My Most Memorable Call: 'Help Me' - Sex Assault Victim Calls 911 With Attacker Right Next to Her

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what's the emergency one of my most memorable calls is a time that i had been working late i was really tired it was 2 or 2 30 in the morning 9-1-1 what is the address of your emergency and i got a call from a lady who called 911 and i said well you know where's your emergency and she kind of gave me a vague location do you know what mile marker you're at um i'm not sure i asked her what the emergency was and she said well i don't know what's going on um i'm not sure why are you calling 9-1-1 pardon me why are you calling 9-1-1 what's the emergency okay never mind and i was a little bit irritated but i try to keep my calm and i said yes you have to tell me because i thought harry i'm working this overtime and i'm frustrated and here now i've got somebody on the phone and they won't tell me what's going on you don't know why you called 9-1-1 yes i do okay then why did you call okay do i have to say right now yes okay then never mind and that's when it clicked um in my brain that maybe there's a reason why she can't tell me are you able to talk or is there someone okay are you in danger yeah okay okay um has someone kidnapped you can't i don't know it turned out that she was on a date with someone and they had given her something to drink and she woke up and the suspect was sexually assaulting her and now they were in a vehicle driving along the road she finally convinced him to let her use the phone and she called 911. does this person know you've called 9-1-1 no okay okay then just pretend like you're talking to your friend and i'll see if i can't get somebody to help you um at the time i could tell that she had called 9-1-1 four times and all four times they had disconnected because she wouldn't tell them what was going on i was a little bit humbled at that point that i finally got her on the line and and was willing to ask her more questions are you in a truck yes okay she was in a black pickup truck extended cab a suspect had some type of weapon she couldn't really tell me what and um every so often he would get a little bit suspicious and say who are you talking to and she's like it's my sister so i had to kind of change up it was really a challenging call i was on the phone with her for a good 20 minutes it's my sister just wanting to know and and why can't you talk are you afraid he's gonna hurt you yes okay has he already hurt you tonight okay i'm i'm getting help your way just stay on the phone okay okay we finally get an officer behind her and as he pulls up behind he's waiting for a backup but the car blocks out his lights and went to turn up into this rural area where there was uh the officer said hey i'm gonna have to pull him over or i'm gonna lose him did he turn the lights off to the car yeah okay yes he turned off the lights okay the officer can see you still so don't worry okay okay so he pulls the car over and you can immediately hear the officer in the background yelling get out of the car get out of the car and she just starts bawling okay i'm getting out do you understand me ma'am are you okay do not move put your hand behind your back now the officer gets the suspect in custody and she just kept saying thank you so much thank you so much are you there are you okay officers got him in custody it kind of taught me a lesson that day every minute that we are working in this job is important every call is important this call specifically i made i feel like i made a huge difference in her life had i not listened to her that might have been her last chance to call 911 that night and you just never know when that that one person that life-changing call is going to come in for someone you
Channel: PhoenixPolice
Views: 8,215,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phoenix Police Department, City of Phoenix
Id: U1i9zXAPg-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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