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[Music] scotty [Music] tomorrow come on in what is up king killers welcome back to the channel y'all as y'all can see from the title i'm gonna be showing y'all my furnished town home tour i showed y'all my empty townhome tour so make sure y'all go check that out you haven't seen it yet so y'all can see the transformation so yeah we're about to just get right into it come on bendy bring your butt in this house when you first come in this right here is the little key thing where you can put your keys on it i got a umbrella that i ever use y'all because they don't ever rain in l.a well it hasn't been lately but yeah i ain't never used it we got fitness leash when i take him out and then i just got these little plants right here that i got from target and the little key thing is from wakefield and then over here i just hung this little thing up i just had it it just says make memories love others forgive quickly laugh speak truth say i'm sorry count your blessings and be grateful that's on what cory mary had a little life all right oh yeah y'all this is the garage right here oh yeah yeah nothing major all right cindy we gotta show you killers around so once you come the steps right here we have this little table console thing you know just adds a little bit of storage space sorry if y'all can hear the fire detector just came on so yeah i just got a candle plant up here um found this little wi-fi thing at walmart i didn't put my wi-fi password on there yet but i don't know i thought that was really cute some little bases and then this is just some storage space so and we have a nice mirror i'll be taking my whole selfies for instagram right here or whatever so yeah then if you come to this side let me close the door because that detector is annoying we have wendy's dog food right here you thirsty yeah yo you real thirsty dog treats and then i just have these two little pictures they're a little crooked i don't know why they don't want to stay but y'all get the point so we got little feathers you know good luck that is good look if you didn't know y'all then if you come this way we have another plant i love plants i love the greenery i feel like it just adds i don't know it just makes me happy having like green stuff in my house so more mirrors smears make your place look bigger you didn't know we have the bathroom so when you come in the bathroom y'all this bathroom's a little small but this is the guest bathroom and i went and had this mirror installed this wasn't here when i moved in so i'm gonna turn it on for y'all a little press to start you know what i'm saying oh yeah this is the little mirror the lighting is oh i got lipstick on my tooth this is you know take you some nice selfies i'm a little short but you get to you get the idea yeah this is the bathroom we got a nice little llama right here y'all i don't know i thought the llama was cute i found it at target and it just be snaring at you while you pee i guess and then i found these little towels on wayfair we have the nice kay decal you know what i'm saying on this side we have some more cake detailing nice towels for my guests when they come over i never got no guess but y'all get the point so that's the bathroom so then if you come this way right next to the bathroom oh shoot all right you guys so this next room is my office space um you know when i need to do some work or something this is where i would come to so this is my desktop we got the printer you know whenever i need to do some work just come in and do what i gotta do and then um so i wanted to make this room like a relaxing room slash office space so you know we have a nice little kumbaya chair whenever you just want to relax and be peaceful nice little hookah if you want some hookah this is the room you can have a therapy session in here you got your hookah your chair the nice little waterfall right here y'all found this on amazon and it just sets the whole vibe so and then this is just storage space tape and just random stuff so yeah we got some more decorations right here this is a lamp found this from wayfair and then we just have more over here most of the stuff is from target too from like the little three dollar section the little plants yeah target and then in here is just cleaning stuff in my vacuum so yeah oh yeah and then oh this is findi's bed um i bought it for living room but the colors didn't match so i thought that it looked better in here come on bendy go jump see how bougie he is y'all oh okay sit oh hey good boy good boy i'm surprised y'all usually he'd be trying to act too human oh i almost forgot then this was just an old picture that i had from my old place so i just put it right here and then i added these little jar decorations to the side you know and it just sets the whole mood so yeah oh yeah forgot to show y'all this all right you guys so then i forgot to show you all this we have the candy simone million subscriber gold play button and then on top of that if you were real og my first youtube name was fabulous in making we have a hundred thousand subscriber ones so you know pat myself on the back thank you can kill us for all your support all right you guys so this next area is the kitchen food in here you know not major got a couple lunchables i love my lunchables i'm a big kid got some fruit pineapples grapes favorite fruit you know a little bit of this a little bit of that throwback to my birthday the m ms and then freezer just more stuff in there and then we had stove the sink you know nothing major little keurig you need some coffee in the morning nice little flower add the vibes and then yeah that's the kitchen area so if you come this way so i got these barstools from wayfair and i just think they're really really cute so cute barstools for guests and then all right y'all so right next to the bar stools i have a bar cart and on the bar cart we have a nice little cooler little um coasters little mixer and then underneath is where i have some different options here um so we have some wine glasses we just have some different types of wine some champagne then we just have you know the favorites some don julio um 1942 we got some patron crown apple then we just had the cups little shot glasses and you know when guests come over they can just come right here and get what they want so yeah this is the little bar area if you come this way we have the living room or the living space you know it's very comfortable me and cindy we just be chilling watching tv we'd be watching a little fire i'm just playing y'all we don't do i just put that on for the video i thought it looked cool so yeah this is the living room we have this little tray the coffee table i just got some plants some flowers a little candle yeah that's that and then we have this little tv console right here it actually has led lights on oh yeah she'd be forgetting about that i have to remind her all right i'll be forgetting to turn them on oh there we go so you know at night time or at night it'll add a nice little vibe but yeah what the hell somebody part right anyways candle these little trinklets way fair other little trinkets wayfarer our little pom-poms um right there we got some sage right here for any of you weird-ass people out there you want to come in here somewhere some weird stuff i might have the sage in real quick and then if you come right here we have a nice mirror take you some cute pictures you know cute selfies yeah this is the living room alrighty so can you not get on the couch like that you have to have manners during the video they're going to think wrong so right here it just does it anyway we have two more pictures from target you know really cute i could have i honestly feel like i could have made this i really could have made this on my own but ain't cute or whatever you know nice little uh wax scent thing all right we're just gonna head to the third floor guys i know you like that ass alright so we're gonna save my bedroom for last because i feel like it's the best part so we're gonna go to the beauty room before you go in there i have my little portrait if you will remember i made a video making this with one of my friends i haven't hung it up yet but it's still cute right there i guess so if you come into this room this is where i do my makeup this is where i get dressed i do my hair in here i do air i take showers in here everything so i got all my shoes over here purses over here and then over here i just keep all of my clothes my possible outfits that i might wear i keep them over here so then whenever i'm going out i can just come over here pick out my outfit and go and then on those are just the shoes that i might wear and then after that i'll come over here and i'll sit down i'll do my makeup no let me check myself out real quick over here i have sunglasses um you know just different options then i have some of my makeup over here y'all already know i was showing y'all this already before but look at all my lips lip glosses and lipsticks so yeah that's all of the makeup and then this is just the bathroom like i said this is like the get dress room so i don't really have it decorated too much so i just have all my everyday shower stuff right here hair stuff and then yeah this is just where i take my showers so this is this room no give you a little 360 more mogen yes sir oh and i keep my jewelry right here too whenever you know sometimes so we're gonna head to my favorite part of the place y'all this is my bedroom cory just seen it for the first time yesterday and i think she really liked it yeah when you first come in we have the nice fur rug if you og you remember just pick this portrait i had it at my old place welcome to my bedroom as you guys can see we got the nice king killer decal got that from i don't know i'll leave a link for y'all but i got that customly made i waited for like two months for it so i'm happy that it finally got here um my bed got my bed from wayfair pillows weight fair lamp wayfair nightstand weight fair everything right there um these little plants though i got those from amazon the roads are from amazon let's try this nice little tray with the little fake candles watch this boom yeah yeah yeah you thought it was a real candle but it's not so oh yeah so if we come over here over here we have this little another little table console thing i didn't really know what to put on it so kind of just added some random stuff this nice little tray i just put some of my like favorite perfumes on it nice flower a little chanel box nice little scent this i look a little scary i don't know what's going on with it but don't look scary maybe when you're staring at it at night and you like thinking yeah i'd be like what if there's a camera in here or something i don't know and then over here y'all i got all findi's toys or i try to keep them in here but he just takes them out anyway in his little bed and yeah so this is my room oh i forgot about this part so this little area right here this is my dresser got a little tissue thing with no tissue in it just cute for decorations um these these are actually lights but i haven't put light bulbs in yet but they still look cute and sparkly got those from amazon nice little candles amazon as well then we just have the tv [Music] all right you guys so that basically completes the entire town home tour so make sure y'all give this video a thumbs up leave me a comment down below let me know what other videos i want to see i'm gonna have videos coming soon showing y'all the real transformation of everything because i recorded myself putting everything together so stay tuned for that and i'll see y'all in my next video bye kayla's [Music]
Channel: Kennedy Cymone
Views: 928,327
Rating: 4.9668384 out of 5
Keywords: Kennedy Cymone, kennedy knight, simplykennedy, simplykennedy_
Id: OY_TnISyHwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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