my life in nyc

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[Music] all right yesterday I turned 24 years old November 27th 2023 your boy turned into Kobe Kobe year Mamba year honestly I got a good feeling about this one my birthday festivities kind of started I would say a few days ago I was in Mammoth Lake California with my family for Thanksgiving a happy happy birthday we wish you Kelly Dear with lots of joy and gladness all through the year blow it out I convinced my entire family to jump in a frozen lake with me oh way to go that's pretty good happy Birthday Kelly Happy Birthday oh my God woo and then we drove home I took a red eye back to New York City City and then I got invited to play at the barlay center which is where the Nets play all right here we go I think it's a good day starting the West All Stars Kelly Waka and so it was really fun for me to just get to be like a NBA player for a day I mean there were no fans but your boy still had to drop some buckets quite a crazy time just to get to experience all that for no reason like I'm obviously not that good at basketball I just love it and then I got to go to a Nets game that night so it was just a crazy pre- birthday and then yesterday my actual birthday woke up older and and basically just like spent the day with Ashley just doing some like normal stuff we got like Bon M and went to Washington Square Park I went to dinner went to like a camera store blah blah blah and then she said that we need to go back to my apartment cuz she forgot a gift for me and I walked in and it was a surprise party shout out Ashley shout out my roommates Luke and Ari they all put it together and made me feel extra special so that was super fun also before we reminisce I'm wearing do what excites merch if you're a longtime viewer you might be like oh my God this is actually old merch well I asked my team and I was like can we do something to give back to our community like anything so we brought back all of our bestselling pieces and now everything is 20% off so the entire site 20% off this is our first ever sale so I'm like super excited for that you can check it out do EXC we brought back some of my favorite pieces we have a few different colorways from some old pieces but overall super excited for you guys to get your hands on it yeah I also thought why not give even a little bit more back to you guys owe you everything everybody was so nice for my birthday and let's cut to the chase I'm giving away an iPhone 15 all you got to do is follow do excites on Instagram subscribe to this channel and comment down below and you'll be entered so if you want to win it just do those things and yeah just thought you guys deserve a little bit too so but let's get to reminiscent so in the last year I kind of took my foot off the gas in terms of posting every single week because I wanted to explore you know different things and trying to make higher quality films and videos so it was really refreshing one of the more memorable First videos I made was surprising Ashley in Utah and just the crazy adventure it was to fly blindly to Utah feel like at one point like I was getting scared for a relationship in general because I was being so sus I just think you're lying no I'm not lying think you're lying you're literally lying no so thank God it just like worked out and I happen to find her before it was too late kind of thing I knew it I'm going to kill you KY Kelly what the what but that was like such a funny and memorable time just like a super do it excites moment that I'll like cherish forever another crazy idea that I had was the world's first iced mini ramp was it the best investment no like in full honesty guys I invested like a ton of money into that video because ice sculpting is not cheap but it was like something that like my heart wanted that is something like this is what do what excites means to me and I wanted to do it made it happen had such a good time and yeah like no regrets on that one good thing you have opal P it's whatever dude I was on Braille you what excit next up we have the boxing ring in the apartment that was one of my favorite ideas I've had in just such a fun night getting so many friends together just to box and we're all we all suck at boxing but it was fun I actually can't believe we did oh okay okay okay you good you good okay okay okay let's give it up for them let's give it up okay okay and fast forward to the end of our lease then the landlord found it we wouldn't renew them now that I learned that I found a video of them having a boxing match in the living room of course after that we had the biggest hit of the year in terms of like the main Channel which was spending 24 hours with the world's tallest man message the world's tallest man went all the way out there made it happen spent the day with Sultan had such an amazing time and the feedback on that video was spectacular like we have this cool Milestone together kind of like we did what excites with the world's tallest man like I just like the Ring of that kind of thing what excit and then I lived in Luke's room for 100 hours which was actually the most brutal challenge of the year I would say cuz it uh it actually just sucked cuz I literally had four straight days of no interaction with the outside world or like with friends so I was just stuck in Luke's room hissing in a bottle doing nothing and then like got to prank him for like 30 minutes a day but the reaction was worth it the video was funny so I [ __ ] knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it another fun video we did was throwing a dart on a map happened to end up in none other than the most boring City in all of Canada Ottawa it was actually a great time I had a fun time and then I met up with a bunch of you guys in Toronto and that was probably like one of my favorite meetups of the year just because the numbers jumping in the ice cold water just like such good vibes then it got naked Doha and I went around to some restaurants getting naked actually in full honesty guys that was like that was my least favorite video uh I felt like it was just like super YouTube and I felt like after I did it like that just like wasn't me it just wasn't something I was like passionate about and I remember sitting on the video for so long like not going to post it but I also think like post even my fails maybe someone found it to be like entertaining but for me it was like my least favorite video and then on May 13th 2023 I had a mental breakdown this is like the most depressing Vlog I've ever made I'm human and I just have bad days and I have like a little bit of a creative rut it's very rare for me I'm pretty like levelheaded all the time but but I felt like I made that video because of the other people that I know in the world that must relate to it and it's only right for me to be honest with you guys that like some days I just like I'm not feeling it or like oh my God this isn't good enough so yeah made that video and it was cool to connect with you guys on like a deeper level and then after that I said [ __ ] it let's buy a bus yeah so I bought an old 2008 GMC short bus and converted it with uh my friends and my brother to turn it into this do what excites bus although it is a money pit it was still like one of my highlights of the year when I made that bus I was like we need to grab friends and we need to go in it and we really had the road trip of a lifetime it was 8 days with my friends and man it was that crazy we made a whole movie out of it and this is why the biggest moment for me out of the year was making this movie this hourong special I was so passionate about it's something that I'll never forget the memories are just like Priceless and yeah got to get back on the road soon and then I went to to Spain for a day that was just like super random but there was like La Tomatina which is like a tomato throwing Festival I climbed a pole that was covered in grease fat that was like one of the most like scary moments of the year but yeah the festival was like super fun Tomatoes were stinging the eyes but the Vibes were good and then I went to India that was crazy that was like a bucketless moment of course we got to shout out my friend joty she opened her arms and let us into her world I got to spend a whole day with the world's shortest woman literally she is like so nice out India got a fire hair gun also had the craziest Meetup of my entire life that was the craziest [ __ ] I've ever experienced I felt like Justin Bieber for a day like I had to get escorted out of the Meetup uh because it was getting too dangerous oh my gosh bro that was wild and then when I came back to New York City it was like Halloween time and I had the idea to remake Jesse Well's video about Aladdin and that was like such a blast to have Luke dress up as Genie Ashley as Jasmine so many people in New York were coming up to us like oh my God I saw the Aladdin video or like saw you guys on the carpet and it just Good Vibes like happy to make other people happy so traffic am I right you want to race I'll run the red man and then wrapping up the year I moved into a new spot and moved in with Luke and Ari what a freaking ride what a year just a crazy year and thanks for all the love feel like such a YouTuber right now but like if you want to win the iPhone for real follow do what excites subscribe and just leave a comment and then if you want to check out got the merch it's 20% off thank you guys from the bottom of my heart love you guys do what excites and yeah on to a better next year
Channel: KELWAK
Views: 124,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, vlog, kelly wakasa, college, ur moms house, ur mom ashley, nyc, new york city, jedcal, luke eich, isa sung, college vlogs, nyc vlogs
Id: VnCnziSpb2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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