My portable Dungeon Master Kit

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[Music] hi my name is Chris and you're watching font of inspiration today's video is going to be all about my portable DM Dungeon Master or more generally TM game master kit so without any further ado let's dive right in now this is the type of kit that I would keep handy for all kinds of home games as well as portable games bag conventions etc where you really need to have every small kit that travels well okay let's have a look so we start with the actual box itself I found that a tackle box or something similar is very handy for this kind of thing just make sure that you have the option to make any kind of compartments that you want to this one is nice because you can take the the walls out the middle and make it just one cavernous box so depending on what you want to do choose the box accordingly tackle boxes small toolboxes assortment boxes that kind of thing they would seem to work very well so we start with a foldable dice tray all right and there it is so I tend to keep my personal dice in a separate bag but just in case I keep a bag handy for potential players who don't have their own dice just a simple fall board ice tray alright then a simple IKEA white just in case the conditions are a little bit dim for the DM you can stick this into a laptop or if there happens to be a USB power brick somewhere that you can use just for a bit of extra light for notes and stuff this is the like I said the dice bag for players and as you can see I have a single colored set of dice and also a multi colored set of polyhedral dice these colors try to mimic the the old-school box set color idea with this is that for very new players it might be easier to just say roll the white dye or roll the the purple dye roll to two of the green dice etc so instead of them fumbling around for a d6 from a d20 you might have more luck just telling them what color dye they're supposed to be rolling alright let's see what we have here next as you can see everything I have here is on a vinyl chess X battle mat and that's what I use for mainly drawing maps and stuff for convention games or games away from home I might bring a smaller mat or maybe not even have a mat at all but it's nice to have wet erase markers just in case now I use wet erase a lot of people use dry erase but I've noticed that they tend to leave a nicer line I'm not even sure if you can actually use dry erase on on these chess X battle mats but I prefer wet erase pick your poison next up I have a few cheat sheets for 5th edition D&D these show players the the various actions you can take during combat Sir Francis attack cast a spell - etc these are just so if you're wondering what can I do actually during a during a combat these might help it's 3 so several players can happen then we get to just a simple portable Bluetooth speaker for music I tend to have my own sound system at home but you know for those games away you might want some background music just very faintly quietly in the background a couple of erasers now this is a box that dice tend to come in or just that actually at the bottom of it the idea of this is to show when a character is flying so you can do this with anything you want but you can have that to show and then put a miniature on top just use a die here to show that that character is flying all right it's fairly simple looks okay it's transparent all right next I think these are one of the most useful things in addition to the action cards or the action cheat sheets two sets of cards describing all of the conditions in b md v e two sets because you know several people might have the same condition at once and be on the different side of the table so it's nice to have two sets and these both these and these two trees that have been laminated so that they can take a bit of wear and tear and yeah for anyone who wants to make homemade DN d aids and accoutrement definitely it's worth investing in a laminator they're they're pretty amazing anyway moving on next up just a couple of pencils people don't usually necessarily have pencils with them at conventions so it's nice to be prepared sharpener I'll get to these in a moment these are one of my favorite things definitely but first inspiration tokens alright so these are some custom made inspiration tokens of Etsy I'll put a link in the description and you can see we can get these very fast delivery very nicely made work really well obviously you don't need these kinds of tokens for inspiration but I think it's nice to have something tangible that you can give to a player and that way when I have these in front of me I can actually sometimes remember to award inspiration and they'll also remember to use that inspiration more often okay and I just keep them in this little bag here the last thing I want to talk about in terms of my DM kits is the pocket BM token set as you can see I have three of them I'll walk you through which ones I've chosen and why just know that this is an absolutely amazing company that makes these I was inspired by Matt click aka Fistful of dice when I watched his DM Kip video I was inspired to get these and they do not disappoint they're amazing and I'll put a link to the manufacturer again on Etsy and you can get your own that way so what these essentially are is portable monster fun hard to tokens that you can use and your games the lid very handily works as the base for large monsters so you just take one of these I have in this first tip I have purple ones that I like to think of as boss monsters and then just 15 regular red tokens but for large armies of enemies or large Corbin's so when you want to indicate that an enemy has been defeated you can just turn it over and that indicates it again you can use the base or the the lid of the box as a base for larger monsters like this alright so the other sets I have these basic numbered monster tokens in red yellow green and blue and then of these white ones denote NPCs so we have different symbols here like a sword a shield etc and they're easy to separate because of color then finally I have a set that's purely for play characters and this is very distinct because it's all in gold and the these have different symbols for different classes not necessarily just the strict designs that D&D uses but sort of general sword book shield axe hammer staff wand that kind of thing that you could could assign to different player characters and the best thing about this company was called side quest on Etsy was how flexible they were and how willing to make very customized sets they were so the these none of these are actually the standard sets that you can buy that they feature on the Etsy site but you can basically decide any kind of combination of different colors different designs the normal versions of these monster tokens had sort of check marks instead of numbers and I asked to have 15 in just Arabic numerals and that was absolutely fine and the same thing I wanted custom symbols for the NPC's and then the player characters as well and that was no problem so very flexible very fast shipping highly recommended they ship from Australia but the shipping cost weren't too bad so like I mentioned these have been very popular with Dungeon Master's like Mac click and others as well and yeah they definitely get a huge thumbs up from me as well very versatile very portable and just an all-round well-designed product alright and this is what my behind the screen setup mostly it looks like these days as you might have guessed most of the things in the DM kits actually consist of player aides so they're not going to be for me but mostly the players to help them with the game to speed the game up to give reference to rules and conditions actions etc so what I really need here is just the iPad it's a pre published adventure pre-made published adventure all have the adventure on hand as well but if I'm running a mobile game I won't have the physical adventure with me I'd rather have it on D&D Beyond and the dice dice tray and GM screen or DM screen in this case and it's just there we go so I tend to use multitasking to have both game master by lion's den I've introduced this app in another video and earlier video it's absolutely fantastic for this kind of thing I keep that open for encounters so see we have dragon of ice buy a peek just as an example let's go through my TMD beyond library that as an example shrine of Cerberus can find that there i've pre-made all of these on on this Lions Den 5e app and I have all the encounters in this case this one encounter here pre-made yes never mind the highly original character names there I have a group of new players that go for that sort of thing anyway right so here we have the adventurer instead of this D&D beyond adventure I might have my notes on Google Drive or as a Google Doc open sort of abbreviated versions of the session notes that might be more handy than the entire adventure there but then I'll have the encounters here as well and this saves me a lot of effort in terms of writing encounters down on paper keeping track of hit points things like that all I really need is just an iPad and some dice I could even do that electronically but I prefer the feel of tangible real plastic dice all right that's it for me today if you have any comments regarding what you've just seen if you have any suggestions as to how I might improve my DM kit go ahead and leave that in the comments below please and if you have any examples of what you use at the table that have really worked for you I'd love to hear about those as well so let me know what you think and catch you in the next video bye now
Channel: Font of Inspiration
Views: 20,072
Rating: 4.9544306 out of 5
Keywords: D&D, DND, tabletop, rpg, roleplaying game, dm kit, gm kit, dungeon master kit, game master kit, portable, convention, dungeons and dragons, dice, ipad pro, nerd, geek, hobby
Id: CpKzbS-wSiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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