My Full NuFace Routine In Real Time!

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[Music] hey everybody its Angie and welcome to hot and flashy in today's video I'm gonna be doing a full face real-time new face routine I get asked to do this every time I put up my skincare routine which I just put up a couple of weeks ago so if you want to take a look at that I'll put a link to that video right up here there's a morning routine and an evening routine when I show up my morning routine I speed it up so that we can just get through the video because it does take about 10 or 15 minutes but I get so many questions to show you the exact routine that I do in real time so that you can know how to use the new face now there are new face tutorials on YouTube that are put out my new face you can always watch those my apologies for the sound it's always a little echoey up here in my bathroom and also for my voice oh my gosh I have a little rough this morning I went to my friend's 50th birthday party last night I didn't get to bed until 1:00 in the morning so 8:45 so we did some good celebrating to welcome her into her 50s and what a fun party it was dancing and loud music so a lot of talking over the music so anyway sorry about this but I want to get this done for you guys today of all the facial anti-aging gadgets that I've tried this is the one that I've really stuck with over the years I've been using this for two years already when you first start with it you really have to be consistent you have to use it just about every day and you have to do that for six weeks then you can cut back to maintenance mode where you're only using it's a three or four times a week so I do this every other day now if I'm traveling I bring it with me so I use the new face Trinity this is called the Trinity because it has three heads that are interchangeable so you just press the button in the back here and the heads come off and there are two to two other heads besides this one which I refer to as the big balls that you can put on there I will be using one of the other attachments today which is the ele but if you don't have the Trinity model if you have the mini that's okay you can still follow along with this routine because the mini and the Trinity both give you the exact same current so it has the same strength just the mini is a smaller package and you can't change the heads now I'm going to show you my full routine like when I time this is the big one that I do normally and I just do the big balls on the face part okay today I'm going to add in some neck and I'm going to add in the ele for the forehead and to lift the sagging hooded eyes and I know people write in and say well I don't have time always to do it in the morning you know should I do it at night and you know it is a temporary effect that you get from it so I'm not sure that doing it at night is really the greatest thing because you're gonna do it you're gonna get that nice lift and then you're gonna go sleep on it so I really recommend that if you can make time for it in the morning that you do it in the morning and this has a charging cradle that's over here in the back there on my vanity and I just lives in there 24/7 so that it's always charged and ready to go so first step is to wash my face you want to be sure to use an oil-free cleanser because the one thing that keeps the current from conducting is oil so my favorite gentle oil-free cleanser is the Neutrogena hydro boost this is the gentle cleansing lotion for sensitive skin it's fragrance free and it's super mild and gentle so I'm just gonna wash my face with this I'm not gonna do this on camera but I'll be right back but what I wanted to note is that after I wash my face I don't dry it so I leave the water just dripping off my face and you'll see that but that is so that the gel stays wetter longer okay so I'll be right back after I wash my face to use the new face you need a conducting gel my favorite is the new face gel primer this is a leave on gel I don't use it as a leave on though because you don't have to put on kind of a thick coating of it and it makes me feel like my other skin care that I'm gonna do after this isn't gonna absorb fully so I do end up washing this off but if you you know want to use this as a first step in your skincare you can leave it on so I get the big one with the pump and then I just have an old foundation brush that I use with it so I take about a half a pump and then I'm just gonna paint it on the first side of my face that I'm gonna treat so I find that if I put the gel over my entire face to start that it does dry out on the other side and on my forehead before I get there I bring it under my jawline and I'm not going to bring it down my neck just yet but we will eventually bring it right up under my eye and also I put some on my eyelid the more gel you have on the more comfortable the treatment is going to be I use it on the highest setting you can toggle this up and down by using the plus and minus so this has a 5 second timer so basically what you're going to do is place it in position 1 and then take the five seconds to glide to the end of the position then you move it to the next spot and you do a nice slow glide the next spot so these first passes I'm lifting the jawline lifting the cheek and really kind of moving my skin around and everything you always want to go in an upward motion because the whole point of this is to lift so I repeat these three placements with the place and the glide three times [Music] so I get nine passes altogether three on each and then I'm gonna do a press and hold under the jaw now I'm just going to do a direct lift straight up from the jaw to the top of the cheekbone and I'm going to repeat that three times for a total of six now you can use other gels I have used the target open up aloe gel that's really good one that one does kind of it has some kind of vapors that hurt my eyes this is definitely the most comfortable gel that I use is the new face gel I love this one now I'm going to do a series of press and holds so here and these are all kind of lifting so you kind of put under and then press up and then I do another three kind of cradling the cheekbone pressing up so I put it under the cheekbone and then press up and then under and press up then I do a glide at the jawline starting towards my chin and bringing it up and lifting back towards the ear and then I just do a couple more cheekbone lips just a press and lift and a press and lift here and you shouldn't feel the microcurrent if you have on enough gel if you feel the microcurrent it just means that you don't have enough gel on and then I do a press and hold around the crow's-feet [Music] and then beneath the eyebrow a press and lift you can you see my eye twitching that's the current shooting through my skin I'm gonna repeat that three times lift and hold alright now I'm going to move on to the neck and then I'm going to take another little half pump of the gel paint that on you're not supposed to do the center of your neck so keep the gel going down the side alright so now we're going to turn it on and on the neck I'm going to start to the side I'm just going to glide it up to under the ear and then press it a little lower and glide back I'm going to repeat that three times [Music] then to pass the time I'll usually just put my iPad in the window and queue up some videos that I want to watch and play videos and listen to YouTube videos while I'm doing this what's that 3 then I'm gonna go on a glide and lift now I'm going to repeat that three times one of the questions I get asked a lot is about if you get filler or Botox should you take a break before you start in with your new face again and does it affect them and you know I'm not a doctor not a dermatologist or anything so I don't really know I've asked my botox injector and she said I don't know but I think that what makes sense as far as a common-sense kind of thing is if you've gotten filler I feel like okay then we're just going to do a couple of press and holds so up here under the jaw and then another one down a little lower and another one lower and that oppress and hold here and oppress and hold here I'm not gonna forget not answer your question I'm just gonna put the water on my forehead and do the forehead routine now for this I'm gonna swap out the big balls and put on the ele attachment you can do this with the big balls if you don't have the ele attachment or as I said before if you have the mini you can just go ahead and do this part with the mini so this is what the ele attachment looks like it's got these little prongs so it's just more of a precise directing of the microcurrent then I'm gonna take another half a pump of the gel for the forehead now this is where people will often have sensitivity is up here by the hairline and that's because hair does conduct the electricity so just about anything conducts electricity whether it's gel or a serum and we're gonna start I start in the middle in the Elevens and I push that straight up and I'm gonna just move it over a little bit each time going up to 1/2 halfway up my forehead I'm just gonna do that lift and hold there with that we're gonna do four different positions and I'm gonna repeat it three times well I'm doing that I'm gonna finish answering your question which is what seems to make common sense for me is with filler you don't really want to be pushing your filler around and this you definitely are like pushing your skin around so I would say if you get filler in the face that I would stop doing the new face for a couple of weeks after you get the filler just to make sure that it is in place where your doctor wanted it and kind of you know settled in and but as far as Botox goes I don't really stop doing the new face when I get Botox because Botox is injected in the muscle and this really is you're just rubbing it on the surface of the skin so I don't really see how that would affect Botox but you know if you're concerned better safe than sorry so you might want to take a week off or so I wouldn't go get Botox and then Italy come home and do your new face routine but I've gotten Botox and then done my new face routine the next day and it doesn't seem to make any difference and some people asked if it will negate your Botox because this is supposed to exercise the muscles and Botox of course is supposed to paralyze the muscles I'm not a hundred percent sure if I believe that this actually is exercising my muscles like I think it definitely works but I feel like it's just kind of pushing action and I think it's also the microcurrent being conducted throughout your skin like your skin has its own electrical charge your skin cells communicate with each other through this electrical charge and the electrical charge also helps to give your skin cells energy has have been two times or three times let's just go one more what the heck oh I'm talking you know I feel like energized skin definitely acts younger and so that's what I you know my personal theory and I could be completely wrong this is not what the new face people say so don't go by me definitely go by the experts who develop the product all right so that's definitely three of those right okay so now I'm gonna go here on the eyelid I'm gonna lift and hold so anyway the net-net answer that question is if you get filler I would wait a couple of weeks before doing new face if you get Botox I just go ahead and continue on doing the new face the very next day so you know try to use your own common sense or right into new face customer service if you're not sure and ask them because I am NOT an expert I'm just a user like you guys they were gonna repeat this three times and using the ele here on the eyelid is really what gives me that eyelid lift that really makes my hoods look less saggy because i feel like you know when i get up in the morning my hoods are still pretty much laying on my eyelashes and then by the time i finished doing my new face routine and you know doing my skincare routine then they're a little bit more lifted but i know a lot of people think that i have had a secret eyelid lift and i havnt myself I attribute it mainly to new face and skin care then there's a whole series of glides that you can do here you just kind of follow the contour of your eyebrow but you're always kind of pushing up so three of those from outer to inner bowel and then I do some at the crow's feet and just do a press and hold here and here and then one in farther the gels kind of dried up a little bit so let me just refresh that gel so we can get a nice easy glide going there I start out here by the crow's feet and just glide in and I repeat that three times now you can also do some lip lifts and holds can definitely feel the microcurrent in these because the gel is a little bit dried out there then there's a whole series of press and holds that I do here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait so the whole thing on this side so let me just go ahead and finish up on the other side you so then when I'm finished I grab a wet Wonder cloth and I just wipe all the gel off I also use the Wonder cloth to wipe the gel off the balls clean up my ele attachment I did a full review where I took before-and-after pictures using all three the big balls the ele attachment and the red light attachment so if you want to watch that video I'll link that right up here in that one you can really see the differences I mean some of them are sell but you can see what using this consistently over time will do it's a great little tool I love it as I said I've been using it consistently for two years and for me to make the time for something that takes like 10 to 20 minutes three or four times a week you know I'm committed to it and you know I love it so anyway that is the full video for today I hope you liked it I hope it was what you were looking for if you had requested this video so if you found the video helpful and informative go ahead and give it a like don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell as always everybody I thank you so much for your time I really appreciate your watching so have a great day and I will see you in the next video take care everybody bye bye [Music]
Channel: HotandFlashy
Views: 667,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anti-aging, skincare, style, how to, hotandflashy, hot and flashy, over 50, over 40, 50 +, 40 +, 50 and, mature, skin, face, NuFace, trinity, routine, real time, tutorial, facelift
Id: rMGwcc9kqmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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