My last day as a Twitch software engineer (why I quit + what's next?)

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Hi, my name is Chloe and I am a product manager at   Discord but you may know me  as the girl who quit TikTok. But today I'm bringing someone  who also just quit his job. Kevin, come join the news! Hello! Hey everyone, I'm Kevin. After 5  years being a software engineer at Twitch,   I just quit. Yay! And I feel like I just  quit Twitch too because I feel like I have   been an honorary employee at Twitch since I've  been visiting so much due to Kevin. Fun fact:   we actually met through Twitch so I've had a  lot of memories at the Twitch office. And as for   why I left Twitch and where I'm going next- Well,  actually we're going to talk about that later!   But first, we're gonna bring you  along our last day at the Twitch   office. I went too so it's my last  day as well so let's do that first. Look at all these commuters. It's a race to the top! You know where we're going? No. Secret tunnel! Yo, this is quite the commute. We're  out here hustling- more like having fun. We're on the grind, no cap, on god. Oh no, what have you become. No, I tripped. We made it to the Twitch office! Thank you! Alright everyone, we're here and it is   Kevin's last day in the office. How do  you feel, Kevin? I feel like today is my   last day in the office. It's very exciting. It  feels like the most last day of all last days. What do you want to do today as your last day? Eat a Twitch cookie. They're the best cookies. We'll do that. And I would also like to play Smash. Do you have a lot work today? I have work to do. We will go show you around Twitch, let's go! SIKE. This way! I know what I'm doing. I've been here  a billion times. I work here as a food eater. Hi. I got this snack. It's my  favorite snack, maybe ever. Well, it's my favorite snack  in the office for sure. It is   premium quality minimally processed popcorn. Malaysian pink salt- Himalayan-  popcorn with Himlayan. Did ya get that wrong? You're  a popcorn fiend, Kevin. Okay, go enjoy your last good popcorn. Well, I'm  probably gonna grab a second bag later today too. You can grab four more. Hi y'all. Kevin just booked me a meeting room  so that I can take my team meeting. I have a   meeting right now for an hour and then my  friend Ivan is gonna come over for lunch.   And then I got a couple more meetings to get  through and hopefully end the day a little   bit early since it's Kevin's last day and I want  to make sure he gets some time to spend around. We want to tour the office a  little bit and show you around.   Definitely want to go to the game room.  There's a lot of smash, smashing, smashers.   A lot of melee smash players out and about  in the game room. Meeting time, meeting time! Alright so I know you're like Chloe, what  have you been doing in all these meetings   all day long? Very good question so let  me tell you. A lot of people think I'm a   project manager but that's actually very  different from being a product manager.   As a product manager, the one thing you  really have to get right is understanding   who your customer is and what they really want.  This is called user empathy and you get this by   doing a lot of user interviews, which you can  learn more about from today's sponsor, Dovetail. Dovetail is the customer research platform  that helps you understand what your customers   really want. Typically, this entails setting up  a lot of calls with customers and compiling your   findings which gets very manual and time  consuming real fast. But with Dovetail,   all you gotta do is upload your interview clips,  which then get automatically transcribed. And   then you can use your powerful suite  of tools to organize your research,   categorize and mark up your notes, and easily find  insights to highlight to your team or inform your   product strategy and roadmap. The way Dovetail  organizes everything helps you get to the bottom   of what people want faster. So try out Dovetail  today for free with my unique link down below!   Thank you to Dovetail for sponsoring  this video. Now, let's get back into it. It's Roland the goon. Are you  joining us for lunch? Let's do it. We're waiting for our friend  to come. His name is Ivan. You sure he's not just outside? I  saw some asian dude- Oh, there he is! Oh, it's been a while! I know right? I need your help for a minute. Yes, yes, yes. So please help me figure out if I can park  her because this is like really confusing. You cannot park here, unfortunately. It's  no stopping so you have to move this. It has to be a really good photo. Amazing, great work. We made it, let's go! Let's just finally go to lunch. Come through, Ivan. Kevo. Alright! I have two cookies and we're gonna get a third. Ivan got it too! This is the lemon one, right? Lemon  white chocolate, that's my favorite. Alright everyone, I want to introduce  you to some Twitch staff and friends. I'm Reina. I am a front-end  engineer. I'm actually on the same   team as Kevin. I used to be a classical violinist. And we have special friend,  Scott, actively a musician. Actively but also working in program management   in e-commerce here in the city. So I play as  often as I can and still still keep it fun. Hello, I'm Mandy. I'm a UX  designer here at Twitch. She's my only successful referral. I'm visiting Chloe in San Francisco all the  way from Boston. So I was the music director of   Assassin's Creed and if you played video  games like Final Fantasy, you probably   have heard me playing the piano throughout  the game as part of the original soundtrack. Glad to be here with gorgeous  dinner and gorgeous people. Hello, it is after lunch and we're going to get  some secret ice cream and it's in this corner. Here it is. Oh my god, there's secret hot pockets too. Lactaid? Oh, there's nothing in there. Yo, what's up everybody it's  your boy the bokchoyboy,   back at it again from the Twitch office. Hello, this is our 6v6 game rooms. Six because   Overwatch was a thing but it's no longer a thing  so you can see we have Twitch gaming chairs. Sometimes well- you work right, like this? Yeah work hard, work really hard. I just found out that these computers  aren't really working anymore   because they they're not set up properly. Yeah, I mean you can look at that. No,  that's like this is an up-and-coming game.   It's what all the kids are playing these days. Usually like Fridays during happy hour,  people would come down here to play together. Yeah, League, TFT. So these PCs are stronger because  they had VR hooked up to it. I'll show you the other game room. The other big  game room, we have foosball. We have a really big   orange couch. We got this couch, I think, for  one of the company holidays. We got some board   games. And the corner over there, I'm mostly here  for Super Smash Brothers Melee for the Nintendo   Gamecube developed by Hal Laboratories in 2001.  Killer queen is the most fun arcade game ever. And there's also ski ball in the corner and  no one likes it because it's super loud. How do you feel? It's the last hour of your last  day. Yes, I wish I were playing Melee right now. This is really awkward when  everyone looks. Everyone is staring. Are you gonna miss this- this scene? I'll miss it, I mean I'll be here  when i'm back in SF. Bye everyone! Bye, never see you again. It's time to go. It's time to go. Time to say goodbye.  I don't know how the tune goes. Now, where are we off to Kevin?  Now, we're off to dinner. With Josh and Caydie. We're treating them out  to a very lovely dinner in Berkeley because   they are so gracious in housing us during  this time. Just like how they did last time. Yes. For the last Discord on-site vlog. Let's diagonally cross, you don't have that a  lot in other cities. You have three seconds,   you're gonna die. You're gonna die. I'm going  to die. I have fear of crossing streets.   Chloe thinks that as soon as it turns to zero  seconds, the car will just run her right over.   Yeah, fair game for them to  run me over. So much commuting. It's good. Good for the soul, it gives you a  space and a break to turn off from work as you   transition to the next part of your life. Speaking of transitions, we're  transitioning to dinner. Bye! Yeah, yeah. We're here with Josh and Caydie. Party time! Lots of celebration. Caydie, I must say your fit today is fire.  Thank you, I really like yours. Look at this,   look at this. We're matching.  Look at this, so cute! We are here! Kiraku is a local Japanese  restaurant in Berkeley, California.   They specialize in yakitori and sashimi dishes. That was perfect. She's kind of derpy. And we're back! Kevin, I am so  proud of you and this milestone.   The people want to know, why did you quit Twitch? So, I've always been interested in game  development but was always a little put off   by it because I've always heard horror  stories of worst hours and worst pay.   But I've always wanted to tell a story through  games and seeing Chloe pursue her content journey   has been very inspiring to me and made me  want to just jump in and go for it myself. Hey, I'm so happy for you but  this also means he's going   to be poor and then I got to work  overtime. Saying I'm just saying. Yeah, it's definitely going  to be a pay cut but honestly   Amazon stocks kind of tanking anyways so it's  like eh. So, I'm going to still be coding,   either way. But it's pretty different between  software engineering and game development. Do those differences make it hard  for you in the interview process? A little bit so game development  interviews has a lot more math.   Mostly linear algebra so I had to like  brush out my old college textbook and   re-review all those things like factors,  and cross products, and dot products. It's been so long since I've heard those things. Yeah, that was very traumatizing though.  There's also a lot more behavioral interview   questions because game development has a lot more  cross-collaboration with other cross-functional   teams like artists and designers. There's also  fewer questions, I would say, on like just   hardcore data structures and algorithms, coding  questions, which is nice. Those are annoying. Talk about all the companies that you interviewed  with. So I interviewed at a few tech companies   still, Google and Figma. For game development  companies, I just applied everywhere that was   around our area pretty much. I had a lot of intro  chats with a lot of them but because I didn't have   direct game experience, we didn't get  very far in the interview processes there. In the end, I went through  most of the interview process   with two smaller game dev  studios, Riot and Naughty Dog. After everything's all said and  done, I'm very happy to announce   that I will be a Gameplay engineer  on the Valorant team at Riot Games. Yay! Yeah, the interview process was  very lengthy but we got there. But   you know what's crazy about the  whole interview process at Riot? What? They don't allow visitors in their  campus right now because of COVID   so my on-site interview was  a virtual onsite interview.   I haven't even been on campus yet still.  I have though, I actually worked in gaming   many years ago and I was there for a business  meeting. The Riot campus is really cool. Nice,   I'm super excited to finally be back in the office  again and with my co-workers. I really miss that. Kevin likes that. Yeah, I like just having random  chats with everyone just like passing by. Yeah,   I'm like a remote working girl. So I'll be in  the office, Tuesdays through Thursdays because   Riot's doing a hybrid work from home situation  so we'll see what that LA commute life is like. I'm so excited for you, Kevin. I'm very excited  to meet all of the other Riot employees there.   I heard their culture is really fun. I know you're  chasing after your dream and the pay is definitely   a lot lower than tech but we're gonna work  through that. We'll budget, we'll figure it out. To all the aspiring software  engineers and game developers,   I hope you found this useful or insightful.  And for everyone else, I hope you've just   found it entertaining. Thanks for watching y'all! Thank you to the Unichlos who've been supporting  me all this time. And thank you to Dovetail   for sponsoring this video. I appreciate  you all and I'll see you next time, bye!
Channel: Chloe Shih
Views: 41,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: software engineer, day in my life as a software engineer, i quit my software engineer job, i left my software engineer job, software engineer day in the life, product manager day in the life, twitch software engineer, discord product manager, discord, twitch, working at twitch, twitch HQ, twitch office, why i quit my job, why i quit my software engineer job, why i left my job at twitch, why i left my job at amazon, working in tech, san francisco, vlog, asian american, couple
Id: HTIOaRse4s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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