My FOOLPROOF roast chicken technique 💯Crispy outside AND juicy inside! | Marion's Kitchen

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ah hello honey it's time for dinner we're having roast chicken how do you get worst chicken with the Christmas most golden skin and the juiciest meat inside well I have the answers everyone this is my very best salt and pepper roast chicken all right so there are so many different ways to roast a chicken my way is hotter and faster I think the heart of the heat the crispy skin you get an I'm all about crispy skin and also the less time that bird spends in the oven the less chance we have of drying out some of that white breast meat so there are all the reasons why let's get into the actual making now I'm gonna do a salt and pepper flavor with mine so a slight kind of little Asian Flair I'm going to start with some black peppercorns and I want some white peppercorns as well so I like the mix here of the black and the white I think you get a really nice I don't know kind of milder pepper flavor from the white and then a kind of harsh or also more spicy kind of flavor from the black there you go you just grind those up [Music] okay so this is the kind of situation that we're after with our pepper I want to keep it quite coarse because I really want those hips of pepper when I'm biting into my chicken and now I'm gonna add some salt really good flaky sea salt here is what I love but you know you could use kosher salt as well okay so we're not gonna do anything super tricky or fancy here because quite frankly we don't have to do there are a couple of things we do need to do though one we need to fill the cavity so you always want to fill the cavity of your chicken so that you don't get too much hot air cooking the chicken from the inside out that is when you're gonna get dry chicken so I just want a lime or a lemon will be fine as well or an onion even [Music] and now trussing so you don't have to get all fancy with the trusting either all you really want to do is pick these legs up and kind of pull them together because you're kind of then making the whole check-in a bit more compact again we're trying to make sure that things don't dry out so if you've got some legs flapping around everywhere then you've got more chance of things drying out so pick the legs up and just tie together with some string now make sure those wingtips are tucked underneath just like that alright now we want to go on with our salt and pepper mix and we want a lot I pretty much want to use the whole lot all on this chicken and really kind of rub it in there give that guy some love and that looking very good and now you want to go in with a much higher temp than you might normally think so usually about 180 degrees Celsius is what is recommended in recipes we're going to go in at 250 and that is 480 in Fahrenheit so really hot so at this temperature your bird is going to need 20 minutes per 500 grams and that should work out to be perfectly cooked alright so you guys know right now of course what am I going to have with my chicken it's gonna be a spicy dipping sauce so we are going with a Thai style mounting dowel sauce today a really traditional kind of funky spicy sauce first up we want some fish sauce and now I want some tamarind so tamarind is an ingredient that's really sour and you can find it in like most Asian grocery stores or online these days and some brown sugar so we've got the fish sauce it's like salty or mommy a bit funky you've got the sour tamarind you've got the sweet brown sugar now we want to go in with some shallots okay so this just needs to be roughly chopped [Music] [Applause] and I want some chili flakes here as much or as little as you like that this sauce traditionally should be like fire like it should be really hot so I put a fair bit in and some coriander as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then finally some lunges [Music] [Applause] [Music] and let me just see if this sauce is tasting good because you always need to check the seasoning here mmm I love that well it is spicy it's got that really funky like like fish sauce savory kind of kick and then those shallots is what really kind of August works together that is one beautiful spicy sauce all right so now we're just waiting for our chicken well I mean okay come on check out that that is really a work of art amazing like that skin that beautiful color that crispy salty peppery goodness on there truly a perfectionist so excited about this okay so let's make sure that I'm taking is cooked and I'll show you guys how we do that just get the chicken onto a board [Music] and then you just want to have a look inside this leg joint part here it's cut that open and make sure all those juices in there are running clear if they're pink still not done pop him back in the oven for a few more minutes all right so in an ideal world you would let your chicken rest for about 10 20 minutes I really need to get dinner on the table at this point in time because as those of you with toddlers would know that you kind of get to a witching hour point of the day where the screaming doesn't stop ah so I'm gonna get my chicken curved right now all right so I'll break this down for you guys really simple way to carve a chicken first of all we take those strings off the legs okay now legs first cuts through here [Music] and now legs and thighs are always in high demand at my place so I try to you know it divide them up and as many pieces as possible so we want to get the drumstick first [Music] and then cut that fire in half that glorious chicken skin and now we want some wings they're gonna slice through that breast try to make sure you're not disturbing too much of that beautiful crispy skin you want each piece to have a nice whisper of skin there to crunch through [Music] and then just slice that breast and there you go [Music] all right quick word about what we've got left over after we've carved our chicken one you have a pan full of like schmaltzy yummy salty chicken fat do not waste that you could make a pan sauce out of it or I like to save it and kind of toss some potatoes in there next time I'm roasting and get them all chickeny and salting yum yummy so save that and then we have the chicken carcass put that in the freezer and make yourself a chicken stock at a little later date roasted chicken carcass always makes a great stock all right but let's get to our roast chicken all I need to do now is get my spicy sauce on the side and there you go guys the very best roast chicken I know how to make and I am super excited for you guys to try this one but let me try this first so I can tell you all about it now I know that you guys know that I'm a legs and thighs girl so that would be cheating to try that I'm going to try the breasts and tell you how well we've done with the juiciness let's have a look okay I'm telling you it like you know chicken breast gets a bad rap I promise you if you do it just like this it is insanely good that is so juicy it literally could be a piece of thigh I mean out-of-this-world good guys ah so good let me get some spicy green sauce too now that really makes me one very happy girl that salt and pepper chicken flavor that really juicy breast and then that spicy kick of flavor wow just wow I mean yes sir looking forward to dinner tonight [Music]
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 488,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marions kitchen, marion's kitchen, marion grasby, marion grasby recipes, marion kitchen, marion’s kitchen, roast chicken, roast chicken recipe, best roast chicken, best roast chicken recipe crispy skin, roast chicken in oven, salt and pepper chicken, how to roast chicken, how to roast chicken in oven, marions kitchen chicken, chicken roast recipe, marion grasby chicken recipes
Id: MFMq3l9LrM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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