My Girlfriend Hit The JACKPOT Magnet Fishing - You Won't Believe What She Found!!!

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dude no way oh my god what is going on today guys today we're back out here we're gonna do some more magnet fishing and if you guys see my recent videos I've actually been to the spot before and what I found here was absolutely crazy guys now the last time I was out here guys I was all by myself today I brought Olivia with me we're gonna be throwing two magnets so hopefully we can come up with some more crazy stuff guys so she is gonna be throwing the single side of magnet guys I'm gonna be throwing the double sided magnet and I'm just gonna throw on the GoPro right away and we're gonna see what we can find here all right guys I got the 2600 pound double sided magnet we only got one pair of gloves today she's got a mine so hopefully I don't get poked and get me some tetanus or something on something or I don't know if that's a rock no I think I got something I'm on something what is this Oh what is that like some oh just a big old stick dude Cup it's like a log oh my gosh for at least we got that one out of the way what did you think onto something got it looks like it or is it maybe that log well what is that oh no way you hold on we got to get the claw now we know it's in there we don't even need the magnet really yeah yeah you said it kept clinking onto something but I thought didn't know what it was because that's right where that log was there we go oh hey this is crazy Wow look at that that is awesome is that your first bike find ever that is crazy look at that look at the designs on this thing oh my gosh those aren't designs what are those I don't know what that is you always do better than me every time you come with me always doing better you find and stuff first you find the cooler stuff every single time are you sure I see something on there oh yeah what is that what the heck you guys all right oh that's kind of cool what is that what the heck is that there oh it's got a little thing on there it says not for over lifting something huh what the heck is that Lena it like still screws what is that that's kind of cool huh all right oh yeah you're not kidding there's something else down there Wow well it's coming up very slowly I see colors what is that okay hold on hold on what is that that's not all of it no way this is um yes dude this is an ice ice checker bar dude these are expensive are you kidding me I can actually use this yep you take this up when you're ice fishing you like use this to check the ice and like yeah dude these are expensive look at that nice find and looking at it's like a little fishing lure on there dude what a find that's awesome huh and I think there's like even something else in there yeah and I don't know what yeah oh yeah oh yeah look at that a little wacky worm nice he's even raked up we could just throw it on some fishing line and go fishing what else you got no hook nice some fishing gear cashing out well if I fell in here that'd be so awesome but it's going on there there's something on there what is this Oh check that out another fishing lure these are good um good walleye fishing lures that's awesome oh and I got its look a little sinker on the back of there but dude this is a nice fishing lure we are finding so many fishing lures and I am loving it you got going on over there we got some fishing line all kinds of fishing line look at that holy cow see if there's like a fishing lure on and watch you pull it off fish look at all that what in the world oh look at that there's a fishing lure out it oh no don't lose it careful just don't snap the line look at that fishing do it come to Papa look at that look at that one so many fishing lures this is just awesome oh yeah you got one on the magnet too good this fishing lure we got that oh look at there's two fishing lures on there oh my goodness like each one of these is a couple bucks still in good condition these are like all usable we probably made $20 in fishing lures and we've only been here for like a half hour you got something Oh what is that what is that makeup makeup nowhere yeah look at that that's crazy what is that a little brush in there and everything oh yeah right this boy that's crazy no what is it what is that for like a phone oh look at that that's crazy Wow HTC Android baby no way no way oh oh oh there goes no there it is oh my god this way don't touch it I'm just going to go really no can you grab it got it haha that one took so long to get up look at that fine there guys Oh a whole fishing pole that could probably be mean the pole is definitely usable it's not even broken all I gotta do is clean it up and get a new reel for it and look at that got me a new fishing pole awesome dude you got something big like really big another one dude no way oh my god that's like way over there though what the heck ah look at that oh my goodness this isn't look at the amount of stuff oh my gosh this is crazy like I just and look at that look at that another fishing lure Wow look at that in perfect condition just just making money on lures here two bikes I got a a spud bar this is crazy a fishing pole this is just wild we probably got about ten fishing lures in there I just can't believe you found our second bike are you kidding me what no way are you serious this prize is a mouse or something who knows [Music] oh I see something money see something in there what is that oh that's a co2 cartridge yeah wonder if it's used or if it's still full it's probably used that's probably why it's in there huh see if I can make it ooh left-handed shot too I'm a pro oh nice no way check that out why are they so clean it's gotta be a player's that I don't think I've never seen anything like that it's like a nutcracker players really heck is that oh that's like a safety oh dude look at that that's kind of cool look at that that looks so clean that's kind of crazy dude yeah that tree spot for sure that place is like low - the tree spot I'm gonna do a tree shot tree treats Oh was it something hanging over there on a tree shot oh nothing all right guys that is gonna wrap up our video here today once again we found some absolutely crazy stuff she finds most of the good stuff every time I bring her so you are my good luck charm you said bringing you more probably found like $30 and fishing lures that at least two bikes we found a fishing pole we found a spot bar which is crazy like there's so much stuff here we found you you found most of the good stuff I really didn't find a lot I found a bunch of fishing lures that's what I found so we're gonna pack it up and get out of here for today guys if you enjoyed this video please make sure to hit that thumbs up button for me and don't forget to subscribe guys make sure to stay tuned and I will catch you guys on the next one you
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Views: 517,328
Rating: 4.8304424 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, fishing, magnets, jackpot, magnet fishing jackpot, fishing magnet, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing best finds, jackpot hit, i hit the jackpot, my girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend fishing, girlfriend magnet fishing, you wont believe, the fisher, giant magnet, metal detecting, strong magnet, magnet, magnet fishing videos, magnet fishing usa, magnet fishing uk, my girlfriend hit the jackpot, hit the jackpot, jackpot find, fishing jackpot, jackpots, magnetic
Id: XlzK47R7N0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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