My Owner Threw Me Away But the Miracle Happened (Part 2)

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[Music] whoa hey guys it's rocky here you met my friends Charlie and Oscar right well if not then I recommend checking out Charlie's story because boy has he bent through it we all have really that's just the case when you're a dog living out on the streets anyway the three of us are besties me Charlie and Oscar actually Charlie no longer lives with us since he got lucky and found his new human but like I said we're pals so Oscar and I can only feel happy for our friend and we hope his new human treats him better than that Jenny person he told us about speaking of the Gennie's of the world I happen to know a few of them all too well when I first met Charlie in that alley I told him about my first owners they were a young couple and they bought me from a pet store when I was just a pup everything was good the first year or so lots of playtime treats and toys galore but then things got bad real quick my Sarah and Dan stopped giving me so much attention they were always on their phones and they seemed upset and stressed out most of the time I don't remember much since I was still pretty young but I'll never forget the day they got into that big truck with all those boxes and drove away I don't know how long I sat on that porch and waited for them to come back a little old lady happened to walk by our house she noticed me and said hey little fella what are you doing sitting there all alone did your owners lock you out but after picking into the windows she looked down and me and said oh you poor thing they left you didn't they I looked up at her confused that's when she put her hand under my chin and said that's okay you can come and live with old Eileen how does that sound come on now I'll fix you up something good eat I was hesitant to leave at first I didn't want Sarah and Dan to worry about me once they got back but I was hungry too so I went with a nice lady and boy am I glad I did I made myself at home with her and we did everything together every morning I'd wake her up and we'd have breakfast in her cozy little kitchen while she listened to the humans on the TV talk about the Sun when in rain then she put my leash on me and we'd go for a walk around the block we go past my old house each time and I never did see Sarah and Dan another family moved in not long after mine had left I'd understood by then that they were never coming back but I was perfectly fine with all I leaned on really nice days she take me to the dog park and let me run around without my leash man I could spend hours there playing with the other dogs from the block sniffing trees and flirting a bit with Daisy whoa she smells so nice in the evenings would sit on the couch and watch TV together nothing beats being cuddled up with your favorite human while they rub your back in belly then one day I woke up and started nuzzling all I lean like I did every morning come on it's time for breakfast time for the people on the TV to talk about the rain and clouds only this time she didn't wake up I waited and waited and then started barking so that she'd opened her eyes and we go to the kitchen like we'd done so many times our neighbor Chris must have heard me because he walked in not long after that Eileen had given him a spare key just in case of emergencies well today was that emergency the people in the big white truck took my sweet Eileen away I knew what had happened I could just sense it Chris came to feed me and take me for a walk the next day then Eileen's daughter Karen and her husband Sam came over a few days later they never liked me very much they'd always call me hurtful names like fleabag and mutt so I like to keep my distance from them they kept coming over and sometimes they'd be with strangers they'd all walk around each room in the house then one day when the two came over karen was actually nice to me she said come on boy want to go to the dog park I was still missing Eileen but I also wanted to get out of the house and maybe see my friends at the park once we got there Karen let me off my leash and I went to go sniff around but after a while my heart just wasn't in it so I went to find her only she was gone I'd always known Karen wasn't fond of me but did she really abandon me well fine with no Eileen to go back to I headed out on my own it wasn't long after that when I met Oscar we hit it off immediately we go looking for food behind restaurants and in different alleys and it was in one of our regular spots that we ran into Charlie had just been thrown out so Oscar and I showed him the ropes we became a team the three of us well just like Charlie told you we'd scavenge for food hide away from Maine people and keep each other warm during the cold nights then when Charlie found Alison it was just like me and Oscar again and we love young couple sitting at parks he just tilt your head they are at you buy you a snack or share there's some people are pretty mean though or maybe they're just scared of stray dogs because they think we're dangerous or sick they yell something and don't let their human babies touch us and that's fine I understand not all humans can be Eileen's and Allison's I guess most of them you have to run or hide from and that's exactly what me and Oscar did when we heard some humans coming into our alley about two weeks ago we couldn't run so we tried to hide under a cardboard box I was so scared when they found us and I was downright terrified when they loaded us up into their van this is it man we're done for but it turned out they were really good people they find guys like us in the streets who've been abandoned by their families they took us to a shelter where they gave us food and taught us really cool tricks I soon learned that we were training to become therapy dogs you see there are humans who have special needs whether they're recovering from some tragedy or trauma or they just get sad lonely or have nervous feelings they need a good dog to help them cope not everyone can be trained to serve humans like that you gotta have the right personality but I think the shelter people noticed Oscar and I had families before and are friendly and calm so they picked us training isn't easy and you have to learn a lot before you can become a therapy dog I think our first task will be to help older people because we had this one visitor a couple of days ago it was a sweet grandma just like old Eileen and she spent some time with us she even brought us treats I know it probably won't see her again but I'm happy that I'll be able to help people like her sure humans can be cruel I know that all too well but they can also be sweet and kind no matter what happened to me I still believe that would you adopt a stray dog let me know down in the comments if you learned something new today then give this video a like and share it with a friend but hey don't go anywhere just yet all you have to do is pick the left or right video click on it and enjoy stay on the bright side of life
Views: 1,870,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dogs, dog people, dog needs help, how to understand dogs, dogs don’t like, pets, life with pets, life with a dog, videos about dogs, abandoned dogs, abandoned pets, adopt a dog, pets for adoption, dogs in need, stray dogs, therapy dog, touching stories, moving stories
Id: M7SHL1O5eV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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