MY HOUSEMATE NIGHTMARE | 9 True Scary Subscriber Horror Stories (Vol. 37)

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while we were in college my friends and I had maybe the worst housemate to ever exist for this story I'll call her em them started off relatively normal mostly just being difficult to deal with when she was drinking the problem was that em started getting drunk more and more often and it was contributing to emotional and mental issues that were lying dormant ready to explode she had a lot to deal with and while we were all unnerved by her destructive actions we started off just feeling bad for her we tried to keep her safe and on many many occasions we tried to get her the help that she needed where her friends outside the house either enabled her or completely ignored her when she was blacked out so it was always up to us to deal with the fallout a lot of the things she did were either just funny or gross stuff like going into the kitchen and taking a bite out of a raw potato or constantly peeing her bed in her sleep while guys were in it as time went on however things started getting more annoying after one friend made a beautifully glazed ham for friendsgiving and went to the fridge while drunken dropped the entire leftover ham on the floor another time she threw her pee-soaked panties in the corner of the living room and left them there for a week and then there are the more disturbing things we found out quickly that she was notoriously violent while drinking which made her extremely hard to control this led to actions like punching your best friend directly in the face and biting a guy so hard that he cried the housemate that experienced the most of em's violence however was my friend christine m singled out christine very early on as someone she didn't like and would always do the most dangerous things around her one night sam was trying to cut her shoelaces with a kitchen knife because she couldn't untie them when christine tried to help her and tell her to just put the knife down and threw it across the room at her another time when it was just em Christina and Christine's boyfriend in the house and tried to set her bed on fire while everyone else was asleep she even stole Christine's friends phone one time and left terrifying voicemails on Christine's phone sobbing and yelling gibberish for a while though it seemed like maybe hem was going to get better she had actually been getting some help and we went a good while without any incidents but then about four months before our lease was up she got into an argument about parking with Christine's boyfriend who lived across the hall from us it was a small meaningless argument but because we didn't immediately take her side she decided that from that point on she was going to completely shun the entire household this began a spiral back into her drinking and into her anger and emotional issues and because it had all started with Christine's boyfriend of course Christine was the one who attracted the most of her hate all of this culminated in a night I will never forget it was about two weeks to the end of our lease and we were all so relieved to be getting out of that apartment M had been staying in her room almost exclusively and her sister was visiting and keeping her busy so we all kind of let her guard down it was Friday and everyone in the house had plans to go out that night except for Christine who had a final the next day another one of her housemates and I were at a party several blocks away from our apartment when I got a call from Christine and around 1:00 a.m. I walked out of the party where it was quieter and answered the call Christine stone was confused and concerned I think something's happening she said what do you mean I answered I was already nervous because Christine isn't the type to worry needlessly I think M and her sister are fighting they were out and M got drunk I'm in my room Mike I can hear yelling but it sounds like it's getting physical I knew Christine wouldn't have called me if it wasn't a big deal so I figured I needed to do something I asked Christine if she was okay and if I should call the police to come home but she said she wasn't sure she was tired and mostly concerned about getting enough sleep at this point I was thinking about how we should handle the when suddenly I heard commotion on the line I heard a bang and some shouting Christine's voice had gone silent then another bang and then Christine's voice was back on the line she told me that M had just burst into a room glaring at her in a rage and then M sister had yanked her from the room and shut the door once again they were deathly in a physical struggle christine was keeping me up to date on what she was hearing while I was growing more and more concern for her safety she told me that there was a huge thump and it sounded like M sister had just body slam em into the wall to subdue her meanwhile M was screaming bloody murder and saying things like I just want to die just let me die I hate you I was already about to start walking home when suddenly Christine went unnerving Lea silent what is it what's happening I asked Christine pause for another moment listening then she said oh my god I think it happened I think someone got stabbed I felt chilled to the bone when I heard this what do you mean what are you here I asked frantically I heard the knife door open I think M went for the knife someone's crying really softly I can I can only hear one voice it basically started sprinting back home I told Christine to stay in her room and that's I would call the police and meet them outside the apartment I was shaking as I called them not only was there possibly a severely injured person in the house but if M really did have the kitchen knife that I was seriously worried for Christine being in there alone the police came right away and I watched from outside as multiple officers dragged a screaming and struggling m from the apartment looking completely unhinged it took an officer practically slamming her against the police car to subdue her enough to be cuffed when I entered the apartment I was shocked and relieved a fine M sister alive and miraculously not bleeding except for her hand which em had stabbed with the barbecue fork we kept in the kitchen drawer it just so happened that earlier that day em had used the kitchen knife and left it in the sink instead of it in its usual place in the drawer when she went to grab a weapon she could only find the barbecue fork the police took statements from everyone in the house and Christine and I made it very clear that this was not eminence of violence and sister was in complete shock she had no idea that M acted like this when she was drunk or that she struggled with so many personal demons my housemates and I were all positive that M will be institutionalized imagine our shock when M and her sister entered the apartment a few days later apparently M sister had undermined the severity of their fight and vouch for M stability causing her to be released we were baffled but it seemed like M had learned her lesson enough to avoid us as much as possible in the next few days before we moved out lest we call the cops on her again we got through the last week without any major incidents and M moved out today before the rest of us luckily I had the privilege of never seeing her again it was a harrowing experience living with her and it's something that my friends and I will probably talk about for the rest of our lives I'm just glad that all of us got through it without getting hurt the scary part is though that there was so many times when one of us could have gotten hurt especially that night with M and her sister fought the thing that sticks with me the most is how fortuitous it was that M had grabbed the barbecue fork instead of her favorite kitchen knife that night if the knife had been in its usual place in the drawer I hate to think what might have happened to M sister or my friend Christine [Music] this happened a few years ago in my hometown not going to say where to protect the privacy of my best friend but everyone should be on the lookout for these types of situations as they are growing increasingly more common my best friend in undergrad will call her m and I were extremely close we work together had the same degree had the same hobbies most of the same classes the same friend group and live very near to each other as a result we were with each other very often so very rarely alone keep this in mind as the story goes on M was picking up her cats from a friend's house and parked her car on the street outside she put the cats in the car ran to lock the front door and came back it took maybe ten seconds to lock it and run back but she didn't lock a car about halfway to her house she realized that her purse containing makeup hundreds of dollars checks from work her passports oliver IDs and cards and bills for her apartment with her address on them were missing from the passenger seat she had been running errands to prepare for a trip to her hometown which is why she had all of these things with her pulling over as she looked at her bank account online to see someone had already tried to use the card at a gas station five minutes away so she cancelled her card and drove home when telling me the story I pointed out that whoever took her purse was so fast that they had to have been watching her and she agreed she reported it all to the police but wasn't expecting anything to come from it as we lived in an area notorious for theft at the time a month or so later she received a phone call from a detective saying that they had found all of her items except the cash I am told the detective it was fine as she already had new ones the detective paused for a moment and then told em that they would not be returning her items at all as they were now evidence in an investigation when M asked what she meant the detective told her that they found all of her items with a woman who is known to be involved in human trafficking the area where the woman was arrested is so a common route human traffickers take and our state is one of the hotspots for trafficking in the u.s. along with the stolen items there were pictures of em from several months prior walking around her college campus and our work and hanging out with friends on her birthday there are also photos of her friends and other girls that we didn't know these people had her hometown address her address in the state where we lived where we worked the places we ate and hung out her university ID card knew she had animals and where she walked them where she did her banking what kind of car she drove and who her friends were naturally her boyfriend who was in the military lost it and had his friends sit outside the house when he wasn't home and escort her to and from work at night for the next few months it didn't seem like I was a target but I still had my boyfriend use my car to drive me to and from work for a while and I bought pepper spray for my keychain in the aftermath of finding the south we realized a few things despite being followed at fairly close range somehow neither of us ever noticed somebody following us probably because the person was a woman most of the opportunities for someone to take her such as walking to her car or house at night were probably missed because either her boyfriend or I were with her they must have been learning the schedules of everyone around her as well to see when there were times she was truly alone since they already knew so much about her before stealing all our information there must be a Big Boss somewhere who has at least some information about her including what she looks like the one thing they didn't seem to have photos of were her hiking with her dogs either they didn't know she hiked often alone or they were worried it would be too obvious if someone were to follow her thus tipping her off and perhaps the most terrifying if they decided after all this time to make a move and steal her things they must have been planning to do something big fairly soon it's likely they took her IDs in order to make fake ones to get her out of the country undetected unfortunately I can't give an update as nothing ever happened after the arrests and every time she asks about the case the detective says it's an inactive investigation and they can't disclose in the information we've never actually seen the photos either all the explanation was done over the phone it's been three years since all this happened and even though we've moved past it it still terrifies me to think about what would have happened if they hadn't found that woman I urge everyone to be aware of the surroundings be wary of anyone following you not just men stay with your friends check in on them to see if they made it home safe and always always lock your doors allow me to give some information about me before we get into the story I'm a 23 year old woman and hung a little alternative looking I guess I have long black hair with a bright green fringe I have my septum n my Medusa pierced I'm heavily tattooed and I dress in a rather gothic fashion I also live in the middle of nowhere where my house is big and looks like something from a horror movie but I love it announcer the story that's a long one so please bear with me this happened when I was 20 I had just moved into a big old spooky house against my parents wishes as they found a place too creepy but that is exactly when I bought it it was classed as a fixer-upper house so I got it for quite cheap as a moving in present my parents bought me a beautiful German Shepherd puppy he was mainly to put my dad's mind at ease with me living out here by myself he's gorgeous he's also very special as he is also a chimera if you don't know what that means it's when two morphs mold together into one beautiful animal his dad was a black German Shepherd his mother was a pure white one so he was split directly down the middle with one guy and one blue eye safe to say he is my pride and joy and I love him so much his name is Cobalt by the way I have been living in this house for a few months at the time this happened Cobalt like most pups grew up fast and he was super playful and like most puppies he needs a lot of walking and as I work from home I have a lot of time to do that I hadn't really had a chance to get to know my neighbors as I have mentioned already I live in the middle of nowhere so I don't really have any neighbors besides the trees there is a few houses a few miles down the road an elderly couple who are lovely who I've gotten to know very well over the years and a young man who will call max for this story max was quite creepy when he first came around to say hi and was thrilled when he found out I was on my own and he came around quite a lot and till we found out I had a girlfriend and then he got really possessive and and one night while my girlfriend was over he came around and demanded to know who she was and why she was in his girl's house he made it apparent he hated my girlfriend and wanted her out of my life he also hated my dog and cobalt always grounded him so I guess the feeling was mutual so on this day I got ready for a run and packed my backpack with everything we would mean and we began our run so we were running when I suddenly felt like we were being watched but I just brushed it off and carried on running but the feeling was always at the back of my mind after about an hour and a half of running we headed back to the house the closer we got to my house the more uneasy I began to feel I felt quite sick and unsafe so we sprinted back into my house and locked all my doors and windows and closed the blinds to make sure no one could see in I had a quick shower with Cobalt waiting at the door for me as he always did once I got outside picked up my cell phone and called my girlfriend to see if she could come over my girlfriend is 6 foot 3 easily she works as a bouncer and is heavily tattooed so she comes across as intimidating but once you get to know where she's super friendly thankfully she said she could come over and she began the long Howard drive to my house she had to wait for the lease in her apartment to end before she could move in with me she had a key so I waited for her to come in before going to bed and she checked every inch of my house before we went to bed I felt safer with her and cobalt around cobalt was at the end of the bed I felt so uneasy it was about 3:00 a.m. when we were awoken by cobalt growling on the landing at something downstairs all of his hairs were stood up suddenly without warning he shot down the stairs barking and that was met with a blood-curdling scream we both shot up and ran down the stairs cobalt was lying down next to a limp figure on the floor holding his arm in his mouth to keep it in place considering cobalt is still only a puppy he was super strong and knew he needed to protect my girlfriend ran down the stairs first and turned on the lights there on the floor was a guy with a potato sack over his head lying on his tummy with his arm in my dog's mouth and next to my dog is what looked to be a baseball bat lying on the floor my girlfriend quickly grabbed the guy's hands behind his back and ripped the SAC off of his head to reveal it was max he started screaming telling my girlfriend he was going to be my husband one day and how he needed to get her out of the way and my stupid dog cobalt was still close to my girlfriend just in case max tried anything while the police were on their way max was charged with breaking and entering I don't know what his plan was because he didn't know my girlfriend was over her car had broken down so she walked and got a tow truck to pick her car up I don't know what his intentions were I don't wish to know but all I know is it would have been really bad if cobalt hadn't been there I'm so thankful for my dog and he will always be my hero [Music] the year was 1977 and I was 14 years old I used to live with my mom dad and my sister in a house we live in a city called colores in Brazil my dad used to work as a construction worker in the city and he also had a corn farm away from there the city was small had a little more than a thousand people we used to go to the school by morning and the school was inside the church we would go out and play with my friends during the afternoon and we would still be playing until night there were other small villages around and the kids from these villages would join us too it all started mid-august me and five of my friends were walking in a region we called the beach the beach was a place someone far away from the city surrounded by woods we used to go there sometimes we would start a fire and sit around it to tell each other stories we had some dogs with us that day all of a sudden we started to smell something strange it was like this weird chemical smell the dogs then started to bark in the direction of the woods we all looked at the tree line trying to see something me and when my friends stood up and we got two big sticks we would leave around the place for emergencies the dogs got more and more agitated we then saw some movements in the woods the dogs ran in the direction of the movement and before we could do anything they disappeared in the darkness we tried following them but they were too fast and their barks would get more and more distant the noises then stopped we kept running we eventually found the dogs all dead they all had that chemical smell and one of them had this weird transparent goo in his mouth they also didn't have any injuries I remember that I cried a lot that night one of the dogs was mine and I really liked him some weeks later everything was normal I was at my house sleeping I woke up in the middle of the night I heard two or three cars accelerating through the road in front of my house I found it a bit weird but thought nothing more of it I went to sleep again that morning I got ready for school as soon as I opened the door two of my friends were waiting for me they started telling me what happened during the night apparently one of the villages got attacked by some sort of light I didn't believe them at first however when we went by the only clinic in town there were more people than usual in front of it one girl was sitting in front of the clinic crying and we knew that girl she would sometimes play with us and she was from another village we quickly went to her and asked what happened she then told us a story that gave me goosebumps apparently everything was ok until 11 p.m. the people of her house were at the living room talking suddenly they hear some commotion outside as they went to see there were some people pointing at the skies so they looked up as well she said they could see some weird lights in the sky they were almost round and would illuminate some of the clouds near it she got scared and decided to go back home as she was getting back a huge flash of light illuminated the village she ran inside and hid meanwhile listening to people screaming outside the flashes would continue and a buzz sound would fill the air then it finally stopped she heard her dad coming inside with her mom both in pain after that some of the people from the village went around to check on everyone her mom and dad were vomiting in the living room when the people came they got everyone inside a car and took them to the hospital that story scared me and my friends we all got to school later and all of our friends looked weirded out as well a quick question and they told us they knew about what had happened - we had classes with the priest as normal and later we went home after lunch me and my friends decided to go around a bit you could see a change in the atmosphere of the town people were scared about what happened we then went to the beach again me and my friends and as we used to do we stayed there until night the moon was illuminating the sky in reflecting on the river then we heard a weird noise over in the distance suddenly a big shadow covers the moon when we looked up we couldn't move from so much fear right on top of us there was this black thing a huge dark ellipsoid with lights under it it was big and standing still on top of us one of my friends scream and we started running into the woods we hid ourselves into a sort of cave unaware if the thing was really after us and we stood there for a while after we decided it was safe we went running into town again as soon as we got next to it we could hear something was wrong as we could hear screams in the distance as we got to it some people were crying and screaming in the streets I quickly ran to my house as I got there my dad was going out of my house holding my mom and I immediately helped him carrying my mother who was crying in pain we went to the hospital when we got there a lot more people were there too the one medic was running side-to-side trying to calm people down and the light of the hospital I could talk to my dad about what happened he said that they heard a noise outside and stayed inside in fear people could see the light in the sky again when the flashes started they were inside apparently a flash came from a hole on the roof and got to my mom with a flash hit her there were two needle-like holes in the area where the flash just hit was marked and had black marks in it as more people would come in I would hear around people talking about the injuries apparently the injuries were almost exact to each other even the people who got totally exposed by the flashes all they had were two needle-like holes and some black marks when it was finally dawn my father gathered some friends and they went to the mayor's house it was at this point in the hospital that I the name for the first time they were calling these flashes the true Pachuca suck suck in English because some people reported that the light was sucking blood from them the days passed and more places started reporting the incident people would light big bonfires at the main square and fear of the flashes then the military arrived and they set up camp near the town I had seen guns before but nothing quite like that they had this big anti-air gun it was installed in the middle of the base this didn't stop the things from happening every day more and more people were attacked the feeling of hopelessness finally made a good part of my town to move away and me and my family went to a village at around 40 kilometers from the city we had a small farm there where my dad used to grow corn we thought we would be safe there and I had to quit school because of the whole deal so my routine through the day was I would help my dad during the day and I would hang out with some friends from the neighborhood later things were pretty calm for a week until one day when the lights came I was at home with my parents and we had to hide from the flashes under a big table in the kitchen some of the other families weren't so lucky and got hit by them my dad took it upon himself to take some people to Caloris hospital the next day he didn't come home I attended to the farm as usual waiting for him to come back later I got on my bicycle and went to hang around with the other kids we went pretty far from town when it was almost dark we were already gone back and I saw my dad's car back through the road he didn't stop as we were all going back together me and the other kids the thing is all of the kids would go home and I would have to ride another 12 minutes until I got home it was dark already and I was alone about halfway home then I saw the lights in the sky in the flashes started this time as I was riding my bicycle I didn't have a single space to hide from the flashes as soon as the first flash hit me I fell to the ground paralyzed I couldn't move nor scream and I felt the pain of the flashes scorching my skin when the light stopped I got up two holes were open near my neck and I had black marks all over me I went home stumbled here and there from the pain that was about the last straw for my father he got me in the car and went to the hospital with me there at least three more people were waiting all victims of the flashes all the family had to stay in the church while they waited for me to get treated I spent the next day in the hospital as I had more wounds from the bicycle fall at that night we heard strange noises while in the hospital it all started with a weird buzz I recognized it from that day at the beach and started crying suddenly another noise a helicopter it went by the city really fast some time later a loud noise I never heard an anti air gun before but from the noise I knew it was that thing firing at something then everything got quiet we went back to the farm the next day we could see the remaining people of the town were all on edge for what happened the other day at this point it was at the end of February but a week later the military went back to the capital for some time in the next months we would still see the lights but the flashes that used to hurt us were gone the town went back to normal then so I grew up in this town and in 1989 my dad passed away I then went to live in the corn farm and the small house we had there the house wasn't big but it had everything I needed I used to tend to the crops during the day and made a chicken coop one night I was almost to sleep but suddenly the dogs started barking outside I had these big dogs for protection I stood up from my bed got my gun and went to check outside I could hear something moving on the cornfield as I got outside I started to smell something weird a chemical smell I stood outside in the front door looking at the movement in the cornfield something then blocks the light of the moon I look up I see the same black shape I had seen years ago when I look back down again I could see a thing a small humanoid figure then about one and a half meters tall they had brownish pale skin a big head big bulgy black eyes when I looked at it I felt a strong headache I twisted myself and managed to get inside my house and close the door I was so scared I even ended up peeing myself I then sat at the corner of the living room gun pointed at the door the dogs kept barking outside I saw shadows passing in the front of the window but I refused to look at them I stood there until I could see the light of the moon again and the smell disappeared I got up ran to my car and drove all the way to my sister's house at the capital I went back there to get my stuff but I would never live near that region again a friend of mine still lives there he says that from time to time he can still see the lights in the sky [Music] when I met Alan Morris more than four years ago I had just started working at the small family-style restaurant as a cook in Greenville Michigan one of the two owners used to be a manager at one of the McDonald's in town years before where both my older sisters had worked and so she knew me pretty well I never had a problem with Alan as he always treated me and everyone else with respect he mostly kept to himself but did every now and then open up to us all as if he was having a good day Alan did not hide the fact that he had a lengthy criminal record and had been incarcerated for many years before coming to the restaurant where he would work very hard he had a new girlfriend who had a kid that Alan loved very much and was trying to start his life over as best he could one day Alan called in and said that he wasn't feeling very well which we all believed as to us he was a pretty trustworthy guy he started taking more time off and started to call in quite frequently I usually help to close the restaurant at night to only work four hour shifts but every so often my boss would schedule me to work a morning shift so when I saw that I was scheduled to work with Alan the following morning I was pretty happy I arrived and immediately said hello to Alan usually to this he would respond with a grin and hello back but didn't say anything I said it again nothing he was standing by one of the flattop grills just staring off into space I walked over to him and said hello for a third time while touching his shoulder he jumped and looked startled I apologized but he laughed it off as nothing and said that he was just tired we had a great shift and left around the same time that day just as the afternoon crew had come in to relieve us it's been a few days before I worked again and when I came in to start my shift everyone was acting odd so I asked one of the other cooks what was going on she said that Alan was arrested amazed I asked what for what reason she stated for suspected break-ins in the Staunton Michigan area there had been many robberies that had happened in the Stanton area that went on for many weeks the other cook that was with us told me that the police had believed it had all been Allen the entire time we were all shocked as Allen had appeared to be doing so well that the thought of him going back to crime and then jail didn't seem real I would like to say that this is where my story ends but it doesn't some time goes on with no news of Allen he could have still been in jail for all we knew were laying low somewhere until one day when he walked through the back door the restaurant with a big smile on his face the two other cooks on the shift with me and the owners all greeted Allen and asked how he was doing he said that he was fine and that he was just getting some things in order and said that they would be returning to work very soon months go by and everything with Allen is normal until he just stops showing up to work altogether we were told that he was in trouble with the law again one day I get a text from one of my co-workers with an article attached that says man arrested an elderly Montcalm County man's murder with a picture of Allen's mug shot attached to the article the man had been shot multiple times with the 22 caliber round in his home between March 27th and March 30th 2015 in the morning that Allen was acting weird made more sense to me now that morning shift was during the time that the man was murdered I could have even worked with him the day after he committed this heinous crime but I'll never know they had suspected Allen because this was the same area that all of the break-ins and robberies had taken place one of the break-ins being just two houses down from the man that was killed Allen broke into the home not knowing that the man was there as he had thought he had left the house the man was sleeping and woke up to find Allen I am sure Alan ended the man's life because he didn't want the cops called in the break-in reported when the man was found the police noted that there were several missing firearms from the house and his cell phone had been taken as well Alan was convicted of murder of an 80 year old Dale Nelson and was sentenced to 26 to 75 years behind bars it was later found out that Alan's stored many of the belongings he stole not only from Dale Nelson's house but others as well in the shed that was owned by the restaurant that we had worked at together the shed was on the other side of the parking lot and rarely used so it was a good hiding place Alan was also in possession of owning some lewd child pictures and the tools that he had used to break into the house it goes to show you that you never truly know who you were working with this happen years ago when I was around 14 in 27 now hi my butch of the story since it have been 13 years or so ago but it was 100% true my family and I were down in Mexico visiting family during the Christmas holiday on this day my aunt and cousin Susie who is around 19 came over to our house my aunt wanted to talk to my mom about something I can't remember what but my younger sister now who was around 4 wanted to go with Susie to play Susie told my mom that it would be fine she could look after now while we did whatever we were doing they'll remember what we were doing I think cleaning out the storage area or something mom agreed and told Susie my siblings and I would pick her up before 7:00 and that's when the nightly prayers began around 7 o'clock my siblings and I went over to Susie's house to pick up now when we arrived to her house we spotted them playing near the streets on top of an old truck Susie saw us and looked really relieved to see us I'm so glad to see you here craziest thing happened Susie told us what happened and why were you outside Lynn my eldest sister Astor soon Susie told us what happened when they arrived hours ago Susie took now to her room to play with old dolls she had they were having fun and everything was going great until now hushed Susie why are you shushing me Susie whispered carries over there and she isn't happy now whispered pointing at Susie's closet Karia Susie's older sister and she was out of town at that time which Susie told now Nell shook her head and pointed at the closet again Carrie's angry she wants to hurt us Susie was starting to get spooked and looked at a closet her closet at the time didn't have a door but a semi-transparent curtain she didn't see anything and asked know what Carrie was doing she's watching us Susie she's coming now whispered now hugging Susie's arm Susie wasn't sure if she imagined it or actually saw it what she saw a hand appear in the closet and was starting to push the curtain aside Susie grabbed Nell and ran downstairs trying to calm herself down she put a movie on for Nell to keep her distracted and went back upstairs to her room the moment she got to the top landing she saw her bedroom door was closed she knew she didn't close it and it would make a loud noise when it closed since who was made of metal she didn't know what else to do so she placed a chair in front of the door and hurried downstairs and joined now once the movie was over Susie asked now what else she wants to do but once again now shush her and pointed at the stairs Carrie is angry at you she's coming Susie grabbed Nolan dragged her out of the house out on the street and that's when we showed up we were kind of spooked by the story and Susie was just happy we were there I'm sure it's nothing maybe just an act of imagination Jess my older sister said Susie shrugged still a bit shaken when now shush to saw Carrie is watching now whispered pointing at the second-floor window that's when we all booked it and ran toward the church or my aunt was cleaning we haven't told my aunt or our parents what had happened probably thinking we just got spooked by a four year old until five years ago Jess randomly brought up that day and told my mom about it laughing it off as our imaginations running wild did this ghost look like Carrie my mom asked a shiver went down her spines we haven't mentioned that part to her did the ghost look like Carrie my mom asked a shiver went down our spines we haven't mentioned that part to her did Susy tell you Jess asked no because I know Suzie's house is haunted there's a ghost that looks like your cousin Carrie I know because you mentioned this before when you were around seven do you and Lynne remember sleeping over at Susie's house no why good you forgot was all my mom said and left it at that that stories for another time but now we know that my cousin's house is haunted and what my sister saw that day was an actual ghost I live in a neighborhood well that's more of a highway with houses at the side of the road I wouldn't recommend walking since there's no sidewalks I wish I gave myself that warning two years ago I had some friends with me at the time a boy and two girls let's call the boy Dan and the girl will be called Sarah and girl two will be called hazel we decided to make our little of squad of explorers exploring forests and abandoned structures and such today is our first exploration an abandoned house just at the very end of the neighborhood so we start walking we avoid the road by walking on the tall grass which is very unpleasant causing us to walk on the edge of the road we reached the house I looked up the house a year after and it was built in the 1940s owned by a man who abandoned it after having to live in the nursing home this was the 80s though and the house had been left alone since we were outside for a little while and Dan says we should go inside I was excited but Sarah was not very happy she sat on the moldy wood staircase and had to process everything before she went in I can't blame her what if there were squatters inside about to ambush us we decided to check out the well it was a stone round well which looked kind of like the well in the ring there was a piece of old wood covering the top and Dan decided to be super reckless and stomped on the wood like a maniac his leg fell through the small opening and if he would have fell in we would have been in big trouble he lifted his leg out of the opening and acted like nothing just happened I couldn't imagine he almost fell down a well with what I saw was sharp rocks at the bottom and he just brushed it off anyways we got a little carried away and started throwing random stuff down the well figurines rocks fake flowerpots etc we went inside the house when we went inside a very strong odor emitted from the door it didn't just smell like old house it smelled like a plumbing accident it was very gross but smells aside we came across a bunch of weird things clothes packed in a freezer a fireplace with dolls inside an upside-down table kind of look like an art museum we were very happy to find lots of vintage things inside of every cabinet and drawer things started to get kind of eerie we entered the bedroom and the roof was caved in clothes with stains everywhere and worst of all black ooze was lined across the ceiling I was going to vomit at this point we also heard some distinct chewing sound we left the room and we froze we saw a shadow at the corner of the door but it was fast it bolted back into the room it came from we're here to huff followed by a cough which was enough for us to leave the house but as the dumb kids we were we stayed at the premises a man who were a scruffy looking shirt with torn gym shorts opened the front door we froze in shock who was there and how didn't we notice him the mood turned from scary to horrific as he lifts his arm to reveal a chunk of raw meat of where his skin used to be with the blood still dripping from it we heard a neighbor shout get out of here and we run for it I haven't told my parents but we'll plan to in the future I don't want to be lectured at again for doing things that could have got me hurt or hurt the people around me I haven't heard anything about that house ever since and I can't imagine what he would have done to us if we were caught I practiced Taekwondo in a stadium in my city it's a dangerous place but I have been living all my life there and nothing has happened to me so normally I forget about the Rob's and drugs not that one day I was chatting with a friend in the entrance of the stadium and there was a guy shirtless and with a lot of muscles he was just standing in front of a wall reading something so none of us care about him some minutes later we say goodbye and leave to different places I decide to walk to my house I live about 30 to 40 minutes away because I had time and was a nice day so while I was walking I saw the same guy from before he was walking in the streets and fighting with the drivers all I thought was that he was on some drugs and just kept walking about ten minutes later he disappeared some minutes passed and nothing happened I was just listening to music and walking but 20 minutes later or more or less the guy passed me I was kind of shocked because he appeared from nowhere but he passed me so I thought I was being way too paranoid then he stands in the same cross I was and he watched me I felt weird and texted my mom that I was close to home and asked her to open the door it's important to describe my house for this I live in a third floor but it's not a normal building there are houses in the ground level with the second floor backyard and everything in between two houses there is a stair that lets you in the third floor there are more houses over the ones on the ground level and I live on the third so when I get to the stairs the door was open then my dog was waiting for me so I sit on the floor and pet her then my mom was like be careful there's someone behind you move so he can pass I reply with an OK stand up and went to the stairs without looking back we started walking to my door I went inside my house and looked back and there he was the shirtless guy was behind me all along and he just was standing outside of my house my mom closed the door and freaked out she asked me if I knew him if he had talked to me or something I looked at her confused still shocked she started calling my dad loud enough so the guy outside could hear it my dad didn't hear her but that was enough the guy finally left this happened some months ago but it still freaks me out he saw me and he followed me and now he knows where I live this took place between 2014 and 2015 when I was renting a small two-bedroom house with my now ex-girlfriend in a fairly up-and-coming city in the UK the house was in a quiet suburban neighborhood it was small and was laid out so that the kitchen and living room were open plan there was no space for a dining room but there was just about enough space under the stairs for a four-person table the neighbourhood was only about 13 years old and there is a beautiful park outside the front of the house well the nice open field where people would walk their dogs jog and have picnics I didn't get any unsettling feelings about the house nor did I feel that there was anything off I'm usually sensitive towards these things when I was younger I used to see and hear things I couldn't explain a man praying at the foot of my bed a woman whispering my name why laid in bed but as I got older these occurrences became more and more rare until they stopped altogether now I don't get anything more than a feeling of being watched to her cold air wash over me and the only things remotely eerie about to our new home was that the park next to the house is called the Roman Park because of the ruins of an old Roman villa which makes it a bit of a local attraction the city I live in after the first few months of moving and everything was great my girlfriend and I would get home make dinner watch TV and go to bed we had two cats who would often wake us up in the middle of the night because as anyone with cats will tell you only want your attention when you're not giving it to them they would walk on her faces knock things over jump on the bed and run up and down the stairs it was almost comforting to know that they were there sometimes they would stand in the bedroom doorway and meow at us until we woke up this is how they told us that they wanted to go outside we didn't have a cap flap so we had to let them in and out one night my girlfriend I are watching TV went out of the corner of my eye to the left I see something moving on the stairs I turn to look and there is nothing there I ignore it thinking maybe it was a trick of the mind but it happens again I keep my attention focused on the stairs trying to work out what caught my attention when my girlfriend says did you also see that yeah I said it looked like someone was standing there we get a little bit freaked out and even more so when we realize that the cats are both fixated on the stairs as well this is a little weird and I get a bit creeped out but we kind of shrug it off and carry on with the movie a few nights go by and the same thing happens again this time my girlfriend and I turned our heads at exactly the same time it looks like someone in a white dress my girlfriend said to me instantly I get goosebumps because now I know we saw the same thing this becomes more and more frequent and we decide that maybe we should try to ignore it or keep looking forward but pay attention to what we see out of the corner of our eyes soon we started seeing this thing almost every day multiple times a day and even in the early afternoon in an effort to relieve our fears we turn it into a bit of a joke our back door was a sliding door with small vents at the top when the wind blew in a very particular direction and came in through the vents they made a noise similar to a kazoo we started referring this as a lonely party ghost and that was the name we gave to the thing we kept seeing on the stairs anytime something went missing lonely party ghosts a weird unexplainable noise baloney party ghosts this helped us feel better but I don't think it helped with whatever was in her house as time went on I would wake up in a sweat with my girlfriend standing on the other side of the room lights on looking absolutely terrified when I asked her what was wrong she told me I had been screaming I'm usually a light sleeper and I had never had an issue with night terrors or sleep talking so this was very unusual for me it started become regular I had wake up my girlfriend would have the light on and she would tell me that I had been screaming bloody murder I woke myself up once from screaming but I couldn't remember what I had been dreaming about as a screaming got worse so did the frequency of lonely party ghosts appearances has started becoming clearer and more vivid what started as a blur in the corner of our eyes had now become a fully formed figure that would stand in the doorway of our bedroom at night when this first happened I thought I was imagining it some sort of half-asleep dreams filling into the real world except it stayed there motionless staring at us long after I was fully lucid as you can imagine this woke me up bloody quickly but even in my wide awake state it was still there more weird things happened after that my girlfriend woke me up because I had punched her in my sleep I would wake up screaming drenched and sweat I would hear walking in the house and things being knocked over my girlfriend heard it too and it was keeping us awake she then said to me please put the cat's outside but when I went to look for them they were nowhere I opened the curtains which were covering the back sliding door and there they were sitting on the outside deck waiting to be let in the scent chills down my arms and I ran upstairs to tell her that they had been outside the whole time the figure in the doorway started showing up more often and no matter how many times we closed the bedroom door it would slowly swing open more often than not it would be the cat says the door lock wouldn't latch when you closed it and all you had to do was give it a push to open it without turning the doorknob toward the end of our tenancy my girlfriend wakes me up gently in the middle of the night by nudging me and whispering my name I asked her what's wrong and she tells me she thinks there's someone downstairs we admitted a routine to leave the cat's out at night so we knew that any noises in the house were not caused by them I don't know if that made us feel better or worse but as we lay there in the dark and listened to someone going through our kitchen drawers we were frozen in fear I feel that it's my responsibility as the man of the house to go and investigate any potential burglary so after taking a deep breath and mustering all the courage I could find I go out of bed and tiptoed to the top of the stairs I heard the noises getting louder as I approached it sounded like someone had climbed through the kitchen window over the sink and was now going through our cupboards had I left the window open we often did this when we were cooking to let some of the heat out of the house but we always made sure that they were closed when we went to bed I had an idea to take my phone and record video with the flashlight on it just in case I was attacked or hurt that way my potential murderer would be caught on film I took a step down the stairs stopping and looking through the banister at the living room the noises continued I took another step there was a creak as the wood beneath my foot took my weight the noise has stopped for a brief second before continuing they were going through the glass covered now I could hear the clicking of glasses being knocked against each other I took a few more steps down and shown my phone's flashlight into the kitchen and the noises stopped I looked around and couldn't see anything out of place the kitchen windows were closed the cupboard doors were closed the curtains were dead still there was no one there I did a quick sweep of the house ready to punch anyone I saw but there wasn't anybody I know that based on everything that has happened up until this point I probably should have attributed this to lonely party ghosts but honestly it didn't even cross my mind I heard a noise thought we were being burgled and was fully expecting to fight someone I check that all the windows and doors were locked checked everywhere that someone could potentially hide but I found nothing my adrenaline was pumping so hard that I could hear my heart beating in my ears I let our short sigh of relief and went to the back door to let the cats in but just then I noticed something on my phone screen a bright light shining from the other side of the room I looked at my phone confused by what I was seeing I looked up and couldn't see any light at all in the area where the light was coming from was a blank wall when I look back at my phone it was still there it was like an LED was being pointed at my phone I've seen dust on camera and while it can be reflective this was not reflecting light it was emitting it it started to drift closer and closer to me getting bigger and brighter but I could still not see it with my naked eyes finally it got within a few inches of my phone hovered there for about five seconds before then drifting toward the kitchen and disappeared I know that it wasn't a dust particle I have seen that enough times to know that they don't emit light like that nor do they drift so smoothly and with such purpose I honestly feel that this thing walked across the room to me stood right in front of me and then walked back into the kitchen I let the cats in and went upstairs to show my girlfriend the video she was in shock when I showed her and explained what had happened and I had shown a few people the video who all thought it was weird unfortunately I have since lost the video but I will never forget how big and bright that light was we weren't in the house for much longer after that but nothing too exciting happened really we still heard noises still saw things out of the corner of our eyes and I'd wake up with scratches on my back the house we moved into didn't have anything unusual happen and it was a relief to live somewhere where I didn't constantly feel eyes on me do you think that a new house can be haunted if its own old land what do you think was in my house why did we see a woman in a dress on the stairs but a shadow on the doorway I'd love to hear your thoughts hey friends thanks for listening be sure to subscribe and click that notification Bell to be alerted of all future narrations if you got a story be sure to submit them to my subreddit our let's read official and give and receive feedback from the community and maybe even hear your story featured from the next video enjoy my discord to interact with me and other listeners directly and if you want to support me even more grab early access to all future narrations for just $1 a month on patreon and maybe even pick up some let's read merch on Spreadshirt and be sure to check out the let's read podcast where you can hear all these stories and 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Channel: Lets Read!
Views: 135,289
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Keywords: true scary stories, scary stories, scary true stories, true horror stories, horror stories, true stories, stories from reddit, asmr reading, lets not meet, true creepy stories, scary horror stories, reddit, true scary stories from reddit, true horror stories from reddit, subscriber submissions, reddit scary true stories, lets read, asmr sleep, ASMR, creepy stories, subscriber submitted scary stories, subscriber stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 34sec (3574 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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