MY FIRST WALK OFF HOME RUN! MLB The Show 20 | Road To The Show Gameplay #29

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all right without people welcome back to the channel have them right back into simple run to the show this is a very important series I think if we win the series in this video we are going to guarantee our spot in the postseason now let me show you okay right now we are at the end of September if you guys are I guess halfway through September if you guys don't know the post season starts in October so we only have what like ten no probably like 15 games left something like that so not a lot of games left and right now if you look at the standings let me show you standings right there boom we are half a game up to the Indians okay and right now we have a three-game series against the Indians and we just played the Indians like two episodes ago maybe three episodes ago but I decided to play off recording a little bit and we have been not doing great bro we lost yeah we just played cleveland actually i just realized that dude we literally just played cleveland and we went we lost three of the four so yeah that is not what you wanted to see but i really feel like if we win this series here against cleveland we're guaranteed to make the postseason because there's no way if we're three and a half games up in first place that we blow the lead in like two or three series so i'm pretty confident if we win this series we're going to move on to the postseason so let's just make sure we do that alright and we're gonna skip this bro no one cares we just got to make sure we win and thank god bro our coaching staff is finally playing me in the first game maybe they're like yeah this is a pretty important game but bro look at my boosted stats out there bro arm accuracy fielding and reaction my god bro I love it because we're friends with Andre out there and we're friends with Charlie and Castro second base you love to see him yeah this is huge we have to win if we sweep we're going on to the postseason if we don't if we get swept dude that is gonna really suck because I don't even think we're gonna make the wild card like we're really like our record really isn't too good right now oh no oh no come on my tea please bro please bro please bro come on make the play come on y'all think God dude oh my god that was intense but we made the play thank God we had it it's really important that we win these games so if we get any RBI opportunities we got to make sure we score and we are down one nothing I'm really really unfortunate but at least we're the home team we're playing in front of the Kansas City crowd so I'm sure they're gonna be cheering me on it's gonna help me out home runs help me hit home runs what I don't know what I just said but whatever let's go mighty - oh count hitters count cuz something over the plate I'm not using my Showtime yeah I'm gonna wait when there's people on base three out bro this guy's afraid Shaun Nukem come on bro give me a strike so I can hit a home run okay do it right here please oh wait Jesus Christ wait what they call that a ball oh my god they call that a ball that was clearly a striking here we go this is the exact opportunity I'm talking about where I need to use my Showtime - on no outs absolutely we need a home run and that's a ball dude we have not seen one strike even though the last pitch we saw and our last at-bat was definitely a strike but the umpire called in the ball but I'm alright with it 3 or 1o count come on dude come on dude Showtime uh-oh ripped it up the middle get out let's go please score please score please score all right he's gonna be safe I think don't be out let's go I say we tie the game we know we're winning right now do not even realize we were we were tied okay that's clutch - one game let's hope the Royals scored more and they don't got-dang it dude too wide with no outs and we don't score bro all of all the time we don't score now is not the time we need that and that might be a home run don't rob it don't rob it no warning track power god dangit bi dude the Royals haven't scored runs all year and now they're not when is really important oh thank god okay right as I was talking about that they started scoring runs I love a 4-1 game come on bro this first game is huge whoever wins his first game I think he's gonna win this series but I'm not worried about winning the series I'm worried about sweeping because of week if we can go three no against the Indians here dude I just don't see how we don't make the postseason I just don't see it so here we go Oh ripped it just kidding get through get through wait we're gonna be safe go by D dang dude so close to beating that out yeah that's brutal bro we need better I bats plain and simple we need to stop swinging at bad pitches oh my god we're losing five to four no freakin way oh my god do not ideal oh my god come on bro hopefully we get another at-bat dude oh this sucks dude oh my god you gotta be kidding me we were up four to one and now we're down five four come on might make play thank you Thank You mighty alright give me that bat please bro come on come on no five five yes dude we can hit a walk-off home run oh my god dude could you imagine if we had a walk-off home run that would be insane don't hit a home run let's go right to me please mighty catch it all right give me a walk-off opportunity come on bro please please please please yes five five game walk-off oh my god oh let's go hit a home run please dude my tea please come on bro I need it I need to walk off home run right now to get a good spot or get a good pitch make sure it's in your in a homerun spot dude I don't know what I'm saying I got to focus up no more talking we're hitting walk-off come on [Music] stay fair yes let's go and we get a prize wait was that foul no that was gone yes thank God dude oh my god boss challenge complete and that was a good one for a walk-off home run those aren't easy to do bro we might get a dope prize let's go and we walk it off to win oh my god that was clutch do that I'm telling you that was so freakin clutch oh my god game one goes to us Wow yeah he's pumped he's freakin pumped bro even the coach is pumped let's go mighty throw that helmet let's go that is also my first walk-off home run and I can't think of a better at-bat to do it in dude oh my god do that walk-off home run right there might have secured us a postseason spot dude let's freaking go dude I just want to watch this one more time bow murdered throw the bat mighty you freaking bees like this boom later and okay you gonna show me the bat toss to throw oh my god whatever it doesn't matter thank God we won that was sketchy but yeah let's go up the game - it's not over yet we gotta keep winning all right here we go game number two this one is just as important as game number one but dude I can't think of a better episode or a better game than last game we were winning we ended up getting the loss or we ended up losing or started losing whatever and then we ended up walking off it was amazing please make the play short good job dude so much freakin range bro jump oh my god okay just jump you'll make the catch yeah let's go baby dude I still can't believe we won that game you know it was so sketchy bro and I know I might be struggling with my words okay but what I was trying to say is we were winning and then we started losing and then we tied it and then your boy walked it off absolutely amazing we gotta win this game to those we just got to focus up here and I'm telling you dude if I don't talk during Maya bats bro I'm gonna be batting 900 with a billion home runs it's just hard - oh that's a base hit let's go baby it's just hard when you talk and play at the same time because if you think about it your head's moving like when you move or when you start talking about your head moves and then when you when you're talking when you're hitting your head's moving all over the place so you can't even see what pictures coming in it's really weird so all you guys that are saying bro you suck you're not even good you shucks well guess what oh no do that is not maybe I do suck yeah that's uh that's not good and that's a two nothing game right there oh my god that was brutal mighty go what the f are you doing alright well this is not good bro we cannot lose this game okay all the ground we gained from that first win is gonna be gone if we lose this game we have to win it right there I dare you to go to third base here bro I dare you yeah you better not you would've been absolutely toasted I'm still upset that we had that error whatever we're good what the won this game bottom of the fourth no one on base unfortunately blessed hit a home run here solo shot and my god dude oh he boots it oh my god dude you've got to be kidding me dude how did the second dude I knew it I was gonna say bro errors Lee two big innings and we are tied now bro how did that guy miss up that was the most routine ground ball ever maybe he was afraid that was mighty go junior maybe mighty go Junior send this guys snap chat last night and said yo bro if I had the ball to you you better boot it or I'm gonna freakin punch you that's probably what happened to be honest but oh my god and we're winning with some of the scoring position with two outs alright mighty it's time for some show time baby let's get the show time in and let's hit this ball over the fence and guarantee the win let's go show time it's a ball dang it dude come on buddy come on buddy give me a strike I know you don't want to I know you don't want to you're afraid it's okay you could be scared you could be scared I'd be terrified too so don't do it a ball tube bro don't walk me I mean they probably realistically shouldn't give me anything to hit because there's the base open with two outs but let's see how smart the Indians are bro it's Shane Bieber he's a pretty good pitcher let's see what he does he's gonna give me a strike he does and we destroy it go good and okay do our PC I was right on it keep going keep going Oh oh my god he misses it and we're up by two oh my god dude how did he miss that I thought he was gonna catch it oh my god top of the six now for two game bro can this series be any more weird good lord dude I don't care how we win just as long as we do can we go one here can we throw him out at one no definitely not good arm though that ball is a freaking or that that arm is a cannon oh my god dude five seven until at least one the Indian scores so to the freaking Royals bro this is insane this is absolutely intense I wish it was a lot easier I wish we were winning nine hundred and nothing but I guess that wouldn't be too fun if we were winning by that much but dude I don't care I doesn't make the postseason bro I want to win a World Series I want to this is a year oh my god no we're down by one with the bases loaded oh my god alright hopefully this is just a routine fly ball to me I hope it's not some some diving catch Oh No go mighty show me the range show me the range yes okay we're only down one that's fine we're definitely getting another at-bat please be winning who'd they bring in Nick whatever okay come on boys to score seven eight still bottom of the seventh okay I think we're gonna get another at-bat dude could you imagine if we walk it off back-to-back games dude that would be unreal dude that would be dude I hope we get the opportunity I'm kind of sad that I use my Showtime but whatever we're good hit it pretty good hit it pretty good keep going ball good and okay again dude I don't know what somebody's good in no case they used to go over the fence and now they're now I'm a little sketched out but whatever it's still an 87 game come on Royals score without me score without me come on no it's still eight seven top of the eighth Frick balls you were running out of time six outs remaining dude I think the most important thing here is making sure that the Indians don't score any more runs if they do is gonna be tough to come back what the what is going on here get left fielder get the ball what are you doing stop it - oh my god what the f just happened what the f was out no that was a routine fly ball to me now he's in scoring position oh my god the game glitched out so bad no alright we gonna catch this ball come on thank God okay that was a weirdest error I've ever seen in my life I don't know what that was we just have to hope they don't score okay it's so good bros every ball coming to me this inning oh my god maybe alone just give me that bat so I can walk it off again dude I cannot believe I could not believe that was the weirdest thing ever alright this is like the exact same play that that just happened on alright thank God two in a row throw them out of two nobody save alright let's see can the Royals get out of it and they do thank God bottom of the ninth no no one's on base - why could no one be on base alright well we either hit a home run here and tie it or we get out and we lose that's what we got to do we got it I mean we could get a base it but I'd rather tie it right here with a homerun Chad Green is on the mound he throws pretty hard we got to be ready for the fastball though come on baby come on baby come on good tag - OH oh my god is so nerve-racking bro just knowing if we win this series we're going to the postseason I just know it come on do we need it we need it mighty get that ring baby yes let's go dude he's so freakin good tie game come on Royals don't choke don't choke back-to-back homeruns come on whoever's hitting after me please hit a home run come on dude I can't do any more for this team I can't do any more for this team okay it's the tenth inning dude that's fine give me that bat I'd like the twelfth inning I don't care just keep it tied I promise I'm gonna hit another home run do this is absolutely intense come on make the play let's go no more weird errors make the play let's go all right give me that back come on please give it to me No top of the eleventh do maybe maybe we'll get an at-bat in the bottom of the 11th but dude I don't know if we have that much power anymore dude mine he goes kind of tired for carrying the team this whole episode but we can do it again two back-to-back walk-off home runs dude could you imagine oh my god let's see let's see you're kidding me oh my god we can do it back-to-back games back to back walk off home runs come on buddy do it do it do it oh he's submarine - oh my god dude okay I got to focus up here I got to focus up come on they called that a swing dude I check swung are you freakin kidding me Oh to count dude this sucks why is it got to be this guy pitching bro why can it be a normal guy good take I'm so scared dude good tag dude to to counter back to you even that's good now this guy's afraid he's a bro I gotta throw it over to play here I don't want to walk him come on all let's go ball three three two count Ballu I swear if you call it ball here strike I'm gonna punch you don't do it blue just give me a fastball over the plate pitcher no ground ball at the middle I mean it's a base hit but let's see if the Royals can clutch you up dude this might be the longest game ever oh my god oh we can another at-bat let's go do 14th inning you've got to be kidding me dude I got it I got an ending here I have to I wish I had more show time but we don't okay ball one double shy of the cycle - I don't need a double I need a home run no doubles my tea we're doing a power swing good tag almost hit me no bro I swear dude if you walk me or get if you hit me dude I'm gonna be so mad I just need the end of here we need to end up with a bomb Oh fastball inside way off that one okay that's fine luckily it was a foul ball though dude why is this so stressful why can I just have an easy game good spot I thought it was rolling dude that looked like it was gonna bounce off the play - oh my god - - no oh I swing in a bad pitch and we lose you've gotta be kidding me dude no four four seven game I can't do much more Royals I really needed some help there let's go have into game 3 this is this about to be the longest episode ever let's hop into it right now Frank yeah guys that just sucks man I had a chance to hit two walk-off home runs and back-to-back games and unfortunately I choked I swung at the nastiest cutter ever do that guys cutter is so gross it's so hard to hit but whatever that was a really good game we can't get too mad at it we just got to step up this game and guarantee this win like I said at the beginning of the episode at the worst we have to the series which is two out of the three games which is good I really wanted to sleep but we got to make sure we don't lose one here because we lose this game we're actually not even in first place anymore so we have to at least when this came here and we get under it and that is gonna be a week flyball to left field ah alright dude I think I think my back's a little sore bro we've been getting so many hits but the Royals are just struggling right now do top of the second two one one out yeah bro our team is not scoring runs I don't know what happened I don't know if the pressure is getting to them or what but dude I really I really need people to step up here okay you guys did good all year but now I need some help alright thank God we're making plays oh that's good he's not even gonna move up that's real clutch but come on bro get out of it get out of it junus let's go so he gets out of the jam and we are winning one to nothing good job let's go money I want to use my Showtime but I'm saving it I know there's gonna be a better opportunity as I hit a freaking capture pop-up oh my god okay this is not good this is not good we need this win bro I I don't want to regret this like a month from now saying you remember that one game where all we needed to do was win and we would have made the postseason I don't want that to happen two on one out dude oh crap that balls it good that balls hit real good where is it we're good we got it let's go get it in quick he stays it - good job good job mighty all right give me another at-bat dude we're due for a hit we're over to this game here we go it's still one nothing what a good game bro an absolute pitching duel luckily we're winning but I need a homerun here what what the f oh by swinging at dude it's just I'm so nervous that's what it is I'm nervous okay I'm not I don't play too good when I'm nervous okay god this is so stressful dude I swear I know it's a video game I know but I put so much time into my Tito jr. that we have to win we hit a home run let's go perfect fly ball why could that not have happened last game I don't know but I ball was murdered up there let's go mighty good job - nothing game keep winning let's go three nothing bottom of the eighth okay this could be our last at-bat of the series and I think if we win this game I think we're gonna have a pretty good shot oh it's a submarine guy again what a jerk yeah I'm pretty sure if we win this thing we'll have a pretty good shot at making the postseason now that could all change but I'm pretty confident we're good dude in this episode was really fun because we hit that walk-off run almost stood in back-to-back games but I choked because I'm an idiot but that should be the game please hold on to a KC please hold on to a KC let's go okay so we don't end up sweeping the Indians but we do take two of three so we do gain a game on them so hopefully that is enough to guarantee us a postseason berth but yeah boys girls that is get in the video right there pretty crazy episode dude that second game was insane I had so many chances I had two chances to walk it off but I choked so my bad on that bi if you guys would put the video smash it like what if you do subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next one uh page
Channel: Mighty Goat
Views: 73,966
Rating: 4.9455214 out of 5
Keywords: mlb the show, mlb the show 20, mlb the show 20 road to the show, road to the show mlb the show 20, road to the show, rtts, rtts mlb the show 20, mlb 20, mlb 20 the show, mlb 20 the show road to the show, mlb 20 road to the show, road to the show gameplay, mlb the show 20 gameplay, road to the show series, mighty goat, mightygoat, rtts gameplay, rtts mlb 20 gameplay, mlb draft, 2020 mlb draft, road to the show draft
Id: jdQPl666C54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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