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okay so Logan came to me today said he had unlocked an offer in the shop which one was it the frozen peek arena 8 offer was near Kings chess that's all he told me and he said I want to buy it and I said what did I say you said in today's video he's gonna be earning it and will open it up as long as he does what he needs to to get that legendary Kings chest let's get into the video you sleep beautiful so viel subscribers I love you guys so much thanks for dropping by the channel today first things first things are going crazy obviously we love you guys don't know what this video is gonna come out but I can tell you this if I have not sneak peek tit already the April update is gonna be huge I have it from good source wow that yes very good source that the April update is gonna be huge a very reputable source and the epic new features that they bring to the game as soon as I can show them to you I'm gonna because they're absolutely awesome you guys are not gonna want to miss out on that action um it's gonna be sweet I couldn't want to no no I know like I can't tell you guys unfortunately but it's gonna be sweet and so be sure and stay tuned for all that action because it's gonna be epic it's gonna be a seriously heavy phone so the thing is here's what we're gonna do today so here's what we're gonna do Logan because he wants to open this offer in the shop he said he has a sweet deck yeah I think I have a pretty sweet deck he's actually been yeah let's look at that first set up in a second but he's actually moved up in trophies - frozen peak obviously which is nice it's awesome right yeah so here's my challenge to you since you think you're so awesome I'm so awesome yes yeah I'm sauce I'm gonna give you four battles you have to win three of them yeah how about two no I want you to win three battles okay and I will judge whether or not you deserve this and I'm not gonna help you one iota but I'm just gonna call out the plays maybe like oh this is what I would have done this is what you probably should have done after you do it gonna be so hard so no pressure whatsoever okay but go ahead and show us your deck real quick let me see what you got rolling with so I got balloon hog dragon zapped wizard miner smelly's and not bad so you only got one spell in the game it looks like yours app and this decks been working for you anyway so that's awesome okay hop into some battles here let's see it you got like I said four chances to win three battles so if you win the first three it's over I'm super jacked up I'm stressed for you about that battle button because you didn't and we'll see how well you do it's like missing LED we say math class like so you have four and then you have ABCD and you miss one so it's straight force but these only says is it half yeah make sense I promise you okay okay but whatevs you know what I'm saying okay okay let's make this happen so what's your starting move what's your thought he if he fireballs I think he might fireball okay I don't know him oh so you're just gonna sit there and kind of let the wizard die huh whoa yeah whoo excellent play I'm very actually impressed with that one and it looks like he has a wizard of his own or you gonna do anything to respond to that are you just gonna let it die crap I miss his Apple that's okay it looks like holy crap so I got that tower dead good good that was a pretty quick tower no Oh My heck I was gonna tell you I was gonna play the witch now what I would have done is probably played a little bit further away that didn't work out for you but because I think that minion Warren really took it out quickly yeah we did well okay I know what I would do here oh okay see if he does the same thing here's what I would have died oh oh oh this guy I hate this guy he kills me the whole time mega night oh really you're gonna minor in her have to do something this mega night kills me what I probably would have done is after he locked on the tower I what's my skeleton army behind him but did it kill it not because you're behind it hmm Oh interesting doing that was good that was good I like that play so I'm wondering wait miss skully's oh man that would have been so cool all the skellies just walked on it holy crap back Wow because your miner was tanking for that tower that were telling lucky really the only thing that I thought was interesting was this guy's playing with a level 3 flippin uh ice golem a level 3 did you find that a lot of pH high schools I actually unlocked it but I don't nicely done I'm just gonna spam kind of in a way be all crap that was bad idea to zap a wizard interesting new did eyes out yeah you see you zapped a wizard but that worked out for you and so you're gonna put a hug under a mini morgue and there you go ladies and gentlemans worked out for ya that was scared I'm scary okay though stressful probably not all the lives I would have made but you did good you won so yeah you're doing good I'm impressed that's so stressful that's why that's one win oh I need two more can you do it oh no this is so scary that mega night kills me the whole time if every time I don't know how to stop that do you know how you did well I'm not gonna say I'm impressed not bad no it's so I know okay that's annoying to say the least okay so this guy is named collab Leo I'm very good at it I think it's actually higher on the end of a oh oh is what it is so so what do you think he's gonna do probably I knew he was gonna zap I knew it like I had guessed life so everybody plays with the wizard your level pretty much pretty sure I guess so you're just gonna commit to that push on yeah I really like this place it's going on oh crap come on yes wow that actually worked out decently in your favor so you better you can take out the wizard cuz I feel like it's gonna come back and bite you the bum wait can I say it bum I don't know if I can say bum on the channel oh you put it up there so the Whizzer the witch can shoot him huh what I'm just asking what you're done you just don't hear I'm just literally learning with the flow here I'm just trying to be to it I'm trying to learn your moves okay this is your deck you're teaching us how to play yeah okay okay that in that again because he's gonna zap that obviously interesting so he get zapped but he missed again Oh interesting play with the mic oh I thought you were putting down the line are quicker but you didn't so you just oh and Oh what is that nice oh yeah like shaking doing that zap I almost miss that's that that's amazing but I got that zap dad I can't believe how much you're you're actually wizard why do some crap I don't know what you're saying anymore either holy crap this might be the video yet with your amazing plays Logan skills that's all it is a skill and cool Wow Wow skilled and cool oh he's doing oh no let's go let's go let's go oh so you went ahead honestly don't know if Clavell has watched any of my videos oh that's gonna hurt oh my goodness that hurt Wow you just got robbed gonna wait for ya zapping that and doing that and yes wow that worked so you don't even oh man you just go for the three crown every time yeah I'm from the curry crown because I feel lucky today he knows that he lost and he just gave up that's how it works around here again [Music] gentlemen ladies I need one more you do need to win more one more clear you're just gonna like lose these two that's like oh I feel like that's what's that happen I'm actually impressed with that what you're doing right now so if I lose both of them you're gonna give me it anyway no now you got a point one more heart Hey oh I need to see what you got in the quest code I know why does that work oh it says you have somebody you don't know what if it's trying to get you to do like the princess thing ever Oh whatever so cool all right so are you stressed going into this one they think I'm gonna win I'll give you about no based on your past battles here give you about 80% chance really yeah you're doing pretty good give you a hundred percent chance of winning right now there's no challenge like I'm totally chill right now I feel like I'm in my Zen place right now this was any play this clash royale we walk around the house say man one of us has clash the other one had to say there you it's like a thing interesting a coupie so I'm gonna go ahead and watch that that was fun to watch also he has bass this guy's a player dude this guy's a player this is on you I'm not gonna help you win your legendary Kings chest yeah this guy knows what he's doing roxanna you're gonna lose so girl then hey you can't judge that might be a boy you never know that's true actually good point yes wow you actually did really good on that it's a very bad thing that I just did yeah that legend that miner I think has been like your saving grace what you said a long time ago I gotta see what you're gonna do here I got a focus cuz I think this is interesting oh so you went ahead and sapped a wizard and a witch in hopes that that would do something instead of saving it for the bats Oh dad why didn't you told me to save it for the bats hey that's not what I do right now i watch you so are you little right well I think I lost this one why do you think you lost already you guys tower down to 512 where's your confidence I feel bad I mean I don't think I mean I feel like you got that tower so what's the big deal I guess you told me to get the tower there you go and so he's spamming troops you're spamming troops spammy tropes okay good I don't give me that crap so you are going to defend that's good I'm proud of you that was very good look at that you actually place your troops out pretty well over there you're going minor that makes sense you have to do something Oh Danette see data lost I'm not gonna say anything why I mean I think it's pretty good you did awesome so elite pro United it looks like wants to join you in a 2v2 battle he wants me to join and very badly dad I hate your battle buddy this is kind of a do-or-die situation it is and you're playing eg fire calm I wonder if it's like an advertisement for something you better beat him no don't cry you start crying midway through the match then that's over for you oh crap the whole crap is right this is a high-stress situation what is he doing good play smart play that's exactly what I would have done exactly what I would have done at first I thought you're gonna do something don't know that was actually pretty good it worked out decently in your favor yes that's a good start I'll tell you that yeah he hasn't fertile I don't matter Oh interesting move nah a hundred percent sure I would have done that way but it worked out decent I mean you didn't take the tower so that's good I'll see you go ahead and put the wizard right next to the skeleton so they can yes yes I'm not being mean I'm just suggesting when you have a ranged troop put it a little bit away from the stuff that's trying to kill you just a little bit away well so you're gonna go ahead and SAP that oh it stayed alive wow that worked out decently in your favor wow this is actually pretty close game not bad mm-hmm what whoa whoa whoa well we're not gonna do I would've played that a little differently but I think you still came out okay wait little differently how do you like that differently I think I would have put the witch down the way cuz in skeletons from the witch would have oh yes nicely done oh very nice oh and zap ooh very nice out cuz what that did a trio yes I liked that a lot yes yes that baby D really needs to take and it looks like it's gonna take out the tower oh yes nicely done Oh excellent distraction with the skeleton are you learned a trick oh you will learn a trick just curious why you wouldn't drop a balloon on top of it so just go think that's smart you're gonna freak Ram this guy possibly possibly oh look at you go wow I'm impressed it's gonna be close all right so that's insane like we didn't plan this I gave him four battles he won three just like I said in lost one that was sheer luck right I did not think I was gonna do those guys seriously well since you didn't I guess I do owe you Wow once you get up there Wow it kind of sucks because on mom's eye that I bought it only helps like 99 cents no but yours covers another nine nine dollars and a lot of people in the comments are throwing some shade saying you're paid to play now hey Blaine and they're saying paid away why is this guy pay buddy flirty chest what he does so badly but he's actually what did you just do I know anyway so let's go ahead we're gonna buy this thing for Logan it looks like the penguin through so you're on this is this your first ever legendary kings chest they look so cuz the last one that you opened up is a legendary right and this is gonna be your first legendary Kings chest I think so whoa okay are you stressed do you think I'm gonna go alleged dirty snowball right yes more excited about the snowball than I am evaluating I would take the fly you machine if it were me well I feel like you should kind of help me no I'm gonna take anything which one did you take Oh tonight good job that's what I want to take him for fireball right all right yes okay dad just making sure I don't like knowing I mean you're stressing me out oh that's a tough one oh I know what I would take but you tell me you tell me I would definitely take wait hold on actually cuz bar peril is pretty good too but I think baller could be good at your level I don't really even use Barbella barrel then get the bowler then No hey wait a second I feel like this is a side note for class royale for you guys okay the progression that I've seen on his account from clash Royale just playing a little bit seems so much quicker than when I was coming up through it like two boys like doing really good waiting for like three years old yeah but I feel like you're catching up to me way quicker than am i right I mean granted your spam probably like 10 15 20 bucks already who knows that's besides the point but anyway be sure to subscribe right before we hit this button okay go for it's great wait a second three two one open it up okay and oh my gosh dude he said to yell you know the kids are awake you got what you wanted yeah wait do I take it though what do you want me to I take it right take it teach your is aim decisive as your mother do you want me to marry you [Laughter] [Music] anyway that we ever told you how I got that I forget about it just takes all over jab okay that's awesome dude Oh nicely done it's a good plays there's actually some pretty good that was pretty good value pretty good value I'm proud yeah anyway thank you guys so much for talking by the channel today because I was always to be sure to subscribe I think we already mentioned that once or twice before or take it easy good luck peace peace out [Music]
Channel: NyteOwl
Views: 443,506
Rating: 4.4144354 out of 5
Keywords: Clash, Royale, Videos, and, Tutorials, diy, building, projects, with, new, standup, desk, open, app, clan, war, lukcy, my, son, is, way, lucky, legendary, irst, first, king's, chest, ever, spend, all, money
Id: SHGf9Be_yUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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