My Pet Ants Returned From The Dead

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2018 🗫︎ replies
Now over the past few weeks, we've welcomed two new ant colonies to the channel. Here in the Antiverse when a new ant colony arrives, we welcome them with open arms to join our collection of ant kingdoms. But what about if old ant colonies whom we've had to say goodbye to in the past, returned from the dead? AC Family, you won't believe this, but earlier this week, one of our past and declared deceased ant colonies, one I as well as many of you loved to death, has come back to life from the land of the dead. And so AC Family, you guys will not believe who's come back to us, to rejoin our Antiverse of ant kingdoms. Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel and hit the BELL icon. Welcome to the AC Family. Enjoy! Alright, AC Family. This is the moment many of you have been dreaming about. I cannot count how many messages I get in every video and community tab post, requesting to somehow bring this ant colony back to the channel, and today, I miraculously managed to make that dream a reality. I'll explain how I managed to obtain this colony in a bit, but if you're new to the channel, and don't know what's going on, stay tuned because you're about to meet what I feel is one of the coolest ants on the planet! In the history of this ant room, we have followed the rise and fall of several ant kingdoms. Let's recap real quick on all the colonies we have lost or had to say goodbye to in the past. First, we sadly lost the Jawbreakers last year, a young colony of trap-jaw ants, who fell victim to a savage raid of wild black crazy ants, who broke into their founding container and devoured everyone: workers, babies, and queen. Also last year, we were horrified to find out our promising and impressively polymorphic Titans, our Asian marauder ants, also perished for reasons we weren't exactly sure of, but reasons that may have included a wild pharaoh ant invasion and/or the predation of an ant-eating snake which lived unknowingly in their terrarium. The Titans endured quite the barrage of tribulations. We also said goodbye to the Tomb Raiders, a captivated pharaoh ant colony, whom we collected using a series of baited traps, but who later contracted mites, so we opted to release them back into the wild from whence they came. Finally, a few weeks ago, we discovered that our Black Dragons, our beloved Polyrhachis semiinermis ants seemed to have escaped their moated paludarium, called El Dragon Island. We assumed they left through one of my two open windows to return to the wild. And those are the four ant kingdoms who's stay with us proved much too short, and left us much too soon. But today, one of these four ant kingdoms returns to the Antiverse for an epic second chance at success under our care. One of the four ant kingdoms has returned to us from the dead, and they patiently await now in this container. But we'll find out who in just a bit. 'Cause now it was time to do what we do best. It was time to create the new world, an ant world, in which the new ant colony would live, and man, wait until you see what I had planned for this ant kingdom! I went straight to work. I added my driftwood, soils, sphagnum mosses, and powerfully shaped the earth with great care, driven by ant love and ambition. With this new ant home, I had some grand plans that I had never before attempted, and you'll see in just a moment what I mean. And in a couple hours, the new ant world, was complete. AC Family, I am pleased to introduce to you, the Plateaus of Gaia. Ahhh so excited to show you around. Let's have a look at this new eclectic territory! The Plateaus of Gaia were inspired by actual rainforest habitat I've seen, where ants of the type that will be moving in here exist. I've shaped the territories in a sort of arm-chair format: high at the back and center, lower on both sides, and lowest in the front. It makes for optimal viewing and attractive presentation from all angles. Now about the design, one of the coolest features of the Plateaus of Gaia is its topography. The lands are actually composed of multi-level shelves, hence the name "Plateaus". There are actually three main levels to this terrarium. There's the top plateau or a third floor, a middle plateau, a second floor, and a neat ramp which leads to the bottom floor. I have great plans for this bottom floor, but more about that in a bit. From a bird's eye view, you can better see our lower floor, top floor, and middle floor. Now the reason I've designed this space in this way is I wanted to ensure the ants moving in would have a lot of digging opportunity, while still enabling optimal viewing. Creating multiple levels like this is actually an efficient use of space, because it increases possible travel area, enables good and deep subterranean nest building, and makes it easier for us to view the ants once moved in. This design also helps retain moisture well. AC Family, check out this back wall. Its main constituent is sphagnum moss, which is highly absorbent, and can keep the lands properly humidified as it gradually releases evaporated water into the air from moisture absorbed from the soils it barricades behind it. Some gorgeous heart-shaped philodendron also help maintain humidity within the territories through transpiration, and also will be beneficial at eating up the ants' waste material in the soils. They grow from various spots around the plateaus, and I just love the overall aesthetic that these versatile and hanging plants contribute to the habitat. Finally, let's talk about the incredible wood latticework. A single connected wooden root piece forms the skeleton of the Plateaus of Gaia marvelously, creating neat random wooden structures throughout the territories that I know the ants will love and make use of. One wooden branch even achieves some impressive height, extending slightly above the glass borders. OK, AC Family, now that I've shown you around the newly created lands, are you ready to hear the coolest, most epic thing about this entire world! Alright, as mentioned the name Plateaus of Gaia comes from the territories' multi-leveled design, but it's name also comes from "Gaia", the primordial goddess of the Earth in Greek Mythology, the ancestral mother of all life. And, as it relates to this terrarium, it also comes from the "Gaia Hypothesis", a theory formulated in the 1970s which basically proposes that living organisms on Earth, interact with their inorganic surroundings to form a self-regulating, complex system that helps keep life flourishing, and even suggests that the Earth is a living superorganism! Now what does that have to do with this ant world? Well, AC Family, get this: when the ants have finally all moved in, and all preparations set, I plan for this entire habitat to be, to a degree, self-sustaining. That's right! I wanted this Ant World to be one of the lowest maintenance biounits in the entire Ant Room. Now, I say "self-sustaining to a degree" because the only things I plan to provide this entire system is water, light, and some organics to fuel the system, but that's it! It would be like treating the entire terrarium like a single organism! Yes, I know the idea right now sounds abstract and confusing, but I promise to explain everything about how I plan to execute this self-sustaining Ant World soon, and just a clue, it has something to do with this bottom floor area, but first, AC Family, let's get to some major matters, shall we?! I feel you've all waited long enough. It's now time to meet the ants that we are welcoming back to the land of the living. AC Family, here within this container are some old friends, and I am certain you will be happy to find out who's returned to the channel. And so, here is the plan. I'm going to cut the container across the middle now, just to make it easier for me to move the colony out. Within the container is also some soil, so I just plan to carefully dump the container's contents out onto the top plateau. As I was cutting, the ants were restless. They were eager for freedom and to explore their new home. Alright, So, AC Family, let's do this! Here we go... 1 - 2 - 3! I carefully turned the container on its side and carefully scooped out the soils along with the colony. I wore gloves because these ants have a painful bite and sting! I also had to scoop the colony out very carefully so not to injure the queen, wherever she was, nor any brood. And just like that, the ants were in! AC Family, returning from the dead, I am overjoyed to announce the return of the Jawbreakers. Ah, I was getting emotional watching the Jawbreakers exploring the Plateaus of Gaia. Last year they were not given a chance to survival and proliferation, but I was so happy to see them get that chance now, and watch them hopefully become the great colony they were meant to be. So this trap-jaw ant colony of about 100 workers came to me from a friend who offered me an opportunity to bring the Jawbreakers back to the channel. Of course, the actual Jawbreakers couldn't literally come back from the dead, but at least they did figuratively but I know many of you AC Family would be happy with this! I know I was! The workers were now eagerly exploring their new territories. Workers were checking out the wood, some were exploring the lower ground floor, but most of the ants were checking out the soils of the top plateau, and AC Family, as I'd hoped, it wasn't long before the ants began to start digging! Alright! The Jawbreakers quickly organized themselves and began to excavate tunnels. Now one of the coolest things about these Trap-jaw ants is they are some of the few ants that actually can't climb glass! This is an awesome thing because I don't need to add a barrier on the inside to keep the ants in. They can however climb wood as seen here, and for those of you who are aware of trap-jaw ant powers, one of their many superant capabilities includes being able to jump using the crazy trigger power of their jaws. This ant here is about to launch herself in 3 - 2 - 1 and gone! Luckily the ant didn't launch herself out of the terrarium and landed somewhere below. If I start to see Jawbreakers wandering the floor of my Ant Room, I will look into building a screen dome of some kind to keep any jumpers in, but for now, it seemed the ants could not escape even if they had self-launching tendencies. I allowed our new old ants do their thing in peace and settle in to their new home. Over the next few hours the ants continued their digging operations. It was amazing watching them actively bring chunks of dirt out of holes as they excavated deeply. These ants were strong and fast in their work! I even spotted this ant here, digging a tunnel at a prime and hidden location in the middle plateau. Alright, so while these ants are busy excavating their new nest tunnels, let me further share my exciting plans for this terrarium. So guys as mentioned, I want the Plateaus of Gaia to be sort of self-sustaining, but AC Family, more specifically, for the first time on this channel, I want this ant setup to be self-feeding. Alright guys, so get this... Remember our episode two weeks ago when we watched the Black Panthers, our Asian Bullet Ants actively hunting Springtails, which we call the Spring Cleaners, as supplementary side food? We watched as the Black Panthers were incredible at hunting the Spring Cleaners down, and I did manage to catch a couple ants actually catching a springtail or two, but the Spring Cleaners proved to be quick at evading the Black Panthers, especially due their unique ability to spring out of sight when threatened using a special springing appendage folded under their bodies. But as I watched the Black Panthers hunting the springtails, I realized not only how awesome it was to witness these natural hunting behaviours, but also how beneficial and enriching it was for the ants to be hunting in this way, like they would in the wild. Now, I personally don't like to feed my ants live prey, but what if I could somehow make it so that my ants' food could live and breed within the territories of the ants, and allow the ants themselves to catch their prey live! And although it did seem our Black Panthers had troubles catching these ever nimble springtails, I had a hunch, that if there were ants that had the ability to catch these Springtails, it would definitely be trap-jaw ants! As you may have seen from a previous video from when we first met these ants, the mechanics of trap-jaw ants' jaws is truly something to marvel at! Have a look! Those mandibles are capable of opening over 180 degrees and are locked in place by an internal mechanism, but between these very scary jaws, are fine sensory trigger hairs that when touched cause the jaws to shut at mind-blowing speeds. In fact, it is said that trap-jaw ants have the fastest moving predatory appendages within the animal kingdom, with one study on Odontomachus ants recording peak jaw shut speeds of 126-230 km/h, with the jaws closing within just 130 microseconds, and the peak force exerted was about 300 times the body weight of the ant! Those are insane stats, guys. That's about 18.6 tonnes of force, which is like crush dropping 12 SUVs onto something, if the trap-jaw ant were the size of a human! Amazing evolutionary tools, Mother Nature has given these ants, wouldn't you say? Springtail catching tools! Now, usually Springtails kinda pop out of nowhere, no pun intended, and populate my terrariums over an extended period of time, with pioneering members coming naturally in the soils of the terrariums. But, in this case, we want the Jawbreakers to have an abundant food source ASAP so we can't can't exactly wait the several weeks required for a big population of Springtails to develop. We needed to populate the Plateaus of Gaia with a big pioneer colony of Spring Cleaners now. So, first, I went to Roachella, my cockroach colony and natural habitat created specifically for my feeder roaches, and borrowed a piece of Roachella's watermelon. The food I place into my cockroach farm always draws a crowd of tiny springtails! I then placed this watermelon peeling into the territories. Have a look at all those awesome springtails! There is just so many! In case you're new to the Spring Cleaners, I find them to be like cleaner rodents, feeding on anything decaying, as well as molds and fungi! I bet they even relish ant poop! These creatures are actually very much essential to the soils of all my terrariums, and of course to the ant colonies. After about an hour, I removed the watermelon peeling, and as you can see, it has successfully transplanted loads of Springtails into terrarium. These pioneering Spring Cleaners will be the ancestors to the future self-perpetuating Spring Cleaner population and more importantly, the primary intended food source to the Jawbreakers. I repeated this cycle of watermelon peel Spring Cleaner transport a few times, over the course of a few hours. I saw these watermelon peels like giant boats carrying loads of these migrating colonies of Spring Cleaners to their new promise lands! Now most of the Spring Cleaners so far are the smaller whitish yellow kind. I have found that there are other Spring Cleaners, however, which are much larger and a bit more meaty! To import this fatter species of Springtails, we'll need to travel to another lush kingdom - The Shire! You can see that these larger, darker-coloured Springtails dominate these lands, feeding on uneaten food leftover by the Black Panthers. I grabbed a old decaying watermelon piece loaded with Spring Cleaners and placed it into the Plateaus of Gaia. It would go on to introduce these larger Springtails to these virgin territories. But, AC Family, look here. Mites have also come with the transplants, which is bad news for this Jawbreaker here who is actually on his way to dying, perhaps of old age or illness, but the mites are ruthless and hungry. In no time, like scavengers preying on an aged, crippled animal, the mites latch on to the dying ant and begin to feed on it, punching holes into its exoskeleton and sucking the ants' insides! It was such a hard sight to witness, but it was a reminder that the Plateaus of Gaia, as the Hypothesis suggests is a complex organism, whose parts are all interdependent, which sometimes means this habitat is unforgiving so long as life within these lands can persist. These mites will actually also benefit the system, because they will help break down decaying organic matter, including dead or in this case, dying ants! But this was part of the plan right, AC Family? Predation in its truest, most raw form will be a big part of this self-sustaining habitat. So, let's see if our plans for this self-feeding system will work! After hours of tunnel excavations, as I anticipated, the ants had grown hungry. It was hunting time! AC Family, I watched as the Jawbreakers began to launch their very first hunting party within the territories of their new home! This is where it gets super exciting, guys! It was now night time, and the ants were clearly stalking the springtails which they had plenty of time to learn were crawling all around the hunting grounds, particularly in the lower ground floor. This lower ground floor was to become the colony's official feeding pit! One ant decides to check random holes, and take a look at it detecting a mite with its antennae in the darkness of the hole, trying to decide whether or not to eat it, but sadly, the ant hesitated a moment too long, and the mite was gone. Take a look at this ant with a broken jaw. One of its jaws seemed unable to open, but the ant was still out hunting! The Jawbreakers are thorough and inspected all places. It was just amazing to see the trap-jaw ants hunting like this, as they would naturally in the wild! What a unique opportunity! But after watching for some time, I noticed that many times the ants would completely miss the Springtails. Watch this! Oh, an ant brushes it's legs right by a Springtail, but the springtail immediately stood still, and the ant completely failed to detect it! I knew the ants could definitely smell the Springtails all around, but the springtails were just so good at evading the Jawbreakers before they could get close. But the ants were hungry, and would not nor could not give up! I knew it was only a matter of time before we captured some footage of an ant catching one of the Spring Cleaners. I needed to see it with my own eyes, so I could rest assured that our plans for the Plateaus of Gaia here being a self-feeding system worked! From the looks of things, part of the challenge was that it seemed the ants' vision wasn't the best, as springtails appeared to literally slip between their legs. I felt the ants needed to physically touch a Springtail with their antennae in order to properly detect it was there. Even then, once touched, the springtails could immediately spring away. Watching the Jawbreakers hunt for Springtails was nerve-racking as the ants came so close! Look at the God's eye perspective we have. Ah the springtails are just so close! Additionally, the second challenge was timing. Strike too soon and they hop away due to distance, hesitate too long and they spring away due to speed. The ants needed to strike at just the right time, or hope a springtail walks right into their jaw trigger hairs! It was almost worth it to do this ant's tactic, and just walk around with jaws wide open and hope a springtail ends up between them! Haha! Now watch this ant that cleverly uses the ambush tactic. Look at this! She feels with her antennae for springtails coming close. So many springtails were scuttle around. She even periodically found it worth it, to simply lunge out, even if she thought nothing was there! Man, it's just incredible to think these ants are intelligent like this. And then AC Family, eventually late in the night just as I hit the record button on my camera, I got it! A Jawbreaker had caught a springtail and bam delivered a lethal and quick sting to immobilize it! Wow! Isn't that awesome? She made her way back to the colony. Bringing home this kill is essential because now the Jawbreakers will know that the Springcleaners live in the area and that they could offer the colony sustenance. AC Family, it seems our plans of making the Plateaus of Gaia, a self-feeding system for the ants would work! By morning the ants were all settled in. I saw that the Jawbreakers were continuing to hunt around the watermelon slices. I guess to feed a colony of a hundred workers and young, hunting for Springtails was a 24 hour job! With the ants' evident hunting prowess, I have no doubt in my mind that the ants will get better and better at hunting the springtails over time. The Springtails need to eat so they will always be around and out in the open. As intended the only thing I need to do is add rotting or decaying materials in these territories to fuel this world of creatures. For now the watermelon slices seemed to be sufficient. The springtails will eat from these slices, and the ants will hunt them. And look, some Jawbreakers are smart and have decided to create underground stations beneath the watermelon slices. Clever girls! Over all, watching the various scenes within this new world known as the Plateau of Gaia, was so satisfying. The best thing about it all, was that we had the Jawbreakers back, and this time it seemed they had a better chance at survival. I also placed some deadly diatomaceous, non-toxic chalk around the entire terrarium just to keep any savage ants wanting to repeat history far, far away from this promising ant kingdom. The Jawbreakers were truly an amazing colony, and admittedly one of my favourites to ever grace the channel. It was also interesting to see how the ants further interacted within this new world in ways I didn't plan. Again dying or diseased ants fell food to the ravenous mite colonies, which were quick to put them out of their misery and devour them. Fellow sisters didn't even need to worry about burying their dying sistren. But AC Family, take a look at this! On rainy nights, masses of these tiny flies end up in my ant room flying in through the open windows, attracted to the lights of the ant setups, and low and behold, after flying for hours and hours, they end up dying from exhaustion, and to my surprise, the Jawbreakers would pluck these random delicious gifts, fallen from the heavens, and take them to the colony to eat. An additional food source. The Plateaus of Gaia were self-feeding in more ways than one! AC Family, we did well today as Creators of Worlds. We brought an ant colony back from the dead, and simultaneously successfully created a living system which would sustain more life, as if the world we created were a living sueprorganism itself. Let's hope the Jawbreakers and the Plateaus of Gaia continue to flourish. What a miracle! Welcome back, ladies. The AC Family is happy to have you back. Now, sometimes things go perfectly as planned, or even better than we anticipated, but as you know, in the Antiverse, sometimes things go wrong. Completely wrong, and disaster strikes, disrupting all carefully made plans. AC Family, brace yourselves. I have some news. It's about the Fire Nation. I regret to announce that disaster has hit the Selva de Fuego, and we've got some serious problems to fix immediately! Oh man! AC Family, today's creation of the Plateaus of Gaia was a success, but something else completely terrible has happened in the Selva de Fuego, specifically involving our water system and recent experiment. I'll explain everything in depth next week as I try to make reparations to the Fire Nation's kingdom, so be sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE button and BELL ICON now so you don't miss this update on our biggest ant colony on this channel! And hit the LIKE button every single time, including now. Also if you're new to the channel, I've created a complete story line playlist here if you would just like to watch how all ants in the ant room came to be. If you want to catch up on all your AntsCanada lore, it's all there in that playlist! You'll be surprised how epic the lives of ants actually are in the microworld! There is actually nothing micro about it! AC Inner Colony, I have left a hidden cookie for you here, if you would just like to watch extended play scenes of the Jawbreakers hunting the Springtails. It's nerve wracking and full of action. So do check it out! And now it's time for the AC Question of the Week! Last week we asked: What made the fourth queen ant unique from the other queens? Congratulations to Niketas Delgato who correctly answered: The fourth queen had a mite on its head and a dented abdomen. Congratulations Niketas you just won a free ebook handbook from our shop! In this week's AC Question of the Week, we ask: Who is Gaia in Greek Mythology? Leave your answer in the comments section and you could also win a free ebook handbook from our shop! Hope you can SUBSCRIBE to the channel as we upload every Saturday at 8AM EST. Please remember to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, & SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this video, to help us keep making more! It's ant love forever!
Channel: AntsCanada
Views: 1,876,035
Rating: 4.835053 out of 5
Keywords: ants, antscanada, mikey bustos, myrmecology, antfarm, ant colony, ant nest, queen ant, formicarium, antstore, ant habitat, antworks, insects, science, pets, exotic, nature, trap-jaw ants, odontomachus, terrarium, ecosystem, self-sustaining terrarium, mites, springtails, 4K, ultra HD
Id: f9hRdAfe-QM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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