My greatest sweet potato harvest ever

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hello everyone is November 20th we came very close to a freeze last night and the next two days are real likely we will go to freeze so I'm going to get these sweet potatoes cleaned up you remember from earlier video we have one two three big tubs that we planted and I think I did three three and two on the slips what's in here this is in a good spot get a lot of sunshine it's kind of alright if they run around in this area okay dump out first one gear Wow somebody was hungry yeah gentlemen pots to keep this from happening trying to see what we have in here look at that still got the Kurtis getting in here eating everything unbelievable now they say still getting in an evening okay I get them in pots of a rent that we net some nice stuff here going I hope this is not a sign of how the other ones going to be this is looking better Wow look at the root structure Wow hope there's some potatoes in here hey this one was a whole lot more really really loose though there's a potato oh look at that one there's a beauty oh boy yeah this is looking better holy what it holy mackerel because this for a pot Wow there's more there's a nice potato this dart looks like it from the beginning here yeah one either one oh boy yeah go boy war all right I want to get all these in their big tub so I can weigh them but this part is as you look at this and you know man this thing is all mangled well we cut them up and do them in a pressure cooker to cook them anyway so it doesn't matter what they look like it's something that we've learned the last couple of years is that they all taste the same this shape and this shape tastes the exact center and when you've cut them up to put them into a pressure cooker doesn't matter what they look like before you cut him up they're just gorgeous these are just random it's on my three top one cub was the bust the critters got through the holes I guess on the bottom they hate everything but the other two tops have produced all this now if you look back I did a video of when I set up those two tubs and planted everything we'll keep some of these roots with me my starters for next year November 20 it now so it won't be that long before we'll be starting all right gonna carry these over to the scales it's a heavy tug let's see if I can get it down I got a weight let's see if I can see it turning itself off do it again bake it said 47 [Music] forty-two pounds forty two and a half pounds not bad for two plastic tubs check the video see how I started them here's how they end now these would go underneath the shed for a couple of weeks to let them harden off and sweeten up and then won't be ready to start eating on them and we'll be eating these Wow all winter long sweet potatoes is what's on the menu thank you for watching
Channel: GrowAndEatThis
Views: 5,919,933
Rating: 4.4942594 out of 5
Keywords: container gardening, sweet potatoes, picking sweet potatoes, organic gardening
Id: nn9hO5z74m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2016
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