My Psycho Mom Enslaved My Family

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if there's one thing you needed to know about me i'd love to prank give me the opportunity and i'd prank just about anyone grandma teachers strangers they were all fair game to me i know for a fact that i got it from mom when i was growing up we would always conjure up these elaborate plans to get dad we covered all the classics by the time i started first grade the whoopee cushion was a huge favorite of mine i quickly graduated to dropping bags of poop at the front door i'd set them on fire ring the doorbell and run it was so lit i did it to my middle school principal once and got caught in the act yeah i got grounded but who cares it was so worth it as i got older we moved on to bigger and better things this one time mom's best friend had told her she was pregnant the first thing that came out of my mom's mouth wasn't oh my god congratulations like any other normal person would say instead she asked whether she'd kept the positive test um yeah she said it's still in the trash it didn't take long for me to figure out what that evil genius was up to we waited until father's day and wrapped it up in a little box with a fancy pink bow that morning i gave it to dad as a gift when he opened it we both screamed it's a girl i swear i could barely keep it together but somehow i did my years of learning from the absolute best in the abyss had taught me how to keep a straight face dad was trying to play cool but on the inside you could tell he was freaking out we kept it up the whole day until he started budgeting his salary and looking for cribs online then began to feel cruel i wanted to come clean but mom stayed strong i think we waited till the next day to tell him harsh i know i'm sure things would have turned out differently if it really was mom's test her and dad got divorced a couple years later when she ran off with some younger guy this time it was definitely not a prank i guess she was always pretty heartless i haven't spoken to her in a while now i don't know if i'll ever forgive her for what she did but i miss her a lot for sure me and dad ended up moving to san diego after he was relocated to manage some new factory down there that's what he told me anyway looking back he probably asked for the transfer to escape everything that was going on i was all for it the weather was sweet i could hit the beach whenever i wanted and the girls were insanely hot it was a completely different world from detroit you could say i was making friends the only way i knew how of course my thing at the time was switching cables in the school library and controlling other people's computer monitors to show porno yep that was me the class joker always screwing around while i was busy trying to get people to like me dad was making waves in san diego dating scene that's where he met lita i wasn't too sure about him dating another woman at first leta didn't have a job back then and i was sure she was using him for his money still it was obvious she made him happy i hadn't seen him smile like that in a long time lena was actually pretty cool her daughter aisha was one insufferable brat though i didn't want a loud-mouthed ten-year-old girl running around my house at the best of times when dad broke the news they were moving in i completely lost it no freaking way they'd only been together a few months i trashed the entire house that night not my proudest moment although i gotta say it felt pretty good i guess i needed to express myself in some other way than those dumb stupid pranks lyda and aisha came to san diego all the way from malaysia apparently leeda's ex-husband was super abusive and when she tried to leave him he kidnapped aisha and took off when completely off-grid the cops tracked them down to some harbor about to catch a boat to indonesia the guy's in prison now thank god and aisha didn't get hurt physically at least anyway lita decided to make a new life for herself and aisha and america and here they were my new roomies great i'm just being a jerk it turned out kind of great actually leto was an awesome cook and would make all these amazing malaysian dishes i had no idea what they were most of the time but damn they were spicy aisha wasn't the obnoxious turd i thought she was in the beginning i think i just wanted to hate her when i called her switching the salt and pepper pots on the dining room table i knew we were going to be friends not the most original prank in the world but there was something in her eyes that told me she was a natural-born prankster so i took her under my wing and we soon became a prolific and feared duo around the house especially when lita was around we scared the living hell out of her almost every day she was such a scaredy cat it was around a year or so after they moved in that leda and dad got married everything was going great until dad got in a massive fight with his boss at work i still don't know what it was about exactly but they had well and truly gone at it dad came home with a bust-up lip and a huge black eye and told us he'd been suspended indefinitely i hadn't seen him so upset since mom left each morning i'd leave for school with aisha and he'd just be laid out on the couch in his sweats watching operation repo on repeat when we came home he'd be in the exact same position staring vacantly into the tv we laid out the pranks on dad for a while the months went by and dad hadn't heard anything from work about when he might be able to go back so lita got a job at a local grocery store to help out with the bills this is where things started to get weird one of the girls at the store told lita that she could make some extra money through vlogging if your stuff got enough views companies would pay good money to advertise their products through your channel so yeah that happened the problem was everything she taped and i mean everything was so damn boring you're crazy i told her no one wants to see a sad asian housewife singing along to adele while she mops the kitchen floor in hindsight i think she could have been onto something there i don't understand all you gen z kids she'd say i mentioned she could do a vlog about her cooking you know target an audience in her own age range my recipes are secret she barked back i thought this was never going to work but the thing is it did in a way that none of us could have ever imagined aisha and i just got home from school to the smell of leeda's beef dang drifting out of the kitchen i looked at aisha to see if she wanted to pull a prank it was the perfect opportunity she just rolled her eyes and went up to her room after her first year in high school i she had gotten too cool for pranks it was a little sad i was losing my partner in crime i on the other hand was still very much at large i sneaked into the kitchen and found lita vlogging by the stove aisha would have died if she had seen this lolita was speaking malay at her ipad like some celebrity chef or something it was hilarious there was a fresh plate of rendang on the table behind her and i thought it'd be funny to make it disappear plus i was starving i wolfed down the curry as fast as i could lita was oblivious until i screamed what the feed have you put in there in a matter of seconds my throat was literally on fire tears streamed down my face i had blisters on the inside of my mouth and my lips were swelling up like balloons it felt like my stomach was going to explode what's the matter was all lita could say it burns my breath could have set the freaking house on fire i dove into the fridge for milk and doused my entire face with the stuff it was such a relief that i didn't even realize was old and lumpy until about halfway through the cart then i hurled it took two agonizing hours for the pain to go away and the swelling my lip didn't go down until the next day everyone was crying laughing even dad that was good to see even if it was at my expense leta had gone to the market earlier that day to find peppers to add to her rendang for a little extra heat those were her exact words apparently the ghost pepper sounded like something her target audience would like to hear about it's one of the hottest pepper in the world guys and she'd thrown two of them in there in all the chaos of that afternoon everyone seemed to forget that the ipad had filmed the entire thing you can see where this is going right yep i went viral in the beginning it was just in malaysia and i guess the whole world had seen it everyone at school had they had said i deserved it i got a taste of my own medicine after all these years of pranking karma had finally come around to bite me in the ass instead of being the class joker i was now the class joke it was a totally different story for leta who claims to this day that she uploaded the video by mistake in just a few weeks it had almost 10 million views her account was getting more and more attention from advertisers and she soon started to realize that maybe there really was money in this vlogging thing all she had to do was torture us the lead devil was born i thought i was a living terror but lita took things to the next level she shaved dad's head for christ's sakes she said a swarm of bees on aisha her only daughter she drenched me in sewage water from the upstairs balcony sewage water that wasn't even the worst of its no no the worst was yet to come the thought of it still gives me chills she called it soup number five come on just try it she said she thrust a spoonful towards me is it spicy i muttered it's not a prank i swear to god like i was gonna buy that harry it's just a new recipe you're gonna love it i took a cautious sip and waited as dad nice and nervously watched on god damn it that suit was good a few minutes passed and nothing happened so i sat down and ate the entire bowl the had got me and damn she got me good let's just say i woke up the next day at full mast nothing out of the ordinary there i thought i was a teenage boy it happened all the time only this fine morning it wouldn't go away i tried everything to get rid of it bar and yankee and all by the time i had to go to school i was in a panic and it was starting to hurt i spent the whole morning with my boner tucked into my waistband planning how i was going to get out of gym class i wouldn't be able to hide it in my hockey shorts i went to stash my kit in the bins behind the yard no kit no gym class i figured when i got there mr frederickson was smoking a cigarette that was done for there is no way out of it now i played almost a whole period of hockey with my heart on before i was sent off for playing with two sticks the whole class was filming me and rolling on the floor with laughter from then on i was hard on harry i knew leeda and her soup number five were to blame for this so i marched home and demanded to know what she'd done to me the soup was a special recipe her family had carried down for generations it was made from a freaking bull's penis and balls it had been used for centuries to give the old man a raging erection how long does it last i yelled a day or two or two enjoy it while last she said giggling like a little child i was never going back to school ever again we were all sick of leta's pranks we felt like the whole world was laughing at us i just wanted to disappear aisha and i begged dad to get another job so she would stop making her stupid videos but she was making too much money and having too much fun it was only a matter of time before her antics got her into trouble although none of us could have predicted what would come of it lita's first mistake was taking her pranks outside of the family the second was targeting our neighbor mr billsby not even i played pranks on mr billsby he was a grumpy old man with nothing better to do than take fights and complain the guy was a big shot in real estate and had a bunch of money too which didn't bode well for what happened next admittedly the video was hysterical mr billsby had a walk like someone out of a 1950s western movie and wore these extravagant suits that must have cost a fortune according to leta the plan was to put a huge dog poop in the middle of his driveway every morning and secretly film his reactions hopefully they'd get more and more crazy and hilarious as the weeks went on pretty good i gotta say except mr billsby was on the phone and didn't even see the dog poop as he slipped right on it and went flying through the air landing in a heap on top of the messy turd his phone smashed in the ground his briefcase spilled out everywhere and his fancy suit was covered in poop i've never seen anyone so angry the veins were bulging out of his head and he was yelling and cussing like man it was so freaking funny the third mistake lita made was posting that video the fourth bragging about how she was the one that put the poop there a few weeks after it went viral mr billsby hit her with a lawsuit for emotional distress and assault the accident had injured mr billsby back and he'd been harassed so much that he had to take time off work he hired some of the best lawyers in the state and took leeda to court leta lost all the money she'd earned through her vlogging was banned from the platform for life we were finally free from all her pranks but we could barely afford to eat as if it couldn't get any worse dad found out that work wasn't actually going to take him back after all the guy that replaced him was doing an exceptional job apparently what were we going to do lead his job at the grocery store didn't bring in enough for the four of us and dad was too depressed to apply for jobs i had a brain wave after the soup number 5 video went viral everyone online was wondering what was in it and a few guys hit me up asking where they could get a hold of it of course lida's recipe was secret but what if we could use this to our advantage i spoke to her about selling the soup to all these dudes having trouble getting it up at first she called me crazy but when i showed her all the messages she soon came around to the idea dad helped with the packaging and aisha was in charge of branding the face of super number five yours truly hard on harry who's the joke now huh did you like this story don't forget to like comment and subscribe to deardiary as we post new stories every week
Channel: Dear Diary
Views: 116,635
Rating: 4.8802786 out of 5
Keywords: story, stories, actually happened, animation short film, animated story, dory story, reddit stories, share my story, dear diary, animated stories, mom, dad, my story animated, secret, millionaire, tiktok, story in english, story english, bedtime story, revenge, 2021, family problems, psycho mom, crazy mom, stepmom, mom and dad, psycho
Id: DVr96shiqck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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