My new CS2 bhop config is crazy...

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[Music] ooun [Music] oh terrorist counterterrorist [Music] win l oh oh make just make [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh bro what the [ __ ] [Music] do you want to buy CS2 skins cheaper than on all website let me introduce you gamer pay gamer pay is a website where you can buy and sell skins with 0% fee as a seller gamer pay is my favorite selling platform for their 3D market and the way you are selling your skins on other website you have to send your skins to a bot it mean that you can't play with them when you're are selling them but on gamer pay you will have a notification when someone bought your skin and you will simply have to send it click on the link in description to get $5 for your first buy or sell of $50 or more
Channel: ToraKedal
Views: 1,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs2, csgo, cs2 bhop, csgo bhop, cs2 movement, cs2 clip, cs2 montage, cs2 highlights, cs2 skins, cs2 account, cs2 awp, cs2 trickshot, cs2 case opening, cs2 awp lightning strike, cs2 pro bhop, cs2 pro, cs2 deagle, cs2 compil, franzj, zuhn, tripp, skripe, bhop, cs2 config, cs2 script, case opening, cs2 french clip, cs2 awp clip, cs2 zuhn, cs2 funny, cs2 funny clip, cs2 troll, cs2 fun
Id: 5P9rEoRHO9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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