My First Live Trading Video Of 2017

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all right I am doing my first live video live training video of 2017 I am shorting NT fu nutria fuels this is the stocks to trade software and pretty much I'm just watching the chart it just broke a key support level that it's held all day around 150 and that was my time to want a short on the one day chart that's cool it also had a big morning panic which is usually the beginning of the end ideally I would have shorted it here in the 170s but I'm not really set up right now properly um with my high network broker which found me shares the short interactive brokers and etrade could not find any shares too short so I'm I have two hundred thousand dollars with my high net worth broker actually out of the two hundred thousand they have multiple clearing firms so only a hundred thousand of it can I trade with and I haven't even been set up with the trading software that they offer yet so I am doing this really ghetto style over instant message with my boy Royce I I don't know if you know I worked with him for years I haven't traded with my high network broker and I guess it's been like a year and a half or something so just uh so inefficiently done but I'm short 6,500 shares at 147 this is a classic pattern first down day on a pump and you know you can see here it's had three big green days all the way up to the twos I don't have the best entry here you know this is not like a guaranteed profit this isn't like how could nobody else be doing this that's why I have a very small position right now um you know frankly I'm just not set up well I have too much going on too much paperwork we're still in the first basic week of stock trading you know the first five days of the trading year but at the same time this is a gimme pattern and I think that this panics down tomorrow down to the 130s 120s maybe even under one if we can get some big stop losses going off to I also want a short mjp I so let me just show you how I am him do you guys have any mjp I this short and I asked him this over email because I didn't have my instant message setup this is how how out of it I am but mjp I is also having its first down day oh look at this MT fu is coming back up good I'm glad I played it so so cautiously I have a very small position I don't I don't need to short big we still have an hour left in the trading day but here are the time in sales and the plays right now and you know again this is this is a classic first down day you know with the morning panic it dropped from two down all the way to 1:30 so if it closes anywhere in here in the 140s 131 CCS I actually don't want it to take out this low because then I might be tempted to take profits and I really want to try and hold this overnight because I think that this is gonna panic nicely tomorrow even more so I just have a small position right now what do I have a few thousand shares 6500 shares and 1.47 so I'm down like five cents a share right now which is fine because I have such a small position and I just wanted to do a live trade this is this new feature on sake trade where you can see stocks that are under SS our halted pretty cool and Superman is trading we got some alerts coming in there but this is a classic first down day hold on let me pull up a chart of this exact pattern one set this is a blog post from a few years ago for live penny stock trades on video and there's my tribute to a legend who had just died this pattern has been working so well and I show some videos but this is basically it you know this it goes up every day goes up every day you get a little crash and then a bigger crash I did made 12 grand on the penthouse of the Roosevelt Hotel I made four grand when I was in Rome it's the same freakin pattern hold on let me find a better clog post one set all right here is a better blog post seemingly unchanging million dollar pattern you can look in the URL up here look at this this is from frickin 2010 okay and it's the same exact pattern where you have it going up these kinds of pump looking charts every single day and then you get a big crash same pattern as always and this is in one day HH WWI was shorting this with always it thinkorswim and now they're part of TD Ameritrade now their borrows suck but this drop from 2.8 down to 130 I add I want to say like twenty or thirty thousand shares and I cover way too soon NX th I nailed it I was actually trading this one short from a wholefoods uh and then there's just some more examples and it's it's always that first red day that first crash that's usually the the tell-tale sign and you know here we are on on NT fu again and it's it's just hanging around 150 so I'm down a few cents a share I I was trying to refresh because I don't think this one fifty two bitter is real the data is not always perfect on pink sheets stocks be aware of that but it doesn't really matter what it's doing right now you know I'm not looking to cover in the first in the last hour of the trading day if it closes anywhere around here anywhere in between 140 and 160 I'll be looking for a retest here of the 125s tomorrow and hopefully you know we can get another panic if it takes out 125 it can go to 1 I guarantee there's going to be a ton of stop losses at 1 so there's a decent chance that I'll be able to cover this you know under a dollar share tomorrow and make I don't know what would I make I'm not even good at math let's say if we get panic under one I mean this drop from two down to 127 today let's do some maths hold up to minus one point two seven divided by two so the morning panic today really was 36% so let's say it closes right now at one forty-three what would a 36 percent drop be down to like ninety cents I think that's a good good level to try to cover tomorrow I'd be happy to make fifty cents a share let's see if there's any support in the past few days I mean there's actually a lot of support here in the 120s this might be tough to crack it's not that much of a surprise that it bounced here but it's the first read day um you know whether it goes down to a dollar or ninety cents or even double bottoms here you know I'm I'm perfectly happy with that and yeah I mean this is just I'm aiming for a morning panicked so actually right now it's is 143 144 ish so that's a good sign but again it's you know this is a very small so you have trades going off in 143 142 it's a very small position right now 141 oh it looks like we're actually 140 woah look at this we're getting taken out yet this 152 is not real so now it's kind of wish I had a bigger position damn these live trading videos distracting me a blush ah oh wow what can you do now you can see that I'm not perfect but I still have sixty five hundred shares here at 147 so how much my risking I could chase it but I want to show you kind of that you can do this with a smallish account this is my high network broker that minimum is thirty thousand I don't make the rules I wish they had a smaller minimum but I have a $9,600 position so just use this as a guide to what you can do once you get to 30,000 or 50,000 if you want an intro to this high-net-worth broker by the way just email me admin at Timothy Sykes comm they do have trading software I'm just literally not set up yet so that's why I'm I am I in my orders and it cost me like a penny a share so I'm just wasting money left and right not being set up and not being efficient and focusing on teaching instead of just trading it's kind of crazy so anyways that's my mush meal for today we'll see how it closes I'm definitely going to hold this overnight just a question of whether I add to my position or not and then I'll film this tomorrow morning too so you'll see that thank you so I'm actually thinking about covering 138 so I'm short I added to my position so I had 10k short and now I am roughly 7k short again so yes really no change I covered some ah okay how thin this thing is it goes up so I'm a little worried now because it came down to 130 and there were big bidders at 130 and as we know you know support this morning was 125 and then we have all this support here at 125 it also cost me 2 cents a share to hold it overnight so I'm kind of just trying to hedge my position a little bit you know I'm still 7 K short I've locked in I know like 400 bucks I covered like 3000 shares around 131 and I'm short at 145 after fees yeah around like 3 400 bucks but this is a hedging game oh my god I have tweets coming in come on guys just let me freaking focus here when I move this thing down so see everyone's messages today there we go you know it's it's an imperfect science while I think this is going to crack tomorrow I do have to be careful with you know my position sighs did I get a hundred shares and the fact that I'm not you know really set up to do my own trading and the fact that you know this thing is way off its highs so I'm not used to this from in many different reasons and also if you watch my video lesson earlier today or I guess by the time I post is it'll be yesterday um well now there's a big bitter at 135 go to 140 on cover if you watch my video yesterday whoo 25,000 cher seller here at 140 you know that I'm not perfect right now and I want to play it very safe I'm not Aaron Rodgers hot right now oh I think that was probably me at 139 covering like a little so I'm not going to go aggressive and the buyers just got taken out so I'm playing it way too safe did I get it all right so I made I'm out I made like 9 8 cents a share after the borrows 6 cents a share so I made like 600 after the Commission's I made like 500 bucks um and you know now it looks like it's coming right down to the bottom again so I just played that way to to safely but I don't mind that I don't mind playing it to safely I want you guys to get in the habit of playing overly safe if you're not having ah you know I'm a good winning streak if you're not properly set up if you're on bad Wi-Fi if you're you know shorting a stock with a new account where you don't have control and you have to I am in orders I mean I am NOT set up prophet Lee probably perfectly right now and so that's going to affect my decisions and that just did and I probably just psyched myself out of this and you know when some of you guys see this video oh god what a well now we have some some buyers here at 1:37 but I will always play safe okay this is one thing that I've learned in nearly two decades of trading safety first and while I think this is going to be a perfect drop tomorrow I'd rather be short mjp I by the way mjp eye is freaking perfect but there's no shares too short look at this this is a perfect first down day took out the support and the six is look at how much this thing is up this thing could just keep going but I have no borrow no cry on this look at how beautiful this is ah from the threes up to the AIDS now back down to the fives can't find chairs too short so that's a play that I'd rather do you know NT fu I just I don't like it there's something about it where I'm just not sure because of you know my setup I mean the stock itself first down day you got it short it but given my setup and given my lack of Aaron Rodgers hotness right now if you watch the NFL you know if you don't know what I'm talking about with Aaron Rodgers then shame on you because he's an inspirational figure right now but long story short I did my first trade and I made you know nearly 10 cents a share and after commissions and fees roughly five or six hundred bucks so it's ok to exit too soon it's okay to play safe it's okay to trade like a coward it's okay to say hey if you if you go in with a plan to hold overnight and you're not holding overnight that's okay that's trading you're not a politician you don't have to like stick by certain rules all the time you know I wanted to hold it overnight but I also saw it got down to 130 and there was a wall of you know buyers there I also know from talking with timber Tommy he's short from $1.99 and I'm proud of him you know he's short like 20,000 shares at $1.99 so he's up you know sixty cents a share on 20,000 shares I mean that's that's a nice six what is he 20,000 shares up sixty cents a share I mean that's a nice $8,000 game he might be covering soon I don't know I'm not going to ask him I don't really care but I want to bring it up because you also know that other short sellers are short from the twos and the low twos and short selling right now is a very scary game so if we look at all this you know we got to play it safe let me let me pull up an sss because i want to show you why i shorted it and why i'm covering now and i think that'll be a good lesson for you to see you know how to implement this I know the SSS takes time and with fast moving stocks it's tough now that I'm out of this stock I can actually analyze it and let me pull it up one set so for those of you don't know the SSS is from my trader checklist guide please use it and you can analyze the stock we have two tickers here because you can analyze the same stock at different prices and I think that's very useful right now so let's analyze a loser ticker and tfu when I shorted it at roughly 150 at first I averaged down but when I was initially shorting it was 150 now let's analyze it here at 139 not much of a change but as you'll see I think and I haven't done this ahead of time so I don't know how this is going to play out but I think that you're going to be able to see the difference so the pattern of the price when I was shorting it at 150 it was fading in the afternoon and I thought that it could you know retest or break down here and maybe come down to the 120s tomorrow notice also the the bid and the ask mean you have some bidders here 138 and one seller here 139 after 139 well guy just came in at 141 but after that I mean it goes all the way up to 148 so you don't have as many buyers and sellers separating everything and this very well could be a double bottom now that's the main concern that I have now 150 I wasn't concerned about a double bottom because it was fading and I thought that it would just continue to fade now we have new information that there was a wall of buyers at 130 checking the de l'eau so it's not going to break the de l'eau with 15 minutes left in the trading day I can guarantee you not guarantee you but I can predict it pretty pretty pretty confidently that it's not going to break the day low at 150 and it's fading I mean it could have still broken the day low so now we have more information and that changes things so when I'm shorting a first red day stock fading probable first red day probable morning panic the next day that's awesome fantastic this is a perfect pattern now at 139 it's still probably a good pattern but as I said you know we see and we've seen that there now look at this now there's buyers here at 138 and 137 we've seen a wall of buyers show up in the 130s protecting the 120s where there's also a lot of support so it's probably still going to be down tomorrow is probably still going to crash but I don't know as confidently as I did before I look at em JPI you're just torturing me look you know great this thing is fading ah just absolutely beautiful that's a beautiful fade no support at the morning low crack that's how it should be there's a difference between that and NT fu let's get back to it so now the pattern I mean it's still a good pattern but it's not a 20 anymore I'm going to take it down to a 14 because this very well could be a bottom you know in the 120s in 130 ish risk/reward so me shorting it at 150 obviously it could have still been a bottom at 127 or 130 but that still would give me profits of roughly 20 cents a share which is what I took on 3000 shares so even if a double bottom it's still probably gonna you know get there it's probably not going to bottom just at 140 at a random number if it is going to bottom it's gonna double bottom and that number was roughly 125 130 ish so at worst at worst if I was wrong about you know it really crashing then I'm still going to make 20 cents a share obviously if I worst worse that you know it doesn't come down and I I can lose more money and if he goes up to 160 or 170 then you know I'm out for 10 or 20 cents a share loss but as I analyzed in the previous video I also thought that this could go down to 90 cents a share tomorrow so if it does have the panic and it still could we'll see 60 cents of downside and let's call it 20 cents of upside 3 to 1 risk reward most likely it's going to go down I'm still watching it I still might even short it you know into the close a little ah let me do these numbers I wish I could just pause time and figure out this risk reward 3 to 1 that's pretty good but it's not great I'll give it a 14 out of 20 piece of entry-and-exit not very easy I'll give it a 5 out of 10 past performance history of spiking I haven't even gone over short-selling yet in my trader checklist guy this is one of the chapters I have to work on but past performance its history of spiking is actually a bad thing the fact that it can spike so fast if you're shorting you don't want that obviously there's more downside because I am shorting a supernova but it's scary so for shorting this is not a good thing that it can spike so quickly although it's coming right back down and I can get back in again to this is the beauty of I'm trading if I really wanted to ha let me get these numbers out so past performance history of spiking it's a bad thing because it can spike so fast I'm shorting this and you know my personal schedule was clear you know I'm aiming for a morning panic on a first red day that's that's pretty good it doesn't get better than that 20 actually I'm gonna lower to 18 just because right now shorting is tough reason catalyst first down day overextended stock pretty good not great market environment very very scary very very scary right now for shorting even though this is a perfect pattern I'm still scared so I'll give it a 5 out of 10 so this is a 72 so it qualifies as a potential trade but it's not like ideal now the risk reward at 139 and by the way it's still at 139 you have some dip buyers here I mean it's not cracking the lows like mjp I did and oh my god look at em JP oh look at this thing I can't believe that there's no shares two short of this oh my god you're killing me in freakin ten minutes is dropped from six down to the threes oh my god this is beautiful m JP i down to the three so beautiful no borrow no cry ridiculous ridiculous so ridiculous no borrow no crime no borrow no cry ay ay ay this is actually a potential dip I but I'm singing and I'm making this video I'm not in the mood for dip bys um nt fu there looks like there's a big shorter here at 1:39 but I still don't like it and you'll see why in a second I have a feeling that I'll be able to show it numerically we have 10 minutes before the market closes risk/reward here so now what if it does bottom at 125 130 your only potential reward is that you know you might be able to make 10 cents a share max and if it bottoms and it squeezes because it's not easy to get out I mean you could be getting out at 170 180 so you might lose 30 or 40 cents and you might only make 10 cents that's I'm negative 3 to 1 risk reward that's bad that's bad we're gonna drop this down to it I mean it's still a first red day so it could still crack I'll drop this down to a 5 let me see if I can even borrow it for tomorrow think we'll be able to borrow and tfu tomorrow this is another thing that you'll see me go over in my follow up on trader checklist wow somebody is really selling a lot at 1:39 people are buying it but he isn't budging so that's that's even more dangerous because it's good that you have a big seller but what if that big seller you know is done what if somebody keeps buying and he's like ok no more then you have a definitive double bottom I don't like that okay thanks so when I do the next chapter on trader checklist about short selling you'll see that you also have to think about what is the possibility of you being able to get back in with buying obviously you know you can sell you can get out with shorting sometimes you get out and you you aren't able to get back in so you have to think about that before you exit because I might be playing it safe but tomorrow there might be no shares the short but Royce just told me there might be there's probably going to be shares too short so I can probably get back in that said even if I can get back in it dropped so quickly there's no guarantee that I'll get executed it's short a little I can do it halfway right I don't have to short all 10,000 again let's reassure 5k limit 130 now we're going to learn and we're going to see how it reacts to my short so now I'm pretty confident that there's some sellers here are 139 and 138 that makes me more confident never mind right as I say this it gets taken look at this look at how quick like the data can change as I said that it was it looked like it was coming down and then somebody bought a lot at 138 I'm short at 133 that's short 2100 more 138 so now back in and this is you know good and bad this is this is what trading is all about you don't have to take a huge position you don't have to take a no position you can take a small position and that's what I'm trying to do I think I just got 1,500 shares here at 138 if I had to yes Royce will tell me you see how inefficient this is that I have to actually rely on somebody else to put in my orders insane insane not a good setup at all yep I got those some short 2k let me just focus here for said minutes before the market closed then we'll get back to the SSS to teh total show it now Roy's probably hates me I'm like trading with such small size okay now we see a big seller here at 138 sure 3100 so now there's a big seller at 138 that that protects me that makes me want to short more into the did trading is messy that's what you have to understand with a big account especially when you you know you can you can go in and out of positions you're you're you're trying to get in and then you see a sign that goes the opposite way this is trading with a bigger account most of you guys have small accounts you don't have to worry about it but this is how I trade you know it's not simple and if you saw many executions again and how many back-and-forth decisions I go you know I covered all before just to play it safe but now that it looks like it's fading into the clothes now we have more data more and more data I'm always reacting to data I'm JP I by the way is bouncing now $1 a share Morris says same pattern every time yep yes oh and timber Tommy is giving a live webinar tomorrow that should be interesting with these plays so he'll actually be in probably this play overnight so it'll be interesting to see what he does let's see I'm up to 5,000 short so I've gotten pretty much most of it back 5300 so I cancel my shorts I'm short 5k right now so this is like a half position I got up to 10,000 short and I got down to 0 short I've already taken profits of roughly 500 now I'm very short at pretty much the current price of 136 and when the market closes in 4 minutes we'll go over the pluses and minuses of this and I won't post this video until it's all over so you can see start to finish so however this ends now I've made up my mind to hold this at least a small position overnight and I think that's probably the best scenario where I don't want to have 0 position because if it has a big panic I'll be pissed if it double bottoms I can't have a huge position because then it might be tough for me to buy to cover tomorrow so something in between I think that's the right call where I open myself up to potential profits if we do get the the panic tomorrow that I'm expecting and I can cover easily if it if it drops and it looks like it's it's closing nicely there was a big seller at 139 and a big seller 138 I'm short 5303 so let's get to 6500 how many shows do I need to short 1197 short 1197 limit 1.33 just try to round this out I think I just got some at 136 but now you see how many executions and canceled orders and partial fills and this is why you know it's better for me with a big account just to do a video lesson so that you can see this if I was sending out alerts you would get like 20 text messages right now and you'd be very confused thanks and I did my math wrong 6600 shares are 136 roughly I think that's a good average I'm happy with that it looks good for a fade and the cool thing is also if it if it does take out that 130 125 level you know all these dip fires will get out and then we can have a really big morning panic - so I'm hedged kind of both ways and you know I don't know what it's going to do I'm not a psychic I'm open for it to do to go either way and I wouldn't I won't be disappointed either way whatever happens happens and it'll be a good educational experience but so far I've locked in some profits played it extremely safe and now I am rish Orting it and you know I think that this can fade some more we got about a minute left so let me just explain the situation now and let me actually redo this I'll change it to 136 which is my entry since we got more data so it's always changing but that's what trader checklist is for it's for you to figure out to try to figure out what is a good trade what is a bad trade what is a good set up what is a bad set up whoo nice nice little clothes look at that taking out 132 beautiful all the way down to 131 you see but now you can see the wall of buyers here and 131 and 132 out in the middle and then be in you know 30 20 minutes ago but I like the fact that we're closing right at the lows because if these buyers you know get taken out which they look like they're doing they're getting chipped away very nice look at that getting taken perfect this is a perfect close now I'm glad that I'm short because it's closing right at the lows all the dip buyers are starting to realize oh this might go down even more and I'm sure you know not a full position again because it hasn't taken out the lows but I'm sure to a comfortable amount and now it's it's 4 p.m. you close at 1:30 so I've locked in Thanks see gray in early tomorrow Royce is on West Coast - so I've locked in some profits I played it safe and I have praises all right welcome see ya welcome back it's been a while since me and rice traded but I I played it safe and I'm proud of this let me just do the math here let's see how much I I made because I don't know the exact numbers I didn't do the have time to do the exact numbers but it's good we're in a business of stats you can have your exact numbers I asked somebody the other day and I was like you know we wanted to be a guru on profit I said well how much have you made you say well I don't keep exactly track of that and I was like ah how much have you made like a few hundred thousand I'm like one hundred thousand two hundred thousand five hundred thousand a million what is it he's like oh I'm not sure and I was just like wrong answer goodbye we have exact stats we're in a numerical business can you imagine going to a baseball game looking up at the scoreboard for the batter's batting average and seeing no it's not an exact batting average you know he's batting somewhere around 100 200 300 400 somewhere in between there somewhere between you know terrible and Ted Williams so anyways I made eight and a half cents a share but we have to subtract 0.022 for the borrow so I made six cents and then point zero zero nine for my Commission's for freaking I am I in this so I made five hundred and thirty two dollars that I've locked in so far in profits and now I am short sixty six hundred shares and I'm up roughly six shares six six cents a share I'm not worried about this late print at one fifty I know many newbies get confused they see like this late printer like oh I got the stock just jumped 20 cents a share it's not a real thing it's not a real print it's a late print don't worry about it I guarantee you I'm gonna get 10 emails being like this stock is up so much focus on price action more than just the the actual price worried about the bid in the a stand the fact that it closed so weekly is a very good sign for me overnight so let's take a look at what my why I got in again at first I was hesitant and then I was I got more confident when it couldn't bounce so at 1:36 yes it's still a potential bounce at 125 130 but it's fading into the clothes there were some dip buyers there were some big block buyers and they got shipped away and there was a wall of sellers at 138 139 if you rewind this and you go back and look so I think that wall of sellers will probably still be that are 138 139 this is a first down day on this play you know it's up a ton a ton in a few days I mean this thing was down here at 24 cents a share okay so this has a lot more downside even though it you know the support at 125 130 is is a real potential thing so it's not a perfect play anymore because there is more risk the fact that it closed at 1:30 I mean we're going to know pretty soon right near the open tomorrow whether it's going to crack 130 125 or hold it I'll give this a 20 risk/reward if it bottoms at 125-130 I'll probably still be able to take your profit of 5 cents a share so or if it moves quick you know breakeven but if it doesn't bottom there then I think this could go under $1 a share tomorrow and if that happens um then you know I can make again what do we say if it takes like 35% it could go down to like 80 90 cents a share so we'll call it 50 cents of downside so probably it it's I would if you asked you know what do you think is going to happen tomorrow it would be my guess right now for this thing to break 125 and go down to like 115 or 110 that's my best guess there's an outside shot that a breaks 110 and goes breaks below one and goes down to 80 cents there's also an outside shot that it doesn't break 125 but if you had asked for my best guess I would say I will be covering this at 115 tomorrow and I'll make 20 cents a share on 6,000 shares and after commissions it'll be roughly a thousand bucks that would be my best guess I could be wrong obviously you know in my bottom it might squeeze I might lose 10 cents a share probably worst case scenarios I lose 10 to 15 cents a share and best-case scenario is I make 50 cents a share so 3 to 1 risk reward the fact that it closed so weakly right near its lows makes me believe that that this is pretty good so I'll give this you know a 15 out of 20 east of entry and exit same same number as before it's the same stock past performance history of spiking you know again this has a habit of spiking but the one thing that is better is that it closed right at its lows before we didn't know how it would close and so we didn't know if this was definitely going to be a first down day the fact that we now know that this is a first down day that bumps it up a little bit from a 3 to a 5 at what time of the personal schedule again I'm looking for a morning panicked you know I gave this an 18 before because I wasn't sure you know how it would close but now that the market is closed and as it was fading into the close we know so this is a perfect 20 reason catalyst same thing first down de market environment same thing so it's actually gotten a little better not much but a little better and I'm sure if I tweak this I mean this might be a 74 or 75 but it's a slightly better setup even though it's a lower price because of how weak it closed and you want weakness in closing prices when you're shorting because that opens the door to a morning panic tomorrow so we'll see tomorrow I'll start a new video tomorrow and we'll post it all live and you know hopefully this stuff you know helps you instead of just alerts because you can see that it can go back and forth and you minimize and maximize positions and sometimes you exit positions you take partial profits but that's trading see you guys tomorrow morning bright and early alright it is the next morning what's up everybody Tim sites here and it is the morning of January 10th I am short sixty six hundred shares of NT fu I've already just told my boy Royce at my high net-worth broker that I'll probably want to cover it near the market open whether it holds support or whether it panics hopefully it panics I mean pre market is down a little bit you can see the bid is 124 and the ask here is 125 so that's below the key support level which is a great sign it's just traded a little out at 125 I think you know when you see ARCA on the ask here I mean somebody is shorting um let's actually just cover a little bit all right let's see how big they are let's try to cover 1600 125 years ARCA I just like testing I don't need to cover you know I might say hey like this I don't I don't need to do this but I'm kind of curious to see how big this short seller here is it wasn't that big I just I just got him taken cool let's just stay there for a bit and this is what you can do when you have a bigger account and again this is my high net worth broker if you want an intro email admin at Timothy Sykes com I'm not going to talk about them publicly because I've done that in the past with some brokers and I've ruined those brokers because frankly a lot of you guys are high maintenance so I don't want to do that to them at the same time right now I'm also listening to this webinar that my top student is giving to challenge students in case you ever wonder what my challenge is all about it's it's pretty much just this oh not pretty much this this is one of the things where they get live webinars from my students and myself live trading webinars and QA webinars Tim Gert ani he's taken 1,500 now and turned into 3.6 million the market opening in five minutes I'm only focused on NT fu because frankly it's a live trade video but here is Tim Brittani and he's trading a few stocks listen to him for a sec doesn't display the same resolution so it's a little bit smaller as a result all I have over there right now it's just my little it would be a chat window oh so nothing too excited back alright that was a little taste of it and he'll go on again and again oh I got taken at 125 that's a good sign so there's some serious sellers here so I don't care about covering you know 15 100 shares 1600 shares I just took a profit of another 150 roughly because I'm short my average is like one point three five or one point three six um it's good to test you know and when you have a bigger account you can do that when you have a smaller account you can't scale in and out because you're wasting precious trades and frankly it doesn't matter if you make 10 cents a share or 5 cents a share if you have a small account you have to be more aggressive on your Long's and shorts so therefore you should be more patient with the trades that you take I'm very fortunate to have you know I have basically a big account but I also earned that big account I have some students who start with big accounts and they don't really do well because they don't appreciate it from the ground up so those of you wanting a big account be grateful that you have a small account and that you can now challenge yourself to grow it and you get better and you learn lessons and you self develop versus somebody who's just given 100 or 200 thousand you know it's very rare for anybody to have success when you're already starting with six figures because your mindset is just so and it's it's kind of sad to watch you know but anyways 124 by 125 I covered some I could cover alright now for like a $600 profit but I don't want to I covered a small amount just to test to see if you know frankly I could even get taken and within what two minutes I was so that's a really good sign the fact that it's you know right at this cue level it could still bottom in which case you know I'm glad that I covered some so I'm kind of like hedging my bets even though all the signs look good and pointing towards a morning panic you can just never be sure you know there might be some buy ins or there might be a promotion that that goes off right at 9:30 in the morning so again I'm a safety first kind of guy but I've locked in like five what was it like five hundred and thirty two dollars I think was my profit yesterday now I've locked in like another 150 today so I'm up you know like seven hundred and I still have five thousand shares and ideally I'll cover those you know after 124 there's nobody till 105 so I don't know if we're gonna get the big drop down to one but that would be awesome I would love to cover the rest of 130 or at 106 and make 30 cents a share you know that would be 1500 bucks and in roughly two grand overall on the trade and I freakin never put it more than ten thousand dollars on this trade so making two grand while using ten grand is pretty good as you see my setup is not that great where I have to I am in my orders I still haven't even set up my own trading with this high net-worth broker yet because again this is happening right after I just funded the account I haven't used them in like a year and a half so not the best time for a trade to pop up but you know you don't get to choose when when great trades pop up um you know you just have to be prepared and and I am as prepared as I can be I'm more prepared giving you this video lesson and I'm prepared with my trading the markets going to open in one minute so again this is my only focus look at that the 124 guy just disappeared now 105 by one five pretty awesome cover 3k limit 1.10 so I'm just getting ready my order ready just in case but this is a very good sign I would love to see the ass come down to like one-twenty one-fifteen one-ten and I'm going to be curious to see how this will hold up because the market is open Wow look at that seller 13,000 shares get out of here SSRS let me see if I can cover look at this so big buyers here at 110 105 I'm more than happy here let's see if I'm getting executed this is how pathetic this is I have to wait and see if I get executed there's a big wall of buyers here at 105 106 so I don't know if they're necessarily going to get taken overall 115 I'm more than happy to make 20 cents a share that's fine maybe it cracks under maybe it doesn't but this is maybe try to hit ARCA 110 on the ask so you can choose specific routes and I have a feeling there's a big big guy there Oh am i getting it flat nice out at 110 113 5-2 nice so oh because I got that I'm like wah why did I get 113 because I covered some at 125 so I wasted like you know 200 bucks that's pretty damn good that is pretty damn good it cracks support I'm going to keep watching it though but I don't like this wall of buyers here at 105 106 I like this sellers but there's only a few and I don't know if they're going to stick with it so I'm I'm out so let's see I just what was i short at 135 one point three five eight five - I did weighs 200 but again I don't mind it because I like testing five - so I made 22 cents a share but I also had to pay two cents to hold it overnight and then a penny little less than a penny to get execute so I made 19 cents a share times six six zero zero twelve 69 plus five thirty to 18 hundred bucks pretty damn good let me alert my people covered my MTF you live video short for a solid profit of eighteen hundred will post video lesson soon very nice the FFN is halted eat erm is going off there's so many freaking plays right now it's crazy and now look at this I mean so now you have some buyers I mean this was best case scenario or not best case no best case scenario would have been under a dollar but near best case scenario covering it out at basically 110 I'll take that I'll take that every single day and I don't know you know it might crack later but look at this now you have buyers here at 105 106 108 109 I would be covering everything if I had any left right now and now you see it's gonna probably take out this this big seller here um pretty soon what's going on with dff n ET RM keeps going 24 now Mac is you're relevant it failed so you just have to take it off dff n it's apparently running Oh too many plays DF FN is up to nine I mean this wasn't even the best play now look at this wallet buyers here the 115 has disappeared I just covered it very well and it was because even though I wanted it to go under you know a dollar a share all the wall of buyers here at 105 106 I had you know my solid profit I knew making nearly 2 grand this is it you know and so I used roughly 10 grand to make eighteen hundred after commissions and fees but each grm is the play D FF M is in play M JPI is actually coming up o the reason why it's red here some people are asking me this on stocks to trade you know as you see the pop ups we alert stocks that are under SS our short sale restriction or stocks that are halted CVO XX is under SSR perfect timing thank you for doing that and then if it's a red chart the stock is halted so you know you can't trade d FF n right now I don't want you to think that you can n TF you again 11 by 12 I mean it's not bouncing that much but you can see clearly that there really is not are not that many sellers anymore I mean there was a wallet buyers at 105 and 106 and 107 108 now 109 111 112 so I would be covering everything right now if I had anything left C's turn Khatami talking about this at all he's just trade volatility when you say go for pops what just pops me ah it can't be something like this okay he's just teaching I know I'm not interested in its teaching but look at this now that big buyer at 1:15 got taken so I mean again remember I started this video when the stock was 150 ish and it dropped down to 110 so again I'm not that good at math but 40 cents divided by 150 I mean that's a 26 percent drop literally overnight um you know I know many of you guys don't like short selling I know it's confusing when I have a high net worth broker to actually find chairs too short actually I heard in the chat room yesterday that interactive brokers did have shares too short of MTF you early yesterday when the stock was at two ish and I know Tim Burton who also was short 20,000 shares of two ish I don't know if he covered you know yesterday and the in the 130s or he just covered just now I'll go back and watch his webinar later all you challenged students if you've ever missed a webinar you know they're all archived we now have four dozen webinars or is it three dozen now I think it's four dozen webinars from Tim Burton II took a few months off he just moved to the Caribbean with his new wife she's awesome so give him a break but this is it guys you know whether you go long or whether you go short I'm actually far more comfortable going short because I frankly just seen so many pumps and I've seen how they collapse so I'm just better at it you know and frankly I'm miss shorting you know I've been mostly buying and a lot of my buys are on these absolute junk companies I mean each urm is a total junk company but in this market you got to respect the junk and it just keeps going so I don't necessarily get to choose o d FF n is not halted anymore look at this 15 now oh he's gonna get halted again in a second watch it turn red like that is trading at 15 11 by 15 12 by 14 I mean this is junk - so you have all this junk right now and you have to respect it from the long side but I greatly prefer shorting you know my structured trade just now on NT fu was very nice and I'm and that's it you know I'm I'm not looking forward to trading this right now let's just see if they have even any shares to short so I asked him if he had shares the short look at out freakin inefficient this is if I had my web setups they don't even have any chairs to short if I had my web set up you know I could just do it myself so as it is I am AM sky I waste seconds just asking for the shares I waste seconds trying to get executed it is so much it's just a ridiculous setup that I have right now for trading so bear with me normally you will not see me I am I in my orders I just have to get my web trader set up with them and I still made 1,800 bucks and it's 9:30 9:00 in the morning but now it's bouncing a little bit so I'm glad I covered Superman bought something I mean I covered that pretty pretty as good as can be expected you know I took advantage in the morning panicked I'm happy with it and you know 26% from top to bottom obviously I covered some yesterday in the 130s which I didn't have to but I like showing you safety I covered some this morning at 125 again I didn't have to but I like showing you testing and then I covered the bulk of my position at the best spot possible at 110 so this was a good trade I didn't catch the entire move obviously you know Tim tiny shorting it at $1.99 shorting 20,000 shares I'm excited to see what what he made and those of you who messaged me and told me that Interactive Brokers did have shares a short yesterday morning that's awesome so we're shorting it's a little more complicated because you have to find shares too short and if you get out you have to be able to to refine shares too short so not a perfect strategy um oh look at this we got some sellers now at 118 this this bounce is weak I wouldn't be surprised to see it go back down you know you have to kind of look at this like a seesaw and the momentum and the momentum clearly was okay this is down but you know there was no true panicked the they weren't cutting through the the bid at you know 105 106 the bid was building at 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 now 115 116 but now the momentum is shifted because now there's some sellers here at 101 18 oh but the the momentum keeps going favor to the lungs you see how they're just all the recent trades are at 118 so we're eating away through the 118 s this could go to the 120s I thought that 118 was going to be the high and then I was going to ship back down but there's just not that many sellers you know and frankly it's down 50% I mean yesterday it was at 240 and now to 120 so this stock is down 20% if you've seen my penny stocking framework DVD this is a classic number 5 right now this is a dip buying opportunity I wouldn't really necessarily dip buy it because I don't know how much is going to bounce but I wouldn't necessarily short this and I'm glad I I had the right mindset when I was you know covering at 110 anyways this has been my live trade I'm gonna get back to the chatroom I'm watching D FF n but there's no share so short I'm watching each erm but I'm scared of that I'm watching n TF you have this bounce is enough I'll look to resort it but I don't need to we short it right now because it really hasn't bounced that much and frankly it's it's not it didn't get the Pennock that I really thought that it would so there weren't necessarily the sellers but we did get a nice drop we did get a nice crack of this support at 125 125 should act as resistance on the way up so I'll look if I am going to reshoot it you know I'll be looking a short around 120 125 but I doubt I'll resort it just because it's a liquid and you know it's down 50% I took the meat of the move made 1,800 I'm happy thank you very much my name is Tim Sykes and I teach people to trade stocks I am a self-made multi-millionaire so this is the ideal trade that I'm going to talk about I want you guys to understand every single aspect of this trade
Channel: Timothy Sykes
Views: 105,040
Rating: 4.7695312 out of 5
Keywords: tim sykes, timothy sykes, penny stock millionaire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 7sec (3607 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2017
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