My Plane Fell Apart In Mid-Air

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okay so a lot of you guys actually sent me this video here on tick tock rate my airline one to five you know what i think we should play this game again yes everybody welcome back to the channel another swiss dessert one video in today's video we're gonna finally visit an old friend of ours besieged now besiege is an interesting game where you can destroy stuff and i think you could very well see that here in the tick tock i hope you guys already know what besiege is it's quite awesome you can install mods and stuff yes let's just play it again today i mean i've played it only once before on the channel where i kind of desperately try to fly these planes and it didn't really work in today's video i wanted to give this a bit of a second attempt on crashing planes beautifully just like right here now let's go ahead and play this here yes welcome to the main menu now normally here you can you know do these missions here that we don't really care about we're of course going to go only into the sandbox mode because you know there's planes there you know here over the mod portal the workshop i've downloaded a few thousand planes we've got a 747 to 747 cabrio oh 747 explodes all right this is going to be a very exciting video but you know another not a lot of planes got a 737 max we can finally well simulate a proper 737 max flight isn't it great they have some more planes here as well we just got a lot of planes here that's for sure but let's go ahead and for starters try a smaller one let's how about we go for this italian plane down here good all right so here it is loaded in now you know this is really how this game works if you don't know it which i hope you do you can build stuff for example that someone built this plane for us to been you know uploaded into the store we can technically you know keep building on it like this just right here we can build we can we can literally do anything this is so cool this sandbox thing all right let's just go ahead and spawn in with this plane but first of all let's go ahead and pick a location a level for that one of course you have thousands of levels to download here as well we've got a lot of airports that have downloaded we've got this huge city that i want to try let's go ahead and actually sponsor the city good all right and actually here we are in the city now this is not very plane friendly i've just noticed responding to the anywhere maybe okay i have an idea are we what we try to like maybe take off from this little road that we have here oh this is definitely a very smart idea yeah there we go now let's go ahead and actually just press play to see how this works good all right so welcome officially now in the siege we're in this huge city and i'm trying to get working here with the camera there we go yes now let's go ahead and actually just turn the engine on the only thing that i really don't like about this interesting game is oh oh we still have our modification hanging here yeah it is instead you know you control these planes with your keyboard literally the arrow keys are the ways to control the airplane so okay oh there was just a bit of an insight into the that's not gone very well good gregor crash animation let's let me try to do this again yeah i can tell this is gonna be a very good video all right come on let's make sure you try this again maybe go full power here into the plane no let me get sorry but doesn't this look cool i probably should get rid of this thing here jesus christ all right so how do i get through this yeah this is exactly what i want perfect good now with proper aerodynamic capabilities let's go ahead and turn the engine here and just take off what i don't like about this game is that shut up come on just take off let's go and try again full power good nice what i don't like about this game really is the sound that we don't have all right this is serious i'm just giving up right now i mean we can spawn into midair but that's boring okay good now time to all right it works that way too perfect now it's time to finally explore the city properly from above so let's go ahead and actually just press play right here and just hope that we survive this good yes oh my god yes that's been a proper takeoff good now we are actually seriously in midair now which is really cool to see our plane our wings already broken okay we've run how's this plane so fragile yeah let me just say the this is not the most realistic fight simulator but it's fun anyway oh my god the thing is we even oh we even have an airport oh right now i feel very stupid great thank you right now come on full power yes let's go plane we can do it eating him it's been a reiner landing sorry let's go now full power yeah perfect good now we are properly flying or something let's not crash into a building no yeah this plane uh it's not very easy to go okay we actually did strike that building namely it's not very easy to control these planes i'll be honest this is i just kind of still suck at flying here and this is not a very realistic fight you know what i wish we should probably try a bigger plane this is just absolutely hopeless sorry good now which one should we try should we already go for the 747 all right you know let's give the 747 to try this looks interesting with a bit of wood elements here yeah yes but this is no seven this is this is a 707 isn't it all right i mean this this is also quite nice i mean why not i'll take that as well good now let me do this whole midair spawn thing again just check this out here all right let's just go ahead and start this flight this is a very good video i can tell good not good why is it so laggy okay we're dead oh that was a beautiful crash animation though all right so let's maybe actually spawn this plane here on the runway properly there we go kind of realize this is a very short runway all right let's go full power now yeah oh man look at the nose landing gear it's already coming out let's go ahead and pull up all okay what's happened now i mean come on all right maybe this hill that's literally right in front of this runway isn't all too well placed here this has been a beautiful crash hasn't it the tail section seems fine you know this actually kind of reminds me of that one eta hat 747 doesn't it great all right come on try this again yes now full power is be really careful not to break the landing gear again yes indeed the planes here are quite fragile okay well let's maybe try a proper airport right here i mean we've got so many how about we try nico airport yes this is now a proper runway so we can properly do some flight testing we've got so many planes i want to check out this 747 explodes one what's that gonna is it gonna explode great all right oh oh what the hell is that of a 747 that's probably 747 sp looks honestly that almost looks cute now if i'm i mean that's great all right here we go we are spawned in we have very bad performance from the computers let's just go ahead and go slow motion and just take off here we go full power yeah here we go we've got nice control of this plane that looks good we're speeding up quite a bit full power please we need more power we need more power up take off uh all right here we go we are actually taking off this is all happening in slow motion which makes this interesting let me make it faster yeah oh we're about to crash into a mountain yeah oh but it didn't explode though oh there we go that's beautiful you know what this is this is nice to see or something like that i really don't know what i'm doing with this game here this is quite miserable oh all right we've crashed another plane right into a mountain this is fun but i'll see i'm a little bit more even interested in the 747 cabrio what's that gonna do now all right sam all right that's what did i expect actually you know what this is not all too bad let's maybe try to spawn in and um oh all right you know what it actually does kind of look like just like i expected it come on that was great you just removed the great upper deck that's gone and the cockpit is also gone which is interesting so how are you gonna fly this plane i mean we can we can try to take off yes all right it's going full power it's accelerating quite a bit okay and into a fence and we've died now one question of course um am i going to be able to do a proper flight here in today's video of course i'm not this is never going to work so let me try to take off here anyway yes now on the runway let's not crash look how the plane is just wiggling around this is super fragile i don't even want to take this plane off anymore come on yes but here we go we're actually flying i wouldn't want to pull oh too many g's or uh this plane is literally about to fall apart all right you know what i think we're actually this is a bit of a route for a bit of a bit of a pattern work isn't it just maybe try to follow this these these little checkpoints oh god i hate the camera here ah help i just fell apart help what the hell just happened nothing all right yeah maybe the structural capabilities of this plane should be questioned i want to see that impact into the ground though the plane just fell apart good boom yes good i mean seriously though can we get like a working plane here on this video i mean we've got another 740 so this is a lot of 747s we have here for this interesting game this apparently though is a good one so we should try this here now it doesn't really look like a 747 looks very weird but here we go let's maybe try to take it off here we go let's get this going now we've got some proper fps here as well let's go and start the engine oh not that fast okay now where this is going to be very bad for the landing gear and the engine and everything else but anyway yes we're taking off we've only got three engines running this is great the nose landing gear is kind of just hanging along great the thing is what i find really cool is the fact that we can literally over oscillate here and make the plane fall apart come on can we just make this plane fall oh yes that is a proper crash now yeah you know what i've kind of given up on you know making this plane fly professionally seriously let's maybe try to see can we get some explosion this has been absolutely beautiful now in real time oh shoot oh goodness all right let's try some wing striking right here we've got this little town [Music] oh my god that was very close uh uh okay oh oh it's still flat it's still flying it is we are still flying we have lost the cockpit and pretty much half of that left wing great yeah but we still have got some some control and we still have two engines running maybe try to come in for a bit of atlante oh what was that dead very dead dead oh you know what it's probably been a bit of a survivable landing what do you think here good so yeah guys that is besieged honestly it's yeah it's quite a good game but it's not the best flight simulator for sure but anyway thank you guys so much for watching this video i'll see you guys tomorrow as always good night now thank you to my members here on youtube like spice robbie middle aged levi junk in the trunk barack daron k oh man morris john kelly chaos death rider raging's noah yes aviation producers are one saturn cat sono shadow in new york and jackie boy [Music]
Channel: Swiss001
Views: 711,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Swiss001, video, Swiss 001, Aviation, Planes, Airlines, Flight Simulator, Everything about aviation, aviation film, aviation related
Id: Yavzd3n6yB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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