My Greatest Offensive Game Ever! 80+ Points in one Game!

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last episode was something else welcome back to the series where i try to turn into a madden goat this is episode number seven our current record is 20 and 10. which to be real with you guys i'm not the most upset about obviously we've had our fair share of games early where the opponents weren't at the greatest skill level but we're working up to that point now where the competition is getting better at least on our own skill level which you could say that's really not saying much i know anyways before the game starts i want to show you guys a little blitz that i learned that i feel a lot more confident in running than other things and here it is this is a little sneak peek bam of course we didn't get them right away i get a completion if you would like to learn how i do the blitz stick to the end of the video i'm going to show you exactly how today i want to start off with team that i don't think i've used yet and that i feel like could be pretty underrated that's the saints so let's have some fun with this saints game one of the day all right this should be easy the saints have the box number hopefully i have inert uniform 937s number i think we try to bring this blitz right away here it goes here we go running back left wide open picked off no marshawn lattimore oh let's get it the blitz didn't work but the play worked touchdown i'm gonna hurt my chest dude let's check this now he's gonna go down low sack oh that was a safety we have to take running back ourselves oh boy oh boy he's running lattl more he got burned he got burnt bad we're out in a terrible formation right now yeah we're getting pummeled we're getting pummeled that's a play right there i gotta call a timeout are you freaking kidding me are you freaking serious here's our first play on offense we got b we got b we got him good catch callaway he's bringing him big blitz big blitz big blitz i'm gonna take the easy dump there come on troutman let's go this has potential to go yard we got potential to go yard yep we did called it look great oh wow oh wow we're in snow we're in still we're fine we don't want no gold line offense i want nothing to do with that some more risky defense here this is a blitz though we should have this contained right yeah believe in ourselves oh dude why did you just run past fournette right there we had him in the backfield i'm gonna try to cover the middle myself here we're doing an all right job picked let's get it alexander alexander the great full momentum for the boys too kabir blitz again michael thomas he just left them i seen it i don't know if that was a blitz or not but hey wiggles if we could chip 58 we could do something nice cut up the middle cut out the middle why not we'll take it it's a different look this time he left kamara wide open thank you come again touchdown i tell you the saints are an underrated team don't look past them i'm actually looking forward to using this team a lot more we're blitzing again here it goes come on adam come on adam come on adam oh it should have been a pick why not let's do it again run run run run run run run run run kobe this guy's struggling way too hard versus defense and that's one of the first times i've ever been able to say that oh no oh no that's x x got him oh so sick that's memory right there i remember what button that he was all right i'm gonna end this game know this is gonna be a big old fat dub to start episode number seven and i'll see you guys at the menu i put up 80 points this was my highest scoring game on offense of all time oh freak oh i messed up boys i played on my main account instead of my other account our whole record is going to be so messed up because of that i'm gonna have to play one off camera that stinks our next team's gonna be the san francisco 49ers i really want to use trey lance in this entire offense we're gonna be taking on the buffalo bills oh he's letting that go please stay in please stay in please stop oh boy oh boy that's a safety what if we got ourselves into a second what the frick wait why am i can we trust ourselves here is this gonna work please please please please oh it didn't come in no we got the first two okay counter run this way he picked me up jake whiskey get him down i'm still just so lost on how i don't have the ball right now oh crap okay okay you know what i think we're fine here i thought we were fine here we are most certainly not probably should audible out of this past to be honest yup got him let's go let's have our quarterback contains out here just in case someone come across the middle come on tackle tackle tackle all right third down dick is going to be a scarier out here out is he going out is he going out dang i knew he was going out i just couldn't get out there fast enough come on ken law there ain't nothing i could do about that oh she's offense it's pretty nice right now going to be honest yeah there's the run that's what i've been waiting for warning how did you miss watch a slant watch a slant going straight through he's wide open hello holy crap i was the one that got the safety wasn't i how long did that take for me to realize i was the team that moved out of the way what the heck how freaking stupid can i be i have no words i literally have no words and uh we got some ground that we got to make up that's without a doubt yes yes oh kiddo we got in one play one play i got to be the dumbest person ever i thought we were up to nothing the whole time oh cried oh crud we're getting just destroyed on the ground yeah that's a play fake voice that's a freaking play fake whiskey tarts out in no man's land i don't know why he'd be running up field whenever you see a guy running right past them this is a play where we need just a big play to happen i'm going to run it myself we're going to get the first down with trey lance let's go mostar yeah just trying to take him deep here at this yup that's just easier play right there is that a first down not quite we're gonna play for the first down here i gotta throw it away shoot all right well we need to get this i think i gotta do the stretch here don't you think i'm cutting it up oh i missed the touchdown let's see what we got here touchdown kiddle redeemed ourselves we definitely did we should really really really really yep how do people just see that dude oh that's annoying how do we not get that i'm trying to send in that blitz and it's just not working and we get picked up oh and he got the touchdown too on top of all that [Music] we should really get that what do we got here ah oh he moved away i think he thought he was on a different user what do we got we're gonna have the running back a little low ball here good job see we could do here corner out got him toddy yes sir i think now is the time i'm gonna go for two this is big time right here let's make it happen got him yes sir oh that's stupid safety i don't know if i've ever looked more dumb i'm double teaming out there i don't know what the heck is going on right now yeah he's definitely calling his best play what is he doing i wish i could tell you i have no freaking clue a bunch of ziggs a bunch of ziggs oh my gosh i'm gonna throw up i'm gonna i ain't throwing up no more he has opened up an opportunity for us we just gotta get it done b we'll take it don't let him tackle you quarterback snake is that sneaky i don't know the left just looks decent to me man i'm gonna be looking for it real quick real quick he pressed off the line kiddle kiddle that's patience baby that's so good now we gotta hit two here please let me get this please let me get this i think i waited i thought i threw that too early seven point lead now no no no no no bad tom bad tom bad bad bad bad bad extra oh my goodness dude diggs is not doing all that probably gonna be a run to the left no it's not oh good play i thought i had a maple i had a mabel on that side there was a purple there was a light blue there was a deep blue and dude was just left wide open i'm looking at you i'm gonna look short i'm gonna look quick i'm gonna almost throw up throwing that pass get down get down dude i try to literally get down wide open kiddle good freaking stuff my guy he ain't fumbling that ball either you better believe that let's go give me the others give me the arms give me the arms yeah yep getting down i'm not scoring i'm not stupid four three time out he's out in coverage right now which is interesting we should have it robbie gold second win of the day what a recovery after the biggest fail you will ever see current record 22 and 10 our next team's gonna be the chargers why am i low-key terrified that this guy is using the texans i don't like this guy being on defense tranquil tranquil track oh you're an idiot what's he gonna do now it's it's a mesh right yeah that's just a good option to have so you're gonna do outro out route out route quicker than me definitely quicker than me i'm gonna send in derwent on an absolute screamer okay it doesn't matter shoot there's a ziggurat double ziggs okay we stopped oh what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing right over the middle oh it's a jig i don't even know if this guy knows what he's looking at right now because i don't even know what i'm looking at right now yep thank you i told you all those short passes was just due to eventually get sniped and there we go chris harris that's buckets right there boys and that's third one's away that's third one's way that's darwin this man's crazy dude like derwen might be the best defensive player i've ever seen yeah we got that we got that locked we got that lock thank you that was the perfect coverage i don't know if i've ever called better coverage like for a situation before there should be a free two points here oh he has sneaky man baited me okay is this halfback scissor play no he's coming across the middle here though yeah i did pretty much pick my poison there with that one hopefully we don't screw ourselves over here with our decision to go for two yeah we got that this time we got that this time we ain't got that though campbell got scorched actually you want to shoot for me you want to shoot for boom i know what he's going to try to do hyde doesn't let me shoot it didn't let me shoot he's running it again oh that's aggressive qb draw keep me draw keep me drop boom die he's dead take your three you want that three it's a ten point game with three here's a throw there's a throw it's a zig i'm pressuring myself oh i had to make a move that's a quick dart he actually might go for two yeah this doesn't make any sense does he have it yeah oh he knows that play he knows that no i didn't touch the ball a single time on offense that whole half is that crazy and said surprise onside kick to start the second half who do you think you are boy thank you kanan oh i do not like this play at all gonna be honest here he's sitting there wide open though great patience play we're gonna take this play just raw like it is wise open i don't normally ever do that but we'll take what we can get let's just go for it see we could do here middle i just want the first that's all i want and now we just stay calm patient here hit our tight end for the toddy i'm gonna try to bump this guy right here running back running ooh the running back doing that dang thing oh he gets it she's gonna get so many get the freak out of here i gotta just stay in my area man yeah that's a good throw dude that's picked pick it up okay i'm used to it i'm used to it ziggurat on that side yo i could not keep up with him he was just way too fast play one cook nice little dinger right there fourth quarter coming up even if we get a field goal and run clock that's all i need the heck out of here with this garbage i was about to say i guess i don't know do we want to score i don't know that's all good it's all good [Music] all right let's just go for it nothing stupid i had to run out there that's really unfortunate but three is important we'll take it add that to the board back to a two score game this is definitely a little insane to me to think that this guy's in this game right now that dude's wide open holy moly dude oh did he mess up let's go derwin i knew he was going to make a big play eventually well pancake action no it's all good there we go that's it our new record is 23 and 10 we're using the dallas cowboys here in game number four see y'all in there i'm gonna get mad aggressive already right off play one and it ain't gonna work because you ran it try to recover ourselves here a little bit oh how many people were risky enough to do that and we're just going to take our time yeah wide open he followed him so hard i hope i didn't put everybody in a hard flat ooh he's reading that defense that's a really good play wow oh come on it always starts off good and then we fall off let's go come on we could do it we could do it low pass possession yep yup yup yup yup schultz's first look schultz schultz ford thank you thank you not in yet stick with the pass here wide open his users on that tight end so so we know that's where it's usually going to be it seems like yeah oh man that's so unfortunate oh come on it's josh jacobs he's washed let's go this is us stay short stay short stay short yup yup yup fourth down now let's go let's go let's get this please freaking had i had a feeling that out route was gonna happen too would this be an rpo slant that's the other direction oh i thought he threw that to me no shot it's an engage eight bye have a beautiful time dude i'm getting wiggled right now sugar that worked i don't know what the freak is going on right now get him i think he got a first down oh come on whatever what are you gonna do and then there goes that just too easy i'm experimenting with strong clothes a little bit here we got some stuff to just mess around with apparently this route that cooper is like disgusting thank you that was man coverage that's just a straight burner i don't know if getting in is the right way to do that but we're going to get in oh please help me out here where's the running back at that's a cover 2 beater that's just so nice should i let him score there what is happening here he's running it again interesting can we just tackle the man break off break off break off break off yeah oh my god this way come back out this way come back out this way where's the hard flat that i put over there what the heck now we're back down by seven at half time we're gonna keep doing this over and over and over again he's gonna have to come out of this blitz or else he's gonna be in an absolute butt ton of trouble it's just not gonna work anymore he might have switched out of it honestly i don't know wide open nah nah you wanna come on the same defensive play i'll come on the same offensive play let's get her stuffed come on dicks don't get burned don't convert don't get burned eggs i can't trust dicks you got two of the best abilities in the game i can't trust them on 40 year old desean jackson are you kidding i need something massive here the heck am i gonna get i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it god that's crazy got him let's go boys let's freaking get it oh get it off of me that's cd lamb i gotta worry about goal line offense i love it yeah there's that pass waiting for it holy crap dude i legit i legit back diggs you could watch me i back digs off before the freaking play this man's trash you can't cover this bro with your stupid blitz you just can't just in case if i need it i got it i don't got it i don't got anything yo not good oh this is about to be downright stupid yeah i knew he was going to have that i don't think i got it i don't think i got it i didn't get it in this game ain't nothing i could do that's it all right guys we're going to get ready for the next game here we go with our last game of the day our current record is 23 and 11. we now must use the las vegas raiders to see you in there great we get to burst the bills again oh please spare me let me get something good here oh my goodness just half a second away switch up that defense just a little bit there just a little bit i thought we could get a guy outside i guess not josh allen just stupid to play against oh my gosh cole beasley cole beasley on what planet are we playing this madden game it's a good user people are really getting good at taking that play away from me come on roll him over again roll him over again there we go jacobs that's what i'm talking about trey wright i hate you oh i hate you so much this is one i normally don't call in this situation but hey it could work it could work it is going to work look at that dope didn't get that shut up in time hey let's go yes casey hayward thank you that's a pretty sick play oh i think we can get in we go up the middle boom we're not in imagine oh this game he committed run thank goodness man if we would have got tackle behind the line i would have just lost it the heck am i even looking at right now it's verticals i run on them run on them i'm disgusted okay run i get no block sheds ever whenever i'm in the middle linebacker yep good job good job not good enough middle yup this is very good i finally did something good on defense and he he gets a first down out of it cut me a break please yeah yeah i'm not keeping up with digs he's going for it all right how the freak do i met if that's anybody else they get to tackle animation am i not wrong there the running back fell over and he didn't run his route please allow me to get this please allow me to get this yeah oh i got it [Music] one of these guys got to do it for me that will kind of oh that'll work and we don't even have to go for it on fourth down got him i was just a little mishap on his part right there i think we got to start going for two because this guy's gonna go for two every time himself i know this ball game trust me fudge man he's gonna have all day to throw this ball too and he got a dude i thought i'd put a hard flat there oh dude i thought i freaking ate them i'm trying everything at least i feel like i am look at this look at this [Music] no words no words no point i'm gonna play for a field goal here dude's crazy dude's crazy he messed up so bad yeah all right we gotta get two this time though we have to oh he is committing a run like every play why [Applause] god i'm gonna throw it low to him just gonna possession catch that make sure we get the ball where's that user at he got him he got him with that user clean that was clean i play it so conservatively and a lot of times it doesn't end well what the heck dude how trashy am i and then he got digs wide open you're out yup yup i'm frustrated i'm lost i'm in no man's land at this point wow kind of coverage we got get off me look for the zone oh brian edwards that's nasty my dude that's disgusting got him possession and toddy right back now it's time to be clueless again who's ready bro i have purple zones out there i don't get why they're not covering out route yeah go ahead [Music] always got to be interesting don't we every dang time oh my gosh i got bummed i can't believe i freaking lost this game i'm gonna actually hurt somebody [Music] we end every episode on a downer now i'm just um disgusted i don't know what else to say so freaking mad right now you have no idea god taunt good here it goes taunt yeah don't forget to keep god first see you later okay so for all of you that stuck towards the end of the video i'm gonna show you that little nano blitz to help improve you guys game a little bit quick side note i'm running the 4-6 defensive playbook this play is out of nickel normal so it's in a lot of other defensive playbooks the play is called cover one linebacker blitz you pinch your defensive line you crash your defensive line out you pinch your linebackers you blitz your linebackers you quarterback contain and what i like to do is re-blitz this outside guy which happens to be max crosby our user is going to be on the safety you can press if you want to it could be a little bit more risky the heat's going to come in fast let's let donald hike the ball and there goes crawdad off the edge easy sack [Music] you
Channel: YoBoy PIZZA
Views: 1,364,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MUT, Madden Ultimate Team, YoBoy Pizza, YoBoyPizza, Football, NFL, gameplay, game, play, plays, touchdown, td, ultimate, team, packed out, 99, boy, pizza, game play, Madden, Madden 22, Madden 22 Franchise, Franchise Madden 22, 22, yo boy pizza
Id: 6TVPXQLfen8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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