My New Live Rich Planner

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so right now I'm gonna give you a little introduction to what this planner is what it can do but first let me kind of tell you my story on why I created the leverage planner [Music] [Music] as a committed business owner and single mom to my son my son James I had to ask myself there had to be something out there that would allow me to organize and plan my days with that wouldn't leave me feeling defeated so I created the live rich planner now for many years I used the bullet journal in fact it's my favorite way to plan and organize my life what I don't like about bullet journaling is the time commitment every single spread you have to make your own draw your own create your own and I just did not have the time to do it so I wanted to create a planner that gave me the same familiarity as an appointment calendar but allowed it to make it my own and unique because just like your budget your planner is personal no one's else no one else's life is like yours so I created the plant the leverage planner in a way that you could be creative add your own touches and elements that truly make it unique to your life and you can have a little fun as well this is a tool I wish I had when I felt lost unorganized and overwhelmed with life the liverish planner was designed for busy people who crave creativity so the liverish planner is completely unded which means you can use it anytime and for the full 12 months to make sure that your OCD I know me I like to have everything organized in a way that makes sense for me so if for example if you start using this planner in April you're gonna want your first tab to start in April right now the planner is designed and created with January through December each planner is gonna come with these little tabs stickers that's gonna allow you to customize your tabs based on the month that you start using it so that's the first thing that well that's the first thing that you ever want to going to want to address when you get your planner is getting your tabs organized in a way that makes sense to the month that you start using it so when you first open your planner you don't want to fill out this first section if case it's lost they can contact you and return your planner read a little bit on why I created this planner my story as well as all the different benefits that you can get from the planner I loved and wanted to create a layout on how to use page this spread is going to tell you everything that's included in every single month of the live rich planner you have your monthly calendar your personal monthly finance spread your weekly view for appointment scheduling or block scheduling and a personal planning spread as well you're also gonna have four years for quick reference for future dates or events or holidays next we're gonna talk about the full monthly calendar spread you have your monthly goals the people you want to see your monthly wins projects that can be ordered in priority the let's get creative area is for anything that you really want it to be whether it be your doodling or drawing or maybe you need to add some more to-do lists in this area like I'd mentioned this planner is completely unded so you're gonna put the month in the year at the top as well as you have an area for personal and work focus that's the first step is you want to go ahead and label all of your dates on this calendar this is what it looks like and how I use mine so this is talking about back in June when I went to Texas with some girlfriends I like to color code all of my different planner months and to-do lists so for instance on my planner on my monthly calendar view I have little keys for all the different highlighter colors that I use so my events are gonna be in yellow my appointments are in this really light blue color I also have James's things separated from my events and holidays and appointments so that makes it really easy using the highlighter method on your calendar lets you quickly see what you have going on for different people in your life so this is what the monthly calendar spread looks like next we're gonna be talking about the monthly personal finance spread this is a monthly spread and view of your finances the number one question I get is what is the difference between the budget by paycheck workbook and the live rich planner especially since there is a finance spread in the liverish planner the biggest difference is the budget by paycheck workbook just that it's a work it's a work book it includes worksheets that guide you along the step-by-step process that you need to create a realistic budget the leverage planner finance spread is monthly whereas the budget by paycheck workbook is by paycheck but the reason I wanted to include a personal monthly finance spread in the planner is because there are certain things that I like to track monthly when it comes to my finances because I look at my planner every single day things like my daily spending what automatic bills I have coming out those reoccurring bills that happen month to month the income that I have coming in as well as different savings goals debt goals or things that I like to tell myself maybe I'm doing a new savings challenge those are the types of things that I like to document in my planner that's what the personal finance spread and the live rich planner is all about so with the personal finance spread it's undated so you're always gonna want to put the month in a year that you're talking about your Y word this is something that is so critical to your budgeting journey your Y word establishes your purpose why are you on your financial journey that should be in front of your face at all times your financial goals may be pick two or three big financial goals that you're working on get them down in your planner maybe you're doing a savings challenge areas you possibly want to cut spending as well as your monthly income now with your monthly expenses for me I like to write down only my reoccurring monthly bills now keep in mind this does not include my variable spending from my cash envelopes it's the things that happen every single month the things that you want to make sure that you're paying on time there's an area to write down the expense the due date the budgeted amount your actual amount the difference whether or not it's automatically pulled from your account like on auto payment and when it has been paid this is a great quick reference to make sure that you are on top of your bill due dates down here is a monthly overview your income versus your expenses up here at the top is your daily spending calendar now let me show you very quickly what this looks like in blank form because I want you to see what this looks like not filled out so this is a daily spending calendar it is blank and undated so you can use this for a couple of different things for anything but how I use mine is I use mine to track my cash daily spending versus my no spend days so on my daily spending calendar everything that you see in purple is no spend and then I like to track have you ever just wondered how much did I spend everyday last week out of my cash envelopes or you ever ask yourself like I wonder how much I spent out of my food envelope last week every single day these are little things that maybe you're just curious about maybe you're wanting to analyze and break down into more detail some of your spending to create a new savings goal for yourself maybe you want to decrease a specific category in your budget use the daily spending calendar to get you there the monthly debt progress this is something else that I want to show you with it not filled out because I have a feeling I'm going to get some questions on this the monthly debt progress has these squares and you might be asking well how do I track my progress with the dusties squares you have you can write your beginning balance each one of these squares should represent a dollar amount so in my example each one of these boxes represents $20 every single time I pay off $20 worth my debt I color in a square this is a great visual way to know and see your progress along the way you know some of those times it's like we make small payments toward towards our debt and it feels like we're not making any progress at all but you are this is a great visual way to see that these boxes can be any amount that you want and if like if you're like me and you make large debt payments every single month maybe your boxes will be worth more of a larger value but a complete can become lately customize your ending balance is written down right here and now keep in mind when you're paying off debt and you're probably wondering do I include the interest rate interest rate in my debt payoff amount your ending balance is going to be after interest and your payment is already made in the monthly debt area I like to write down how much my debt decreased over that month and these are your savings goals so you're gonna write down what goal you're saving for when you would like the money save by your monthly spending so monthly spending what does that mean it's your goal on how much you want to save every single month your Col total how much you actually save throughout the month and your new current goal balance next down here at the bottom always think about how you can improve your finances for next month is there a certain category that you feel like you're overspending is there a new goal that you feel like you should implement in your financial plan that can be written down down here at the bottom so this is what your weekly view is going to look like when you first get your liverish planner it's blank it has 1/2 hour time slot starting from 6:00 a.m. all the way to 10:30 now block scheduling is kind of something that I implemented when I became a full-time business owner and started working for my business full-time I was now in charge of my own schedule and that's actually a really hard transition to do so I implemented block scheduling blocking out specific times during the day for certain things I block out my dinners I block out my lunches I block out my runs every single evening as well as different events appointments and holidays that I have going on for the week up at the top you'll notice everything is undateable that week inside the little boxes at the top along the very top is today's mindset no I don't know if you do this but I do every single day I wake up and I tell myself what am I going to work on today is it patience is it grace is it forgiveness a lot of times I wake up in it's patience I work on patience a lot and luckily my six-year-old son has taught me a lot about patience but it's still something that I just with I'm the type of person like I want things done and I want it done right now I'm working on it so today's mindset if you were like me you get up in the morning there's something a mindset that you want to work on right that at the top you also have your meal plan quick reference on your weekly view what you have going on every single day having that meal plan in place is really crucial I like seeing it when I'm looking at my appointments then you'll also have your workout I get a lot of questions on what my workouts look like throughout the week so I'm a long distance runner 99.9% of time you're gonna find me out on the road running however because I'm training for my first marathon I have now implemented CrossFit into my schedule I like to know which days I'm planning for CrossFit and which days I'm planning on running maybe you want to track in your you're a heavy weight lifter you want to track arm workouts versus leg works out Spurs core that's what you're gonna write up at the top and you're today's workouts this is what and how I use my weekly view I still have the Highland highlighter method going on as you can see I have my highlighter key over here which what represents what color for each category that I'm talking about so I have travel work appointments work out daily and sports each one of those things is a different color on my week view it makes it actually very easy to quickly glance at your calendar and see what you have going on I also have notes going on important things that I need to do for this week that's what I use my weekly notes like I said up here your mind set meal plan and then as you can see run run run run run mill one day CrossFit I like I said I block things out so for instance on Thursday 7 7 to 8:30 is me and my son's time to do breakfast get ready for school now of course that changes slightly during summer I still like to keep them kind of on the same schedule on summer so it's easy to transition into the back-to-school schedule but I block out certain times this makes it very easy especially as a business owner and you have a ton of meetings a ton of deadlines the tenor of appointments going on what do you have well it's only the things that aren't highlighted so for me it's a quick way to say when someone asks hey are you available next week yeah in this area in this area so baseball days is Sundays this is how I use my weekly view one of the things that kind of bug me when I was out there searching for a planner was one a lot of planners were missing the number one thing I was looking for the ability to be creative and make my planner my own a lot of the time I felt like the planner spreads were already 1 2 filled out or it really didn't leave me a lot of room for creativity and being a creative person creativity is what makes the things that I do fun the ability to really bring in the artwork the drawing the coloring but the personal planning spread is the kind of the area where I felt other planners lacked the meal planning the goal-setting the chores the mom life right the mom life that's so many of the planners I felt like just didn't include so the personal planning spread is your weekly meal prep it's making sure that you do your inventory check of your fridge in your freezer making and basing your meals on what you already have at home it's gonna save you a ton of money this gives you ability to plan out your breakfast your snacks for the entire week lunches and dinners it also allows you to put in a shopping list now I use the shopping list anytime I create a shopping list when I go to the store I like to break it down into the labels that you're actually when you're at the store like produce meat dairy all of that that's how I create my shopping list because it makes it a lot faster for me to run around the store if I'm going from one category to the next in the store so I have my dairy my meats my produce my drinks and my pantry this is how I organize my shopping list you next you have your habits and goals tracker so fun fact I suck at drinking water and as a long-distance runner you're probably thinking that's kind of crazy I hate water I don't know what it is something's wrong with me but I like to track how much water I drink every single day but not only that I have kind of this little funny goal in my head 8 glasses of water every day I don't care the glass ok lies it has to be bigger than you know this big but I like to make sure I do at least 8 glasses of water if I did I track it so water if the little circle is filled in I reached my goal workout I like to either do running CrossFit or some form of activity whether it be riding bikes with my son or me and my son going for a walk I want to make sure that I'm active for at least a two-hour section of my day if I hit that goal I fill in the circle reading oh man this is another one where it's like I'm a struggle bus in this reading for me I set out on a goal two months ago and I remember I showed you on my Instagram stories I had a book like I was carrying around all these book like eight books I'm like I'm gonna read every single one of these I have yet to get through one so I'm resetting my goal my goal is to finish one chapter a day that is my personal reading goal and I'm not gonna lie with a crazy six-year-old it's really hard I have to get it really super early and then I end up falling back asleep but I make it work so if I do one chapter I fill in a circle this is how I currently use my habits and goal tracker remember small tweaks to your daily habits is what's going to make you reach your goals you have to make them habits doing it every single day a little bit every time makes it a habit so on this side on the right side you have your main goal this week's focus this was this week's wins you also have an area to write in the week that you're working on remember this planner is completely undead housework if sucks but it's a fact of life so the way that I organize my housework in my planner is I like to assign an area or a room in my house to every single day of the week maybe Monday is kitchen to Zayas bathroom three is bedroom our Thursday is James's room whatever it may be I like to assign certain rooms to different days and not only that what do I want to accomplish which eats with each one of those rooms so on Monday I've bathroom every single Monday I work on the bathroom whether that's cleaning the shower wiping down the mirrors cleaning the floors mather sometimes I include washing the rugs Tuesday is bedroom cleaning the sheets I'm going through all the different blankets I'm cleaning out the cop the cabinets and going through the closets it's organization cleaning up the bedroom and so on so also the way the thing that I love about the personal planning spread is as you can see I like to add in this is the area where I add into a lot more doodles than probably I do on the rest of the planner because this is my life and for me the doodling comes when I can really make it a part of what I do every single day so make it work these are things like you're struggling but you're doing things to make it work what are you doing to make it work write it down because you can go back to that and reference that later on in the future and then on on the bottom of the right page is for next week what are you doing to plan for next week because remember using a planner isn't just dealing with the now it's also planning and organizing for the future and preparing yourself for what's going on in the future so that is the four different spreads in the live rich planner the last one the personal planning spread is a weekly spread you're gonna see it repeat itself every single week throughout the month and the same goes with the weekly calendar spread where you're planning out your events your appointments and your schedule so just to recap what we have going on the liverish planner every single month you're gonna get a fun quote you're gonna get your monthly calendar you're gonna get your monthly personal finance spread you're gonna get your weekly view calendar with half-hour time slots for scheduling appointments events and holidays you're gonna get your personal planning spread now the thing with this live rich planner is every single month you get five weeks you get five weekly view calendars and five personal planning spreads so it just repeats itself five weeks also another thing if you haven't already the live rich planner is now being offered with fun planner stickers or you can buy the stickers separately so there's a bunch of fun payday ones holiday ones events appointments all different types of planner stickers and you can buy this in a set of three different sheets also don't forget to have your handy dandy customize tab stickers for your planner and make sure you look for that when you open up your planner as well so that has a complete recap of the live rich planner make sure you check out my Instagram at the budget mom where I'm gonna be posting a lot more pictures of what I have going on in my live rich planner and of course if you guys have any questions you can always reach me at Kumiko at the budget mom comm or find me over on instagram at the budget mom where i answer every single message personally i really hope that the live rich planner is a place where you can calm your mind find peace and have a little bit of fun [Music]
Views: 29,209
Rating: 4.9180632 out of 5
Keywords: budget, mom life, busy schedule, block scheduling, meal planning, chores, goal lists, to-do lists, planner, life planner, mom planner, planner accessories, weekly planner, monthly planner, busy life, frugal, frugal mom, workout, the budget mom, thebudgetmom, finance planner, pay off debt, debt, save money, saving, expenses, budgeting, daily spending, creative, creative planner, bullet journal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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