My plum tree is breaking!

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hey everybody it's y k I got some very very very sad news um I mentioned in an early video this season that I didn't want to thin this tree out because I really just wanted to see what it would look like when they're all ripening and they're all turning colors and how beautiful it would look like I've seen in some pictures and stuff like that and uh that was a huge mistake I mean these these these things are getting big they've been turning colors they've been dropping to the ground uh sometimes you step on them and everything like that we've been eating some I probably had like three today my wife probably had two or three my kids had some uh I just got like 10 or 12 and I brought them to my sister's house so it's a great thing however I should have thinned it it broke off and I've lost so many plums and I lost a tree and now who knows what's going to happen is this one going to break off now because luckily this one doesn't have too many on there but man they're they're getting big and I surely don't want to have uh any more damage to this tree um so this one right here uh it broke off and just look at this it is look at all look at all these that have shaken off the branch it's insane it is insane Saye look they're going to fall off because this Branch right here is heavy this was a huge rookie mistake I just wanted to see what it looked like it broke off they're all shaken to the ground now it's going to be mulch to the ground that's all it is now is mulch all just shaking off falling off look at this one right here I was thinking this is going to be strong enough but this is pretty dang heavy this is heavy I will never allow this to happen again uh fortunately I have not slept since yesterday and it's like uh 4:00 in the afternoon cuz I'm a night nurse and that's just night life when you're a dad um but man look at all these things I've lost I still got quite a bit tomorrow I'm going to hopefully this is not going to break cuz I'm not doing anything else but I've lost so many I lost so so many they are so pretty hopefully my tree won't die uh I guess live and learn next year I'm going to be thinning I've already took tons of off my um peaches but hopefully it doesn't mess up on us so guys thin your fruit they probably even taste better with them thin without them um thin they'll probably get bigger and sweeter and juicier um I do remember when I had fewer plums last year they they definitely tasted better than this year um so that's something it's not all about how many do you have it's also how cuz I can't eat all these there's no way I could ever eat I mean mainly this would just be about giving it out to people I can't eat all this um now they've been dropping like eight or 10 12 a day lately and I've been picking them up eating them taking them to work give gifting to people um so theoretically that I could make them all use but there's I can't make all use that they fall off I literally lost half of my plums so then your fruit I will say that so far the best tasting Plum was this Green Gauge that's not a Green Gauge I bought this green gauge from Lowe's um it said it was Green Gauge but it it turns red this one so far is way way way sweeter than that one over there um there's not one fully ripe I just took three to my sister's house this is the first year Fring but you see is this one ready no is this one ready that one might be ready no it's got a little bit of yellow left so like I said this is supposed to be a green gauge and it is not green so it's a green only when it's little turns yellow and then red it tastes good when it's red but it's not a Green Gauge so Home Depo you lied to me but it is my best tasting Plum so far anyhow so like comment subscribe I'm sorry if my speech is fumbling and bumbling I'm pretty exhausted right now my Pear's coming along so man what a what a mistake what a mistake so I'm going to have to get some sort of scaffolding man real quick what I am going to do CU I want to protect it from disease I'm going try not to get this on the fruit but I got some um pruning sealer I don't want it to mess up all right just be safe I'm going to go ahead yeah I'm going do this one too just be safe I'm going to go ahead and knock these ones away cuz I don't want to accidentally eat any sealant okay all right like comment subscribe comment how much of idot was not either thin or my fruit but look look at that one it's going next it's going next it's going to break on me oh my goodness later you know what before I go I have no idea what's going on here some other things here just to show you I do have some blueberries left really excited about the pink lemonade blueberries got a few more blue blue blueberries but we've been eating on these for like the last 2 weeks my apples are surviving so far we ate all my cherries I don't know why this thing drops all his leaves after I pull the cherries but it does it every it did that last year too look at my grapes [Music] guys look at these check it out excited about these I'm going to be battling the squirrels and be fighting the squirrels for these things so all right like comment subscribe peace
Channel: Yard King
Views: 866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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