(사회실험) 아들이 데려온 여자친구의 한쪽 팔이 없다면..?

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I got my arm amputated I was quite worried and concerned We've already talked.. I'll be honest with you (A cafe in Seoul) What suddenly made you Treat me a meal and coffee The weather was great this week And...you know... I've had a lot of girlfriends so far You know.. You have a girlfriend, don't you? A girlfriend? Of course, I do have a girlfriend I trust you, son You've met a lot of people I've dated You've seen a lot of my exes But those were all light relationships And you know I've never caused a trouble So you're serious about this relationship? Yeah, of course... I've found my soulmate That's why I'm asking you to meet her Are you sure she's the right one? Yes, I'm sure Are you here? Please give me a moment Is she your mom? Mom! Hello! She's the one that I've just talked about I think she's a bit shocked I've never mentioned you to her before So I think she's quite surprised I came here well-prepared to meet you Yeah, I know you're fine But my mother had no clue at all so she was pretty shocked Yeah, she does look surprised Indeed she is.. You didn't even tell me I didn't tell my mother That she was going to meet you today I thought she knew I was coming Anyways.. she is 32 years old Her name is Nayoon Yes, it's Kim Nayoon I'm a year older than him Sorry, let me get a grip on myself So the reason you brought me here is.... I just told you And I've also wanted to have a date with you You didn't tell me you were going to introduce me to your girlfriend 53 00:02:28,020 --> 00:02:28,000 Did you hide her here? No, she was just right on time She's still buffering.. I'm surprised.. Did you tell her about me? Only a bit I'm speechless It's just so out of the blue Since we met around summer, it's been around six months He is very understanding That's what I liked so much about him I'm different when I'm not at home Different? Yes, of course Really? Baby, isn't the coat uncomfortable? Give me a second Should I give you my coat? I'll place your bag here I'll keep this for you You could place the coat here I'm fine with holding it Are you holding onto it because you like her so much? Because my girlfriend... Has a disability Where? I got into a traffic accident Around four years ago I got my arm amputated.. I was quite worried and concerned about seeing you We both love each other so much The both of us are really fine But you might not be so... Right.. Since you may have a different perspective I'm wondering what your opinion is I think she is in shock But we're both happy so.. The traffic accident Made me lose my arm I've got it replanted right away But due to blood poisoning, my arm had to be amputated four years ago.. I can live without it but.. So.. Like driving.. Can you drive? I don't have a driver's license.. I need to get one My question is, is there an alternative? People that have disabilities with their legs use their hands And for people with disabilities with their hands There are cars where you can drive with your legs You're right, you know so much! But most of the controls are on the right side of the car So I heard I could drive You told me you dated her for six months But was there sympathy? I'm sorry Did you sympathize her? You need to be sure, so that... I love her, I'm sure with my feelings How was it? When you first saw this Honestly.. I think you're shocked Yes, I was surprised And to be honest As a mother, I want the best for you Based on my experience I'm sorry Flaws may end up in complaints Even if you don't complain If you argue with her She might think that's because of her disability It's a cruel world we live in I'm just curious how much you could take in Aside from my disability, we both have different values So there are times when we argue But if we could communicate just like now I think we would have a fairly good relationship You introduced her to me Because you have thoughts of marrying her, right? You want my permission? If you really wanted to marry her I'll just be honest with you You shouldn't just say, "She's handicap" You should start thinking "We're both equal" That's what I think You shouldn't say, "I can't do it because I'm disabled" Instead, you need to give in more effort And as for you, you must never sympathize her You can't have a successful marriage So when you look at her If you want to marry her, don't sympathize her Because you're both equal My son is so shallow No, he is not I want your support more than your permission Both support and permission, May we be together? Because my son likes you I support this relationship and If you like each other, then.. And since you are already together I just hope you don't hurt your feelings If you like each other, then I don't mind I really don't mind if you're both happy She gave us her permission! We got her support! So I guess that's it It was a prank! This was all a prank! Is it really a prank? You've made your bed, now lie in it! You better be responsible for my son You're eyes teared up at the beginning So I almost cried as well Where's the camera? It's all over the place You were in shock, were you? "What? My son's girlfriend is disabled?" No, that's not true It was fun It was entertaining I've always imagined this scenario Because I'm not ready to get married yet I was really touched; I almost cried Because your eyes teared up...
Channel: 뉴사이드
Views: 1,808,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WNxtk2pg3rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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