My Funnel Is Broken - A Sales Funnel Analysis

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hey guys Julie here today I want to talk about the very very sad truth of Mike bottle is broken [Music] so many people come to me after they've spent all this time and energy and money building a funnel and then it doesn't work and they're so discouraged so before I even get into how to diagnose a broken funnel please remember that funnels don't usually work the first time in fact they often don't even work the second time so you have to try again again and again so don't be discouraged everybody has broken funnels when they're first born that's what I say when you birth a funnel because they're really ugly usually when you first birth them first things are first you need benchmarks okay so benchmarks help you figure out if a funnel is actually broken or if you're just nervous because this is your baby so everybody's gonna have different benchmarks industries have different benchmarks and as you get good at this you're going to have your own benchmarks for your company and products but I'm gonna give you just some basic ones to start with all right so the first thing is 20% 20% of people who see your landing page should opt-in now there are exceptions to every rule but that means if a hundred people land on your landing page and you can't get at least 20% of people to opt-in then chances are something isn't right on the landing page it's 20 to 30% of people should be opening your emails now that that number goes down the more traffic you have so if you are running thousands and thousands of people through your funnel every single day that might actually be a little lower but for most beginners if you're just working with a couple thousand people 20 to 30% of people should be opening your emails if they're not then something's wrong with your subject line for sure one to five percent of people should buy your entry offer so that means once they opt-in for something free and they get on that Thank You page and you have maybe it's a $7 book guide program course whatever you want to see one to five percent so if a hundred people opt-in you want between one and five people to purchase and if they're not purchasing then something's definitely wrong with your entry offer now the upsell or the OTO is what we call you want to see five to maybe even 10% of people will buy your OTO offer now sometimes this is less so don't be discouraged if you're getting like three to seven percent it depends on how big of a jump you're going if you're like hey buy a $7 book and then you're like buy a 300 dollar program yeah that's gonna go lower but if you have like a modest jump from like 7 to maybe forty seven you should see five to ten percent of people buy so it's actually easier to get this than it is to get this which that's a discussion for another day but I just wanted to give you that benchmark if you are running a webinar funnel you want thirty to fifty percent of people to watch it so that means if you get a hundred people to opt-in you want between thirty and fifty to hang around and watch your webinar alright so these are just some benchmarks that we're gonna use to diagnose your funnel now there are also some benchmarks for ads as well because sometimes the problem isn't the funnel sometimes the problem is the ad now again this is even this is even harder to just like give you standards because every industry is different but in general general you want a relevancy score on your ad of eight or higher Facebook delivers you a relevancy score after it's been shown to 500 people and if you have a relevancy score of less than eight or seven Facebook's telling you you know what people aren't really resonating with this so you definitely want a relevancy score of 8 or higher you also want to go to the CPC column this stands for cost per click and you want to see it at 50 cents or less now take that with a really big grain of salt because I've only worked in some industries not all but 50 percent I mean 50 cents or less that means people are clicking on the ad you also want to see like a click-through rate that means the percentage you want to see it at like 3 percent or higher now once you start running ads and doing all of this yourself you'll have your own benchmarks I have a lot of ads that are like 6 7 percent click-through rate so you just want to like set your own benchmarks but these are some good benchmarks to help you diagnose where your funnel is broken so let's take a traditional funnel okay here's your Facebook ad and it goes to a freebie okay so something free and then I'm the Thank You page you offer them a seven dollar book okay they go to the order form and there's like a little order bump here then they get offered a one-time offer of a forty seven dollar let's say it's a course okay and then they go to the order confirmation page okay so this is the funnel somewhere in here something's not working so we're gonna use our benchmarks to try to figure out where stuff isn't working these are the three things that usually account for most broken funnels a bad offer bad copy bad audience notice I didn't say design there even though I am a designer design really has very little to do with it as long as your design isn't horribly intrusive even if it's ugly sometimes it converts alright so let's talk about the bad offer this if the offer is bad and the market doesn't want it there's really not much you can do about that so what's a sign that the offer is bad the sign is that nobody buys this right you're seeing less than one to five percent okay so this because this is the first offer that they get in the funnel they're not even getting a chance to see if they like your forty seven dollar offer so this right here you have to spend so much time on it to make sure it's so amazing that people are going to buy it so if you're seeing less than one to five percent of people buy that means your offers bad now if you're seeing less than 20% of people opt-in on your landing page your freebie might be a bad offer remember your freebie your lead magnet your bate is also an offer and if people don't care then they're never gonna get through this so bad offer is usually like the worst problem to have because it means you need to go back to the drawing board the second thing is bad copy sometimes the offer is great but you just don't have the right hook or the right angle clickfunnels allows you to split test pages so you can make variations of this page and this page and you can split test different headlines to see if maybe the hook on the headline is not working make sure that you're not just selling the features of what you offer but you're selling the benefits and the meaning behind those benefits so that's the second reason the third reason could be bad audience and it just means that the people that you're targeting this Facebook ad they just don't really care about this stuff and so you need to try a new audience so using these benchmarks if you notice that your ad has a good relevancy score it has a good cost per click and it has a good click-through rate then you know the ad is doing well you can just kind of push that aside if you're seeing that 20% of people are actually opting in then that means your landing page is in good shape now a lot of people by the way make this higher 30 40 50 % but you want at least 20% if you get here and you're getting at least one to five percent of people buying your entry offer then you're good and then here if for some reason you're seeing lots of people land on this page and then on this page but then they pop off it could be that your order form looks crappy on mobile think about that a lot of people run their funnels and they watch them watch everything on mobile so it could be that the order form is just too confusing or it requires too much information so that could be an issue by the way I forgot the benchmark for order bumps you should see C between 30 and 40 percent of people take an order bump if it's a small order bump okay and then here you want to see between 3 & 7 or 5 and 10% and then you know your oto is a really good match now if these offers are good and you've been able to sell them on your own but then when you put them together people aren't buying it could be and this is very common that you're satisfying their appetite and therefore they're not needing to buy and this happens all the time when someone says here I'm gonna give you a free course on proofreading and then I'm gonna try to sell you a book on how to be a proofreader they're not hungry for that because you just fed them this meal so remember that once in a while there may be a fourth reason and it's that the offer combination is not working for the audience all right so sometimes what you can do is you can just swap out a different Oh tea Oh or a different offer remember this is the most important one because they don't even see this if they don't get through here first and sometimes I just run traffic directly to the offer instead of putting the free in front of it because the free is making them full you know they want to go take a nap so you can also try taking an ad like this and running directly to the offer and seeing if you can get people to buy sometimes the free doesn't help you so this is how you figure out where your funnel is broken don't change everything at once change one thing at a time and remember the step get people to click get people to give you their email address get people to be interested enough to go to the order form get people to put their credit card information get people to say yes and then deliver the goods and along that path start at the front and work down
Channel: Julie Chenell
Views: 1,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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