My New [ SHAPTON GLASS ] Sharpening Stones!

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back in the workshop this evening but not to do any work at least it will think so let's see how time goes but we have an unboxing and this package just arrived from Paul's finest calm now Paul's finest calm as far as I can tell is by far the best place to get any sharpening gear within Canada and we don't have a lot of good sources for many things in Canada so when you find a good site that really has everything you need man you got to stick to it and support those kinds of businesses because we can't afford to lose any more have any more business shut down just because products might be cheaper or more available in the States and Paul's finest one of those places that's really doing things right they have everything so if you're in Canada go check out Paul's Finance comm there the Canadian distributor they're the only Canadian distributor I know of that sells the edge products and you guys know I've been testing out the edge pro apex for a few months now so anytime someone asked me where to get an edge Pro in Canada I went in Nepal's - so so Paul message me they're probably two weeks ago or so and asked if I have tried the Shapton products and I actually hadn't you guys know I've been freehand sharpening for a long time tried a lot of different stones a lot of different brand names from real low-end stuff to higher end stuff but I've never ever seen shaft ins in person so we're gonna get to play with them he told me was gonna send me some Shapton product said he'd send a few things I have no clue what he sent no idea so I'm excited open up this box here today let's see all fit just make sure I got left left in here let's see what wavy package wrap nicely just a little note here from Paul he just says to enjoy what do we have at the Technic holy smokes so we have to shopton glass stones made in Japan if you don't know captain makes some high-end stuff what do we have here we have a ceramic course korimako blue and black I'm gonna have to do some reading like I said I've never used to Shapton product so I'm not overly familiar I can't like God rhyme off all the details for you guys and will you and impress you with how much I know because I'm a little bit out of my element here so we'll have to figure this all out together so yeah just in having a quick read here this the Kurama qu is a series from Shapton and this is the blue black chrome aku which is a 320 grit ceramic whetstone so that that is a coarse grit 320 and in a ceramic which is super hard oh look at that that is so beautiful made in Japan that is classy and nice thick stone you can really feel that grit just biting your hand it's got a carrying case with it which is nice okay so it's a little movement in there so guessing it's best to keep that little phone in there that keeps everything nice and nice and snug yeah I've got the little case that can also be used as a stand so that's really awesome now did the packaging on these and I see down here we have a 1000 and a 4000 Wow Paul's finest really he really hooked us up thank you so much Paul my friend you're gonna have a ton of fun trying out these stones you're gonna be bringing some new content to you guys of course we're gonna have to do a bit of a sharpening and review series get in my opinions on the glass stones unless I'm the famous chef does really excited to take a look at these so first off that packaging just look how classy that is of a pull sleeve here that is a nicely done man [Music] look at that that is that is amazing look at that translucence so you notice here it says fourteen point seven microns or a 1000 mesh let's see if that 4,000 is any different have a look here again that translucence we have a four thousand grit or four thousand mesh three point six eight microns oh those are so beautiful so since we had those few gorgeous shaft ins just add to the collection and I was just moving some stones around I figured we would have a look at what stones I have in my collection you guys know I've been freehand sharpening for a long time put it a lot of videos a lot of videos on freehand sharpening with all good responses for the most part people really seem to like the content I put out so I keep putting them out but I wanted to show you guys what stones I've gone through over the years and just mention a few important things so over here these three these are three really cheap stones now all of these three were sent to me this is a one thousand six thousand my absolute peak did a video on that they asked they wanted to send one for a video so I absolutely did a review and of course I was point out that I never sell out I never asked companies don't ask for positive reviews and if they do I tell them that that's not a guarantee sometimes they back out absolute peak just one was done it from my opinion and I absolutely did that sharp pebble I have two stones here at three thousand eight thousand combo and a it's the other one one thousand four hundred combo they're half decent loose stones are too bad I've sent have to put it several videos on these now and yeah they're fun I still play around with him from time to time I have this Woodstock steelix the company that makes it as steel X but Woodstock distributes its own this is a one thousand six thousand compost arm this is my first ever wet stone and I still use it all the time and I absolutely love it then I invested actually several years ago now from Paul's finest this is a grit Nana wah superstone and this is a 3000 grit Nanoha superstone so these are beautiful this is 3000 is so dreamy and this 402 just feels so velvety once you step up from like a lower-end whetstone I would put this more over here actually this couch this one over here because this this is a fantastic fine and pretty cheap I think this one was around 60 bucks now for this cobblestone so not that cheap anymore but I really like it but once you step up from these to this things start feeling really differently a little while ago I picked up this is Sigma 2 ceramic 240 grit this is a big stone this thing eats steel like crazy it's a monster I have this 8000 King here this one's pretty much reserved for straight razors and I really like it the important thing I want to mention for one is you don't necessarily need a massive tool kit ok I sharpen for the first probably two three years with just this stone this is the only thing I use and I got pretty well all the same ages that I get today took me longer was a less efficient the experience wasn't quite as nice this is a lot smaller surface you're working on and it's just there's something to be desired there but I got it even still like I said I still play around with some of these cheap ones for time to time the point is and I you guys know I've talked about this before I hate elitism when it comes to almost anything the idea that you need absolutely needs certain products to get certain results is a complete lie in my opinion I can take these I think these are like 30 bucks for both of them yeah both of these for like 30 bucks and no the the quality of material isn't there they don't cut overly fast they're not the grits that they say they are but I get good results you guys see produce hair shaving edges are they buttery smooth not quite as smooth but I do get the results on these these are good stones like this are an investment like these shaft ins here they are a total investment they cost some money but man if you're if you're into freehand sharpening and something you like it's a hobby or even more so you're doing work with it and you rely on those tools it's important that they perform well that they cut fast they're really efficient cutters and that you enjoy your experience and in my opinion you just don't get that enjoyment with these stones over here you you they just they feel different you guys that have been sharpening for a while you know exactly what I'm talking about but yeah these super stones these are a great mid-range set that I would highly recommend I would certainly recommend this Sigma 2 layer this is a monster I'm excited to try though this the ceramic 320 hair the apologist set well I'm really excited because I've tried the nanoa 400 and I've tried the 240 Sigma 2 so this is gonna be really interesting and a lot of fun this is of course what we like we like investing in our craft and freehand sharpening like this absolutely is a craft and in my opinion something worth investing in so we're gonna give these a try right now so tonight we're going to be sharpening one of my customs just finished up for client this is a beautiful mirror Palestine toku a little mr. camera look at that handle but this thing does not have an idiot and what better way to try out those beautiful shaft ins than on this I am gonna throw a little tape a little painters tape on those flat surfaces because those mirror polishes are really hard to get to awful lot of work and if I can save a few scratches a few smudges I'm certainly gonna do so so apparently the first run with this stone as far as I was reading online Shapton recommends a short soak and thereafter splash and go apparently and the other ones are splashing off and you can see the stone was just starting to drive there fairly quickly so I'll just keep giving a little spritz and now let's give a try [Music] whoo that's got some bite to it now my first thought is that it's very the word I would use whether you know the term or not is homogeneous there's you don't notice any different size in particle what you have is basically a blast of little sharpening particles that are like cemented into a paste that's how stones like this works sometimes and I especially know this with the cheaper stones you this is one of the biggest differences for me but then they're not exactly the modulus you get different sized particles throughout the same so as you're running across like this you're hearing a little different sounds that you're feeling little textures and little pieces that are bigger hitting your blade and things like that this star I would call very homogenous there's just there's no variation and yeah and that's something you get into when you get into the higher end stones use that variation and the stone is very predictable which makes it much easier to get good results so that's kind of one of the things you're paying for in my opinion when you invest in a higher-end stone like this of course this is a 320 grit stone it's quite coarse not there courses more you they do 120 grit stone this is 320 grit stone and it's ceramic ceramic is super hard compared to say silicon carbide or aluminum oxide stones you get ceramic is an extremely hard an aggressive cutting material so we would expect nothing less than this stone to perform extremely well and it is just cutting like crazy you see I see my angle is off a little bit on my my Blind Side just a few more strokes and we'll have already established or secondary bevel now this knife is ground pretty thin so that's why it's not going to take a long time to grind in a secondary bevel that's still that's extremely important to get the entire length of that bevel there if you recall I said I had these three workhorse stones your workhorse stones are your low grit I would say anything below like 400 are gonna be your work stone so they're gonna be removing chips and things like that this is a 240 ceramic a 320 ceramic and then a 400 what do we have here aluminum no silicon carbide I believe we have air in the Nano a super stone don't take that as the gospel truth that might be that might be incorrect I'm not going to look it out right now this feels velvety smooth but doesn't superfast cuts really well but doesn't come superfast this one here this 240 ceramic cuts viciously fast but it's really rough you can really do some damage to your knife quickly with this and you don't get that that velvety texture when you're working on of course because it bites so hard that it just it's just carving away steel constantly this is a beautiful compromise it's not much slower at all cutting and this piece here but you do get that smooth controllable like like predictable feeling the texture is predictable it feels feel safe and it's not grabbing at your edge edge as you're doing your cutting strokes yeah it's just yeah it's a beautiful feeling storm now on to the 1000 shopton here this is a 14 point 7 micron so basically how these stones work and I don't have a lot of information like I said I'm far from the expert I'm just just getting into these stones here with this shipment but you have a tempered glass plate on the back this sort of sort of a frosted texture and that is a perfectly true piece of material that it provides a really hard and true backing to your actual stone which is ceramic here so that's why these are called the Shapton glass stones that's what makes them so unique is that glass plate that at the ceramic grit the cutting service is mounted on so I'm just going to mount this in my Nana wostow holder there these are splash and go so these shouldn't really take in any water now zero prior experience so this is exciting I already like that real nice wide work surface just look at that stroke of metal there that is just the smoothest that is the smoothest stone I've ever felt in my life and smooth doesn't mean a low grit I don't mean smooth in that way it just feels like like velvet that is so dreamy it's hard to explain the feeling I've got experience up this is a beautiful thing you can see all that black build up there on the stand for you guys set don't have really any experience with sharpening that black buildup is metal particle so for a 1,000 grit note how quickly that metal particle is building up there a few cutting strokes it's not going to take a whole lot with a stone that cuts this fast and a knife this thin notice they're shallow of an angle I'm using with a knife because this is a kitchen performer so just doing a little test here guys now here's one way to tell if you have a good stone I just came right off the 1,000 that's no strapping no special tricks no nothing just a normal sharpening method right off the 1,000 and you have an edge like that that is that is some incredible results right there now we're about to go on to the 4004 how smooth that 1000s like how buttery smooth how nice feeling is I can just imagine how this 4000 is going to feel or at least I'm super excited to check it out so here we go oh that is not gonna get old it's it's just a different feeling I haven't spent much time on ceramics anyways spend a little time on diamond laughs the time of silver oxide and silicon carbide but that is so it's the texture the texture is just perfection thing of beauty is hard to explain so here we go right off that 4,000 no stropping now to some of you guys who are not super educated in sharpening you might be wondering what the heck the difference is between the four thousand the 1000 or sliced in favor before it it's the subtle things it's looking at that edge there that margin and looking at what the tears like or what the cuff is like how smooth in it smooth it is sorry and how the knife feels going through it with the 1000 there's just a slight drag supercell but if you do it enough you you definitely feel it and now with this 4000 like I said no strapping here it's just the knife just falls through it's like the paper falls away so that's that's the difference and it is a beautiful thing a knife that performs like that maybe some of you guys watch them have never experienced that and to you guys I encourage you to take up freehand sharpening learn the skill get yourself some good tools invest in some quality stones that'll last you a decade that's so nice but yeah I love the the art of free hand sharpening and I'd love for everyone to try it I want to give a huge thank you and a huge shadow to fall or Paul's finest calm man I really appreciate the help to any of you who support me you guys that support me by watching any new companies that send me a product like that Paul's finest sir you are literally giving me tools to help put food on my family's table this is this is my work I I make knives I do crafts work sharpening is a big part of my work I do sharpening for hire so these tools are literally things that I use to put food on the table to put gas in the tank and at any time that can be made easier with with your guy's help just so appreciate it so yeah I can't say enough go support companies like Paul Spong let's calm I'll put the link there in the description go buy a little something from them I'm sure he'd appreciate it and I'd really appreciate it if you'd like to mention my name tell them who sent ya thank you for watching guys I appreciate it thank you guys for the continued support I really appreciate it hit that like button if you want to help a little extra comment down below if you want to help out a little extra subscribe to my channel if you're interested in the content or videos like this be on the lookout for more videos where I'm playing with these shopkins I'm gonna have a lot of fun thanks for watching I'll see in the next video [Music]
Channel: Kyle Noseworthy
Views: 80,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sharpening, how to sharpen a knife, professional knife sharpening, worlds sharpest knife, razor sharp knife, professional tip, professional sharpening, freehand sharpening, best freehand sharpening, free hand sharpening, whetstone sharpening, sharpening tips, sharpening tricks, knife sharpening hack, knife sharpening tricks, Shapton glass review, shapton 1000 glass, shapton 4000 glass, shapton 320 stone, shapton whetstone review
Id: OyeTGE41PkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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