My Man Godfrey (1936) WILLIAM POWELL

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so so so [Applause] [Music] hello duke well mike any luck today well i figured out a swell racket and everything was going great until the cops came along too bad it didn't work if them cops would stick to their own racket and leave honest guys alone we'd get somewhere in this country without a lot of this relief and all that stuff mike i wouldn't worry prosperity just around the corner yeah it's been there a long time i wish i knew which corner well duke i'm going to turn in once why one floor mike this is the place all right that looks like one of them sitting outside that's like a pretty tough joint to make you stole irene i'll talk to the fellow i don't think it's fair of you and corny i told you about this place we got here first well she's not gonna get ahead of me good evening good evening how'd you like to make five dollars uh i didn't quite catch what you said i said how would you like to make five dollars five dollars five dollars i don't want to seem inquisitive but what would i have to do for it all you have to do is go to the board of ritz hotel with me and i'll show you to a few people and then i'll send you right back may i inquire just why you would want to show me to people at the waldorf ritz oh if you must know it's a game you've probably heard about it a scavenger hunt if i find a forgotten man first i win is that clear yes quite clear shall i wear my tails or come just as i am you needn't be fresh do you want the five dollars or don't you madam i can't tell you how flattered i am by your very generous offer george however i'm afraid i'll have to take it up with my board of directors don't you touch me no matter what my board of directors advise i think you should be spanked george do something are you in the habit of hitting ladies maybe i'm in a habit of hitting gentlemen also if that'll interest you well aren't you going to do anything let's get a policeman who are you i'm irene that was my sister cornelius pushed in the ice pile how'd you like having pushed canadian sister into the nash oh i don't think i'd like it well then you better get out of here you bet wait a minute sit down i'm sitting here what's up duke need some help no thanks boys got everything under control you a member of this hunting party i was but i'm not now are they all forgotten men too yes i guess they are maybe why that's the funniest thing i couldn't help but laugh i've wanted to do that ever since i was six years old you wanted to do what oh push cornelia and something a pile of ashes or something you know that was faithful george wither that isn't really his name but we call him that because he gets in everybody's hair his father's the broker that's very enlightening you thought she was going to win and you pushed in a pile of issues think you could follow a intelligent conversation for just a moment i'll try no that's fine do you mind telling me just what a scavenger hunt is well a scavenger hunt is exactly like a treasure hunt except in a treasure hunt you try to find something you want in a scavenger hunt you're trying to find something that nobody wants like a forgotten man that's right and the one that wins gets surprised only there really isn't a prize it's just the honor of winning because all the money goes to charity that is if there's any money left over but then there never is um well that clears the whole matter up beautifully you know i've decided i don't want to play any more games with human beings as objects it's kind of sorted when you think of it i mean when you think it over yeah well i don't know i haven't thought it over yeah i don't like to change the subject would you tell me why you live in a place like this when there's so many other nice places you really want to know well i'm very curious it's because my real estate agent felt that the altitude would be very good for my asthma oh my uncle has asthma no well now there's a coincidence well i suppose i should be going now shouldn't i it's a good idea to see who won the game i suppose it was cornelia again she probably got another forgotten man by now you mean if you took me along with you that you'd win the game is that the idea well i might if i got there first but after seeing what you did to cornelia i'm not saying anything but you'd win if you got back first with me be awfully nice of you but i don't like to ask let's beat cornelia you wouldn't be asking too much see i've got a sense of curiosity just the same as you have i'd really like to see just what a scavenger hunt looks like but i told you yes i'm uh still curious well come on thank you my name is blake my name is bullock the place slightly resembles an insane asylum well all you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people that's right take a look at the dizzy old gal with the goat i've had to look at it for 20 years that's mrs bullock i'm terribly sorry how do you think i feel all right all right [Laughter] oh [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] i [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] japanese [Applause] japanese [Music] are all these people hunters oh no we work in groups summer hunters and summer receivers sounds like a bankruptcy proceeding i never thought of that who receives me well i have to take you to the committee but you don't mind do you i can hardly wait wait a minute wait a minute what are you there oh this is godfrey's crowning your back yet haven't seen cornelia where did you find him ladies and gentlemen please quiet quiet miss bullock has a forgotten man uh do you mind stepping up on the platform please just get right up on the platform kathy tell do you mind if i ask you a few questions fire away what is your address city dump 32 east river sudden place rather fashionable over there isn't it in spots is that your permanent address well the permanency is rather questionable see the places being rapidly filled in you mind if i ask you a personal question if it isn't too personal are those risks your own no one else has claimed them i must ask that question because uh one group tried to pull the committee the early part of the evening by putting force whiskers on one of their own group may i uh so much pleasure one more question are you wanted by the police oh that's just the trouble nobody wants me a very good answer blended you mean nobody wants and nobody at all nobody oh that's too bad on the contrary i sometimes find it a great advantage the committee is satisfied miss irene bullock wins 20 points for a forgotten man and 50 points extra for bringing in the first one [Applause] group 10 wins the silver cup my purpose in coming here tonight was twofold firstly i wanted to aid this young lady secondly i was curious to see how a bunch of empty-headed nitwits conducted themselves my curiosity's satisfied i assure you it will be a pleasure for me to go back to a society of really important people man's perfect i've been wanting to say that all night but i didn't have the nerve oh god oh god oh god i'm terribly sorry that's all right i've never brought you here if i thought they were going to humiliate you i'm terribly grateful this is the first time i've ever beaten cornelia at anything and you helped me do it well that makes me a sort of cornelius you've done something for me i wish i could do something for you why because you've done something for me don't you see no i don't see but i could use a job if you got one i lose can you bottle bottle yes refresh out of bottles the one we had left this morning i mean they're calling for you in the jade room don't you want your nice cup tell them to keep that cup i don't want it but you can't stand here talking to this man what will people think i don't care what they think godfrey's going to be our butler he's going to be whose box look he's going to work for us oh that's ridiculous you don't know anything about him you haven't had any recommendations the last one had recommendations and stole all the social media well that was really a coincidence people who take in stray cats say they make the best pets madam i don't see what cats have got to do with bachelors she mustn't pay any attention to my daughter she's very impulsive i'm not important and don't shout at your mother i will jump oh mrs merryweather oh you mean it's all over oh yes she always shouts when she wins well done my good man just run along and thank you so much for coming thank you so so much he will not run along i think i'd better [Music] you're a little late cornelia i've won the game oh you have now where do i get my five bucks box box what will you talk to your sister she wants to hire this man as a butler why not he might make a very good butler i'm sure i'd make a very good butler hey where do i get my five bucks box what's he talking about what's he talking about five bucks oh i promised him five dollars well give him the five dollars and the box two and get him out of here before your sister hires him as a chauffeur why did i have to wait from now to find out there's insanity on your father's side of the family come along cornelia i hope godfrey that you're very good at shining shoes i think we better drop the whole idea i should say that you're gonna make the best butler we ever had and and here you'll need some clothes and things you know oh well i uh i told geez to lay out my other coat you have a wonderful sense of humor thank you well then good night oh uh just one question what where do you live oh 10 11 fifth it's funny i never thought of that no you didn't ten eleven session well good night again good night katherine good morning good morning i'm that you uh yes i know you're in the new buffer how did you know there's one every day at this hour they're dropping in and out all the time why is that some get fired some quit is the family that exacting no they're that's nothing may i be frank is that your name my name is guthrie all right be frank you're uh quite an enthusiast don't you worry about me i'm a seasoned campaigner may we be friends oh i'm friends with all the butlers sit down what's a three-letter sea bird with an r in the middle but oh i i don't know you're no help and where'd you get the trick sued what's wrong with it well it might look better if you took the rental tag off the coat thanks does the butter have quarters here in the house or is that necessary no you won't need any quarters just hang your hat near the door so you can get it quickly on the way out what's that that's the old battle ax she usually rings about this time the old battle axe this is bullock she's the mother type oh well don't you do anything about it mrs bullock or the buzzer for the butter oh not the first time if she has a hangover and she usually has she'll ring again in a minute in no uncertain terms then brother you better grab her to model juice and get going ah there she blows well stupid this is your big opportunity shall i take it to him you might as well know the worst i want to warn you she sees pixies pixies you know the little men oh those well i know how to take care of those have you any uh worcestershire what are you gonna do with that do you want to others as you would have others do unto you what do you want to do scorch your windpipe there's nothing like a counter irritant in the morning where do i find her you better go this way it's quicker the upper landing to the left i just switched your cage up there the first door oh wish me luck happy landing [Music] what day is it molly i'm not molly who isn't i'm not stop jumping up and down so i can see who you are i'm not jumping that's better what's your name godfrey he's someone i know we met last night at the waldorf ritz oh yes it was mrs maxton's party at the bar or were you i'm the forgotten man so many people have such bad memories not so true why do they keep playing that same tune over and over again why do they don't you hear it [Music] oh if yes yes i do in a way always the same [Music] where are you what's that pixie remover oh and you see them too they're all friends yes but you mustn't step up i don't like them but i don't like to see them stepped on so i'll be very careful i wouldn't hurt them for the world what am i supposed to do drink it and they'll go away very quickly very very quickly listen just never be rough with them must always send them away quietly is that better yes you're a great help go away little man go away oh but oh you haven't told me who you are i'm godfrey the forgotten man i'm the new butler are you that ugly man with a beard the same oh you james i should never have known you thank you you're very comforting i hope i'll see more of you maybe i better not drink any more of this oh you might go away too i put your hat in belize at the foot of the stairs you can go out the front way it's closer i think i won the first round you mean you're still working here i haven't heard anything to the contrary well you just got by the cub try the lioness oh which is she her name's cornelia she's a sweet tempered little number oh yes i met her last night you've got a treat coming you never met her in the morning second door who are you and what are you doing in here i want you to bring my breakfast i'll let you know get out i don't serve you my breakfast don't ever come here again if you know what's good for you afraid i lost the second round opportunity never stops knocking in this house do you want to try again how is she in the morning she's not as violent but she's more insidious i leave your things right up here so you won't forget them good morning i brought you breakfast don't you remember last night well well what happened to godfrey i'm guttering oh you look so different what happened to those nice whiskers turn around let me look at you you're the cutest thing i've ever seen thank you will there be anything else yes sit down and talk to me i like to talk in the morning when your head is clear especially if you've been somewhere the night before now don't you think it'd be better if i talked standing no because if you're uncomfortable i'll get uncomfortable forget what i have to say you insist but it doesn't seem very good form for a butler oh you're more than a butler you're the first protegee i ever had protege you know like carlo uh who is colin he's mother's protege oh you know it's awfully nice carlo having a sponsor because then he doesn't have to work and he gets more time for his practicing but then he never does then that makes a difference yes i imagine do you play anything godfrey oh i don't mean games and things like that i mean the piano and things like that well it doesn't really make any difference i just thought it is it's funny how some things make you think of other things it's very peculiar it makes me feel so mature and grown up what does having a protege you're the first one i ever had you've never had any others no you're the first one and it's terribly thrilling not only does it occupy my mind but i think it's character building too [Music] uh just what does a protege have to do you just go unbuttling and i sponsor you don't you see it's getting clearer it's really not much work it gives you something to think of and it's going to be such fun i'm sure it's going to be heaps of fun you see for instance if cornelia got to meet anything you wouldn't have to do anything about it you see i take care of everything you see i'm your sponsor and i just take a sock at her i hope that'll never be necessary well i just want to give you the idea that's fine but you see a protege has certain responsibilities also for instance if someone should ring for me now and i didn't answer that would reflect upon you because you're my sponsor don't you see yes i suppose i never thought of that you don't know how nice it is having some intelligent person to talk to it's been very enlightening to me too well i just thought of something else do you know what you are i am not quite sure you're my responsibility that's pretty nice see you in church good morning fine morning sir yes it is fine morning don't be in a hurry you see i'm the old-fashioned type and i was also a middleweight champion when i was in college i thought you might like to know that before this thing starts well you see sir i'm the new butler i just served miss irene her breakfast you always took a change of wardrobe when you serve breakfast oh well uh i think this young lady can explain he really is the new butler mr buff i can't imagine how his things got in the hallway well i still don't get it but if you are the new butler why didn't you say so i'm pretty sorry sir uh may i there's a man of the door to see you i think it's another process server another one yes sir well here i am again mr bullock with another little president yes i've heard all that before which one in the family is at this time miss cornelia it seems she's feeling pretty gay last night on the way home she busted up a few windows along fifth avenue and i'm sorry to give you that but girls will be goodbye wife in this family one subpoena after another mr bullock there's a handsome cab driver waiting to see you in the kitchen what's he want he wants fifty dollars and his horse what horse the one miss irene wrote up the front steps last night where is his horse i haven't got it it's in the library where miss irene left it [Music] well do you begin to get the idea [Music] [Music] come here my man do you like your place here i mean so far as you've gone i find it very entertaining yes we are a very entertaining family you really think you're going to like it here i must admit it's more desirable than living in a packing case on a city dump oh that's where i met you isn't it yes ma'am oh yes yes i remember now it became some sort of a game a scavenger hunt i think they called it we needed a forgotten man i asked you to go to the waldorf ritz hotel with me and uh i'm a little bit hazy as to just what happened after that i pushed you into an ash pile yes of course you did it was very amusing there were nice clean ashes i'm very sorry miss i didn't mind at all it was very amusing have you a handkerchief there's a spot on my shoe would you see what you can do about it i could have you fired you know but i like to see things wriggle when i get through with you you'll go back to your packing case on the city jump and rally should people don't make a practice of pushing cornelia bullock into ash piles i'll make your life so mid [Music] hello godfrey greetings irene oh i like your new monkey suit thank you for picking it up you know it fits very well for a hand-me-down yes i'm more or less standard miss how do you like my new pajamas i think they're very nice thank you i heard what you said to godfrey so what so what you leave him alone so who's going to make me leave him alone if you don't you'll get a good sock for me oh the physical type i say goes since when did you start falling in love with butlers i'm not in love with him he's he's my protege oh your protege that's why you're picking out his suits for him suppose father hears about this how long do you think godfrey will last father isn't going to hear about it you seem terribly sure of everything if father hears about god free he's also going to hear about you and that sappy college boy i don't know what you're talking about but if father does hear about it i'm likely to do a little sucking myself so little red riding hood didn't have enough feminine charm to trap a wolf her own aid so she falls in love with the butler and lives happily ever after on an ash pile if you know what i mean i know what you mean if you know what i mean may i come in you're in aren't you very interesting book the greeks of the middle ages well irene would like that you love the middle ages don't you dare you might have to forget i'm getting to the cattlemen oh carl hello who's giving the concert tonight the great kalininski to be honest isn't he no jealous well what difference does it make it's all music isn't it oh it's so nice to see you two girls having a pleasant chat or is it a pleasant chat well well well imagine the bullets gathered together all in one room oh well don't forget carlo i'm not going to forget carl don't bother about me i feel like one of the family don't you go away you don't mind if i discuss a few family matters carl what no not at all oh alexander now you're not going to bring up those sordid business matters again i hope i've just been going over last month's bills and i find that you people have confused me with the treasury department oh don't start that again dad i don't mind giving the government sixty percent of what i make but i can't do it when my family spend fifty percent well why should the government get more money than your own family that's what i want to know why should the government get more than your own flesh and blood well that's just the way they have of doing things oh money money money the frankenstein monster that destroys souls please don't say anything more about your obsessing call no we've got to come to an understanding right now either carlo is or i am and what well one of us has got to and that's all there is to it alexander you're inebriated you don't know what you're talking about well who would know what they're talking about living with a bunch like this there's one thing i do know what this family needs is discipline i've been a pretty patient man but when people start riding horses up their front steps and parking them in the library that's going a little bit too far horses are you insinuating that i wrote a horse up the front steps last night maybe that wasn't a horse i saw in the library this morning well i'm positive i didn't ride a horse into the library because i didn't have a riding costume on it was irene who rode the horse up the front steps butt horse don't play innocent i begged you not to do it i didn't ride a horse but if i did ride a horse who broke those windows on fifth avenue watch windows you know what windows and how about that college step yeah yeah yeah and i don't care who broke the horse or road the winners at the steps yard but this family's got to settle down oh will you stop bellowing look what you're doing to carlo carlo oh you've exhausted my face did you make these godfrey i helped oh they must be wonderful i'd like to help some time if you let me i feel honored you might as well face the situation i have lost a lot of money lately you have yes i have well maybe you left it in your other suit well if things keep on like they're going now it won't be long but i won't have another suit which ones are poisoned thank you while we're on the subject how about this business of certain people picking up anybody they find on the city dump and dragging them into the house for all we know we might all be stabbed in the back some night and rob who's going to stab who we don't know a thing about certain people someone should speak to irene about her habit of picking up strays what's a stray you shut up me no cornelia i will not shut up my life is precious to me it won't be in a minute now now children come carlo come and get some nice odell i think we should get our help from employment agencies well i don't know but what i agree with cornelia whatever are you all talking about you said carlo and now you're upsetting irene don't you remember her breakdown last summer i certainly do that's why i'm not paying any attention to this well mother can sponsor color why can't i sponsor godfrey godfrey knows i'm not being personal but after all none of us would like to wake up some morning stabbed to death you must come between irene and godfrey he's the first thing she's shown any affection for since her pomeranian dialogue [Laughter] [Music] now darling she's not having a spell that's old stuff so what is all this nonsense will you be quiet you never did understand women why don't you get a doctor i don't want a doctor you want a knife we'll stop eating your dirt and get in the mood here all right i'll do it my heart won't be in it irene be a good girl and sit up and look at carl you know it always amuses you come on quick go ahead go ahead come on carlo quickly look i really look at carla is that lovely oh is that clever i mean look oh is oh [Music] why don't you stop imitating a gorilla and imitate a man you wouldn't know an officer if one came up and bit you this family doesn't need any stimulant i'll be in my room you can repeat this order in 30 minutes someday i'm going gorilla hunting and i won't miss ask connie you're gone yes darling she's gone where's god he's right here don't go away godfrey we'll be late for the concert well get my things not be right with you guys right here darling god will come over here so irene can look at you he'll not be darling where right here look say hello to irene so you know who you are hello oh hello god and he's promised to stay on haven't you godfrey if i'm wanted of course you wanted isn't he avi yes go away yes darling i'm going take good care of her yes carlo i'm coming goodbye darling goodbye i beg your problems i'm sorry but i didn't quite hear i said i'm not really having a smile [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's the name of it oh oh that's the name too i thought it was just the words i like it because the words are all the same it makes so easy to remember that's probably why the star spangled are so confusing nobody seems to know the words except perhaps godfrey he seems to know everything do you know the word god through the words yes yes the start spangled banner nobody seems to know the words do you know them godfrey i suppose i know as many as the average person i feel ashamed of myself i should know them all of course because after all my ancestors came over on a boat or not for me flower but the boot after that what did your ancestors come over on godfrey as far as i know they've always been here they weren't indians i hope one can never be sure of one's ancestors you know you have rather high cheekbones yes ma'am thank you ma'am these flowers came from miss irene where shall i put them well well oscar there she is now these flowers just came for you miss where should i put them what difference does it make where one puts flowers when one's heart is breaking yes miss shall i put them on the piano life is but an empty bubble you don't sound very cheerful for a girl who's giving a tea party why should anyone be cheerful oh is irene giving a tea party they're not invited i'll invite myself let's stick around george sure why not all i have to say is some people will be sorry someday well naturally everybody will be sorry someday for what some people will know for what and then it'll be too late this conversation is very confusing now no irene you mustn't confuse carlo he's practicing do you know any good funeral music carlo shut up are you acting for anybody in particular godfrey might be interested if you'd only turn around and look [Music] oh i remember that pose so well i learned it in dramatic school is number eight isn't it yeah that's number eight all right am i spoiling your act dear i'll spoil something of yours someday and i won't be your act [Music] do you suppose miss irene would like sandwiches served in here or shall i create a sort of buffet where really want the sandwiches served irene what is food something you eat silly you want the sandwiches served in here or don't you what difference does it make some people do just as they like with other people's lives and it doesn't seem to make any difference what did i call five hearts or was it hearth i meant spain i can't change can i you know that music has been so confused carlo please hey ireem why the shroud listen van rumple just because some people have a million dollars doesn't mean they can put their arms around other people where's the bar don't take her seriously charlie the servant problem has been bothering her lately no thank you i'm not hungry no thank you for clapping oh just a minute godfrey uh bye hello everybody hello oh tommy gray [Laughter] we are rounding them up and putting them in cans as rapidly as possible hello how are you darling what does it matter how i am the whole thing is only a delusion what things you wouldn't understand well i don't so far i'm famished how about something to eat oh god freak out free bring mr gray a sandwich it's your pleasure we'll come around here mr gray's not in acrobat let us come over you you're beginning to accept the rest of the family hey wait a minute what's the trouble godfrey park you old mug oh do you know godfrey know him we went to harbour together i'm afraid you've confused me with someone else sir i'm smith remember sure you're smith but we did go to college together or did we imagine a butler with a college education he's not really the butler and a very good one you mean this is not a gag just for my benefit mr gray neglected to tell you that when we were in harvard together i was his ballot was he a good servant tommy excellent what's the idea i'll tell you later that mr gray never complained when no i have very few complaints about god for his work i'll tell you tomorrow's one day off stranger never gave mr gray as a reference you see i left mr gray under very unusual circumstances what circumstances i'd rather mr gray told you about that well don't go away come here come here and tell us all about it you know tommy godfrey's a very mysterious person nobody seems to know anything about him don't go wake up no no don't go away godfrey you see i i didn't want to say anything about this but you see godfrey have been working for us as a butler and and whatnot and and things have been going along very well when when all of a sudden it happened just like that you're sure you want me to tell all this about me well you see as i said he had been working for us for some time when one day he came to me and said mr gray he said i trust my work has always been satisfactory he said and i said why of course i i said i've never had more satisfactory work in in all my life and he said thank you mr gray [Music] he was always a very courteous man godfrey godfrey is still extremely courteous especially in the morning well it's not much of a story really maybe we'd better skip it oh come on tommy and finish it you can't stop in the middle well let me see where was i oh you were telling us how very polite godfrey was yes and that's where i said that godfrey was still very polite well thank you mrs bullock it's a pleasure to have you say so publicly that's my nature godfrey i never say anything behind your back that i won't say in public that's what i admire about you angelico that's nice of you tommy what about the story well anyhow god for came to me and said i trust my work has been satisfactory sir that was about the gist of it wasn't it godfrey those may not have been my exact word sir but that was about the gist of it all right we'll settle for that you said he was very satisfactory and then he said thank you and then what naturally i had to take an attitude you don't make sense what kind of an attitude well the only kind i could take toward a faithful servant but godfrey decided in favor of his wife and five children five children five my mind what's his wife an indian woman i believe she was rather dark we stick around hunting trips to talk the game godfrey why didn't you tell me you had five children oh why shouldn't god we have five children if a woman in canada can have five children why can't god spray oh you see i owe the creation of my family to mr gray's generosity well if other people can have five children so can other people personally i think two are plenty and strange enough bullock agrees with me listen everybody i want to make an announcement about something come here go ahead what are you going to announce i want to announce my my my engagement i'm going to be married well you'll find out soon enough not charlie van rompel yes charlie van ruffer where is this i've had my arm around her plenty of times before but this is the first time i've ever felt that chill september breathe congratulations congratulations about what your engagement is slog what engagement why you're against irene aren't you am i oh [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] i hear we're engaged you said it when did it happen just now what's all the excitement what did she say i think scotland got again it must be that nice boy in the brown suit that's gonna congratulate them this is thrilling you're a lucky boy i know i am i'm not van rumple oh you're not which one is he there he is oh you'll pardon me i hope no you're been wrongful aren't you oh oh yeah oh you'll take good care of her i imagine so my mind's a little cloudy i don't even remember proposing you're always proposing which one did you take me up on all of them [Laughter] how do you think god for you feel about your engagement what does godfrey got to do with it i wonder you mind your own business all right godfrey let's have those come on everybody aren't you going to congratulate irene godfrey she just got herself engaged why are you very happy too may i congratulate you miss irene i wish you all the happiness in the world just leave her alone she'll be all right in a minute is she mad at me she's not mad at anybody don't you know women always cry at their own engagement in other people's weddings why i don't know why but they just do irene is so peculiar she shouts when she wins and cries when she's happy oh alexander you missed all the excitement what's going on oh let me see i knew what it was i want to say but somehow it slipped my mind out of what i read oh yes that's it i mean got yourself engaged too i don't know van something or other i think he's that boy with his arm around that girl in pink he's got lots of money well he'll need it godfrey let you and i have a good cry how about lunch by hotel tomorrow yes sir and you prefer soda or ginger ale both 12 o'clock very good sir you make up your mind yes who she's going to marry i'd like to meet the guy i don't know alexander's one of those boys in there come along now [Music] you're not eating well this morning sir you notice everything business trouble sir what made you ask that oh well sir butler can't help picking up scraps of news shall we say we can't say anything about it i thought i might be of some help sir i dabbled in the market at one time but one dabbler in the family is quite enough very good sir eggs no thank you godfrey you seem to be a pretty good sword have you noticed anything queer about me lately nothing particularly sir i sometimes wonder whether my whole family has gone mad or whether it's me i know just how you feel sir i felt that way many times since i've been here then why do you stay here i have to you don't it's much more comfortable than living in a packing box on a city dumpster besides i'm rather proud of my job here you're proud of being a butler i'm proud of being a good butler sir and i may add sir a butler has to be good to hold his job here say who are you i'm just a nobody sir uh coffee godfrey here i am so you've turned up at last day i began to think you'd fallen down the kitchen sink sorry i'm late fine it's hard to make beds when they're full of people waiter you seem to do everything except put out the cat i suppose i do that too only we have no cat the same for me what would you have jarvis my man make it a rousing old lemonade lemonade you sure you can handle it oh yes i'm the type that can take it or leave it alone you see now that i'm a working man i have to keep my wits about me i'm begin to wonder if you've got any left at all but don't avoid the issue i've been sitting here like a snoopy old maid with their ears flapping in the breeze waiting to hear the dirt whatever you like to hear well when i wander into a fifth avenue asylum and see one of the park parks of boston serving hors d'oeuvres i think i'm entitled to a partnerable curiosity why tell you something that you won't understand tommy you've fallen off so many polar ponies that your brains are scrambled but i still want to know why you're battling when your family is telling everybody you're in south america doing something about rubber or sheep or something family has to say something to save its face you know the parks disgrace very easily i'd like to see their faces when they find out that you're a butler they're not going to find it out all right they're not going to find it out but come to the point well there isn't much of a point [Music] you remember that little incident up in boston you still have that woman on your mind no not anymore but i was pretty bitter at the time so i gave her everything i had and just disappeared you know the parks were never educated to face life we've been puppets for 10 generations and tommy it's surprising how fast you can go downhill when you begin to feel sorry for yourself and boy did i feel sorry for myself i wandered down to the east river one night thinking i'd just slide in and get it over with but i met some fellows living there on a city dump there were people who were fighting it out and not complaining i never got as far as the river will you do me a big favor who do you want killed i'll do my own killing go around the corner and telephone this place and ask for tommy gray when you get him on the wire keep him there what's this all about don't ask too many questions okay and so out of the ruins of godfrey park a new oedipus is sprung up in the form of godfrey smith and i may add the edifice is going to keep on springing you intend to remain a butler no i have some other ideas in mind but you wouldn't understand those either so we won't go into that will you do me a favor maybe i have a friend in town a very eminent brain specialist i'd like him to examine you asthma to examination if you will also that's a bed are you mr grey hell you're wanted in a phone on the phone back in a minute copy well the mystery sound the mystery yes now i know what a butler does on his day off when you worked for mr gray were the two of you always this chubby you see i worked for mr gray a long time and uh we got to be here that was under the name of smith wasn't it or did i hear him mention the name of park he may have said that we uh used to take long walks in the park sort of custom oh yes i see well if you can be so chummy with the grease why can't you be chummy with the bullets i try to keep my place why are you very attractive you know that's a butler no it's a smith you're a rotten butler sorry are we going to be friends i either feel that on my day off i should have the privilege of choosing my friends you can't go on like this forever you really like me and you're afraid to admit it aren't you you want me to tell you what i really think of him please do as smith or as a butler choose your own weapon you won't hold it against me it's your day off very well you belong to that unfortunate category that i would call the park avenue brat a spoiled child was grown up in ease and luxury was always out of her own way and whose misdirected energies are so childish that they hardly deserve the comment even of a butler on all thursday thank you for a very lovely portrait hiya cornelia what are you doing here cartwright now we're discussing tomorrow's menu well don't run away i'm in an awfully big hurry goodbye now i'll see you down by the ash pile what did you mean by that that's a little joke we have between us oh i see a joking butler what's the matter of that stuff did it turn your stomach i think i'll switch i'm more of mood and now we're getting someplace waiter another one of these he's not back yet is he not yet would you mind putting these flowers in his room i can't go in there anymore i can't either you won't tell him that for me will you you don't want me to i don't want him to know cheers isn't it do you always throw his buttons on sometimes oh i'd like to sew his buttons on sometime when they come off i wouldn't mind at all he doesn't lose very many oh he's very tidy yes he's very daddy what does he do on his day off he never tells me oh he's probably sitting somewhere with some woman on his lap he's the meanest man i know i think he's very mean i suppose he's sitting somewhere with somebody on his lap who doesn't care for him at all as far as i know maybe his children are there too calling him calling him all i can't bet please don't you two oh my god exactly how you fit [Music] how about a question for tomorrow may bring saul so tonight courage she said and pointed toward the land this mountain wave will roll ashore soon in the afternoon that came into a land into which it seemed always afternoon all around the coast the language she's been out in the kitchen eating onions i love onions they make me sleepy yes irene loves onions but she's a little girl she's always stealing onions from the ice box you know sometimes i wonder if my children are all there and like a downward smoke the slender stream along the cliff to fall and pause and fall dead um um i thought i told you to send that grace that an evening dress to the cleaner gray sutton why can't you do as you're told it's a pleasure seems to me that every time you pick up a paper somebody's been murdered or something imagine a man drowning his wife in the bathtub maybe it's the only way he could get her to take a bath well if anyone ever draw my beautiful in bed that his mama would be very very hearty she would will there be anything else madam well i haven't asked for anything so i don't see how i could want anything else i thank you father and i thought you were miss cornelia you thought i was cornelia i hope you'll forgive me madam but you seem to be looking younger every day if i may say so you certainly may thank you very much god please [Music] did you send godfrey upstairs for anything did i no i'm quite sure i didn't why i just wondered i was in the carry bar today that place is getting all run down they're catering to a very low class of people well you shouldn't go in there my dear darling what's the matter you're not eating anything nobody cares if i starve myself to death what's the matter with you irene i don't mind dying if other people don't she's in love haven't you heard it's probably her engagement you know several of my girlfriends actually just like that it has something to do with your chemistry maybe your stomach is upset nobody asked you there goes the prophet i think a part i don't know what's the matter with godfrey he's been acting so peculiar lately but he did pay me a nice compliment he's always paying other people compliments darling why don't you eat something look at carlo he's had two helpings of everything leave her alone carlo's eating enough for both of them now alexander you're going to be strong enough pretty soon to give that concert you can't rush genius you'd give a bang-up concert right now with an ivan fork why do you always pick on carlo why not find someone else for change wait a minute mother come here dad something terrible has happened what is it what's happened you frighten me you're as white as a sheep let's go into the living room where we won't be overheard oh neil whatever's come over you what is it are you ill come come sit down here let me get you an aspirin or something i'm all right what is it what's troubling you do you remember the pearl necklace i got for my birthday last year well yeah what about it it's disappeared maybe somebody stole it will you fill your garb full of chicken and keep out of this discussion i was only trying to help we don't need your help when did you find out about this i put it on my dressing table this afternoon i went upstairs just now it was gone my mind of course that's a lot of money i'll say it did well what are we going to do i'll go call the police never mind dad i've already called them oh [Music] well what i want to know is when did you miss the pearls during dinner i went to my room and they were gone she probably lost them she's always leaving them around nobody asked you anything lady if you're going to be rude to my daughter you might at least take your hat off when we're on criminal cases lady we keep both hands free you need to imply that i'm a criminal all i know is that it's an inside job who's that it's mother's protege no wisecracks is that your son that say listen i've made a lot of mistakes in my life but i'll be hanged about the guilty to that stop picking on carlos you wouldn't have time to steal anything he's always too busy eating who are you yes where's godfrey he isn't feeling very well who are you staring at just a minute sister if i thought that were true i disowned my parents so you got a passion for jewelry huh yes i got a passion for sucking cops where are they most of them are in cemeteries where's the necklace maybe i swallowed it you mustn't accuse molly she's been with us for a long time well that in itself is some recommendation thank you molly you're welcome you don't mind that but i'll turn down the pants who is this godfrey he's the best butler we ever had oh i'm sure godfrey didn't take them although we don't know much about him godfrey wouldn't touch those old pros of yours with a fork just a minute what do you mean you don't know much about him well you see we didn't get him from an employment agency my sister found him on a city dump oh i see are you accusing godfrey i'm not accusing anyone i only want my necklace oh it's so silly to think of godfrey wearing a pearl necklace where is this butler he's probably in his room where's that it's back this way that's his room over there so men where are they well that's what i said where where oh where is my little dog going come on snap out of it i suppose you notice he's been drinking he has not been drinking well i don't blame anything else this family's probably got to him too do you mind if we search your room godfrey somebody lost it seems to be a pearl necklace missing do you know anything about it oh just look for it it's too bad it's too bad for you i wouldn't be so sure of everything this is a serious matter well the girls couldn't just get up and walk away she probably threw them out of the taxi like she did last summer let's look under the rug maybe that's where i put it we'll do the searching godfrey old boy it's pleasure oh this is all very silly i can imagine a woman stealing pearls but what would godfriend do with them look under the mattress yes there's a dandy place well they're not here they must be there just a minute lady what makes you so sure they ought to be under the mattress why i i read that that's where people put things when they steal them oh yeah say what are you up to i'd like to talk to you boys outside for just a minute if you don't mind i'm terribly sorry godfrey you see i told you something we're all terribly sorry god straight come connilly i'm terribly sorry boys i want to apologize for my family they're all slightly hysterical yeah we sort of got an idea what you're up against well now i'd like to let the whole matter drop she'd probably miss later necklace as a matter of fact i'm not certain that she ever had one there's something phony about the whole thing that's all a mistake and if you don't mind i'd like to send a little check around tomorrow to the pension fund okay mr bullock thanks very much good night good night the whole thing's forgotten good night boys now just what have you got to say to yourself aren't they going to do anything about it no and it's probably a good thing for you that they're not and there's something else i want to tell you if you don't find your necklace the joke's on you because it's not insured couldn't he lost my hand and i've got my candidates [Applause] well here we are honey the village of forgotten men how do you like it well i don't know but what i prefer newport the matter of choice unfortunately these men have no choice come on i still prefer newport what is that delightful aroma oh that's old man river you get used to it after a while do you mean to say that people rarely live in this place well they go through the motions i observe yarn structure on your left that is the birthplace of the celebrated butler godfrey smith where are the ashes of god free pug scattered are the winds hello dude well well how are you mike how's tricks meet mr gray mr flyer uh with the great hardware i went for i've been washing out my lingerie that's okay hey bob look who's here hey rob well bust my false teeth say thanks for the beans duke they got here just in time well then duke himself the bees was marvelous thanks we yell everything but the cans don't thank me thank mr gray he's got a corner on the bean market say is that the same corner that prospered is just around i don't know that's another one hello hello i meet mr gray mr bellinger you look as though you had a job too what is this an epidemic hey mike let's get going well duke we got to run along this is move-in day we've got to help some of the boys move their shacks the dump trucks are crowding in on us a little we ought to be in the river by early spring you know what we might be able to float by that time see you again right that little fellow with a bundle of wood under his arm as bellinger the second national his bank failed he gave up everything he had so that his depositors wouldn't suffer not really really you see tommy they're two kinds of people those who fight the idea of being pushed in the river and the other kind well after all things have always been this way for some people these men are not your responsibility the different ways of having fun you have a peculiar sense of humor over here we have some very fashionable apartment houses over there is a very swanky nightclub while down here men starve for one of the job let's strike you a sense of humor what's all this leading to tommy there's a very peculiar mental process called thinking you wouldn't know much about that but when i was living here i did a lot of it one thing i discovered was that the only difference between a derelict and a man is a job sit down over here and rest your weary bones let me tell you what i wanted to talk to you about well i'll listen but i still think that you belong in a psychopathic ward you may be right but let me tell you my plan and listen with both ears i have an idea this did you and irena have a good time while you were in europe or as good a time as anyone could have with irene you should be more civil to carl though why why don't mine as the french state shall sheila fun that will hold you kyle always has such a clever answer for everything darling would you have some coffee no thank you didn't eat any dinner either you had plenty i can't say anything you never do oh darling what's come over you we spend good money to send you abroad to forget an engagement and you're worse off than when you left her liver is probably upset you better take a liver pill though want to live a pill you might get so upset about a broken engagement you've broken many before and you've never acted this way it isn't their broken engagement she's upset because godfrey didn't fall down in a faith when we got in today why is the doctor fall in the face he didn't make enough fuss over her homecoming to shoot him oh well god is not the kind oh god free i was just telling my daughters that you missed them both very much while they were away oh yes i did very much indeed we missed you too godfrey didn't we irene yes thank you i missed you also well it's so nice for everybody to miss everybody else because then it makes it so nice when they get together again there there darling it's nice to see you careful you do have a wave with you godfrey you really do you know there's no use to dying the fact that godfrey has a way with him well we must be running on cornelia cheer her up like a deer i'm a cinch do you feel better now that you know godfrey missed us you missed me more than he did you i could tell by the light in his eyes why don't you throw yourself in the man's arms and get it over with oh you can't rush a man like godfrey you're getting pretty old you know it's your last chance to get a husband he's really in love with me he's just hard to break down that's all i could break him down in no time at all he wouldn't have anything to do with you how do you know because he wouldn't don't you try anything i'm not saying i will and i'm not saying i won't come to think of it godfrey and i have a little unfinished business well you better leave it unfinished unless you want to be wearing a lamp for a hat [Applause] did you mean it when you said you missed me oh yes course i did i mean did you miss cornelia me or just me well i miss both of you i guess well not just me oh i may have missed you a little more than i did cornelia what well i'm glad because if you miss cornelia more you'd probably miss me less well that sounds very logical that's all i wanted to know you look so cute i'm not trying to look cute molly has a cold and i'm doubling for her what's funny about that she hasn't got a cold no no she's got the same thing i've got i don't let me talk about things like that so i won't because you lose your temper well not seriously will you let me do something if i ask you and what do you want to do wipe oh all right you can tell me all about your trip oh you won't get mad why should i because every place i want everybody was god for every i don't want to seem dull but uh i do seem to have a little trouble following you at times well for instance when i go into a restaurant in paris or any place i'd close my eyes and i'd say the waiter is godfrey and i'd say i'm home and he's serving me dinner made everything taste better why haven't you any sense i'm afraid i haven't when i get in the cab the driver is god for you i'd say this is his chariot and he's taking me up through the clouds to his castle on the mountains suppose you come down out of the mountains tell me about your trip well we went to venice and one night i went for a ride one of those robots that the man pushes with a stick not a matador that was in spain but something like a meditation do you by any chance mean a gondola that was the name of the boat and the man that pushed us sang it was a beautiful song i didn't understand it but it was beautiful i see so you closed your eyes and the man was gone free it was wonderful i didn't even mind the smells well it's very convenient to take a trip abroad without leaving the kitchen oh you have a wonderful sense of humor i wish i had a sense of humor but i never could think of the right thing to say till everybody's gone home do you mind if i talk a little bit while you catch your breath i'd love it while you've been away i've been doing some things also i've been trying to do things that i thought would make you proud of me oh i was proud of you before i went away yes but i mean prouder still you see you helped me to find myself and i'm very grateful you make a wonderful husband i'm afraid not you see i know how you feel about things how well you're grateful to me because i helped you to beat cornelia and i'm grateful to you because you helped me to beat life but that doesn't mean that we have to fall in love if you don't want to but i make a wonderful why not for me i'm afraid see i like you very much i had a very bitter experience but i won't bore you with that well maybe she wasn't in love with you well maybe not however that's beside the point you and i are friends i feel a certain responsibility to you that's why i wanted to tell you first tell me what well i thought it was about time that i was moving on god now please i'll cry promise that's fine after all i'm your protege you want me to improve myself don't you yes you don't want me to go on being just a butler all my life do you i want you to be anything you want to be well that's very sweet where do you leave oh pretty soon but i'll call you up every now and then and uh we'll have long chat i'll tell you how i'm getting on or we'll have lots of fun are you going back to her to whom that indian woman in there oh she was just a fabrication oh then you weren't married to her no she was just the product of tommy gray's imagination then there wasn't any no well they couldn't have been five children well naturally that makes a difference that makes a difference did you ring this you needn't be so formal when we're alone shouldn't that rather increase a butler's formality but you're not a butler i'm sorry if i'm disappointed you might drop that superior attitude for a moment there's a little matter i've wanted to talk over with you for quite a while called the mystery of miladis necklace or what happened to the pearls pearls necklace oh you mean the one that disappeared last fall the same but didn't that have a turn up oh yes it turned up but not in my possession i know the first part of the story but i wondered what you might know about the second part i can't imagine i know another story that might interest you too i met some people on the boot coming over a boston family quite distinguished they knew a great deal about a family called the parks the only flower crowd very upper crust too mind you never been a breath of scandal connected with the family it would be an awful shame to see them made the laughing stock of boston wouldn't i should hate to see anyone made a laughing stock at any place i'll let you and i take a long taxi ride out van courtland way perhaps we could exchange secrets is that a command as you like i'll be waiting around the corner uh which corner uh this one or that one this corner it's impossible to exchange intimate secrets here the traffic's almost as heavy as it is at the grand central station don't forget darling 15 minutes please godfrey you can't go with cornelia but i didn't say i was going any place with miss quinine i know but you will she always gets her own way she makes everybody do justice she like why should you care whether i meet her or not i do care that's why it's corny as the one who doesn't care but i think i should decide those things for myself oh god free i don't want to be annoyed but i ah obviously hear you you you can't do that please snap out of it this is the craziest family i see here stop this nonsense you hear if you're faking one of your spells to keep me from eating cornelia you're on the wrong track you here do you hear some smelling salt are you feeling better no but just a minute godfrey knows how to take care of little irene yes indeed just lie there quietly and gotham will take care of everything godfrey knows just how to take care of these nasty old faints that's the girl and right up here there you are godfrey will soon fix irene yes indeed just leave everything to god free god free will take care of everything now just sit right down there like a good girl and in just a minute you'll forget that you had any trouble i thought so let that be a lesson to you god free oh god we don't go in oh god please now i know you love me i do not love you and you're getting me all wet you do or you wouldn't have lost your temper what is the meaning of this may i ask the gods he loves me you put me in the shower what are you talking about god say i demand an explanation i think perhaps madam that i had better resign yes i think you'd better there's a very good idea what do you think your father would say to all of you i don't care what anybody says stay here young lady you take a bath and put on some dry clothes and come downstairs immediately oh i never heard anything like it's my [Music] life [Music] shut that thing off i feel gloomy enough as it is [Music] alexander something terrible has happened what godfrey pushed irene into cold shower what's terrible about that besides she's in love with her already thinks is iconic and the tail of the whole thing i can't make having a tail out of what you're saying the only thing to do is send him back where he came from he never should have come here in the first place i will imagine falling in love with the buffalo you're gonna feel sorry for anyone feel sorry for god alexander me and stop fluttering and come to rest i've got something more important i want to talk about now don't tell me you're going to talk about those sordid money matters oh money money money yes i am but before i start i'm going to have a little talk with carlo what are you going to do alexander very private it's just for carlos ears you don't mind if we have a little chat carl oh boy you know for some time carl i felt what happened what did you say to carl though i said goodbye did he go yes he left bare hurry lifting the side window where's he going i don't know but he won't be back now you sit down and do some listening i've never seen you like this before but come over here alexander you're just in time to sit down and do some listening you want god for the lessons yes i want god for me to listen this concerns him too you might as well all know point blank we're about broke you mean we haven't any money left well we've got this house a few odds and ends and that's about all not only that i've lost all of my stock in the bullock enterprises and i've borrowed some of the stockholders money trying to recoup my losses i don't know where i'm gonna end up maybe in jail alexander but if i do end up in jail it'll be the first piece i've had in 20 years and i don't want any of you to charter about godfrey because you may all end up on the city dump before you through what are we going to do may i intrude sir i'm afraid things are not as bad as you make out what do you know about it well sir i've known for a long time that the bullock interests were in rather a bad way i offered to help you once but you declined that help so i took the liberty of dabbling in the market on my own account yes sir what's this that's most of your stock i knew it was being dumped on the market so i sold short i don't understand you sold shorts you mean gentlemen's underwear wait a minute you mean that you've been making money while i was losing it i did it in your interest sir the stock has been endorsed over you i don't understand you did this for me well sir there comes a turning point in every man's life a time when he needs help it happened to me also and this family helped me i hope i repaid my debt and i may add some of the money went into a project of my own i hope you won't mind sir do you mean that you did all that 150 a month oh well hardly you see with the aid of tommy gray i was able to transmute a certain trinket into gold and then into stock and then back into pearls again thank you dear lady for the use of this trinket oh god free then you did steal them after all well i uh perhaps miss cornelia had better explain that you win what is this all about anyway i put the pearls under godfrey's mattress thank you miss cornelia i wanted you to say that but why you wouldn't understand mother here godfrey these are rightfully yours oh no thank you i've repaid my debt and i'm grateful all of you if anyone's indebted we are after the way some of us have treated you i've been repaid in many ways i learned patience for mr bullock i found mrs bullock at all times shall we say amusing oh that's very complimentary of you and don't forget that you said i looked as young as cornelia what good did you find in me if any a great deal you taught me the fallacy of false pride you taught me humility i don't understand you miss cornelia there have been other spoiled children in the world i happen to be one of them myself you're a high-spirited girl i can only hope that you use those high spirits in a more constructive way and so good day you know i hate to see god for go he's the only buster we ever had who understood women well molly you told me to leave my hat near the door remember i hate to see you leave godfrey oh molly you've been swell house seem empty well i guess the best friends have to part will you say goodbye to miss irene for me i don't think i can go through that ordeal right now you're sweet molly goodbye what is it what's the matter with cornelia what's the matter with everybody mother what's the trouble he's gone who's gone godfrey where and carl's gone out of the window everybody's gone oh my is he gone poor molly well he's not going to get away from me or to the car molly i'll be right hello down hi mike hey business looks pretty good tonight i'll say it is mia courtney's here tonight with a big party well i'll have one of the boys bring these down dude oh duke well bob we can't complain about this we got the man with us here tonight yes i heard big stuff huh well this is all greek to me well here's our wondering butler now explain it to him hello duke father i've got an estimate from the contractor on your housing plan for the winter yeah he figures he can partition off our present buildings into compartments take care of at least 50 people it'll cost 5 800 but that includes steam heat forgotten men with steam sounds like something ought to be on the menu i'll talk with you about it later say i've still got an interest in this company when you start paying dividends well we're giving food and shelter to 50 people in the winter and giving them employment in the summer what more do you want in the way of dividends you're the most arbitrary butler i've ever met ex butler fired i quit i felt that foolish feeling coming on again you mean irene what do you know about that well nobody knows anything about her love except all of upper new york and lower manhattan guess i got out just in time why don't you marry the girl no thank you i've had enough of much money well what's wrong with butlers lots of society girls run away with their chauffeurs never mind about that suppose you write me out a check five thousand dollars for what a new doc perhaps we'll get some of the yucking trade well how about the airplane landing have you thought of that we'll come to that later hey mister what happened to the city dump that was here well this is dead but uh most of it's been filled in what happened to all those forgotten men forgotten men oh we got most of them out in time don't be fresh where's godfrey you mean mr godfrey smith yes well lady his office is right over there where it says office oh just what it used to be thank you come on claire hey wait a minute what is this the basket party good evening mr carplay what are you doing lovely evening well there you are business is fine i'm stuck you're nuts and i'm going back to boston before i disgrace my family good riddance oh god free company has come hello what are you doing here yes what are you doing here don't let him off the hook oh you must leave at once do you hear me well we got rid of her in a hurry if i can help you in any other way be sure and let me know [Music] oh my how you fixed this place up godfrey it's much nicer than when i was here before oh you noticed that are the forgotten men having a party it's their annual reunion i saw the mayor out there is he one of them too he's the guest of honor oh it's a lovely view the bridge and everything is it always there most always oh you have a kitchen i wouldn't like this place very much what's over here is this where you sleep that's the general purpose of the room any observations oh i think it's very cute but we'll have to change the wallpaper what do you mean we'll have to change oh i don't like green wallpaper it makes me feel good you won't have to look at it you're going home right now but i can't go home why not i can't go home after what happened what happened you know what happened just as well as i do now see here you support oh go on and lose your temper i love it when you lose your temper why can't you let me alone because you're my responsibility and someone has to take care of you i can take care of myself you can't look me in the eye and say that [Music] you love me and you know it you know there's no sense of struggling against the thing when it's got you it's got you and that's all there is to it it's got you oh that's glad i'm sorry i was delayed miss irene but i had to go all the way around the back way put the wood over there that's fine hello god break can you put the groceries right there in the kitchen that's fine thanks claire and what's the idea well i bought some wood and i bought some footage it lasted for a week anyway it's one of you didn't have a foresight to bring a minister and a license it's funny i never thought of that knock him in who must have caught me mr grey said there are a couple of people over here who wanted to get married are you it yes where it can you marry us without a license without uh may get me into a lot of trouble but uh i guess i've known your family long enough to take a chance who are you going to marry godfrey oh this is godfre how do you do godfrey yeah does your father know about this oh everybody knows about it except godfrey well i just would better have a witness oh we can use clarence claire's you need to win this come down get some rest stand right here that's fine right there come on guys right there well now uh the joint hands please no the right hand oh stand still godzilla we are running in this you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 697,677
Rating: 4.7648096 out of 5
Keywords: classic movie, FILM, CLASSIC, FREE, PUBLIC DOMAIN, filmstruck, Movie, MOVIES, classic movies, #classicmovies
Id: o6XhnQ-OuKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 14sec (5414 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2012
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