My Hemi Tick is GONE - 2022 Ram 1500 Purrs Like a Kitten Now!

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hey there guys so let's talk about the Hemi Tech there's been countless videos and posts on forums and on owners groups on social media over the years about the way that these Hemi engines have a tick tick tick tick tick sound to them and uh you know there's perhaps more than one thing that can cause a ticking sound in an engine especially an engine like this uh but usually when people talk about the Hemi tick they're talking about the lifter sticking and this truck right here this one's got 5 000 miles on it now and from day one it had the tick and uh so we know that it's not the exhaust manifolds because it's a brand new engine um I'm 99.99 sure that it is a lifter tick and when you would notice it or when I would notice it you know most prominently would be upon cold startup first thing in the morning or let's say I parked the truck and I come back a few hours later and get in it to go somewhere when you first start the truck up it was really pronounced you know tick tick tick tick tick tick and then after the oil pressure builds back up which only takes you know five seconds then the taking would really decrease and you could barely hear it it still had a little bit of a tick a little bit of a valve train tick but it wasn't nearly as bad after that but that first start up in the mornings it was pretty disconcerting especially on a new engine well the point of the video is that I have completely cured that this engine right here now has zero ticking no clacking no ticking no noise whatsoever and it was actually pretty simple to fix here's how I did it that's right that's how I did it now I don't want you to pay a whole lot of attention to the brand because I actually have used a few different brands the important thing to note here is that this is full synthetic oil and even more important than that the viscosity 5W30 now there's been a lot of debate about this and I'm not going to get into it you guys can run whatever you want to in your engine it's your engine you bought it you can run whatever you want to in it I'm not telling you what to do my engines never ever see Zero w20 oil and this Hemi Will Never As Long As I own it we'll never see Zero w20 oil so at 5 000 miles I drained the oil this was about a week or two ago and when I was draining the factory fill oil out of this thing it literally looked like water coming out of the oil pan it looked like black water I mean it's just it's ridiculous uh now obviously they 20 years ago when this engine debuted they didn't expect zero w20 oil you know this is something that came along over the last so many years as a result of automakers reaching for as much fuel economy as they can possibly muster up because you got to remember they sell hundreds of thousands of these engines every year so every fraction of a mile per gallon they can save when they're doing their EPA testing and certification saves them money so that's what they're after when there's when they're doing like the multi-displacement system on these engines and the 0w-20 watery oil they put in these engines that's why they're doing these things they're trying to get as much fuel economy as they can squeeze out of them but for the consumer the guys like us who buy these things we don't care about that I don't care about 0.002 miles per gallon okay that doesn't mean anything to me you know what I would rather have is an engine that runs smooth quiet efficient and lasts a long time and that's why I still all these years later stick with 5W30 now again this is the Valvoline full synthetic Advanced I actually went to the store to get Pennzoil Ultra Platinum it doesn't really matter most of these oils you buy at the store are all pretty similar they've got different additive packages and things in them if you do virgin analysis on them you'll see different you know amounts of zinc or this and that but for the most part they perform pretty similarly so that's why I said don't get hung up on the brand here this is just what they had the Pennzoil Ultra Platinum was completely sold out so I bought the next closest thing that had but the main thing is the 5W30 full synthetic now when I put this oil in this engine I also put a Purolator uh oil filter on there appear later one oil filter which is about nine bucks one of the best oil filters money can buy the ticking immediately went away on this engine even in the mornings I mean it's 30 degrees out here right now cold start this morning zero ticking zero I mean this thing sounds perfect now hers like a kitten runs great fuel economy is still great it'll still knock down exactly the same fuel economy it was doing before and I have peace of mind now that on the warmer days when I'm towing with the truck or whatever the case might be this viscosity is going to hold up a lot better you know in a V8 engine anyway so just wanted to mention that to you you know there's a lot of talk out there about you know I really don't want to tear the engine down and try to figure out why my engine's ticking or whatever the case might be if you're running that watery zero weight oil I would suggest trying this but some good full synthetic 5W30 in your engine run it for a while and just see what happens because I really still believe in my heart that these engines were not redesigned specifically for that oil that's what you hear people say all the time the engineers know better than you do they designed the engine for that oil no they didn't no they didn't we just we just said this a minute ago this engine's been around for 20 years now it came out for the 2003 model year we first saw this engine back in 2002 it's 20 years old okay and back in those days you couldn't even hardly find zero w20 oil I don't even know if it existed back then and it's not like they just completely redesigned the engine when these new oils came online they didn't you know same same cylinders and everything you've got in here that you would see on an older truck so 5W30 works great in these engines and in this particular one it really seems to love it anyway I'm not going to continue to ramble but the point is the Hemi tick is gone and it was simple to do and I'm really happy with that makes me feel a lot better having a good high quality oil in here now that I know can handle you know the Heat and hold up to the way that I use my truck but the five-way and the full synthetic still flows well enough that on these really cold winter mornings as soon as you hit the key it's going to immediately start pumping oil you're going to be fine no excessive wear in fact it's probably going to reduce wear in this engine and you know the cam and lifters and everything will be happier with the 5W30 also just better lubrication you know so you got the Hemi tick especially on a newer engine like this where you know that it's probably the lifters and the valve train you know you might want to try that give it a shot can't hurt right all right guys that's all I got for now too cold out here I'm going back in we'll talk to you later
Channel: 4-LOW
Views: 334,292
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Id: YGbv2G67a80
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Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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