My Ford GT Arrives in LA to Hypercar INSANITY!

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hi guys I'm Shree you might recognize that but you join me now in Los Angeles California moving over from the east coast to the west coast but this time to take delivery for GT over here right now a good day of supercar insanity ahead a lot of different things happening this guy's just arrived Sam fufu glass is here like beautiful it worked perfectly my car is about to be pulled off the truck when that gets here in a few minutes we're gonna be heading to sunset GT with some of the most incredible cars as well and then we're gonna head up maybe to the canyons maybe meet up with some other youtubers from the area as well there is a lot going on and what we're going to share for once which is also a little bit unusual so let's basically enjoy their head here in California and I'm just gonna point out as well by the way I am in front of Ferrari Beverly Hills we're inside the showroom we have a speciality a 215 us so I think we got a GG C Paul or so next to that there is a TDF at the back you might not be able to see that actually is 60 mm just behind it but this is the first time that I've seen s TJ's car which also has a British number plate out here in the US this is looking good it just had a topaz skin as well of course he's done his rally nights a 911 Carrera T for those of you who don't know I wasn't expecting you to plot quite so so no honest guy got my time weeks longer than I photobombed you and I feel a bit no it was cool it was just you know seeing this thing trundling down the road roof box and all I definitely shouldn't Parker's I'm going to find somewhere oh we might need a big truck to park here yeah what happens well I gotta get got the starter I have my comets okay good times ahead this is gonna be a really really busy day like I said and yes the new or GT Tour t-shirts of course this talk is huge whilst commemorated with a t-shirt the link in the description down below like to get your hands on one of these course you've got the u.s. style flag Shmi logos GT logos all very very cool so you can get those link down below for now though whereas this truck I cannot wait to get my car here on the west coast and here it comes Auto box Express have brought this car all the way from Miami in fact the trailer is full of I think six cars that have all come over including that was pretty loud my friends f50s DVRs lots and lots of nice cars and in a second we'll be pulling the GT out and here we go ever it is the GT has made it it's a California and that's is that we're gonna be pulling it back onto the rear loading deck here and lifting it down and here it comes then the GT being unloaded from the top deck of the truck above a mclaren 570s spider coming into the Los Angeles sunshine UK number plates in all and honestly who still feels like taking delivery of a new car this cars been to New York Philadelphia North Carolina Atlanta why now it's come all the way across the USA and we are here in Los Angeles we're going to be driving it to sunset GT I cannot wait I love the looks this thing honestly it feels like Christmas every single time this actually comes out I suspect we might see another one or two of them at the event along with a ton of hypercars but the paint work in the sunshine they're doing it very slowly and carefully and in a moment that will be down on the ground to continue onwards I tell you what's quite funny actually the passenger seat is filled with the luggage because there is no trunk or boot anywhere it all has to go in there so I'm going to empty that out into a hotel room before we can actually head into here itself Wow Wow Wow that's all closed up and ready to head off but let me quickly just show you what I was talking about inside the car the passenger seat is loaded so I need to take all of this stuff indoors so that we can actually drive the car can obviously take off the packaging took off the seat covers and things already but they've done a very nice job a big shout out or PO Box Express this car though now with the Sun Shine on it will need a bit of a cleanup here following the trip to Miami but then it's gonna be time to head over to the event with it there's some fun we've just been having a quick chat with the sergeant here who's overseeing proceedings that thing's basically ready to go I'm in the GT Sam is in his 911 team we are driving together the Sun is broken through the morning clouds this is recognized already we were on the road there for about 10 yards 10 meters as we would say and there was already a high speed from the karbix brothers this is ridiculous looking at this I I'm giddy this was like when I arrived in New York you hear the voice cracks as well just the excitement of what's going on where I am what we're actually doing this is the kind of you Rabelais not a single Ford GT video goes by without that fuel level load 50 miles to empty the tank in this car is so small and you guys have been making memes and jokes about this all the time now but basically because it operates Canada with Ford's standard system when it's 50 miles to empty the light comes on but if you're just driving around town you don't even get 100 miles out of the tank so basically that means more than half the time you've got that on your dashboard it's I don't know who cares really but yeah you can get rid of it it's just letting you know shall we say um yeah this is gonna be amazing and then turning on the Sunset Boulevard we are nearly there the Sunset Strip here in Beverly Hills I guess we've been talking about now our wealth of Hollywood I need to get my jogger free down but we are very near the event it's going to be just up ahead of me and if this is anything like previous years the one before Pebble Beach Monterey car week sunset GT sunset run through his MO is always and say I think we're in for a bit of a hypercar fast right now and I cannot wait to see what cars come along today I know a few but you're gonna be seeing those very very shortly yeah at the event we've got a dawn we've got a hurricane Evo the American Evo there we also and what a lot of photographers and cameras are out I just spotted behind us we have GTRs by somebody coming out something the green sofa monta following salmon oh yeah there's a line of supercars on the other side okay this is looking busy this is looking very very busy as we can see the sights and sounds of a lot of very cool cars wow this is busy right what's around Astin's on the right I can see a can exact I can see why Tessa's a gira RS you probably can't see that behind the crowd but it is there be white with the blue oh and there's another one that's the agir us at the HHH yes that is the Adira HH as well so two Koenigseggs right there that is just start everyone ferrari's now AG are out there stand they have put this together this is absolutely mad mad on the left right now I love that the green GTC Paula so high that well perform antes I don't know I've ever seen so many perform antes around before what else do we have going on crazy crazy rap on if you can through our ass all the 911 that's a nice color that's like cerulean blue I love that we've got some Ferraris new and old this is you there are so many cars here [Music] very nice crazy crazy here [Music] there's another Chiron actually just next to that trying to squeeze through but it's very easy out time to see everything that's going on here this line giving it keeps on giving right now [Applause] just squeeze through a little bit here look at that sorry carbon carbon as well as fiber next to that and then a 600 LT let's go find Parker's vehicle virgins previous gen GT next to us an SLR beyond that and on that here is gone uh okay hazel likewise so my hometown it's insane and I've just obviously been driving for Sam now we're here with you seeing your lovely car that's powerful I'm gonna come through have a quick like nosy asset this is like the 600 LT Santana purple right yeah I gotta say it's really hard at an event like this to see a crowd to completely stop and change what they're looking at and when you walk it when you rolled in everyone Hey oh my god it's me in the Ford GT that's crazy to see it here this looks really nice a carbon MSO Suki your carbon bond it loving it loving it will hopefully be doing some more bits and pieces lonely you're sure about this whole thing this is just insane check out that stretch on the SP J and it is stunning the interior to match it as well behind that you have as far as the ice can see I know it's quite hard to show you all of this laugher re just moving over there and the crowd agreeing on this perform ante I mean this is like more super to us and you pretty much ever see in one place and they'll sandwich something new to meet us at all yeah no holding back and just like that there's a wire BC here and I also happen to have the key for in my hand which is kind of cool and this is a car by the way but you might well know because it is featured on the channel before let's make machine interior very quickly off the car open this up going doors could be careful what's a thing 1 or 20 I drove this car myself about a year ago very very special amazing to see it again what a lovely lovely thing I've always loved the keys in the shape really nice go give this back till you owner and then next to it you've got a piece that we've got us tea geez 911 come through here that's pretty crazy as well because there's also a center you're going to smile idea but what kind of cars are at this event it is absolutely ridiculous honestly there are no words to properly describe it how mad this is [Music] livery government to hand and we get towards two eggs just wow just one with the roof removed on with the roof on Sam is now maneuvering his car in front of cameras and many people to get a shot and he's parking it in a disabled a handicapped base it's all allowed this is closed privately for the event of course so we have two side by side which is very very cool an officer in the svj and we've got the white s Agera R s going out of the other side as well if it's just a car central area very nice week moving below 720 with a octopus it's cozy and this is how crazy we event is the W motors super sports here the venire super sport and then next to it there is another player on that until now I did not even know who's here I haven't seen that car at all mine of McLaren zero further down but yes just another Bugatti is that like four of them now this event today I don't even know certainly yeah a bit of a hypercar turnout and a half going on this thing just crazy absolutely crazy and how about that then four random out of nowhere a poster I didn't miss karlie event whatsoever and here it is now cruising all out I just yeah just keeps on giving we of course got the two British cars parked side by side the gloss Angeles background which is I mean just absolutely mental to be honest it's crazy but this is what an adventure I think we're gonna be going for a drive with these two it sounds so much better in this car Kelly white with the gold stripe loser husband gone there the hyper for insanity here this isn't really a hypercar but the rest are is getting a little bit nuts look at this view Sarah laughs why remotes the yr BC Chiron just beyond I had the veyron over on the other side as well please basically closing down the event now kind of got the end car park so I nobody is allowed to park yeah hence the lineup that we do have performing now it's just mind boggling clearly as well as all of that lineup we also have supercar blondie rocking the 720s spider a lovely color in the sunshine we just had a bite to eat but it's about to get even more fun because we are going to go for a cruise with all of the cars together that are still here so I will be able T t joining the laferrari the Y roadster the pirate BC and the Cheryl and of course SDG and a 911 T but this is a pretty epic hypercar line up and about to be hyper car cruise and convoy so the others for running the engines are on getting the aircon rolling I need to be doing that but very quickly as well I don't have that much fuel remember so we might have to fill this up quite shortly we get it into life anyway I do think this car needs to be made a little bit louder but nonetheless it is time to go drive the cars are rolling out which means we are going to join them Nelly my goodness that's a cool view right now that is a very very very cool view you see you hat Oh guys are the front knee to jump out and get a photo good someone's doing it laughs on VC roadster we are only missing a car exact I think this look at the share on on the bird I've got the laferrari and my mirrors STG has this entire view plus us as well what so welcome to Los Angeles a proper hypercar welcome that's brand-new of course I've driven Beverly Hills we go past the sign that means we're heading in the right direction oh I'll just go this is this is crazy this is just a - got hers in a way that I think lovely Los Angeles can do hi-yah see one of these cars is kind of normal here seeing all of them together like this now that's not a normal thing that's all is that the appspot it is the appspot here they come everybody coming to join us oh here we are then the famous Rodeo Drive the centerpiece I think really of Beverly Hills that's a very colorful louboutin store and there's a wire of DC next to us as a Sharad behind that Ursula Ferrari and matters of what this is day one in LA this is my first day here literally I've not even been here for more than about 13 hours getting in late last night how many people have taken photos I mean rightfully so and this doesn't happen [Music] the heightened ridiculous right now this has literally pulled people out of shops well were kind of everybody's just I mean look at the crowd that's gathered around in front of this and all we've done is to come up with a bunch of cars what's that 720's going the other way okay and right behind it is not another one yeah it's another 720's 720s combo and on this side double pagani huayra combo one time awesome announcer here they go back up the road back up Rodeo Drive I think we might have lost the Sheryl know which is a little bit sad for the moment but we do have this piece the couple could you have had or wished for a better arrival here in Los Angeles but all of this paradise do you like cars sunset GT driving with a friend from back home driving with friends from out here that we filled with before just soak up the atmosphere enjoy this incredible place because there's nowhere like it nowhere does this like Beverly Hills and Los Angeles in this area in California the whole street is like it's set up for a car turn to get past our camera mode any other in birds we do all of these people and bill like missus person to be organized look at how many people are here with cameras lights is this and they're going the other way the Borstein at 570 spider oh that's an amazing view I love those angles at the Ford GT and look what's coming the other way we've got a guy Otto I'll be 560 followed by hurricane help me six tab there are just nice cars every single place you go around we've all parked up then to get some photos of you and that's where coincidentally an AMG GT our tops come from the other side yeah I mean this whole lineup is just just we're doing right now and when around California t joins in the fun as well pretty much wherever we go you've got all the photographer cars that join everybody coming past stops every car as you can see there basically has a camera phone sticking out the window and not really surprising when you see it like this it's a quick shuffle to the other side of the road to park in the sunshine when this was straight it is no longer straight bite but it is still very noisy those turoff which means play I'm going to follow next to our spots over on the other side just when we're all lined up that 720s appears Alex joy it's good and this looks nuts sm5 rolling through m5 competition some of the cars are heading up the sharad the Huayra roadster STG is well the 911 T passing out for now I was quite cold not gonna lie and the sheriff will be going as well I'm gonna get back to this side of the road I love the color of this car a lot of cylinders going sixteen twelve twelve twelve and six yes I feel lower the back my six of simulus missing one of the main requirements scene coming forwards shut down time when you have a 911s going one way and I'm I'm 11 s pulling up the other way and I think that's probably by degree which is a really really really nice color sounds good as well down there and now we're doing some doors up photos with Alex choice car as well and the back more general traffic second green I think open 580 title cited in the opposite side all right we are going on a fuel run because 32 miles to empty so I need to give you this and we are going to depart okay find ourselves some gas I should say as everyone calls it here there's a lot going on all around us at the moment lots of cars I think we doing u-turn that means we're going to the in line for Cottage so everybody's doing it so exactly the same now you might have just heard that noise that is something to talk about there is a little fishy thing going on with my exhaust which might be a mounting bracket it might be the valve control but basically as you heard it gives that kind of rustle which is clearly not ideal and I think this should be a fairly easy fix but I came up with another solution you might be finding out more about that in the coming days but let's just say us smoke exhausts are much louder than European ones and there was no option to get the crap pitch all titanium exhaust but I bought this car hmm see what happens this has really been a hypercar event a reaction video and cruise a Ford GT NLA a meet up with STG a vehicle virgins and some other friends and basically a whole lot else all wrapped up into one video which I didn't really know where it was gonna go at the beginning but it has been absolutely epic is perfect that was quite ridiculous a spinning-wheel pull away the 720 adds other than I ate during fun as well I was mad to watch absolutely bad an allure inside comes the beautiful Pagani Huayra beating Wow the flame balls and the explosion oh there are no many words quite how loud that thing is I think the cars here bristling though can make underneath the wing would you guys like to see a full video on the channel without X and this car oh I was just silly just silly well today has been quite an adventure I think it's safe to say not exactly what I expected or knew was gonna happen in fact I didn't really have much of an idea at the beginning of the meeting up with STG and vehicle virgins heading over to Sancerre GT and then a bit of spontaneous driving around which we have done with the guys here don't forget of course the link it to the t-shirts is down in the description if you'd like to grab one of these as a limited edition there won't be around too long otherwise well crazy day with everyone here in Los Angeles water welcome to this practice thing estate and region and area yeah that's Alex again heading on past it's been insane what an insane insane welcome to the west coast I could not have asked for more but this is just the beginning there'll be plenty more to come over the coming weeks that's it for now thank you very much for watching as always guys ask you again very soon Cheers you
Channel: Shmee150
Views: 438,806
Rating: 4.8940578 out of 5
Keywords: Hypercar, Insanity, Shutdown, LA, Los Angeles, California, West Coast, Pagani, Bugatti, LaFerrari, Ford, Ford GT, Shmeemobile, My Car, Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, Vehicle Virgins, Seenthroughglass, Alex Choi, McDaddy, Armytrix 720S, Convoy, Cruise, Drive, Driving, Rally, Shut Down, Crowds, Busy, Travel, Vlog, Adventure, Shmee, Shmee150
Id: v43NIr0BuxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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