My New Bible

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hey what's up everybody thank you so much for joining me on the show today and thanks for all of the kind text messages as I mentioned I was feeling a little under the weather yesterday and actually this whole week has been kind of a downer week for me but they always have God's word to lift us up and that's what I want to talk to you about today because I mentioned it on the show yesterday and this is going to be a different kind of show today because this is going to be all about my new Bible and I'm not going to I'm not saying it to brag about because I want to talk about how this came about now yes I had mentioned I was supposed to go to Lancaster with my uh dad and his wife and we always go up there we eat our way through Lancaster for three or four days see Sight and Sound all that good stuff well because I was not able to go because I was feeling under the weather the morning he was going to pick me up I was in the rare position and for me it's very rare because I live pretty meagerly to have um some extra money lying around because that was all the money I was going to use to eat when I was up there so I said you know what it has been probably and I shouldn't say probably it's been nine years since I bought a very nice Bible and I say nine years because that was when I first bought my very first Bible when I got saved which was the David Jeremiah Study Bible the new King James version and um I used that Bible up to about 2 years ago and the reason I stopped using it is because a very good friend of mine had moved out west and was struggling with some hard times and he texted me hey do you have a Bible you could possibly send me I can't afford to buy one I'm kind of bouncing around um he was in a homeless situation but he really wanted a Bible so I said you know what I'm going to send him this Bible that I had all marked up and have my notes and everything in it as a gift to him and it was a very nice leatherbound David Jeremiah Study Bible and I sent that off to him and since I've sent that off to him which I I think was about two years ago I've been kind of Bounce It Around different Bibles and I firmly believe that you should have one Bible that is your main Bible now it's okay to use other translations I do it all the time and it's okay to have other Bibles on the Shelf if you want to see what I mean by that look over there in that top shelf is nothing but Bibles see actually the top two shelves there are nothing but Bibles so it's okay to have that but you need to have one Bible that is your Bible and that's the Bible that you use it's many people call your everyday carry bible which is exactly what mine is so I have been without that for a couple years because I didn't want to get one that was inexpensive not built well things like that I said I want to wait until I can afford to get another very nice one and this opportunity arose so I spent the last couple days being sick on bed pull the iPad out watch some online videos watch some videos of people who do Bible with views and stuff like that and I knew I wanted to go back to the new King James nothing wrong with any other translations nothing wrong with them but the new King James is the translation that I started reading when I got saved and the new King James is the translation that I seem to always fall back to when I am doing research or preparing a message or something like that even this week I preached for my dad at his church this past Sunday and I ended up switching from the nasb 2020 which had been my main translation for a while to the new King James for the message because I liked how it had how the words flowed so much better in it so I said I want to get a nice King James and I settled on here it comes the McLaren series from Thomas Nelson now if you have never got a McLaren Bible these things are absolutely gorgeous okay these thing and you're going to see in a minute I said this is technically an unboxing but not really because I've already taken out of the box but this is the box as you can see right and this thing is absolutely stunning now Bibles can be just paperback books can be built just like paperback books and if that's what you use and you're happy with that and I am happy with that sometimes as well but I like to have something that gets people's attention why because they see that I'm reading the word of God and it might help strike up a conversation with them so here it is I got the black goat skin leather and it is a gorgeous you see the gold gilding on the outside of it two ribbons blue and black just very basic down the spine the ridge spine it is a um it's it's considered a thin line so it does fit in my bag it is also a lay flat as you can see and one of the neat things about these McLaren series is something I had not realized until I started doing the research that the words of Christ are in blue which is very very cool very different and look at the tyght face on that very comfortable typ face it's 10-point font and very flexible I can toss this in my bag one of the things I instantly noticed that I liked about it when I pulled it out of the box was it has the overlay look how much leather overlay is over the pages so when I toss it in my bigger bag it's going to get banged up a little bit but it's not going to destroy the pages because that leather overlay will protect it so there you go this is going to be the this is the Bible I'll be using for the show from now on so when you see me looking down like this and I know people say it's horrible to do that this is the one you're going to see me carrying with me this fits in both of my small bag and my larger bag I made sure it would do that Pages don't bleed through on it and I'm going to drop the link to this one down below um if you're interested in getting it but it was very reasonable it was only $79 off of Amazon so there you go that's my new Bible just one to share it with you quickly and share the reason behind why I wanted to pick a new one up what is your favorite Bible what is your everyday carry bible not necessarily the translation but actually the build you know do you like The Thin Line do you like the real small personal ones which I can't read because I'm half blind I'd love to be able to carry one this big around with me I can't do that do you like a larger Bible do you even carry one with you do you just use your phone or your tablet as your Bible I love the not drop a comment down share like the video and tomorrow we're going to dive back into the Book of John talk to you have a great day
Channel: A Guy And His Bible
Views: 6,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GIfT55fcBVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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