command [Music] each family was required to go to the city of its ancestors to be counted in a census for us that meant traveling to bethlehem joseph and i were both descendants of king david who was born there there's no room anywhere mary maybe [Music] but you bethlehem ephrata out of you will come one who will be ruler over israel whose origins are from of old from ancient times for to us a child is born to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counsellor [Music] mighty god everlasting father prince of peace [Music] oh [Music] so perfect so innocent [Music] do not be afraid i bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people [Music] today in the town of david a savior has been born to you he is christ the lord [Music] this will be assigned to you you will find the baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger [Music] [Music] um [Music] it was time to present jesus to the lord at the temple in keeping with jewish law he is here praise god god revealed that i would not die before i saw the messiah now i can depart in peace lord according to your promise for my own eyes have now seen the salvation you have prepared in plain sight for all the people a light to enlighten all nations and the glory of your people israel this child is destined for the rise and fall of many in israel the sword will pierce your soul also [Music] praise god i've prayed night and day for the birth of this child angels sang and people rejoiced at the birth of my son even wise men came from far away in the east to worship jesus and present him with precious gifts all these things i pondered and treasured in my heart an angel warned us to go to egypt king herod threatened by the thought of a rival king ordered that all jewish boys in the area of bethlehem boys two years and younger be slaughtered a cry was heard weeping for their children refusing to be comforted because they are no more we remained in egypt until the danger passed my son was safe for now jesus it is written that all the people on earth shall be blessed through abraham excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse we will find him don't worry this way his offspring will be like the stars among the sky true for the lord promised that from abraham's family line there he is over here my son jesus my son why have you done this to us we have been searching anxiously for you you searched for me didn't you know i had to be here going about my father's work jesus come join us my son but i began to understand he was not mine alone jesus grew in wisdom and stature in favor with god and the people around him the grace of god was upon him i was blessed to have such a son elizabeth's son john was teaching and baptizing drawing crowds repent be baptized the kingdom of god is at hand and you produce fruit in keeping with repentance by whose authority do you teach these people do you claim to be the messiah no i am not the christ who then give us an answer to report to those who have sent us tell them i am the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare the way of the lord why do you baptize if you are not the christ i am only a man baptizing with water but the one who comes after me who sandals i'm not worthy to stoop down and untie he will baptize with the holy spirit he is the son of god [Music] behold the lamb of god this is the one who came to be baptized by me and i saw the holy spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him i heard the voice of god declare he is the son of god i tell you the truth this is the promised messiah who has come to take away the sin of the [Music] world [Music] um they've run out of wine dear woman why involve me my time has not yet come do whatever jesus says those containers used for ceremonial washing fill them with water now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet [Music] what is this everyone serves as a choice wine first but here the best has been saved for last [Applause] [Music] it was a miracle and the word began to [Music] spread [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] hmm come to me all you who are weary and burdened and i will give you rest learn from me i'm gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls [Music] um [Music] oh please sir for 38 years i've been unable to walk [Music] get up pick up your mat and walk [Music] he healed not only bodies but also souls forgiving sins casting out demons come out of her you demons [Music] some like mary magdalene were healed and followed him but as his following grew so did his enemies why are you carrying this on the sabbath it is unlawful the man who healed me he told me to pick up my mat and to walk did he so he is a law [Music] breaker the spirit of the lord is on me because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor he has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind to release the oppressed to proclaim the year of the lord's favor you are looking at the fulfillment of this scripture where did this man get this wisdom the power to do miracles this is the carpenter mary's sons aren't just brothers and sisters here with us who does this man think he is here he stands teaching yet continues to break the rules and traditions of the elders he told a man to carry his mat on a holy day i saw it myself [Music] why do you break the command of god for the sake of holding to the traditions of men if you had known what these words mean i desire mercy not sacrifice you would not have condemned the innocent you hypocrites [Music] if you want to do what is right then love god and those around you that is what god's law is about isaiah was right when he prophesied these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me they worship me in vain their teachings are merely human rules more and more people pursued my son at times he didn't eat or sleep we decided to take him home to rest rabbi rabbi what must we do to accomplish the works god requires the work of god is this to believe in the one he has sent i have come down from heaven not to do my own will [Music] but to do the will of him who sent me [Music] my father's will is that everyone who looks to the son and believes in him shall have eternal life [Music] and i will raise them up on the last day lord your mother and brothers are outside asking for you who is my mother who are my brothers these these are my family for whoever does the will of my father in heaven is my brother my sister my mother these are the ones who hear god's word and put it into practice [Music] he's out of his mind my son why have you done this to us we have been searching anxiously for you didn't you know i had to be here going about my father's work [Music] [Music] uh [Music] whoever comes to me and obeys my teaching is like the man who built his house on a rock foundation when the waters rose and beat against that house it stood strong it was secure built on a rock but the one who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practices is like the man who built his house on sand when the waters rose the house fell with a crash and the destruction was great mary you look very troubled what is wrong our friends are taking food to john the baptist herod has kept him in prison for a year and a half now john is not doing well his mother elizabeth was my dear relative you know oh yes yes the messiah blessed are those who suffer for my name their reward will be great in heaven blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of god blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled why is sharing such good news so dangerous it's not good news for everyone john's greatest happiness was pointing out jesus behold the lamb of god the lamb of god yes the messiah he is the passover lamb that god will send he will be led like a lamb to the slaughter [Music] oh how my soul oh how my soul magnifies the lord my heart rejoices in god my savior [Music] blessed are those who weep for you will be comforted [Music] john we brought you did you find him did you ask just as you instructed we asked if jesus is the messiah or should we expect another yet to come and what did he say jesus said tell john what you see in here the blind sea the lame walk the dead are raised and the gospel is preached to the poor then it is true tell as many people as you can that jesus is the promised messiah tell them jesus is the messiah tell them all ah jesus is the messiah [Music] herod put john to death i could only watch as my own son's destiny unfolded as the prophets foretold [Music] he was led like a lamb to the slaughter [Music] hmm you call me teacher and lord that is what i am follow my example by showing the same love i have shown you [Music] then the world will know that you are my followers i look forward to sharing this passover meal with you before i face my suffering i will not eat it again with you until its meaning is fulfilled in my father's kingdom he thinks he's the son of god king of the jews the messiah what he says is blasphemy this is my body given for you it in remembrance of me [Applause] [Music] drink from this all of you this cup is my blood of the new covenant poured out for you for the forgiveness of your sins judas tonight is the night where did judas go my friends the time has come for god to show his glory by what i am about to do but i must do it alone you can't come along now but you will follow later what are you gonna do why can't i follow you now lord [Music] i'm ready to go to prison for you even to die for you you say you will die for me peter i tell you before the rooster crows twice at dawn you will deny three times that you even know me in fact all of you will run away because of me scattering like sheep without a shepherd oh lord never even if everyone else falls away i will never disown you satan wants to sift all of you like wheat peter i have prayed that your faith will not fail so that you will be able to strengthen the others don't be troubled by all this you trust in god trust also in me soon i will leave to prepare a place for you in my father's house and when it is the right time i will come back in all my glory and take you to be with me where i am no lord you can't leave us not now what will we do without you my friends i'm not leaving you like orphans my father and i will send you a helper the holy spirit he will remind you of what i have said and lead you to understand what i have done i will leave you with a a peace this world cannot give but now the ruler of darkness approaches don't be troubled by what will happen i will overcome him [Music] come follow me to the garden of gethsemane to pray [Music] so [Music] my stay here and keep watch [Music] my dear father if it is possible take this cup away from me yet if the only way to save the world from sin is for me to suffer let not my will but yours be done let me bring you glory [Music] by completing the work you planned for me couldn't you stay awake with me for just one hour watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation for your spirit is willing but [Music] your flesh is weak the hour has come for the son of man to be handed over the powers of darkness [Music] [Music] ah [Music] master [Music] do what you came for [Music] [Music] put away your sword [Music] don't you realize that if i wanted to i could have called down thousands upon thousands of angels to rescue me but how then will i accomplish the will of my heavenly father and drink the cup of suffering he has planned for me this is what i came for what is this you're coming with swords and clubs as if i were a dangerous criminal or leading a rebellion you did nothing when i taught in the temple all this just confirms what the prophets wrote so take me i'm the one you want let these men go you say you will die for me peter [Music] i tell you before the rooster crows twice a ton you will deny three times that you even know me he was wounded for our evil doing bruised for our sins the punishment that brought us peace was upon him and by his wounds we are healed [Music] uh thank you dear woman this is your son john where's your mother [Music] so perfect so innocent [Music] the time had come to be delivered [Music] it is finished [Music] everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the law of moses prophets and psalms [Music] let not your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me i've just come from the tomb jesus's tomb the stone was rolled away it was empty the tomb is empty [Music] he's [Music] we recognized him peace be with you jesus rabbi i am the resurrection and the life because i live you also will live i go to prepare a place for you in my father's heavenly home i will come back and take you to be with me forever proclaim this good news to everyone whoever believes and is baptized [Music] will be saved [Music] oh how my soul glorifies the lord [Music] lord all generations will know how i am blessed [Music] i am blessed to call jesus my son i am blessed to call jesus my savior [Music] you
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 200,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Video, Christian Film, Christian Movie, Religious Movie, Film, Movie, Entertainment, Feature Film, Vision Video, Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Feature Films, Christianity Religion, Trailer Website Category, Film Media Genre, Mary mother of Jesus, Life of Christ, Gospel accounts, Bruce Marchiano, biblical drama, Corinna Crade, My Son, My Savior, Janis Lonnquist, Steven Koehler, My Savior Movie, Drama, My Savior Full Movie
Id: H0LRt-fMjWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 15sec (3315 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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