My Little Brother Found 5 Ways to PRANK My House! - Challenge

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my little brother worked with my two best friends to prank me which involves wrapping everything in my frigerator with Christmas paper changing the colour of my pool to toxic green he even changed the alarm code at my house and I had to pop balloons to find the new code I can't even talk about the other things he did you'll just have to watch the rest of the video alright Josh what's going on bro why you calling us what do you mean why don't you break Preston you make it home realize how dangerous this is Josh this is so dangerous alright so what do you wants to break him with that's so much work wait and also if we're in his fridge Josh I'm gonna get hungry seriously he's right you can't eat his food but Josh that's a fine that's a lot of work but we'll do it because we love you and we think it's gonna be funny what's the other prank so early for Christmas Josh no one fails Christmas trees right now it's true I do Christmas fine the viewers would love it Josh I tell you what we're gonna get him some princess tiles merge to his gifts it'll be funny Marni got such a good idea just take the merch from his closet you're a smart cookie Barney was okay what's the third yeah lay it on us Josh [Music] Josh he's gonna get locked out then though I don't wanna call it I like I think that's the best one job getting so crazy Barney okay you got some good pranks Josh I like this all right well you're lucky this time we'll do this for you next time you better come along for the pranks he's always making a lot of noise when you get her so make sure you're right this time sir good reason why we didn't drive yeah keep because we can't leave our car at the front door okay as make sense come on all right hold it all the gate open for me Barney anyways what's the bed for what do you mean what's a bed for I mean you're looking I got all the supplies on they they Josh told us to grab I got the wrapping paper the balloons the helium you got an overnight bag and a bed yeah Barney because after we do all the stuff I'm moving in what do you mean you're moving in I mean I come overnight baby slow us down let's go party don't move so fast my bed is heavy Barney it's an air mattress yeah I have the air mattress Barney that's the one that you need so you can have a firm night dress so you can wake up refresh it'll be here fill out tonight so push you're gonna wake not if they have a firm air mattress what's your plan Barney Shh we don't want the neighbors to know that we're breaking into his house right now okay can will that help I not say it out loud okay hand signals all right from now on we didn't go over here signals beforehand I don't know what the hand signals mean it means let's break into his house and bring come okay you could have just said that what do you think he didn't lock the doors hey it's not the first time we've broken into his house maybe one of the doors is oh hold on I got a sob Barney we could saw right through the wall we'll go in hey hey no saws it's not a prank if we damage his home give me one of these what's one anyone open hand it's me there's a red one and a silver one give it to me give me one of them there you go Barney follow me okay you can't bring a bed and sleep over at his house come on what wait why not cheap it's not our home Barney th-that's why you bring a bed in an overnight bag because once you have a bed in the house it's a mosquito on your face oh did you get it got it got it got a nice Barney I told you he probably left OPA cause he knew I was moving in Barney crap the other end of my bed Barney we need to be careful Lisa's still here okay I get a cat too no it's gonna be so fun Eloise is breeze guard cat be careful she's the house cat which means whoever lives here it's a hard cat if we get caught by it there's gonna be evidence of our bodies left here there's gonna be evidence when he comes home and I'm sleeping here okay first prank we got from Josh is we're gonna do wrapping paper on his rule for our fridge now that I moved in my fridge too but I'm game let's do it I'm not super good with wrapping paper those sets all right Barney my wrapping skills are in banished I'll show you exactly what to do don't you worry come on Barney okay okay did you bring the tape yeah you said you got the supplies I brought over I supplies why are you making me go for all the supplies come on Pete all the supplies Barney I literally moved all of my living situation over here what do you mean you're doing everything you went so far off course of the plan no one asked you to move your bed you start wrapping I'm gonna go grab the tape okay it's gonna be another one of those times where I end up doing everything and you disappear somewhere you need to earn your rent here Keith you ain't just moving in for free right I haven't paid rent wait am I supposed to be paying ready got it got it got it got it it's not the kind of tape that I wanted but it'll work dude Lou tape Murray have you never had a Christmas before everybody knows on Christmas you use glue glue everybody uses glue for presents on Christmas well then I got tape we can also eat the food inside Keith only when Preston says it's okay for you to move in can we officialize that you've moved in no it's really official I already took a room upstairs Barney no if best it comes oh he could call cops on you could get arrested I don't think so cause cops will show up and I'll say I'm the homeowner and they'll say okay and then they'll just leave so Barney you don't get that's all right I'll let you have some fun okay you go ahead play along with your little fairness here let's start with the eggs oh I love wrapping eggs every one of these guys ready wait okay wait wait wait Barney first perfect hey you know rattling let's trap two eggs Barney - he won't look he'll maybe expect one egg but he for sure won't expect - eh okay all right Barney you got to rip that side so I can get the wrapping done excellent no party I cannot believe this Barney why am I always very wait I got idea Barney hold on wait there don't move no we're gonna salvage oh don't don't scoop we're just gonna put it back in to wrap it Oh cuz he'll probably still want to eat him after and if we use the dirty broom it'll ruin it there wrap it up wrap it up you all got here Keith free scram dude you're like the Thomas Edison of our time Keith I'm the Barney of our time okay start with the blueberries okay sounds good and then go with the juice okay but hold on Barney blueberries gonna take a while there's like 200 blueberries in there would mean are you thinking Rapanui blueberry by itself you're a genius I love that idea this is what I've been trying to tell people the entire time and no one gets it okay one blueberry it's gonna be taking a few hours doing that so let's get to work it's okay Barney wrapping blueberries is a labor of love okay what hey what orders on the bus honey ice cream no Keith I'm working hard I hear you slug whoa Barney Barney bring the tree over this way I'll do it in front of the fireplace please that's genius wait it might be a little bit of a fire hazard what if the fire catches the tree on fire extra high Christmas you're so right you're sorry all right let's get started Barney that's not part of a tree that's the Beast Barney trees are growing in the ground you'll stand them up on metal well can the roots grow through the floor of course Barney it's a tree roots grow everywhere where there's trees okay you're you know science more than okay real slow how slow slow slow snails slow snakes slow armadillo slow cheetah slow how slow how many clothes is there Keith there's lots of snow speedometer where the roots don't worry go get some water yeah here's a party okay hold the tree Barney you could drink all the water we're not cavity water left to grow the roots on the tree there is all right grow tree the roots aren't growing this tree come with instructions you think trees come with instructions we're in a serious predicament we're not a real doohickey going on Barney that thing we threw out might have been important yeah go grab the metal thing why would we need the metal thing Barney because it's the support system for the roots oh the metal thing provides the nutrients in the power in the structure go get it for the roots to grow down down down there we go grow baby she grow it grow I think she's grown all right now all we got to do plug her under some electricity so we can engage super growth let's double plugs Barney super super mega glue Barney took blood drip the plug super deep with super mega growth Barney let's do it go get the super plugs super pokes [Music] it's looking good bro wait wait a second Barney we've got to get some presents under this tree it's not Christmas without presents good catch good catch Carson sounds merch represses Barney this is presses favorites often in total wrong best presents for Christmas let's wrap all four of them in one big gift dude if I got four pieces of presses tiles merch for Christmas I will go insane mari you're already crazy what key it's okay so I'm not even sure if I got four passes we want Christmas to be like nine amazing all right buddy I'm gonna trust you on this one okay scissors how many scissors go kitchen all right brother right here right here hey Keith nice cut you don't want to hurt them right what are you doing that's such a good idea I've never seen them used that way before that's crazy tape tape you can't even get tape glue I told you blue is the right high notes hey hey we could use glue hey if we use glue it's gonna get on the President's House merchants ruin it so we don't want ruling pests it's good hey wait a second Barney what the tape was on your back the whole time perfect hole here why didn't you tell me that I was so worried if we're gonna be able to find the tape or not well you had the entire time I had no idea okay riff Barney rig one more one more one more perfect okay we need a bow [Music] take it right there make sure you Center it it's not sticking Barney okay we tape it down oh good idea perfect next prank what would you do Barney is let's put the new code in one of the balloons and then press and we'll have to find the new code he'll set off the alarm you all know that police are gonna come to his house and it's gonna look like he's breaking but it's okay Barney I told you if the police come I'll tell them I'm the homeowner now I live here you're right you're right then they'll leave hey hey get to work start blowing a balloon all right here goes Barney look how big it's getting oh geez party that was so cool it's do another no you can't blow off that I keep we need the Blues to flip the suit wait Barney if we put them on the ceiling and the alarm code is in the balloon Preston's not gonna be able to get to the balloon to get the alarm code that's why I keep I'm thinking four pages ahead of you in the storybook cuz we're just gonna tie it with storybook is there a storybook Oh k-keep we only have one of those things no no you only got one I got the big boy why you always trying to flex on me Barney you got a bigger one than me as they call me the main flex the main flex a main whatever anyone call you that before Barney Keith I'm calling myself fat it makes sense it doesn't count if you call yourself that Barney someone has to call you that hashtag the main flex please please please nobody say that in the comment section hello hello hashtag will flex Kate Kate hey what you can't how to tie it that's why I've added it to you oh I thought we were just letting them fly burden teeth you gotta be tired the balloon stick hashtag little flex key what up Barney Bangkok's Barney blacks came here with that Hayley update feel like gosh does nobody with a male flex let that happen I got the cooler under my bus put it in there put it in oh my god that sounded so crazy oh it's gonna take them so long to find the one with the code we're gonna fill up times that more balloons and bye buddy alright bra this might be our best move yet look at this 500 of these pictures right here of Preston when he is playing dota anime games anime games I want every bit of this room covered in pesum face Barney you think press is gonna be mad about this this is a pretty embarrassing photo of him it's just a prank bro it's true it's true watch this Barney you ready oh my gosh Barney you're making a mess go turn all those over that we didn't land the right way you should have just done it the way I did Barney all mine landed face up yeah but keep you didn't get a great spread Barney look I'm taking a nap with Preston in his bed you're falling asleep on me come on we got so much work to do I stood out like 300 of these things left Preston's a pretty good snuggle buddy [Music] oh my gosh oh and you look so sweaty in that photo party good party Barney I got the best idea okay I just went to the chemical lab Inc downtown and I got this red chemical it's gonna turn the whole pool bright red Barney just like Christmas let's go put it in did they say it's safe for humans I didn't ask about that Barney I just saw her something right so let's go put in the pole no no keep we can't just go wrecking Preston's pool basically what we got to do is we got to mix it before we put it in the pool okay okay but it's still going to turn the pool bright red right yeah the pool is gonna look bright red like the Sun isn't it I thought Barney let's go mix it all right keep pouring Barney look that's scary all the water's turning red that's exactly what his pools gonna look like Barney Keitha are you sure when I got freaked pests out too much no Barney if he freaks out it's gonna be hilarious look at the pool we got his room we did the blues we did the Christmas tree yes he did the wrapping of the fridge plus everything else inside great work all we gotta do is wait for Preston to come home and then we get Rory got a man and it's gonna start strong with the cops getting call cuz it doesn't know the code to his house that's gonna be so funny that's going out of our room Barney okay you got four night of course I got four night who do you think I am a time okay easier hi Barney hi hi [Music] what's going on [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] when I see something I think something in this one okay Keith don't put it in it's J is the jet fours and 4/5 is in 500 is it Omega 0 T is indeed our frags my prey dude there's more egg pressing wait there's more what is this uh uh I paid $10,000 so my lawyers that this photo would never be revealed how did you get it to give the house into the lawyers yeah how many more of them are there no no no can arrow guess how many there is Preston how many of them are there fifty thousand five hundred plus a couple more zeros what am I gonna do Breanna is going to kill what if we don't clean all this up there's so many be careful getting all this so that's it okay Green Paul get off of me please come on Preston wait Preston did you check your fridge yet oh if you're hungry come to the fridge give me your hand Preston come on I'm not even that hungry why topic I'm just gonna walk the rest of it that's our picture of Joshua my little brother oh it's a picture of Joshua Preston you don't think we could get your lawyers to go back on your contract right right we had to get some from your family there's no way Joshua did this yes he's a mess of a little brother yes sometimes I want to put them in the trash can but I still love him at the end of the day he wouldn't do this to me oh my god what did you do to my fridge look how wide it is it looks so much better press it out it's a new go this is my waiter waiter hey Preston there's many gifts open it up you did something to the inside of my frigerators Did you touch my food if you touched my coffee bad things were happy to jog bad maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe what keep the fridge closed for now what is in this frigerator I'm gonna get to the bottom of this otherwise I'm calm what did you do what is my Chinese takeout it's nice masala over again pressing you just reopened everything not on this one's disgusting it's wet coffee creamer in this aren't you happy that you have so many gifts when you get back from your vacation no because they're not even gifts it's like going into the dumpster and wrapping things and giving it to people on Christmas it's a more good news good cigar bad job Kirsten if you wrap something it becomes a gift that's how it works that's the technical definition of the gift it's something wrapped in me do you care about you so much we wrapped all your food that's not true because my siblings when they came into this world we're not wrapped I disagree sounds pretty fun tonight I'll make sure this time I won't call wardens youngest because they've already punished him with the cording wait a second and my gift no because I'm were wrapped in whipped cream not rat T acaba there's a big difference wrapped covered splattered mother white or never very different all of them I just spunk rain everywhere you go clean yourself off I wish I'll pass in the pool I'll go to my shower [Music] it's greener Thanks we filled it with slime why would you fill my pool with slime John do you now expensive it's gonna be for me to get rid of all this slime I didn't think about that part just impressive I did a light why because it's not slime it's not no it's just coloring we just filled your pool with food coloring okay well how long does this last I don't know the box said maybe four to six months my pool looks like head infested Red House if you go in it is gonna make your skin green so I can't use the pool took four four to six months because John if I go in the pool and my skin turned green I use a green screen in my videos so I would get green screened out of my users perhaps I will just take the green screen out of your videos I want your day to be over I'm not taking the burger head off get all pretzels the best no yeah no it's not check it out open it up Jessica can you open my eyes soon only God can make me open my eye every loss can make you open your eyes oh we can't I can't I can't watch him Merry Christmas Preston guys it's a the Claus and you got presents you gained so much weight in between the last scene of Preston it was whipped cream did you not know that how many kids did we because you look like you'll just get like it fell after you gave me a taste I went back for seconds and fizzes six or seven knows that whipped cream had laxatives in it so you're gonna have a bad time in about 30 minutes what am I gonna do with this John dude we got your gifts open the big one pretty okay actually good gets them John yeah they're good they're doing it for Amish mom it just gives pressing down open okay any kid would want these tips for Christmas hey it's are these orders these cookies don't even know they're from my closet you just took my closet hoodies and put them in wrapping paper what is in here let's nuke you press this Oh what is this gift we'll see if Depp tasty it's gonna be let's go have some I just bar this last week at Target it's wrapped it was rap how many times I tell you guys just because you rap something doesn't make it a gift Preston you're still catching up there's one more deep black custard come on this is even better than the last one go go go go go go yes we're great this cereal I bought 2 weeks ago but now we get to have it because what do you do with gifts on Christmas you have them that same day this is not what I expected after coming all your might either be a toy inside couple gifts there's no gift or toy inside of your teeth what do you mean but look how tasty it is Keith I don't think Preston fell for it actually being Christmas so you should probably just go to your room and get changed alright I'll go to my room wait what do you mean room what room in my room my room Preston you don't have a room no I do now be well when you were gone I moved in I got a room now I was but Preston now we're roommates that's the best thing ever come on if you everybody on my room ago anything good John alright alright Josh we did all the breaks like you said we did a really good job we aren't well we added one more - Joshua way above and beyond because we're good students we died his pool red and then that it rose a little bit of an issue we died his pool Red Bull but then we had to change the color so it's green now josh is also green pools [Music] we're getting prizes we're getting prizes well I'm moving in so I guess that's my prize I don't need to send proof you can handle the proof I moved in already so I'm living there now Josh keeps moving in with Preston so i'ma head over to your house I'm moving in with you too late too late bro so you got a bunk bed in your room I'm moving it that's the way that's how I did it that's exactly the way that you should do it that's how you move in places you just go there start living there that's not true because my siblings when they came into this world we're not wrapped hi disagree that's the whole thing I literally moved all of my living situation Barney winning me the whole thing I wanted the whole thing sorry guys I [Music] don't think so cause cops will show up and I'll say I'm the homeowner and they'll say okay how about how about hashtag little flex King how do you use it nobody with a main flex let that happen I gotta get more helium real quick it's nobody with a nobody with a main flex let that happen we're done actually I have it that's what kind of inner you got over there alright okay well the first thing you need okay first thing you're gonna do is I feel like Josh is showing us you trolling me bro
Channel: Preston
Views: 2,637,862
Rating: 4.8276172 out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, prank, troll, house, how to, little brother, preston, prestonplayz, pranks, prank war, kids, kid, family friendly
Id: vwdqLRQdvd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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