My Second Start In Mexico Set Records

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my second start in Mexico set League records and included a feat I've never accomplished at any level of baseball but it wasn't all smooth sailing see my first start I was really bad catch that get in there catch that dude who is this guy so I had a lot to work on before this start to even be competitive the biggest thing is I hadn't like been on a mound and faced a hitter in like three weeks I just was not sharp my command was hor which like to be expected when you don't pitch for a month should have gotten a confidence boost and faced Eric should have flown him out here for a live BP instead of a bullpen ESP do we know next start Sunday okay so I got six days till my next start last start was pretty terrible command wise um stuff movement wise was really good just got to work on reading the uh hitters a little bit better too just going to throw some light plows today light plows tomorrow and then get back on a normal schedule since I have one extra day ow all right that's it for today I got to find out what happened with the brawl man I want to hear the stories the guys that in the Dugout like how' it pop off what did I miss as I mentioned in last week's Vlog and if you haven't seen it you should check it out right here after this video the boys got into a little bit of a brawl in our first series of the year which I missed because I was sick so I really needed to figure out what happened so I'd be up to date on the current standing of the team hey were you in the Dugout for when everything popped off said that they had some beef with them last year that probably played into it for sure I think that they were going back back and forth since game one so then he's saying something so the yeah then we tied it up right with a homer and then that's where everyone's celebrating that in the you know basically home plate and I guess when he finally was getting back to the you know his seat in The Dugout that's when it started to pick up some steam and that's when they started or the the third base the third base walked over and then you know you got those guys running in you got the guys in the bullpen yeah cuz it looked like it was kind of like he was just walking over talking like nothing was going to happen but then their entire team came like storming across the field and the the one of the guys that was in The Dugout came over and you could see him in the in the video just come up and just smack Ronnie like kind of Blindsided him from I heard Ronnie got like pretty bad yeah he got he got smacked a little bit and then you had their right fielder was O'Brien o' Brian you see him coming in and he just I think he ended up in our dugout like he was oh that's a noo yeah he was but he broke the bat rack that's where they were they were heads up oh speaking of lot I mean it's like three games in like what's we just came out of spring training everyone's like oh let's just get the we played them in 3 a in uh laaz yeah and everything was fine fine yeah i' never been an in one I've been like on the field like you know guys kind of like come on and like we never really get together and everyone kind of but I've never been actually like like in one no I don't think I've ever seen one in Japan no culture is not really a uh a brawling culture there no I wouldn't think so I'm not with the team for 3 days and [ __ ] just pops off I'll never skip another road trip again never ever and we'll revisit this comment in next week's Vlog so make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss that but the boys played 11 Innings of baseball and ended up winning in walk-off fashion to move our record to 5 and0 on the year [Applause] so today for our workout we have our basic movements we have a hinge on the lower half and a squat we're going to do barbell hip Thruster and a squat for that on the upper half we're going to have a single arm bench press and a cable row so four movements today but it's a strength day so I try to go a little bit heavier uh closer to my Max ranges the goal with that is if you lift close to your max like within 90% of your max for 6 to nine reps every 10 or so days you can maintain strength for a very long period of time I honestly don't know what my Max is on barbell hip rdge I imagine it's like six or seven plates so we're just going to try to go as heavy as we can and see where we get to I'm going to try to do a set of five I'd like to leave one in the tank that'll be about 16% less so that'll put me about 84% of my Max that's my thought process I imagine four plates is going to go up pretty easy that was somewhat challenging but def def can do more probably stick with five plates today chat please don't clip this but the hardest part of this exercise is getting it up once it's up I can bridge for days okay so the reason that I'm doing box squats like this is because my hip structure is a little bit quk screwed so my hip socket should be like this where my femur can sit in there and rotate but uh mine are cork screwed so my femur can't rotate nearly as much and it can't Flex nearly as much either so if I go too deep in squat like if I get down at this angle I'm just putting a lot of pressure bone on bone my hips have to roll adductors have to take a lot more of the brunt I end up with groin problems lower back problems stuff like that you know lifting is not worth having back spasms and being out of competition because your groin is hurt or something so I box squat make sure I only go to the depth that I have I get whatever strength I need out of it cuz that's the only strength I'm going to be able to use in the game anyway cuz my body doesn't have more range of motion and I consider that good some people consider it soft if you don't go all the way down but I'm trying to play baseball and not power lift or lift for living so that's why I box squat let's see what 275 feels like yeah and rock who was squatting 440 last night as to grass so he's definitely got me beat well it already feels heavier that's for shirt he walks by in sunlasses watches me lift box squatting 275 gives me a thumbs up respectful disrespectful [ __ ] talk I've ever been a part of I don't know how to feel about that he just knows he's cooler than I am maybe I should lift more weight all right so I'm trying to get full retraction and full pronation so full range of motion my right arm is definitely sore from pitching everything on the left side feels way easier today okay let's see how 3:15 goes 315 is a pretty soft weight huh it's just not impressive it's not good there's probably college kids that squat more than I do so after my LIF it was time for a light day of catch now at this point we are 5-0 as a team and it might seem like Smooth Sailing but it hasn't been we've had multiple starters get sick and Miss starts we've played three Extra Inning games out of our five total games so we're scrambling a little bit to stay afloat on the pitching front we got our closer going four out of five and our starters going an inning on Bullpen days already we're five games in but hey do we have a loss yeah we don't have a loss we're stacking those wins up these are all must-win games guys yeah as long as we sit down in The Dugout all day same spots will be fun I'm going to resist the urge to throw off speed today because if I throw off speed at this speed I'll just create bad habits okay so second day soreness not trying to throw anything hard we're going like three maybe four out of 10 intensity treating this is like a hybrid day after I have six days so I basically have two day after starts this time this a nice easy catch game tomorrow I'll get get a little bit more long toss in bullpen Friday start Sunday and with that it was time to watch some more baseball now if you've watched baseball on TV you've definitely seen shots of the starting pitchers sitting together in The Dugout you may have thought to yourself I wonder what they're talking about here's some examples hit my here it wasn't hit that hard it looked like you like reached for it like honestly that's pretty badass that he's staying in the game Big respect for that did it get him straight on or on the side I hit the glove first glove first then and then the cheek I've had a couple close calls I haven't been hitting the head I took one off the shin though cost me five weeks in the sa young five weeks I caught it right on the right on the side right here side 5 in like diagonal fracture I would have won the sa young that year if I didn't get fractured I finished six and I didn't even pitch last six weeks of the season now we got to sit in our uh are we in the right order it's not the same order from last night if it's working we don't go night tonight we got to find a new one Superstition is a weird thing man we don't believe in Superstition but if it's working we're certainly not going to go against it how much do you think it costs to advertise on the pants I'm just thinking like if I could get a bow out of his logo on everyone's pants like right [Laughter] there oh that's a hit that's going to be a run [Applause] boys hey I think we found our order here's a question for you would you rather be the guy that looks average but the ball is coming out harder or the guy that looks like the ball's coming out harder but is actually average obviously like you take the velocity I think but sometimes it's super deceptive when a guy looks like he's throwing Fuel and the ball just never gets there what do you got on Quick Pitch as spe Stu though that's what I was going to ask you yeah I I I don't know where I stand on it quick pitch you think oh they're going to be like right trying to go theud stuff will be more effective I don't know though there's only one way to find out I'll let you know next game strategy question we're playing here at altitude would you rather have your outfielders take away all of those and give up a ball over their head or play back give those up but catch some of the doubl so yeah boys put up eight te runs today spank the Tigers another sweeps we're six And1 The a so that's a lot of fun what isn't Fun is not having food at the field the big difference between Japan and MLB and lmbb in Japan and in MLB you get to have food spread at the field here in lmb at least with the Rojos this is what the this is what the food spread looks like after the game which means that to get dinner we leave the field and either do Uber e to go out to eat or eat at the hotel with room service or whatever the guys choose to do but the game's been going like 4 hours so we're getting out of here like 11: 11:30 so there's not much open so the food Situation's not uh not the most ideal it is what it is so that was Wednesday and we're now 6 and0 as a team Thursday was an off day and I've never seen an active volcano before but it just so happens that Mexico City has one of those so I decided to check it out so that's that's the active one there a couple months ago got a lot of activity if we got if we're lucky maybe we can see some so we're at 12,000 FT elevation in the middle of two volcanoes one's active one's not Rachel what happened last time you came in contact with a uh wild animal I don't know what happened uh-oh no no and they ate my medication clearly has not learned her lesson do we know the what elevation is it cuz Mexico City is 7500s MD are you popo is 17,8 1880 ft that's way up there what's Everest 29,000 so in essence we're like halfway up Mount Everest right now oh boy we'll see how the uh we'll see how the cardio is here we're going up more how far how far more up does the road go 1,000 or more meters meters okay 3,000 more fet so we're going to get up to like uh we want to experience something we've never experienced all right up we go okay so we made it up we're about 20,000 ft now uh we're in the middle of a cloud it's hailing that was thunder rolling through the mountains up here and it's just like echoing off the rock which is pretty crazy this is so [Music] cool we're getting pelted by hail ow dude this is nuts just getting annihilated by hail okay so we're basically at the height of like Everest Base Camp right now 20,000 ft I just took one of my new favorite pictures definitely going to frame it and put it on my wall at home okay now that stopped hailing on us we're going to try to hike up a little bit get a better view so the soil here is very dusty in general and now all the soil is wet and Dusty shoes are going to be a mess kev's poor bright yellow those Lakers ASU shoes ASU those are not going to be looking too fresh after this so we're going up there nowhere close to the top I'm out of breath one nice part about this is uh w't have it to do any I can't even talk won't have to do any conditioning tomorrow I'm getting it all in today yeah so that's plain wing and we're where and we are right here right now in this audio right here yeah so that's how high up we are uh planes fly by here at uh eye level we're just about at the top the sun just came out what do you think Kev I don't know this was like the easiest hike I've ever done but you know just hearing everybody else out of breath it's K play it off pretty well right there two volcanoes one of them active yeah that's the active one right over there we were on the other side of it the first place we stopped in between this volcano and that volcano it's incredible to think that like as much as we've climbed and as high as we are we're nowhere near the top of that volcano Kev went all the way up he's all the way up there I got to go join [Music] him the Kevin special [Laughter] all right we're going to the top going to the peak where Kev was uninterrupted view of the entire area wo now the camera definitely doesn't do this view Justice it was incredible so I spent some time taking some pictures while the volcano continued to spew Ash into the air those roads down there are where we started and uh we're way up here right now so we're all kind of slipping coming down the mountain I except for Rachel who has hiking boots on one thing the Vlog should know about Rachel she always wears heels flipflops Crocs today she brought hiking boots so this is a big day for Rachel having the right foot attire and we're going to celebrate it by going and getting tacos at one of Ian's favorite taco places we'll see how they are real authentic Mexican tacos and he says they're delicious so I can't wait all right give us your first thoughts Kev right now that was mean I shouldn't have done that good it's good though yeah so Kevin and I got the same thing so I'm excited carada with uh cheese and beans a little bit of lettuce I'm going to put some uh guacamole and some salsa on it okay so review the meat is very high quality beans are very good all the flavors mixed together very well a little bit of kick to it not much though it's delicious I'm going to have to get like five more three only three tacos you don't think I can eat more than three tacos no Fai okay yeah if you come to this place Taco de Carmelo good place to start Taco lorenza with uh corn tortilla but it's like a chip it's going to be a struggle it serves me right for putting the camera in Kevin's face as if it wasn't going to happen to me tonight okay Taco pablano this one's for Buster he loves pablano chili he's not here so I had to try TR it for [Music] him Buster might be on to something this is my number one for sure it's not spicy it's very flavorful that's actually really good that's legit right is that your number one it might be that one's for you Buster if you're watching this good recommendation on the green chili who wants to play some catch who does not have a cat I think I'm the odd man out like I got you yeah yeah you're good stay there stay there you're good no whatever you want if you're good I'll throw more after I just got to throw a pen yep that'll happen very quickly I missed it and caught it and I didn't even know what happened thank you sir okay so today is a yellow day on for app which means do my normal stuff but caution don't overdo it so we're going to get a nice easy bullpen in sitting like the low 80s maybe ramp a couple up to like 85 86 at the end but we're working on command so eyesight keep the posture stable Drive the hand through the catcher's glove my command was trash last game and that's why I was trash last game so you're not practicing your eyes closed I might practice eyes eyes open eyes closed I think you got to go for it just both eyes closed just both eyes closed pen yikes good luck everybody at this point in my career I know exactly what to work on to improve my command velocity and arm Health but a lot of young pitchers don't have that information and they don't have access to a pitching coach with that information which is why we developed for app a state-of-the-art smartphone app that allows me to personally review your mechanics and give you drills and cues to work on so you can get better results getting started is extremely simple just record two videos of your pitch mechanics upload them in the app and I'll personally send you feedback with a full mechanical analysis you'll receive a more detailed breakdown of every flaw in your delivery including a video breaking down each of your flaws personalized drills and cues to resolve those flaws and a personalized message from me explaining what I found and what to focus on to resolve those flaws getting started is completely free and a full breakdown is only $0000 a much more cost effective and convenient option than your traditional pitching coach so if you're looking for better results on the field search fora Sports in the app store that's 4 a sports in the app store or click the link in the description to get started today now back to the bullpen so you can watch How I apply this process to my training in real time okay let's get a hey that was actually a good split I can see the circle on it let's get one of these oh boy lazy problems last game getting a head count commanding the ball getting the ball where I need to I was pulling off my fast ball pulling the cutter a little bit I need to get direction through the plate and not dive off over towards first base so that's what we're working on for the first couple pitches here is mechanics let's get that to the armor side stay through it there we go so when I'm working on mechanics I don't really care much where the ball goes just that I execute the mechanics right and I keep my eyes locked on the glove there we go that's the one okay one of the best ways the practice not pulling off is to throw back door braking balls because if you pull off you have no shot of getting it there so we're going to go with some back door cutters here this is again just for mechanics purposes there it is I like that so here we're sitting Direction just making sure the posture doesn't deviate off keeping the eyes locked on the Target throw one splitter arm side there it is and we'll throw a back door slider there it is okay so now that mechanics are going well I try to use those mechanics but focus on command here switching the mindset between thinking about mechanics and command is pretty difficult see how I do at [Music] it I'd rather have that o than Miss off get ahead in the count with that it's good yeah my cutter was up last game so I got to make sure to get the hand out and get it down down middle is my that's the one right there okay now let's try a Chase slider s and we'll get a fast ball up and in good sequence right there there's actually an important note for kids out there if you think about mechanics all the time in your pen then you never practice actually thinking about command so it's good to bounce back and forth between think about mechanics a couple times then think about command challenge yourself see if you can do it make sure our timing disruptions are there he cut her down way but it has to be in the bottom part of the zone to count there we go now we'll throw a splitter has to be arms side half of the plate and below the Zone yes I'm going to go chase slider yep got a perfect tunnel splitter has been strike fast ball down the way Bing me out that was strike fast ball down the way Sliding Away so now we'll go fast ball down and the way stick it there for a taken strike three yep go fast ball in again okay we'll try the curve ball on the plate aggressive with the hand to the finish of the pitch there we go now we have freeze fast ball down the way or we can get tricky and we can go back to our slider freeze no shoty swings but it's got to be in the zone there it is now fast ball bottom of the Zone strike no gave up on it early commit to the pitch and throw it one us get it there yep thank you appreciate it that was a good pen feel very good about where my command's at got some sequences in got the mechanics feeling good first did a good job of switching between a mechanical focus and a command Focus cutter was down everything was straight in line and then braking instead of being pulled I like that good work good work today the splitter got movement on it yeah bigger than what I saw before before I was doing this and so it was flat just kind of floating today I was like shoulder was like locked in and I was driving everything through it had and the way you told him you know inside and the right it all away and the left yeah hey was there with M yeah so big key was just getting the posture right early in the pen CU without the right posture and without the right head stability you can't get your hand to a consistent place and so you're trying to get in or out or whatever and you're kind of pulling off so you have to make adjustments late with the hand the ball doesn't move right you can lock your posture and keep your head stable get everything started off middle then the movement can change you get everything started off middle then the movement can take over but everything looks like a strike this is aris aino a former teammate of mine in Cincinnati who had about a million home runs in his first couple weeks in the big leags oh one base runner s this ball is hammered to deep center field they call in The Punisher and he's got some things to say to the Vlog oh yeah you remember you that he you yeah me out what are you trying to say what I trying to say you put in your channel okay I got to put I got to put your highlights on my channel yes how come you never hit Homer off me I don't know [Laughter] [Applause] what's your nighttime go to are you a video game guy you like a Netflix I've been doing Netflix at night and also Pokemon I've been getting into really what game it's Pokemon Diamond I think Yak been playing Pokemon Pearl we've just been it's just a great like time was we get into it's like it's pretty close to the same thing like I was kids with the game boy yeah can you battle like friends on it or what okay yeah I used to crush Pokemon when I was a kid the original red yellow version on the the big ass game boy yeah still collect the cards play the games how was all about it what about you I'm mostly YouTube watching stuff on YouTube learning I like I have my business that's all YouTube content so I just watch as much YouTube as possible to try to learn what works this is R stud aino you may remember him from a couple seconds ago as the guy who wanted me to put his highlights in my Vlog well every time he popped his head into the frame he got another hit and I'm all about helping my guys get more hits so here's some more aino [Applause] and here's some more aino hits in the future the and yeah bad that they do when they theultimate ice It's like Star Wars when they float in those like back to tanks you've never seen Star Wars what [Applause] the I need my first sword man it's been too long since I've sworded someone yeah that's a game in under three hours boys good game good game good game so with all those aino hits and a great performance by the staff we moved to 7 and0 on the year which left me one more day to prepare for my start and I decided to do it by playing an age-old BP game with some friends am I throwing first it's a little left of the the wheel dude and this if you go too hard here it's a hazard for sure so here's how the game works you pick a Target or the hole and a t box which is where you throw from closest ball to the Target wins a point if your ball rolls onto the infield dirt that's a hazard and you lose a point I ain't going to get it done that ain't GNA get it done heads up that's too hard who is closer three wins for me we're getting a little tricky with this one I'll go first because this my hole needs to come back and stop just stop well I mean thought that was I think Pawn's in the lead right here I don't know if that's getting there Lake getting there that's pretty far off I got Pon winning that one Pon is leading us off Tire of the bucket right tire of the bucket all right come is it going to be on the yep I'm up watch this hole in one come back ah I'm I split his feet that's pretty good this is close oh that's gone that's a win for me right finally we're back in the winner circle shag so much BP during the year that we have to find some way to entertain ourselves speaking of entertainment the entire time BP was going on cars were racing around the circuit outside our Stadium fun fact our Stadium's right in the middle of the F1 track where they hold the Mexican Grand Prix so we decided to go see what cars were out there yeah cuz this you can see them coming down the straet and then you can see them like turning and stuff too but I think we're a little bit oh there we go hell yeah I wonder if someone got hurt no is he racing the track look at that hitting the Apex oh here we go here we go yo our patience has paid off we get to see a look at that guy hell yeah like a Honda what is that dude that's like an ice cream truck there's a McLaren okay that's an old one that's an mp4 no that's a 650 right hell yeah dude oh dude this guy's booking it hell yeah dude why are we going so slow pick it up drives me nuts watching people drive their car I'm like I could drive your car way better than you could this is how I get ready for a game we tried to watch Cars going around the track earlier there was no cars so I had to get it on the on the computer goo via Mexico okay time to actually do something to prep for my game tomorrow what you got first pitch hacking huh the only people we got to be careful the second hitter like sometimes he's aggressive and sometimes he's like SL SLA yeah like they were swinging but they I none of them from the lineup yesterday none of them can make can hurt us with bomb I didn't see I didn't see any danger it's just all like single guys yeah but same thing we just stay away make us make him be beat us this way yeah I never I never been in a in a team like this bro just from being in the Lup one time in the week I think it's a win yeah cuz he's a tough [ __ ] Lup yeah I'd like to pitch against our our team just like see yeah yeah like all right like let me let me like figure it out on the M like what are these guys good at what are they bad at see if I can beat him be fun [ __ ] right here like who fancy the big it doesn't nothing nothing right you don't get an atmosphere like this until playoffs it's crazy when they played the Dodgers got pretty loud it's like big play and then quiet like big play here it's just like constant yeah that's right yeah like the [ __ ] playoffs every day yeah you in there tomorrow right you catch tomorrow I think so yeah yeah never know hopefully I'm ready to play everything that makes one of us yeah I'm not ready to play every day every fifth day maybe you hear him on the track yeah yeah as soon as I was in the lunchroom when we came down I heard him going again that's a good spot to hear him yeah doors are open I was like well I didn't get to see him there so I'm going to go watch the F1 Sprint race from last night how do you prepare for a start like in scouting the other team what do you do are you like a video guy yeah what are your what are your like key takeaways do you have are you looking at like aggressive or patient are you looking like where the power zones are like what's the if I'm watching from the side or yeah I'm see like who's first pit hacking yeah how how their bodies react oh you look at their hands yeah I feel like that what's your what's your read on that when you see an active hands guy are you like what does that tell you okay so it's timing not much danger in the lineup I haven't seen like a team wide approach it's kind of individualized they don't seem like they're going too well right now off speed if you can go off speed for strikes early you're probably going to be setad this lineup right now to me is like just go throw your best stuff hit your game plan and like you'll you'll beat them that's my read so far I could be wrong when I want to throw hard it's how aggressively can I drop into my backside not how aggressively can I push on my backside so I'll think like I'll come up and I'll just like literally let my body fall I get a little bit deeper on my backside getting the absorption and then it just turns but because I'm a little bit lower my stride gets a little bit further the biggest thing on the back side is getting the hip to turn over and rotate second biggest thing is how can you be hitting the bottom and turning that rotation it's not an act of like oh I'm going to like push off the rubber it's how quickly can I do like how can I absorb here and turn it into rotation as long as your center of mass is slightly in front of your backside then you'll get that transition if you're here obviously it's just going to drop straight down you'll get no linear movement but if you're here and you're dropping down every little bit you drop the angle starts to change and so you get this curve of like and so this back back leg just becomes about absorbing the energy so you can get lower cuz the lower you get the more energy from Gravity you can Harvest and then it's like once you get to that bottom Point can you just do this to get this hip to turn so as long as your block leg sticks in the in the ground in the front and blocks really well all your energy is there right that's why my queue is like Drop aggressively and then I my second queue when I throw hard is I try to get it late that's one of the problems with the injuries right now too people don't get their velocity through proper sequencing they're getting so big strong fast twitch they want to throw hard and that helps for sure but then they can get away with horor sequencing and still throw hard we're going to lose every game it's got to happen at some point well happy start day well happy start day uh here's the situation we are 7-1 on the year we lost our first game last night which means we are one and one in this series which means today I have a chance to win the series we got about 990 pitches should be able to get about six innings in so it should feel like a normal start let's go see what we can get done okay I've done my check-in on 4 app today I am uh green now 75 is not the highest I've been but it is a good day I go outside get a little walking done see the sunlight I also have my little Scouting Report card right here so I'm going to study that while I'm walking around outside and uh get ready for the game we got about 45 minutes until I need to start warming up so enough time to hang out and chill a little bit okay I've changed my War up routine for a game a little bit recently I used to start an hour and 45 minutes before the game for home starts and an hour and 40 before Road starts so I knew exactly when to start I knew my entire routine gotten rid of sitting in the hot tub and I've gotten rid of a couple of the static stretching exercises that I used to do I replaced it with some scaff exercises some shoulder warmup stuff and a dynamic warm-up outside also trying to adapt to playing in higher altitude and not being as good a cardio shape relative to where I'm playing so I need a little bit more rest but last game I took a little bit too much rest in between my stuff so I sat for 10 minutes in between warm-up and Bullpen and 10 minutes in between Bullpen and the game and that was a little bit too long so I've shortened it up a little bit today we're going to start 45 minutes before the game outside which means we're going to start an hour and 15 minutes before the game inside doing all my scap exercises and stuff like that so yeah adapting to a new league a new team new geographic location my routine has to change a little bit so I'm still trying to figure this out normally this is stuff you would figure out during spring training but I didn't have a spring training so I'm trying to figure out on the fly in the middle of the Season looking it actually mean something we'll see if I get a little bit better [Music] today almost baby some fun today yep let's go stuff looks good today yeah it looks really good yeah you should be fine baby Yep they're going to come out hacking I think nah no you don't think we'll see like I the only one I really really think is going to be hacking is going to be the second hitter you know yeah there's a couple guys who going to be hacking I'm going to be looking for them yeah don't worry I got you let's go let's go let's go here we go here we go here we go they're ready they're ready get ahead all right [ __ ] let's go yeah sword objective number one done I got my sword oh sword dude swing the bat freeze freeze fast ball down the way just get there out yep can I help you just looking yes dot good morning good afternoon good night now here's where I started setting records the next nine hitters all went down via strikeout yes as part of that string of nine strikeouts I did something I've never done before I threw an Immaculate inning for those who don't know that's three hitters three pitches each and three strikeouts I've never done that at any level of my baseball career and if you want a full breakdown of exactly what I was thinking during that streak in this entire game be sure to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss my next video where I break everything [Music] down it's Immaculate inning baby pay attention doors you thought slider Mama W don't guess [Applause] [Music] yes my V back yet 93 not quite so I finished six Innings with 14 strikeouts and one walk I set a Diablo's franchise record for most strikeouts in a game by a single pitcher I set a league record for most consecutive strikeouts and the fans wanted to show their appreciation so they had me do three curtain calls strikeout that's a a league record League record it hasn't been done since 1979 I got to go back up right now to go back yeah and with that I want to take a second to thank all the fans who are in attendance it was a very special day for me I don't think I've ever had a curtain call definitely not three curtain calls so thank you all for making it such a special day I love you guys standing ovation three times what a crowd thank you guys [Music]
Channel: Trevor Bauer
Views: 487,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -wgCpi81DdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 50sec (2330 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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