My House Flipping Business Explained | Vlog 014

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what's going on everybody welcome to ryan pineda show we talk all things money real estate and entrepreneurship and today you've caught us on our weekly [Music] vlog and in this week's vlog i actually want to introduce every person on my team and talk about our company structure but the best part of this is that they don't know we're going to do that most of them are not trained on the camera and very good at it so we're gonna just surprise them they didn't shave they don't look good they're dressed like bums they have no idea they're gonna be on camera hopefully we get thousands and thousands of views and they're really embarrassed but with that being said let's go interview all of them and see what their role is at the company and if they should even have a role i'm just kidding guys i love these guys most of the time so before we go out there and talk to them let me give you a little bit of background about our company we flip over 100 homes a year here in las vegas mainly fix and flip we do some wholesaling as well we keep some as rentals i also have other companies in this office such as future flipper my education company forever home realty which is my brokerage and truebook cpa which is my tax company and with running a lot of companies i need the right people in place and the right corporate structure i'm going to start from the top down on explaining who's in charge of what just for the house looking side so this is my ceo noel's office she's the ceo of all my companies so she basically oversees all of the companies on a big picture level she knows what i want to achieve in each company and her job is to make sure that happens now you're probably wondering where's she at good question i don't know either no just kidding she's super scared of what's going on so we pretty much just make fun of her all the time for being really scared all right so the first person we're going to walk to is sean bob who's the ceo of home run offer tell everybody what you do everything you do that's what i do everything everything you need to do what does that mean like what else do you do i analyze deals i in the liaison on behalf of you i do everything with title the only thing i don't do is sign your name and then you manage all these guys right try to manage all these guys try to get all the deals locked up what happens when these guys don't do what they're supposed to do um i lock them out of the office they have to do push-ups okay do you like what are your office hours every every second i'm up every second you're awake yeah okay i'm saying if you want to look at my text messages i get texts like about 11 o'clock at night sometimes will ryan is that reasonable for the coo i don't know this isn't reasonable for anyone okay enough of you all right the next guy we're going to is monty here and monty wears a few different hats tell them about the hats you wear um let's see here i do marketing data dispositions sean bob's assistant transactions um i filled in for sean bob when he's gone so he said i'm technically the ceo for a week didn't do the best job not gonna lie but um basically what i do whatever ryan needs as well i i work at all hours of the day even weekends um so i do as far as marketing goes i handle our weekly meetings with tv ppc i manage seven callers in the philippines which is a nightmare um then far as dispositions go i pretty much i sell every deal here we don't keep a deal for more than 15 minutes i've sold our average wholesale fees like 30k because of me um compared when sean bob is about 20 on the low end um i basically do it all i do it all all right all right um i don't really know what follow-up questions after that that's pretty good exactly my point i do it all tell them about um just like how getting podio you're just talking about podio like getting it to where it is today how how's that hassle then deep breath it's been about six months honestly when i first because we did the predictive index and i got switched from sales to marketing classes dispositions and my first project was podio and we just got it dialed in i would say like a week ago so it's been two times a week meetings for an hour to an hour and a half just basically breaking down our podio from like it's dialed into us so i mean it does it basically functions itself so it sends messages it can submit offers it pretty much dials anything from kpis to just anything you want our podio basically does it it's taken six actually no it's been nine months sorry nine months of doing this so but we finally got it working it functions hopefully we can take it to market soon yeah we're gonna be giving it probably later than sooner but hopefully get that done but yeah once we work out the kinks we're going to be giving it to our students so that's a lot of stuff morale booster morale booster you know ping pong i'm like second i'm like second in ping pong yeah i need a worthy opponent so that's good all right so the next guy we have is michael which is our longest tenured sales guy how long have you been working here uh how long has it been two and a half years two and a half years right around there so tell us about kind of what your role is at this point so my role right now is just strictly so you got calls coming through right now is to get deals um that's my main focus so i just i come in and i i hit all the tv leads all the website leads is like my main thing in the morning and just try to lock up deals right so our setup is that we have guys who are in the office and guys outside of the office so michael is the head guy inside of the office so anytime we get a brand new lead he is talking to that lead and trying to figure out what are we going to do with them are we going to try to close them over the phone are we going to send somebody on an appointment does it need to be a listing should we send a listing agent instead he is the judgment on all of those things so he's the judge jury and executioner of everything yeah it's been interesting you know to switch over to what i used to do to to now you know started out just manually dialing numbers you know grinding away long hours and uh our system now is a lot better than it used to be so it's a lot more efficient a lot more automated and man we're killing it this year you know just under under his tutelage and you know just where we are now is a long way than where we used to be right i mean when we started marketing for the first time when he joined he's the only one who remains mainly because of my fault for like not doing it the right way but yeah like he was saying we started out just cold calling ourselves in-house all day you know and so he was doing that still getting deals with no training just cold calling and closing them from start to finish over the phone so that tells you even if you don't know what you're doing with hard work and the right things you can still get deals but once you kind of dial it in and figure out a real systematic approach things get way easier like now how much easier is it to get a deal than it was oh it's it's so much easier where we we would call probably a thousand people and maybe get a deal it's now like a hundred you know it's like we're ten times more efficient compared to where it used to be and then the training is is just it's paramount to where you know where we were to where we are today right so this is how having a team really benefits everyone is like before we did that we didn't have anyone in charge of marketing just like here's some numbers have at it right so with everything bonnie does over there he needs money to do what he needs to do okay because monty has to set up all the marketing to make sure that we're getting the leads so that he can close or set an appointment for who i'm going to tell you about here in a second okay so everything just funnels together and it's it's like any sports team if one person is a weak link it screws the whole team you know you have to have everybody on the same page or the team cannot function okay so we're gonna jump over a mic to another mic this is mike stevenson yeah sure you tell us about your role of course so i am the guy that ryan just mentioned one of the outside sales agents my main role is to go on appointments go to houses check them out check out the condition kind of have that conversation do negotiations and lock up the deals if i'm not scheduled on an appointment and i'm here in the office then i'm doing follow-ups i'm working old leads or if nothing else i'll just sit in the dialer and then i get a lot of potential and things from there also you do some text too right i do some text as well um let's see we just locked one up just the other day from text but yeah just whatever needs to be done so the thing with mike is when he's here you know it's cool but we'd rather him not be here because if he's not here then yeah we love his personality okay you know we think he's just a bright light to the office but when he's not here that means he's on appointments trying to make money yep when he's here that tells me okay he doesn't have appointments that means we're not setting enough leads and then i have to look at him and say hey why is he here you need to set some appointments for this guy once again that's how the whole team work if someone's not doing their job it affects him and he can't eat now so everything has to be working together all right next guy up we got my man dan right here hey what's going on is a realtor with us at forever home realty and he is i'll let you tell us um so i'm basically the mls guy over here uh spent about five six hours a day just scouring the mls looking for things that might be a possible discounted deal um call agents and basically negotiate and try to get them to accept my really really low offer other than that i'm kind of like the head appointment guy i go on 50 50 appointments which we call which are it might be a cash offer uh might be a listing you know since i'm a licensed realtor i can kind of go both ways so it gives me a lot of wiggle room with sellers to kind of find the solution to their problems um that's basically my job here just writing offers all day and talking to people and the beauty with having dan is that we can send him on a deal we're unsure of like hey we don't know if they're going to be a cash offer we don't know if they're going to be a listing so send the guy who can go both ways and kind of just feel it out versus stevenson who does who isn't licensed so we will only send him if we're like hey this is going to be a cash offer situation even with me i'll still go on appointments but i can only go for a cash offer because i'm not licensed and it's just not really worth my time so it's good to have both people on appointments and he's the same way it's like yeah i want to see him out of the office on appointments but he's also on mls i want to see him getting those mls deals too all right so the last person on the sales team is chuck bob right here if you're wondering if chuck bob's his real name it's not sean bob nick named him chuck bob and then if somebody else probably has a bob named too cam bob um but his real name's robert that's why he's a bob so he does very similar stuff to mike in that he's here in the office setting appointments doing that you got anything else to add i'll be honest with you i mean i probably get clutched out more than everybody uh because i definitely try to talk to everybody even if you don't want to sell so i'm just trying to do my job that's chuck bob for you just right to the point just let's get it done you're gonna sell me your house or not peace so i actually forgot one person because the new guy we don't acknowledge him well let's let's just tell you a little bit about him so this is cam he's the new guy um any new guy we get with training we always make sure that they're starting next to sean bob next to monty keep an eye on them make sure they're doing what they need to do training tell them like what you're doing as far as like starting out so for starting out basically i'm going through all the old leads so right now i'm looking at uh four four months old leads that uh we're running through the database just trying to generate some new leads to figure out if they're still willing to sell their home so that's pretty much what i do here right and cam's also a licensed agent um so he's able to do other things as well too but with new guys that we get right you don't want to put them on brand new leads because brand new leads are really expensive for us a tv lead might cost us a hundred dollars so if it's gonna cost us a hundred dollars i want to make sure that i got my most experienced guy on it which michael handles all the tv leads um for you to get better leads you got to really work your way up and prove that you can handle the crappy leads i mean like michael was just saying he started out cold calling himself just purely cold leads and still locking up deals so if you prove you can do that you prove you can handle anything right so right now it's been what two weeks two weeks yeah so he's been here two weeks we'll usually put him through a week of training just shadowing watching going through the sales training we have then now this week he's just been hitting all the old leads yeah so you've already been close on a couple yeah we had two close ones off by about five thousand dollars we would have netted about 50 grand so it was close they're still they're still available so true that's true so that's what a new guy looks like for you so i'm going to give you guys actually one more bonus guy he's not necessarily a part of the house whipping side but this is roham who's the head of future flipper yeah so he is the person who basically is the liaison with all of our students making sure they have whatever they need onboarding them doing all the crap i don't want to do with future flippers exactly yeah so basically my title is membership director for future flipper company right there um my most part i run sales operations and marketing for future flipper ryan actually does the educating but everything else is on me and then yeah that's pretty much it just onboard new guys and filter out the guys who aren't ready okay actually i forgot there's one more person i want you guys to meet we have bry right here he is the what's your actual title gatekeeper the gatekeeper he's the gatekeeper for everything so in actuality he is the i honestly don't know your title at forever home what is your title office manager the office manager he's the office manager at forever home so he makes sure everyone gets their onboarding packets for my brokerage what else do you do everybody gets paid on time get their file ready make sure everybody's files are correct so yep files whatever they need i get i take i get so he's the gatekeeper you want to get in to meet somebody you got to get past pride there's a reason i got like an enforcer type guy right here because man you just never know so what's cool about bryce he actually started working for me at home run offer originally and what you'll find is a lot of those guys have worked many different roles some of them are agents at forever home some of them have flip-flopped um like roham's also an agent in forever home he used to work at home run offer now he's doing future flipper bry started out working at home run offer doing the cold calls just like michael from like those were tough yeah yeah like that was when we were first starting two and a half years ago actually michael you're not longest tenured brian i'm first tired brian was hired before michael so actually i take that back what i said about michael yeah he's one of the guys who transitioned i had him at home run and then we had an opening at forever home and i'm like look i think you're a better fit here and it's been a beautiful thing all right so there's a couple of people we did not film today because this is a very impromptu video but number one would be nick devitt my partner at forever home realty he's the broker over there and then matt bontranger my partner at truebooks he's the cpa over there and so their jobs are to oversee those companies so when you look at my company structure as a whole you have me at the top just kind of giving the vision for what we want to accomplish then you have noel right under me making sure all four companies are doing what they need to do then you have the heads of each company running the day-to-day you have sean bob running home run offer you have nick running forever home realty you have matt running true book cpa you have roham running future flipper and that's not to say i'm not involved with them i do things for all of those companies i meet with our realtors i train them i'll go close deals for home run offer on future flipper i'm educating people and giving them all that information on true books uh i don't really know what i do i'm honestly just the guinea pig for true books on different tax strategies we're doing and new things that i want done because if i want them done and they work for me they're most likely going to work for other real estate investors and that's pretty much the team so a couple of things i want to acknowledge about the team number one obviously there's not a lot of females i really wish we had more to kind of lower the testosterone but just the way it's always played out men just want to work here and even when i look at my social media analytics my youtube analytics it's around 85 to 90 percent mail which i find really crazy but those are the people who are coming to me when i have a job opening the second thing you probably noticed about our offices is very much like a locker room everybody is willing to make fun of each other everyone's really happy everyone's open we try to have a lot of energy and i think having that type of environment really helps you as a company you're going to get the most out of guys guys are going to enjoy coming to work and that's just my personality i like to make fun of people i like to make fun of myself i don't like to take life super serious if i came to the office and everyone just had their head down not talking to each other just trying to work really hard i wouldn't like it i want guys to have freedom to have fun here but at the same time you got to make sure that they're doing work and getting deals and doing what they got to do so i hope you guys enjoyed that video i hope it gave you some background on what we've got going on here if you like this video do me a big favor go hit that like button if you haven't already go hit that subscribe button and follow me on all the socials i'm active on there daily and until next time take care
Channel: Ryan Pineda
Views: 16,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real estate, house flipper, cash flow, financial freedom, entrepreneur, future flipper, house flipping, rental properties, passive income, real estate investor, real estate investing, wholesaling real estate, ryan pineda, graham stephan, meet kevin, max maxwell, bigger pockets, grant cardone, house flip, how to flip a house, real estate investing 101, real estate investing with no money, real estate investing for beginners, Wholesaling real estate for beginners
Id: 4f__EEEDdao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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