My Japanese Mother Rates 7-Eleven Onigiri

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today I'm here with my mother we are going to be trying a variety of onii rice balls from our local 7eleven here in Japan this is my mother's first time doing a tast test with me this is going to be so much fun welcome back guys so yeah so we had a lot of great fun um if you missed that video make sure to check it out because it was a fantastic 3-day Journey so these are the only that we bought and we have four different uh categories there's actually more variety but I think this is enough so we're going to start off with the basic ones this one is the K and this one comes wrapped in the the NY seaweed so the NY stays crispy and make sure you follow the directions you peel off number one first then number two and number three kelp in soy sauce o o so the seaweed is simmered in like a sweet soy sauce just in a filling right I know you guys love this my mother she doesn't really like it I love it especially 7-Eleven one creamy like perfectly seasoned m m the next one is the red salmon and salt perfect if you like salmon got to try these These are the basic onti and the next one is the most basic this one is the n this one is using the Pickled plum called Umi here in Japan it's sour so refreshing okay this one is umu they're using um some whole grains there is Umi and uh throughout the whole thing I don't they're using o I really like this one you can taste both components and I really like the added fiber the added grain in here this one's another one that it's kind of iffy for my mom this is a m cream [Music] cheese I like [Music] it the cream cheese matches the how you make it how you make it this one is egg with a oyster soy sauce it's like raw egg on top rice with soy sauce okay and then finally for this category we have umana turnip greens and chili pepper has a little bit of CI the mustard greens the termic greens we both love has like a distinctive flavor fried rice in the onig [Music] form it tastes just like fried rice super super [Applause] flavorful mushroom sorry this so it's a little sticky I like this this one is a black pepper Oni a beef also beef M wow that's a steak lunch I can taste the beef I taste the black pepper this one's quite fragile okay and then this one so this is a a chicken ground chicken on the top of the Oni [Music] what again hearty good chicken flavor nice cheraki sauce on top the rice is seasoned perfectly and this is most likely not her favorite I sa The Best For Last I think so this is in collaboration with this famous Kyoto U be maker and I love these the rice is different the salt they usually a little bit different and this one is the ikura sh salmon in soy sauce so these are a little bit pricier than the [Music] others but Thea is perfectly seasoned I do wish it was a little bit more inside this one they're using a chicken froma and mixed with [Music] mis that one is really tasty finally we have the plum and Bonito flakes you get both even flavors of the Bonito flakes seasoned in you know like a soy sauce and then the um add a nice uh sourness to it this one I think I might like best in this category Okay so we've tried all of the Oni that's number one for my mom [Music] oh fried rice so all right okay so my favorite has to be actually the same one as my mom but my third one is a little bit different Oka the last one we had and that is my third favorite so I think the next time we are going to do the family Mar onig taste test because my mother was really surprised so thanks for watching guys maybe we we'll do uh one trying the Oni from there because recently I discovered my mom really likes Oni from there and they're the cheapest Oni in town thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed this one let us know which ones were your favorite and if you like to see another taste test with my mom please let me know because she's going to be here for a few weeks more and so we appreciate all the comments you put down below my mother always reads them she loves reading your comments thank you so much and finally if you enjoy videos like this one don't forget to subscribe thanks guys and see you next time [Music] byebye
Channel: TabiEats
Views: 26,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tabieats, 7 eleven japan, convenience store japan, onigiri, taste test, taste testing, Japanese food, Japanese snack, Rice ball, Best food japan, Best food tokyo, Conbini, Fast food tokyo, Musubi, Trying food, First time
Id: sKcy0yWRMaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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