"My Great Grandfather Fought In Stalingrad, It Wasn't The War That Scared Him" Creepypasta

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it's a war out there everyone fighting for a Cause for the wrong nation of course people will die for the country it's what we are right soldiers to protect our nation our homes and families this is something that echoes through a time of human history war war is it common traits in us humans fighting for our own beliefs our rights defending our homes to fight another nation we also heard the stories from our grandfathers great grandfathers and great grandmothers right but what if what if war has a darker side something that we may never experience ourselves other than those who fought there I'm a history nut'n I enjoy all things history related ranging from the first all night was ever laid to build a home and two large towering castles in the middie voyages and to the French Revolution and to the first man landing on the moon everything that happens from centuries to now is part of history that we can tell the younger generation my main oppression was world war one and two mostly because of we still today have relatives who were still alive who can tell the tale of what they saw how they felt in the overall experience of being in war and where various nations clashed into the battlefield it's about 1300 hours and salad Germany I am my father were visiting a very old relative for the day I of course later join my great-grandfather on a park bench where we went out for a stroll the poor guy doesn't go out much ever since his wife died so we pop by twice to check up on him he wasn't always alone of course as since a caretaker came by to make sure that he was all right usually stayed a few hours to watch over him and even slept overnight just to make sure so he and I sat there on the bench in the park and just on the outskirts of the town centre a beautiful remarkable place the town itself was beautiful in its own way most of the buildings were quite old with a mixed of wooden beams almost like a fantastic Victorian area of Germany vibrant colors and clean even we sat there for a few hours just to have little chitchat and to see how he's handling himself when we are usually alone I tend to poke him about his time in World War two and one didn't know more from his experience and what the world was like during that time of course there was something rather odd about how you'd explain things to me the specific part was about him fighting the Russians during the Battle of Stalingrad we all know that the Battle of Stalingrad was nothing but a bloody massacre and because after all the Germans fought and the Russians on their territory territory that the Russians knew well enough just like how the Americans attacked the Japanese and were pushed back with the quaint ambush tactics every time I asked him about what had happened you would just push the question away as if you really didn't want to answer it it really got on my nerves because this also piqued my interest even more every time that he tries to reject it the next time that we sat on the exact same spot and it finally happened he finally spoke out about it after all these years of prodding him about the question and to be honest it could have also been the annoyance because I would never let it go and so we sat there he's back against the bench with a hefty science pelled the story to me I know this is annoying but I really wanted to know what had happened I have read books during my history class and honestly a lot of it doesn't give the bigger detailed picture of what had happened you fought there you know what it was like so please at least tell me you are Michael only close living relative who ever fought the Russians I really don't want to tell you this anything but this it took me years to get it all out of my mind now I was in agony every night just thinking about it he sighed with a shiver look if I tell you it will at least stop you from pestering me with this okay he asked me sternly honestly all I wanted to ask him was just his time in Russia nothing out so of course I agreed with him yeah I just want to know that's all it's just that whenever I ask you you just reject it I know from what I've read it was fierce but when I poke you about it it's like something is scaring you from me even telling me what the slut was shaking nod my great-grandfather leaned an his hands held together as he stared down at the ground we were stuck there waiting for reinforcements from the Western and Eastern Front Stalin was crazy and burning down his own villages and towns to stop us from resupply him with food and water even shelter we barely could survive the frozen landscape even our tanks began to break down constantly due to the frost they weren't made for this winter we had to use fires to try and thaw the mountain just to get them to move again it was so cold that our tankers denied to ever enter one of their tanks again because of the weather we thought that it would have been much warmer there than it was we only found out that the two tank crews were dead it was so cold overnight that two of our tanks were completely frozen and the hatches were sealed so by the time that we had managed to break the hatches and try to rescue our comrades it would have been too late they were data their faces pale almost frozen over with a state of shock this doomed most of her morale that's Jesus I'm sorry [Music] most of the tank crew eventually called their tanks a steel coffin in winter a driving deathtrap we managed to move up a few days later when a platoon lead taught us to pack up and move out sir we were only a day's walk away from Stalingrad we had been told that some of the other regiments were already there and ready to assault Stalingrad from sharie's none of us were even ready for this kind of assault most of the men were hungry there is Dean colder and the morale was almost non-existent and some of the men wanted to just run off I didn't blame them if they did a weird to shout at each other poke ourselves with our knives to stay awake because if you fall asleep in the cold who knows if you'll ever wake up first some of you who may have already guessed and my great-grandfather was indeed a German soldier fighting the Russians and he was a part of the their mock just normal soldiers like every other nations army fighting for their country and for survival lucky for him he owes us Argentan and so we had a group of men under his wing and what she trusted with his life and they all are comrades and brothers in our himsa these people watched her back while you watch theirs so how did you get in was it heavily defended I asked them very but when we arrived we already saw the flashes of lights illuminating the landscape the loved Thunder of our weapons and there's clashing in the darkness and dark smoky clouds radiating off the buildings like a factory Jimmy but we had to split up into groups to get in the first group moved through the buildings to offer supportive fire on the ground troops while I and my men moved on into the canals to sneak in this was the best chance that we had to surprise them at least that's what we thought what do you mean were you expected not exactly we he muttered something a hefty sigh admitting from his laps the canal gave off a rather rancid stanchion not the stench you would be used to in the sewers but a stench that was odd how do you mean well as we move through the canal we noticed that our boots splashed against the bottom of the canals concrete foundation that it was water button it was dark murky a reddish tinge to it all and as we continued through the stench became worse we got to a t-junction but we could only go left to see how the direction was blocked by rubble all the while with us moving underneath the city we could hear the cries and screams up above from our comrades and the Russian soldiers explosions bullet fire it was chaotic we knew that this was a death sentence Hitler had no idea that the many scent would end up in a meat grinder we didn't know where to go when we had no sense of direction no understanding on how to fight this enemy they were crazy as wild dogs we knew that we were in their territory and they're fighting for the lives to defend their motherland and honestly it showed I know that they can be quite crazy for sure but you must have found an end to the canal after all you are here alive we did find the end but he stopped mid-sentence I could see that he was visibly shaken already I placed a hand on his shoulder and I tried to comfort him hey it's okay I'm right here as we got closer to the end we started to get sick the stench was driving some of the men almost insane as he tried to hold his nose some of them didn't want to get any closer but as we did we noticed the water changing drastically it was so murky and horrible but in the end we saw them just bodies littered and scattered all over the canal exit we managed to recognize some of them as her own magnet it seemed that well they died trying to accent it we weren't sure if it was wise to go out there so one brave soul volunteered and ventured through one and I said the dead bodies and eventually managed to go through the exit lucky for him it was clear I didn't really say anything at this fire - I was more or less trying to get grips on what he was telling me dead bodies blood at the stanchion and this was to be expected it German soldiers trying to find a way to sneak through and attack the enemies from behind but obviously the enemy was a little too smart for that I thought we continued through when we held our breath God the stench was unbearable to cope with it made everybody nauseous and but we managed to pull through we couldn't do anything for them and their bodies were just tossed and turned limbs shredded which seemed to have been from heavy caliber alfonzo it was a bloodbath but we had to keep going we had a job to do we were supposed to find Stalin as we had been told that there was a bunker hidden somewhere close by near the canals and so it was our job to locate it a bunker that makes sense Hitler had one in Berlin but he used it mostly during his briefings with his generals but why were you tasked with finding Anton because we were the closest of their and had another group looking for a possible accent they ever test to block the exit if they found dead too we had to move in and find Stalin and either take him alive or dead further on and he explained to me how he had to go through various trenches most of them filled with dead soldiers from both sides it even had to fire back at some of them who tried to block the way but when we pushed hard we moved through all this Maya gazing up at the dark sky to see our fighters fly above it being shot down one by one by the Russians Haig on set were in the depths of the city here but we had some luck we stumbled upon an entrance and to the bunker correct but the bunker itself kind of caught us off guard what do you mean it was well pristine no bullet holes and no chippings at the walls and no marks we didn't believe it it didn't make any sense to us at all how could a concrete bunker like this especially in a city surrounded by mountains of dirt trenches and dead bodies be so clean that is odd I stated at this point I started to feel a little bit out of my comfort zone here in the back of my mind I thought my great-grandfather was making this up he must have and there is no way a bunker could be in pristine condition within a bloody war zone but we didn't want to wait for so long in case we were spotted by her enemies and so we went to Anna I left a couple of men behind who would keep the entrance covered for us and to also stop Stalin if he managed to sneak past and go through that way if the other end of the bunker wasn't blocked we kept going down we didn't realize how dark it was until we hit the first floor of the bunker it was different in design compared to the bunkers that we were in before the stairs were more open if we leaned to the side we could have looked all the way down to the last floor of the bunker but because of how dark it was all we could see was dark NASA we all felt uncomfortable we wanted to leave but our legs more or less stopped us from doing so we continued to go down using some of our lighters and torches to try and see and the further we went down the more uncomfortable I gotta I'm starting to think that you're maybe over elaborating on this grandpa what makes you say that but I asked Atma he looked at me with a deep gaze almost wide-eyed able to see some tears in his eyes his expression is almost motionless at this point it kind of scared me to the point where I retrieved my hand from his shoulder you would think it was a joke wouldn't you you didn't see what was down there he yelled and I pulled back and this wasn't the reaction that I expected it even the visitors in the park sort of looked at us with a puzzled expression i hushed him for a moment to trying to call them grandpa I didn't mean it like that calm down please I was just saying I've never heard something as weird as this and that's all you think that it would share this in your history books do you remember what they said history is written by the winner isn't this bunker is not what it seemed to be we kept going down and down and it felt like we were in there for hours on hattington we couldn't even hear the noises from abhava all we could hear was pure silence and the breathing for my comrades as well as my heartbeat to pounding against my chest but the further we went down the colder it became we were so far down that we couldn't even see the light abhava it was pitch black we did find another entrance when we managed to hit the ground floor a huge and metal vault door but it was half open and it seemed that somebody it went through here so we thought that this could potentially be stalin having gone through thinking nothing of it we carefully inspected the door and tried to move around it to the other side and was he there no it only led to another long corridor but at least it had some lights but although quite dim it was good enough for us to stop using our heesu the tunnel was rather long and it felt like it would never end but what we didn't realize were that the walls were closing the further we moved in wait what and that's right as we continued to walk down this long dimly lit tunnel it decreased in size becoming smaller and smaller when we felt our helmets gradually scraped the ceiling and had to squish our arms to our sides just to move through one we thought that it was just a dead engine but it couldn't be it was the only passable way that we found in the bunker that could lead us to Stalin's whereabouts and as we got closer I could see it dimly lit lights on the other end we turned our lights off completely so when we could see there is a hole just below it looked like we could fit in it but we needed to remove some gear to go through we really wanted a head back but when we were too committed it my platoon lead would have had my head for this as I was ready to move into the hole I noticed some light flickering on the other side noticing a shadow quickly fly past that must have been him so I crawled through it was tight but I and the others managed to get through had to I don't think I would have been able to go through all that and the tight tunnels my claustrophobia would kill me it was more spacious at the other side and once everybody had made it through when we continue to had there was another Junction and we looked both ways to see where we could head next and but everything was so darker dimly lanta and we couldn't see a thing even our flashlights began to die out on NASA so we had no option but to use the walls to guide ourselves I realized by now that the air was a bit more difficult to breathe in even the cold air was gone replaced with a warmer temperature here and this was all too weird for us and but Verizon this may have been a sign that somebody is here to keep warm so somebody must have made a fire as we kept going now we heard something echoing in the dark NASA a loud scream a rattle the hall so we all prepped our weapons and we aimed down at the darkened corridor well we weren't too sure what to expect so we decided to tread lightly and watched our surroundings Oh more screams erupted edit but it wasn't anything close to a human and perhaps it was a dog but for even a dog it sounded weird now I'll say this we all know about the secret projects that occurred during World War 1 and two one the v2 rocket the Nazis superhuman project which was the aryan project the nuke various project happened during that time scale the so originally but I thought that the Russians must have hidden something that they were working on but hearing them talk about how they heard screams they were rather unfamiliar and kind of makes me uncomfortable the more he explained the more I can see him visibly shaken in Tirion and to me it seemed like he was in pain when he was telling me the story and I felt so sorry for him it I honestly did but I needed to know I needed to know why he was so afraid that he had to deny telling me his side of the story all this every piece of his life during the war and must have driven a Madden this may explain what drove is PTSD I'm so sorry that you're in agony from telling me this and but you must understand I just want to know why you're afraid please people said that the Holocaust and that Stalingrad itself was a massacre we thought that that was something that it could cause a man to go insane but nothing was worse than what we and but Watson what did you see it was it was just a hell down there we thought that we entered the gates of Hell I thought I was going to go insane grandpa we continued to move on even if we didn't want to something was driving us something kept upon us and further and further into the dark NASA we became afraid some of the men wanted to retreat but we just cut into the screams were loud we heard bangs metal being hit and the closer we got the louder it became until until what and what happened in what did you see dad everything just dead what our flashlights are on again we went past another large metal vault door and we saw we saw the data the stench of rotten flesh hitting our noses like a tidal wave the floor was covered to the brim with blood maggots bits of flesh floating on top god he was shaking and I just couldn't do anything other than drag him into a hog my god I said to him we saw them all women men children ripped limbs rats feast in the flesh mountains of dead bodies piled in various locations in the all we heard faint groans coming from across the hall it seemed like that some of them were alive crying out for help we were all Stanton we couldn't move at all like we were frozen one of the guys threw up all over themselves when we saw the bloody sight some even fainted from the sheer putrid smell that radiated off these poor people we don't know who they are and we couldn't help them this bunker it was a slaughterhouse and the people in them were the pigs who were ready to be slaughtered Jesus Christ Stalin must have been the only person to do this and he had the power he would kill his own people just to win the war we just couldn't stop staring bones of various families children data and be not at by the rats maggots infesting bodies it was unbearable some seemed to be burned some chopped into pieces we had to move we didn't want to end up like Diana and we had to step through over the piles of bodies just to find the exit but you're here so you had to find it right we did they said that they saw style and enter the bunker and but we couldn't find him the exit was easy to find but the people beyond its were confused and shot seeing our winter clothes completely soaked and rata we couldn't explain it - we all saw to never tell this story to anyone no one would have believed this in the first place and I honestly just want to forget that it ever happened I was stunned I couldn't think of a thing to say to him I wasn't sure how to process everything that I just heard it what happened there and what else is hidden from a hosta and it's everything we've learned in our history books even realer is it all a lie and this caused me to question everything about her centuries of human history nothing adds up and those who had written these history boxes and what if they know the truth honestly I'm scared to think that and they're giving more than what we presumably know you
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 120,325
Rating: 4.7498598 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: bxMQw-0vgXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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