My one tip for BIG Strawberries!

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so our good friend Aaron is visiting and like a good good friend so we are headed or go to your friend's house you expect to just get fed food they're tearing up these border stone - we're gonna be creating a shade garden but ever stealing the border stone from around this apple tree and Miss Lucy and Ranger our best pals aren't you guys she stole her toy [Laughter] ix inea's finally blooming and that pretty tore up a lot of beets as you can see weak pickled them and all my garlic's torn up baby and I are gonna go some strawberries [Music] I'm gonna show you there's one thing I love is fresh berries from the garden I have my raspberries over here my strawberries here my blueberries there we have a wild blackberry patch there was just nothing that beats homegrown berries [Music] I was picking my strawberries today and thought I would bring you along and kind of explain give you my one tip for getting big beautiful strawberries and it's so easy all you need is your fingers you could use pruning shears if you want but I just use my fingers so first of all in this bed here I have my everbearing strawberries there are several varieties of strawberries and the most common are what we call June bearing they produce a big crop usually in the early summer sometime around June which is pretty weird in how they get their name June bearings and then you have the ever bearing like I have in this bed I have my June bearing back there I'm ever ever ever bearing in this bed and as the name implies these produce throughout the year ever bearing so they produce throughout the summer growing season the one thing with the June bearing versus ever bearing is the June bearing tend to produce a really big crop in this some early summer and they tend to be slightly smaller strawberries but they are prolific so it's great for like if you want to make pies or freeze or can the June bearing are fabulous cause it'll produce a really big crop for you all at once the June bearing are really great because even though they produce less fruit they produce bigger fruit and a little bit all summer long so it's really great for like fresh eating so I have both because I like the benefit of having a big crop at the beginning to freeze and do stuff with and then the crop that slowly produces throughout the summer so you are eat fresh ever bearing do tend to produce bigger fruit so if you're wondering why your fruit is so small and then it's gone for the rest of the year you probably have a June bearing variety so what is my one tip for getting big strawberries like I said it's very easy and let me show you what it is it's that thank you very funny one hearth is bed what I just did was I picked off a runner from the strawberry plant these could also be called suckers but runners tend to be make more sense each mother strawberry plant wants to reproduce not just fruit but they actually want to create more plants and so they send off these things called runners which are long shoots and at the very end you can see there's a little green tip here this will turn into a plant if it touches soil it will create roots and then you have another plant a lot of people think well why wouldn't I want a lot of plants those strawberries and I get your reasoning a lot of people let their strawberries fully produce and they beget at this big mat of strawberry plants but then they'll notice that they'll get a lot of leaves and greenery without a lot of fruit and if they do get fruit they tend to be a lot smaller by pruning off the runners you have the plant focuses energy instead of reproducing of actually producing fruit bigger and sweeter fruit so that's it that's the simple trick and I just use my fingers let me show you how I do it so I'm gonna show you here is the mother plant right here that I planted myself now this mother plant produced this long chute can you see that how long that is it's very obvious that this is this is not part of the leaf or anything like that you see how a leaf looks comes up and there's three leaves there this one creates a long shoot and there's tiny little leaves here at the end getting ready to produce a plant and I'll show you I pick it off basically what I do I'm gonna use my right hand because I'm just better at it is I just pinch it if you pull you could pull up the mother plant so you don't want to do that now that I'm gonna show you I'm having trouble with it just pinch it off there we go just pinched it off right there there we go now sometimes it's it's possible you might pull off a leaf that's okay but do try to make sure that when you check these that they look just like this and you pull them off and I have two right there so I'm gonna pull those off too I'm just gonna pinch those video taping this it's gonna be hard the tip I'll show you what a runner looks like when it's a little bit more mature so here's the tip comes all the way out to the end you can see here that looks like a little mini plant and then now it's producing another runner it could just go on and on like that and just create this big Matt and like I said a lot of people just let their strawberries do that but by doing it by pruning these off I've now focused the energy of the mother plant into creating big juicy fruit and a lot of it so um there you just have a little closer look there you have it my one easy tip for getting big juicy beautiful strawberries and obviously there's a lot of other things to do such as make sure you're fertilizing your strawberries that you're consistently watering them so they don't get too dry all that is really crucial but this is the one tip that a lot of people don't realize helps with bigger producing strawberries I hope you guys found that helpful be sure to subscribe for future videos go out and grow something god bless I can't handle it anymore huh like a meal [Music] you
Channel: Sanctuary Gardens
Views: 509,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: growing strawberries, how to get big strawberries, my one tip for big strawberries, strawberries, how to grow bigger strawberries, how to grow big strawberries, strawberry growing tips, tips for growing strawberries, sanctuary gardens, pnw gardening, gardening, garden
Id: RkwJHpBcxaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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